big bet

Chapter 50 Casino Stone Gambling

Chapter 50 Casino Stone Gambling (5)
"Don't call me Miss, just Yuzi is fine, plus Miss, I have goosebumps all over my body. I don't count as an expert, but I should understand more after reading more. I have been making jade for the past few years. If I don't understand, I will be deceived."

"Now that the market for Hetian jade is on the rise, I heard that high-quality suet white jade costs 30 yuan per kilogram?"

"Increasing, increasing every year. It used to be more than 1000 per kilogram, but now it is at least 10,000+ per kilogram. Can you buy suet white jade for 30 yuan per kilogram? Hang! Don't even think about the real suet white jade without a million dollars."

"Oh, it's more expensive than emeralds." Jin Qi sighed.

"Brother Jin plays with jade?" Yuzi is a smart girl.

Jin Qi said with a smile: "I'm still half an expert in jadeite, but I'm completely jade blind when it comes to white jade."

Yuzi went on to say, "I don't know anything about jadeite. A few days ago, BJ Hanhai took a picture of a yellow jadeite statue of Avalokitesvara and sold it for 450 million yuan. It shows that jadeite is really expensive."

"Yuzi also participated in the auction?"

"No, I heard from a friend. One day I will also get a boutique to take pictures for fun. It's just that I can't find good materials."

Jin Qi flashed puzzled: "Can't you find a few decent pieces of good jade in the jade market?"

"It's difficult. Some of them are in private collections. It's impossible to get them without paying a lot of money. In the market, it's conscientious to shoddy them as good ones, and many fake ones are everywhere. Good mountain materials, even Russian and Qinghai materials are polished, oiled, and colored to be sold as baby materials. I thought that the leather is the baby material, but I didn’t expect it to be so easy to make leather. I advise Brother Jin to buy it and stamp it. Although the jade material is more expensive, it is genuine after all."

It is understood that Jinqi now understands that the material is like the old pit jadeite, and its oiliness, fineness, and light quality are better than the mountain material or the new pit material in the jadeite.Water and time have polished the fine products, which is the commonality of white jade and jadeite.As for the materials of mountains and rivers, they are the products of old and new, and there is not enough time, so there is still a long way to go before perfection.Jin Qi lamented: "Scarcity is the most precious thing. After thousands of years of collection, it is normal for Hetian jade to be exhausted day by day. The less it is, the more it is sought after. Who doesn't want to make a fortune by doing some crooked ways. But there are countless people. Purchasing jade, making jade, and defrauding jade can lead to today's prosperity."

"Yes, I live on jade. Well said, Brother Jin, please have an apple." Yuzi took out two large apples from his backpack, handed one to Jin Qi, and gnawed on it himself.

Jin Qi was not too polite, and asked while eating an apple, "Can I go to the upper reaches of Yulong KS River now?"

"It's hard. Now that the water is rising, you can only search for jade during the dry season. In the uninhabited area hundreds of kilometers upstream, there are endless rocks and yellow sand, and there are no roads, so almost no one goes there. There are several jade mines in the Kunlun Mountains above, and there are donkeys from time to time." Carry some mountain material down. There are no people at all, and the Yulong KS River has disappeared among the peaks. Some people have searched for the source, but they don’t know where it ends. It is said that the snow on the snow peak melts into water and flows into the valley and seeps into the ground. It became an underground river, and after conflicts day and night, the underground river finally broke through the confinement of the mountain and rushed down, becoming our Jade Dragon KS River. I don’t know its real source, but only know that the boundless Kunlun Mountains is its mother.”

Seeing that Jin Qi didn't speak for a long time, Yuzi asked in amazement: "Is it possible that Brother Jin wants to go to the upper reaches of Yulong KS River?"

Jin Qi nodded and said: "I want to see, jade picking is the second priority. I mainly want to see Kunlun Mountain, Yulong KS River and the vast no-man's land. Mystery and desolation are very desirable."

