big bet

Chapter 43 Agarwood ancient wood

Chapter 43 Agarwood ancient wood (4)
Mr. Zhou took a deep breath, held the beads to his daughter, and repeatedly praised: "Rare, rare, and good things, it looks like something from a puddle, isn't it?"

Jin Qi replied: "My friend brought it back from abroad and said it was picked up in the lake. Mr. Zhou has a good eye."

"It seems to be the product of the Mogok gemstone belt in Myanmar. What is rare is that it is crystal clear, without shades, flocs, or cracks. It is red and noble. It is indeed the soul of the phoenix."

"How much is such a good product worth in Zhou Lao's eyes?"

"This..." Mr. Zhou was momentarily at a loss for words.

"1000 million." Zhou Meier said loudly from the side, "But there is one condition."

"What conditions, please tell me."

"Take the beads and accompany me to Hong Kong. I will pay in full when I arrive in Hong Kong."

Jin Qi said secretly that the journey was risk-free;Maybe she has already found the next home, and when the time comes, she will deliver the goods and withdraw the money, and then pay the principal in another hand, and the price difference will easily fall into her pocket.If it doesn't work, find another house, anyway, I'm not afraid that I won't be able to get rid of the things.

Seeing that Jin Qi was silent, Zhou Meier stared at the man with her eyes, and said coldly, "Mr. Jin is afraid that I will eat you?"

Jin Qi thought for a while and said, "I agree. When will I leave? I haven't applied for a passport yet."

Zhou Meier stood up, approached the man, reached out to pat him on the shoulder, and said, "Let's go immediately, tonight's flight. I've prepared your temporary travel passport for you."

Looking at Zhou Meier's half-smile face, Jin Qi wondered if this was a pre-designed trick.

When I went to Hong Kong suddenly, I should talk to someone, so I called Chen Zhong.An impatient roar came from the other end of the phone: "Who? Sign up."

"I, Jin Qi. Immediately go to Hong Kong to do business. If you have time to ask about Yaofeng Villa, can you take care of it?"

Hearing the golden flag, Chen Zhong's tone changed: "Okay, don't worry, I'll go and have a look tomorrow. I wish you a smooth journey. Bah, look at my crow's mouth, flying is not smooth, I wish you success soon .And I put 180 million into your card for the sword money, half of which is for one person except Ben. Don’t push it, you will not be a brother if you push it any longer. Okay, that’s it, goodbye.” He spoke out of breath.

Jin Qi turned off his mobile phone and smiled inwardly. Usually honest people would steal, no wonder the store is not open.

Thirty kilometers away in the suite, Chen Zhong put down his cell phone and turned around and said, "This stinky flag monkey spirit, monkey spirit, must have guessed that you and I were working secretly. Damn it, he will definitely rip me off."

"I think it's almost the same. He's fascinated. If you don't believe me, you'll see later. But the flag won't hurt us." He started to move again, up and down.All of a sudden, the cloud and rain rose again in the suite, and the war drums were beating fiercely. It was a hand-to-hand combat!

The plane arrived at Hong Kong at nine o'clock in the evening, and Jin Qi wanted to find a hotel room, but Zhou Meier stopped her and said, "It's not safe for you to bring your valuables to stay in a hotel, why don't you stay at my place for a while, and then open the room tomorrow after you get rid of your goods.

The reason is very good, Jin Qi nodded in agreement.

The taxi stopped at Lihong Building, Zhou Meier walked in first, and the security guard in the lobby greeted her warmly.This is apartment-style management, and the service level is very high.The two didn't get out of the elevator until the eighteenth floor.Zhou Meier opened the door of Room [-].

The living room is very large, with an open kitchen and dining room on one side and a row of floor-to-ceiling windows on the other.When the curtains are opened, the prosperity and luxury of Hong Kong come to us at night, and the sea of ​​lights and the waves of cars rush into the eyes one by one.If you sit at the window, you will immediately feel that having no money is tantamount to death.

