big bet

Chapter 51 Casino Stone Gambling

Chapter 51 Casino Stone Gambling (6)
"The buyer is a friend of our boss, who is going to the bank to transfer money with the boss."

As soon as the voice fell, two people came in at the door.As soon as one of them saw Jin Qi, he laughed and came forward: "Brother Jin, it's fate, I was looking for you to eat roast mutton." It was Maimaiti who was in the same car.

Next, Jin Qi suffered a serious crime and was dragged by Maimaiti to eat two large pieces of roast mutton and five large bowls of horse wine.While eating, Maimaiti told Jin Qi that the 81-kilogram piece of green and white jade was purchased for 25 yuan, and that he was planning to carve a treasure ship for Zheng He's voyage to the West.If the carver is justified, it is estimated that the jade boat can earn 10 yuan.Jin Qi secretly calculated, in addition to the cost plus 50 yuan in wages, plus expenses and profits, the boat would not be able to sail to Yangzhou without [-] yuan.A piece of very ordinary sapphire costs hundreds of thousands. It seems that Hetian jade is more crazy than jadeite.

Maimaiti was half-drunk, and said: "I see that my brother is also a rich owner. What kind of jade do you want to buy? Tell me to Maimaiti, and I guarantee that the real price is not for nothing. It is useful and very useful to talk about it in Hetian Maimaiti. "

Suddenly there was a commotion at the entrance of the hotel. Someone rushed in and said that a fool had pulled a big stone with a donkey cart. It must be said that it was jade, and many people were making trouble around it.The fool's donkey was also injured, his cart was also destroyed, and the people were even worse. He hadn't eaten for a day, and now he was begging for help. Whoever paid [-] yuan would give the big stone to him.

Hearing about Yuyu, all the guests in the hotel flocked out.Maimaiti also pulled out his legs to keep up, and Jin Qi was so frightened by the way he stumbled in the aisle that he hurried forward to support him.There were a lot of people around the street, and a big stone was squatting on the frame with one wheel crooked. It looked like it weighed a ton. Looking at the skinny donkey, it was hard to imagine how it was pulled.The stone is gray-blue, without any smoothness and delicateness, and it is very rough to the touch.The owner of the car, with a whip in one hand and a cloth bag in the other, leaned against the stone to answer other people's questions.

"Where are you from?"

"From Upper Flowing Water Village."

"Oh——" There is a river on both sides of Shangliushui Village. The clear water in the west is called Qingshui River.The turbid water in the east is called the Zhuoshui River. Every year in the flood season, the mountain jade will be swept down and washed down, which is available for the villagers to pick.But these are all things of the past, no matter how big the flood is now, there is no mountain jade to sweep it down.The people of Shangliushui Village cut off the way to pick jade, so they became jade workers. They carried the jade from the jade mine on the mountain, and carried it on the donkey's back for a living.Yushan is far away and steep, and many jade workers fell to their deaths or were injured on the road to carry jade.There are not many families in Shangliushui Village, but they are all linked with Yu, so they are very famous.Someone asked, "Does Gulina know you?"

The owner of the car replied: "I live next door to me, and I got married last year."

"It's really from Shangliushui Village. Hey, what's the use of carrying an ordinary stone with all your strength? It's still selling for [-]. I don't think anyone wants [-]."

The owner of the car was thin, but he was full of energy. When he heard the words, he stood up suddenly and asked, "Who said it was an ordinary stone, who said that!"

Seeing the owner of the car getting angry, the talkative person had already slipped away.A few veterans went up to observe.This big guy really doesn't look like jade. A one-ton mountain material should be completely jade, without any skin color; mountain and water materials may be wrapped in stone skin, but most of them can always see the smooth jade. The guy doesn't have the slightest bit of wealth.Someone got a hammer and smashed it for a long time, but he was still the same old face, so he turned around and left in anger.Those who watched the excitement walked away naturally when they saw that there was no excitement.

Maimaiti also hiccupped and left first in a rickshaw. The boy was half drunk and half awake and didn't even pay for the drink.After paying the bill, Jin Qi bought two large piles of meat pies and a bottle of wine and sent them to the owner of the car, asking, "What's your name?"


"Please accept the bread and wine. How can you stay tonight?"

"I'm taking the skin 祆, it won't freeze, thank you for the wine, I'll give you the money after selling the jade tomorrow."