Yuzi couldn't help but looked up and down the man around him, and blushed for no reason.For some reason, she felt that although the man beside him was dressed simply and casually, and his figure was not particularly tall, he gave off a kind of majesty and strength.There is also a kind of attractive but indescribable thing, what it is, it is indescribable, it always makes people's heart beat.

She was still thinking about it, when a middle-aged man on the opposite seat interjected, "My friend wants to go upstream. I know a guide who once walked up the river for two days and one night."

"Okay." Jin Qi nodded repeatedly and said, "This gentleman is..."

"My name is Maimaiti, from Yecheng. I know a shepherd who lives by the KS River in Yulong. The year before last, he walked a long and desolate road and came back safely from the upper reaches of the KS River in Yulong. I also picked up a piece of mountain water material and bought it 10,000+. Later, some people went there, either came back empty-handed, or never came back. After passing the gate, the [-] kilometers up is the road of death, and people cannot go. The snow mountain wolf is as big as a calf, isn’t it? People can fight."

Yuzi also said at the side: "It seems that there is such a shepherd. Brother Jin is accompanied by a guide. It will not be dangerous to come back after walking hundreds of kilometers. Don't be afraid."

Jin Qi took out a large plastic bag from his luggage bag and opened it. There were many small bags of food inside. He first grabbed a handful and gave it to Yuzi, then threw the whole bag to Maimaidi, saying: "Share it for everyone to taste, this is Heshi Braised leaf tofu."

Yuzi opened the pouch and tasted a piece. Indeed, she had never eaten it before. After eating a few pieces, the honey juice stained her pink lips and corners of her mouth. She kept saying, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Everyone who tasted it in the car said it was delicious, and those who didn't get it asked Jin Qi for it.This time I brought two bags of vacuum-packed food, but Hong Kong forgot to eat it. Seeing that everyone in the same car loved it, I took out another bag and divided it.Even the driver was fed a few pieces, and the car was filled with a sweet bean smell.

Maimaiti said while eating: "This stuff is sweet and delicious, and women love it. Brother Jin, when you come to Hetian, I will treat you to roast mutton. That is the taste of a gentleman."

Yuzi can't listen to this, what do women love to eat?I see you eat more than anyone else!She raised her head, and just about to speak, Jin Qi patted the back of her hand and asked, "Would Yuzi want to hear the story about gambling with jadeite?"

Of course I wanted to hear it, not only Yuzi and Maimaiti, but even several fellow passengers clamored for it.With a smile, Jin Qi explained in detail how he gambled 10 yuan for six pieces of wool in Yangzhou, one of which was sold for 4000 million yuan on the spot, from beginning to end. Of course, the owner changed to XX.After the story was finished, there was a burst of exclamation in the silent carriage.Maimaiti yelled: "Too lucky, so lucky! When will this kind of luck befall me, Maimaiti!"

Yuzi also asked in surprise: "God! What about the other five dollars?"

Jin Qi said: "I don't know the result after untying the other five yuan. Even if it is cut off, it's nothing. I can't be lucky and let him take it alone."

Maimaiti also said: "Yes, at least I will share some."

Yuzi said with fascination: "I will go to see the big stone betting with my own eyes sometime. This kind of work is done by real men. I, Yuzi, admire such men."

Jin Qi smiled and mourned: "Yuzi, don't you need to gamble with Hetian stone?"

"Crafts and shells are treasures, which can be recognized at a glance; mountain materials are jade, and you can tell whether it is good or bad; it is not easy to see through mountains and rivers. Some big stones are covered with beautiful jade, and they look like ordinary stones on the outside. However, this kind of situation is rare, so it is not possible to talk about gambling or not. Hetian jade is also misleading, thinking that it is half a piece of jade and half a piece of stone, but it is only a small piece of jade when cut open, and it turns out to be a loss." Yuzi said and took it out from his chest. He took off a jade pendant and handed it to Jin Qi, saying: "This is a small inlaid jade that I bought for [-] last year. When I peeled it off, I found out that only the fingernail was jade, and the rest were all Gobi stones. It's still BJ." The master carver thought ingeniously to carve this jade pendant that looks a little tasteful."