Zhou Meier led the golden flag into the guest room and said, "My dad lives in this room all the time. There are pajamas in the closet. You can take a shower and rest, and I'll prepare supper." After finishing speaking, she left without looking back.

Jin Qi felt the woman's coldness, but he didn't care.I took out the toiletries I bought at the Shanghai airport and went into the bathroom.After washing, I rummaged through the closet for a long time and found all the shirts with big flowers, so I had to choose a set of black flower shorts and shorts to put on, and sat on the bed to adjust my breath.He didn't dare to enter the state, afraid that it would be a few days and scare others.So I just sat quietly and looked inside Xiao Jinqi to practice on my own.Just ten minutes later, Zhou Meier was calling: "Mr. Jin, please come for supper."

Push the door out of the room, wow, what a warm atmosphere.Candlelight was lit on the low table in front of the sofa by the long window, exuding a faint, elegant fragrance of jasmine.In the candlelight, two crystal wine glasses filled with amber liquid are refracting colorful beams of light. Several plates of snacks are very delicate, and you can smell the tempting milk fragrance from a long distance.The hostess was sitting on the sofa, her long satin pajamas couldn't hide her curves.After the bath, her face became more ruddy and more charming, and she lost her usual cold expression, and became more sculptural in the candlelight.

"Mr. Jin, come here."

Lightly awakening the dazed Jin Qi, he blushed for his obsession.He has to admit that women, especially women who are beautiful to the bone, no matter good or bad, no matter their intentions are sinister or kind, are unimaginably lethal to men, especially normal men.

Zhou Meier picked up the wine glass and said, "Please, Mr. Jin."

Seeing that the other party drank it with his neck raised, Jin Qi had no choice but to drink it up.Zhou Meier poured half a cup each and said, "Mr. Jin, feel free to have a few snacks. There is nothing to entertain you if you are in a hurry."

"What are you talking about, such fine wine, such sentimentality, I'm afraid Jin won't want to leave."

"Mr. Jin thinks this place is very warm?"

"Yes, with candlelight, red wine, and a beautiful woman, what else do you expect?"

"Mr. Jin, do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Don't have charm, don't have feelings."

"Then Mr. Jin wants me, right now." The voice was soft and soft.

"This... Miss Zhou's meaning..." Jin Qi looked surprised.

Zhou Meier sneered, and said: "Mr. Jin, why do you have to pretend, don't you understand? You are very strong, and you won't let go of your price. I hope your ability can make the little girl succumb. Come on, try the active woman What does it taste like!"

Anger or dignity, or what, can't tell.He simply can't resist and resist the woman opposite, no matter what happens in the future?Is it a scam.

The wind is violent and the rain is violent, and the fragrance of flowers is flying.

When he woke up, the man was not around.There was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and the sofa and the floor were all wet with sweat.She was just lying on the floor, and the man didn't care whether she would catch a cold or get hurt, but he rushed to take a shower.She should be angry, but Zhou Meier is not.She thinks this is the man!
She is extremely strong, and won many victories with her body in Hong Kong's business wars, so she stood alone in Hong Kong's Causeway Bend.Having seen too many men, she looked down on men and despised them from the bottom of her heart.Almost no man has ever satisfied her once.Don't look at each of them with flamboyant mouths and treacherous eyes, but they will soften after a few thumps with real guns in actual combat.These good-for-nothings made her look for a real man. Even the underworld had tried, but she had never tasted the taste of the present.When today was ups and downs from heaven to earth, she felt that she finally looked like a weak woman. This sense of happiness that had never been reversed made her wish to die immediately.

She propped herself up from the floor, stumbled into the bathroom, hugged the man's back from behind, and clung to him tightly.Muttering: "You are worth [-] million, I will give you [-] million, let me follow you, okay?"

When I woke up early in the morning, the breakfast table was already set up.Zhou Meier was sitting at the table in a daze, when she saw Jin Qi coming out, she hurriedly greeted her: "Mr. Jin, sit here."