"No, I invited you. I'll come to you tomorrow." After saying that, Jin Qi waved his hand and left.

I practiced all night and came back to my senses after nine o'clock.I hurried to the hotel last night and the owner, Nizi, was still there, and there was a lot of traffic and people coming and going in front of the big rock.Seeing too many people, Jinqi didn't go there, turned around and found an Industrial and Commercial Bank, got 20 RMB and put it in a bag, and sat in the bank looking at the big rock not far away.

It's past ten o'clock, eleven o'clock.Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people looking at jade, Nizi became anxious and grabbed the last person who had been looking at jade for a long time and said, "Don't go, I'll sell it cheap. Is it [-], [-], [-]?"

The man shook off Nizi's hand in disgust, turned his head away, and said, "Crazy."

Nizi didn't hear it, he was in a daze now, why didn't everyone know the good-looking beauties.This big rock suddenly rolled down from the mountain along the Zhuo Shui River. Tu Da Guyi, a hundred-year-old man in the village, looked at it for a long time and said that there was jade in it, which was valuable.He just drove a donkey from a hundred miles away to send the stone to Hotan, where there are many people who know jade. Isn't a hundred thousand dollars expensive?Why no one wants it?He squatted on the ground in distress, holding his head in his hands, not wanting to look at these blind people.

I bought this jade.Here is one hundred thousand, take it. "

Depressed Nizi raised his head, and saw a stack of money and a smiling face in front of him. He rubbed his eyes, but he was not dazzled.I was a little puzzled and asked: "Really? Did you really buy this jade?"

"Of course it's true. Here's the money."

Nizi grabbed the money, took a few photos out of each pile in the sun, and rubbed it on his face for a long time before he said with certainty: "It's all real money. Gulina taught me that I can find the chairman's clothes with my hands." It’s all real money. Thank you brother, how about I help you send the stone home.”

Facing the straightforward mountain man, Jin Qi smiled and said, "Don't bother you, you must be buying something. Let's meet at the sluice gate at three o'clock in the afternoon. I have something to discuss with you, okay?"

"Okay, see you at the sluice gate at three." Nizi drove the donkey cart away. After walking a long way, he heard the jade buyer shouting, "Brother, be careful with your money." Nizi thought this man was a good man.

Jin Qi was about to find someone to help transport the stone, when he turned around and saw the hotel owner staring at him with a surprised expression on his face.He said, "Can the boss get a forklift to help me transport the stone to the stone cutting plant?"

The owner of the hotel said, "I came as soon as I called the car, but I just wanted to ask, are you looking for Shi Shi, or do you want to help others?"

Jin Qi smiled and said, "Both."

The hotel owner turned around and entered the store without saying anything, and after walking a few steps, he gave Jin Qi a thumbs up.

A quarter of an hour later, a large forklift came, carrying stones and rumbling with its owner to the jade factory by the KS River in Yulong.After paying 2000 yuan for the fare and the stone cutting fee, Jin Qi climbed on the boulder and drew six tangent lines up, down, left, right, front, back, and back.The forklift moved the cutter, and two workers operated it. When the button was pressed, the cutter wheel buzzed and pressed down inch by inch...

I don't know who spread the news, many people gathered around to see Qieyu.Even Yuzi rushed over, and when she saw that it was a big rock bought by Brother Jin for [-] yuan, her heart tightened.Squatting in front of the knife wheel and shouting: "Jade, jade, jade, jade..." Her emotions could not help resonating, and more than a dozen voices shouted rhythmically: "Jade, jade, jade..."

With a bang, one side split open, revealing a tender jade color.Everyone applauded.Continue to cut again, and there is another high-pitched and powerful cry of jade: "Jade! Jade! Jade!" All six sides were cut, and a square piece of white jade mountain material weighing [-] kilograms appeared in front of everyone. No, to be correct, it should be made of mountain water, not dry at all, with a touch of precious light, a little yellowish in the whiteness, very fleshy and moist.

No one spoke. This is the story of an ugly duckling turning into a white swan. This is the first time that such a dramatic change has happened in Hotan.25 yuan per kilogram is not unscrupulous in the market of such fine mountain water materials. Two hundred kilograms times 25. Comrades, this is 5000 million, and 5000 cuts out [-] million!Who can withstand such a big shock without showing a face?It's a pity that Yuzi looked at Brother Jin from a distance, and there was nothing but a slight smile on his face.