A white cicada is dotted on a dead leaf. The dead leaf is dull and colorless, with curled and broken edges. Although the white cicada is small, it is white and flawless, smooth and gentle, very beautiful.Putting the dry, the ugly and the beautiful together, the contrast is very strong, which highlights the beauty of the white jade.Jin Qi couldn't help asking: "Is this mutton fat jade?"

Maimai leaned over early and said, "No, suet jade is slightly yellower than this one, and is more greasy and moist. But this piece of material is considered to be of quasi suet grade, and the carving is also good. Miss Yuzi, this Do you want to buy it?"

"I want to buy it, take [-]."

Yuzi thought that he could frighten him, so he deliberately quoted a high price.Whoever wanted to buy Mai Ti didn't say a word, he really took out two stacks of RMB from his waist and handed it to Yuzi, saying: "Thank you, I just wanted to receive a better piece of jade for my son's teacher, and it's all here. Thank you Miss Yuzi."

Dumbfounded now, he could only collect the money by opening his mouth and splashing water.Think about changing from three thousand to twenty thousand, the wages and profits are considerable, and I feel much more comfortable.After chasing after Jin Qi to talk about jadeite, Jin Qi told the story of Zhang Huanzhi's 600 million gamble and gamble. sounded.

"When you come in, you are a rich man, and when you go out, you are poor."This tragic story made everyone in the bus dull, and fell asleep unconsciously, only the roar of the bus engine continued to vibrate.All the way to the Gobi Desert, the vast expanse of yellow is boundless.From time to time, a burst of yellow sand rolls up to the sky like a dragon, sucking in unknown places. National Highway [-] stabs into the distance like a sword, leaving grape corridors, birch forests, grasslands and groups of white sheep behind.

Yuzi laid her hands on the back of the chair in front of her, feeling sleepy.Jin Qi took out his laptop computer to record what he saw and heard along the way, the pastoral villages that passed by from time to time, the old man basking in the sun and smoking, the children who ran for a while with the car...Xinqiang's original customs and customs follow the tapping of his fingers , Recorded paragraph by paragraph in the notes.He wasn't tired at all, instead, he was enjoying the series of scenery outside the car window with great interest, typing on the keyboard casually.Suddenly his shoulders sank, Yuzi tilted his head and rested his head on his shoulders, exhaled like blue, and caressed his temple hair, which made him feel unbearably itchy, but he had to endure it, not daring to move a little.Later, he simply put away the computer, posed in a posture that made Yuzi sleep more comfortably, and slowly sank into the state of breath adjustment.

During the period, Yuzi woke up once and found that she was sleeping next to Brother Jin. She felt a little embarrassed but she was so sleepy, her front and back were stiff, and only him next to her had a soft and comfortable position.After thinking for a while, he said to himself, "Brother Jin, let me use your thigh." He leaned over and fell asleep on Jin Qi's leg, and smelled a faint fragrance similar to sandalwood in a daze. It smells good.Getting closer and smelling, smelling into a deep sleep.

Hotan finally arrived.

Jin Qi found the best hotel in the city to live in, and when they broke up with Yuzi, they changed their phone numbers and agreed to find a shepherd for Jin Qi and notify him immediately.Before leaving, Yuzi kissed Jin Qi with her arms around her. Jin Qi was a little at a loss, wondering if it was a courtesy.Yuzi knew that she just wanted to kiss her.