Because he threw the woman who was staying in his room out last night, Jin Qi felt a little embarrassed when he met Jin Qi, and asked with a sneer, "Good morning, have you eaten yet?"

Help Jin Qi fill the soy milk, then cut the deep-fried dough sticks into sections, and said with a smile: "Eat it." She really looks like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

After the two finished eating together, Jin Qi took out the bead string and handed it to Zhou Meier, accompanied her downstairs, and walked to Hengbao Silver Building together.It only takes about ten minutes to walk from the residence to Tongluo Bend, so Zhou Meier usually does not drive.As soon as they arrived in front of the Silver Building, a Ferrari silver-gray sedan stopped in front of the two of them with a "swipe", and a foreigner pushed the door to get out of the car and said to Zhou Meier with a stern face: "Zhou, did I come early? will get in your way."

Zhou Meier was a little embarrassed, and gave the foreigner a cold look, then turned around and said softly to Jin Qi: "After lunch, come to the silver building to pick up the payment. Now you can turn around at Tongluo Bend. There are many things that are not available in China."

Jin Qi looked at the jealous foreigner and the shy woman, nodded with a smile, turned and walked away.After a few steps, I heard the foreigner complaining: "Zhou, why didn't you come to the bar last night? Why did you turn off the phone? Is that man your new friend?"

"Shut up!" Zhou Meier yelled in a low voice, and asked, "How much does Stone Joe pay?"

"According to the catalog, he is willing to pay 320 million US dollars, but he will only make a decision after seeing the goods."

"You tell him to come and see the goods right away, but after seeing it, it's 350 million."

The two had already entered the Hengbao Silver Building, but the low voice still reached Jin Qi's ears clearly, as long as he wanted to hear it, he could hear it no matter how far away. 320 million US dollars is equivalent to more than 2000 million RMB, which is a good profit.Jin Qi smiled wryly, he understood Zhou Meier's business and life.

After walking a few steps, I saw a piece of red silk running straight down from the top of the building on the opposite side of the street, on which it was written: a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, never seen before, never seen after.With a strong tone, Jin Qi approached curiously and saw that it was also a jewelry store called "Jin Yuxiang Jewelry and Silver Building".There are many people in the store, all crowded to see what is rare.Just as Jin Qi wanted to go in, he was stopped by a security guard: "Sir, please show the invitation card."

"Do you need invitations for shopping?"

Looking at the puzzled outsiders, the security guard was quite patient, and explained: "This bank has been closed for three days, and it specializes in exhibitions. Anyone who has an invitation is invited to participate in the auction. So you can't visit without an invitation, sorry. .”

Although a little angry, there is nothing I can do.If you are unfamiliar with yourself, you can't force your way.He sighed and was about to leave when his gaze was caught by a poster in the window again.Half of the poster is a photo, a bracelet made of green glass, a heart pendant made of the same material, and a pair of earrings.If the three items were not processed by a computer but were authentic, they could be said to be masterpieces handed down from generation to generation.The strange thing is that the pair of earrings are very familiar to him. There are three small beads with a small flag hanging down, which are exactly the same as the earrings Zhang Yun designed for herself.It's so strange, the same quality, the same design, and even the carving is done by the same person.Could it be that Zhang Huanzhi provided the jade jewelry in this silver building?
Looking at the bottom of the poster, there is a guarantee marked in large red letters among the many instructions: "Guaranteed to be a masterpiece, anyone who can provide the same jewelry with the same material and quality before the auction will be fined 1000 million Hong Kong dollars by the bank. As a reward." Hehe, Jin Qi sneered again and again, thinking that there are three pairs of bracelets and ten earrings in the Tianshi Ring, all of which are jewelry of the same quality, material and workmanship, and they were sent by Zhang Yun before going to Yangzhou.At that time, Zhang Yun also said that a pair of bracelets could sell for 100 million yuan.Are these the same accessories?So as long as you take out a pair of bracelets, you can get 1000 million without saying much!Haha, so fucking cool!Without thinking too much, he walked towards the Jin Yuxiang Silver Building.

Tomorrow, the on-site small auction of jadeite jewelry treasures will start, and Wang Keren has been immersed in excitement for the past few days.She has a batch of treasures in her hands, and a batch of wealthy people who are looking for treasures like life, so it is difficult not to make money.

Now she has six sets of jewelry and two strings of beads, which she bought from Mr. Zhang Huanzhi from Tianling Jewelry Company in Heshi City for 600 million yuan, and she doesn't want to sell all the good cards at once.This time I only want to sell a string of beads and five pieces of jewelry, and the psychological price is 800 million.Of course, if we look at the current strength and requirements of the participating members, 5000 million is possible.Especially the flawless string of beads, even she herself couldn't put it down, and the string left in her selfish heart wanted to put it in the boudoir.It is estimated that this string of high emerald beads can fetch a high price of 3000 million yuan, because several wealthy wives are coveted for it.

She arrived at the company early this morning, (the company office is on the third floor) turned on the computer and found three messages.One is a message from Russian billionaire Kunitov, tomorrow he will make a special trip to Hong Kong to participate in the shooting.The second message is from Mr. Zhang, an antique tycoon in Hong Kong: "Xiao Ke, you must leave me a set of jewelry, and the price is the highest price on the spot. Your aunt is so noisy." The third message is Zhou Bo, the leading jewelry king in Hong Kong: " Dear man, you must give me one of the five sets of jewelry. The crown prince wants it, and I will pay you 600 million. It's a deal. Let me know the account number for payment."

Wang Ke's head suddenly grew bigger.If you still want to hang out in Hong Kong, Mr. Zhang and Uncle Zhou cannot be offended. Kunitov is also an important client of yours, so it is best to leave one set for him.Tomorrow's auction has confirmed that the number of six pieces cannot be changed, which is related to the company's reputation and image.this is how?

A soft knock on the door.

"Come in."

The secretary came in and said in a low voice, "There is a guest who wants to see you. I put it off again and again, but he insists on seeing you. He also said that if he doesn't see you today, he will regret it tomorrow. So..."

Wang Keren's heart skipped a beat, and as the saying goes: "The visitor is not kind, and if she is sick in her heart, she is more afraid of someone knocking on the door suddenly."This time, it was too late to say that it was a masterpiece that would be handed down from generation to generation, and that there would be no one before or after, but for the sake of sensational effect, she went all out.When I asked Zhang Huanzhi afterwards, Zhang Huanzhi blamed himself for being reckless, saying that someone in Heshi had jewelry of the same quality, material, style, and workmanship.At that time, I broke out in a cold sweat, hoping that Zhang Huanzhi would look for this person on his behalf and accept the jewelry in his hand.But Zhang Huan refused, which meant that this person had some opinions about him on a certain matter not long ago, and it was inconvenient to come forward.Wang Keren had no choice but to wait.She hoped that two months would pass in the blink of an eye. The person didn't know what happened in Hong Kong. After all, Heshi and Hong Kong were far away.Who knows that the more you are afraid, is it this person?She sighed and said, "Ask him to come in."

As soon as the visitor stepped through the door, Wang Keren covered Tan's mouth in astonishment.She had a strange dream the day before yesterday. In the dream, a fairy descended from the sky hugged her tightly. What she remembered most was that those silver eyes were staring at her affectionately... She told the dream to the master Listen, the master laughed and scolded himself on the phone, did he miss others?But the guest in front of him has a pair of silver-gray eyes.

After Jin Qi came in, he found an armchair and sat down.The secretary brought tea and exited the door.The two people in the room didn't speak, they looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Jin Qi looked at Wang Keren. He had a dark complexion and a slender and fit body. He was an outdoor sports enthusiast at a glance.Seeing her surprised and nervous look, she presses her hands on the desk and leans forward slightly, like a beautiful but dangerous leopard.He smiled and said, "Jin Qi is from Heshi. There is no hostility here."

(End of this chapter)

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