Jin Qi arrived at the jade trading market early the next morning.In fact, there are many jade shops on every street in Hotan, and the trading market is just the concentration point with the most jade shops and stalls.Because I had the mutton fat jade materials I saw in Macau casinos as a standard sample, I didn't catch a single piece along the way.On the way, there are often four or five hands stretched out, and the spread palms are full of so-called treasures.In Jin Qi's eyes, these are all rough, fake and inferior things, they are simply stones.I was very disappointed after walking through a street. If you rely on the fake materials here to run your own "Jin's Treasure", it would be better to cancel the type of Hetian jade.

At the end of the street, you can see the Yulong KS River passing through the city. The river that is said to be rich in the most beautiful and warmest Ziyu is now just a small stream, flowing quietly in the uneven and messy riverbed.There is a notice board on the embankment stating that mining is strictly prohibited, but jade diggers wielding picks and shovels can still be seen on the river beach in twos and threes.Even though I searched over and over again in the same place, I still refused to give up.Perhaps the search for generations has become a kind of complex. Only Yulong KS River can give them the hope of getting rich overnight, so we must continue.

Jin Qi walked along the river for a long time until he reached the river gate.Above the river gate is the upper reaches of the Yulong KS River. For some reason, something in the distant mountains is beckoning to him, and the further he goes, the stronger it is. The "Consciousness Realm" was opened, and there was no result after contemplating it carefully, and finally returned to the same way.

For lunch, he eats haggis soup and mutton buns. The taste is very fragrant and special, especially when he drank the soup and chewed the buns, he looked like a wolf.In the afternoon, I changed to Yushi Street for a stroll, and the scene was the same as in the morning, full of people and nothing to gain.A group of people in front were shouting, Jin Qi squeezed in to see, and the three outsiders were held back because they refused to buy after returning the price.In the seller's hand is a piece of red-skinned jade, weighing more than three kilograms. The asking price is [-], and the counter-offer is [-].Unexpectedly, the seller agreed, and the outsider hesitated again.Jin Qi shook his head and left. There are too many such things. A piece of fake jade will be charged at a high price first, and you will force it to you immediately, saying it is a business rule.

Stepping into a small shop called "Meiyu", the owner immediately greeted him. He has a red nose, and he looks like a drinker.There are many jade pieces in the glass cabinet. The carver is extremely ugly in Jin Qi's eyes, and can only be said to be a waste.On the other side of the wooden frame are several pieces of jade, both white and colored.One of the mountain materials has reached the whiteness, and the oiliness is poor. The asking price for five kilograms is 150 million.Jin Qi was startled, and flashed: "The mountain materials are so expensive?"

The owner said coldly: "Such a good mountain material has been smelted in an oil pan for a few days, and it is entirely possible to pass it off as mutton jade. Selling it for 200 million is not a small amount. Besides, Hetian jade is rising every day. Maybe it will be 170 yuan tomorrow. It's all over."

Jin Qi pointed to a fist-sized piece of yellow-skinned jade and asked, "What about this piece of jade?"

"This is real Hetianzi material, which is collected from the lower reaches of Yulong KS River. It is less than two kilograms. You can take it for 80 yuan."

"Didn't it say that Zhenziyu is 20 yuan per kilogram?"

"The 20 yuan was last month. If you have 20 yuan per kilogram, I will take as much as you want. The minimum this month is 35 yuan per kilogram. Of course it is real jade." Get impatient.

Jin Qi had to withdraw.It's true that gold has a price, but jade is priceless.He caught a glimpse of a piece of green and white jade in front of a shop, weighing eighty or ninety kilograms, and he knew it was a mountain material.Jin Qi thought that jade of this quality should not be very expensive, so he went straight into the shop to ask.

When the shop owner was away, a little girl greeted her. She smiled and said, "We have everything, and the price is the most reasonable on this street. What do customers need?" She spoke in a fluent Beijing accent.

"Look at it casually, what is the price of the piece of Qingbai Mountain at the door?"

"Which piece, we just shot."

"Oh, it's sold? Can you tell me at what price?"

(End of this chapter)

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