Jin Qi waved to Yuzi, and when she flew over like a bird, he said softly to her: "It's almost two o'clock now, I found the shepherd Nizi, and I agreed to leave at three o'clock. Now I will take Baiyu It is divided into four parts, one of which is sold to you at 15 yuan per kilogram. The remaining three parts are 20 yuan per kilogram, and you will sell it to me. If you can’t sell it, find a place to deposit it, and I will take it when I come back. The money will be credited to my card, the card number is ×××... Do you remember? Okay, goodbye. If you have a chance, come and play with me in Heshi."

Without waiting for Yuzi to say more, Jin Qi ordered to divide the square white jade into four.The director of the jade factory squeezed up to Jin Qi, held up 2000 yuan in his hand, and said, "Mr. Jin is free of fares and so on. Please see that you can sell me a quarter of it because of our cooperation. Offer 25 yuan per kilogram, okay?"

Jin Qi pulled Yuzi to his side and said to the factory manager: "This girl Yuzi is my authorized representative. If you help her handle the jade materials, she will fulfill your wish."

The square white jade was cut into pieces, very beautiful white jade.Jin Qi hurried away without nostalgia. The temptation of 5000 million was too small for him. He really had a strong feeling that there were tens of billions of wealth in Kunlun Mountains beckoning to him.And this sudden big stone appeared in front of his eyes, containing the beautiful white jade. This is the messenger and the prologue of a legend.

Jin Qi's attire is very simple: he is wearing a Cortes brand jacket, a Crusader pickaxe in his backpack, and Gore-Tex hiking shoes are of course a first-class outdoor brand.Nizi had just arrived when he appeared at the sluice of Yulong KS River.He completely replaced the gun with a new iron frame car and two strong jackass.There are piles of items on the car like a hill, complete with food, drink and clothing.A basket hung on the back of the car contained ten chickens, one male, nine females, and two ewes tied to the other end. It was very lively.Niz said out of breath, "My friend Jin, I'm busy with purchasing, please forgive me for being late. If you have something to say, I will never shirk what I can do."

Jin Qi smiled and said: "Nothing else, I just want to visit Liushui Village, and then go up the Yulong KS River to explore. Of course, you just need to take me to Liushui Village."

Nizi said welcome loudly, and he asked Jin Qi to put the big backpack on the donkey cart, and the donkey cart started to move with a flick of the whip. Run ahead.The two male donkeys pulling the cart were always sniffing its buttocks and getting whipped by the donkey's tail.Nizi laughed and said that it was a female donkey, so he called for a male donkey.The two and the three donkeys talked and laughed all the way on the road.

Talking with Nizi all the way, Jin Qi finally understood that the place he should go to was the Keriya River.

On the mountains in the middle part of the Kunlun Mountains, the snow-covered Qiongmuzitag Mountain is [-] meters above sea level. Every year, the ice and snow melt into the blue lakes of different shapes between Wusteng Mountain and KS Tag Mountain.May to September is the flood season. A large amount of snow water from the Qiongmuzitag Mountains, together with the melting water from the glaciers of the Ustenge Mountains and KS Tag Mountains, flow into the lake, causing floods to rush down.This mighty torrent is the Keriya River.At this time of year, the rushing flood peaks deeply split the canyon and rush northward into the Taklamakan Desert.It was at this time that the jade pickers collected century-old jade in the rushing riverbed of the Keriya River generation after generation.

Every family living in Liushui Village has made a living by mining jade, which has a history of more than 200 years.However, the beautiful jade did not bring a rich life to the jade pickers. On the contrary, as the mountain jade brought by Hong Feng became less and less, the original jade pickers had to be reduced to jade workers. The 80-kilogram mountain jade was taken along the Sitian Mountain Road to Shangliushui Village, and then pulled away by a truck.The income of this trip is only [-] yuan.One can imagine the hardships of carrying a beautiful woman.

It was very accidental that Nizi picked up such a large jade this time.A few mornings ago, he drove the only three sheep to the Keriya river beach to graze. He was bending over to wash his hands when there was a loud "rumbling" sound, and he saw a wall of water pushing towards him upstream.Nizi was so frightened that he turned around and jumped, but fell silent after a few steps.Looking back, I saw a big rock standing on the place where I had washed my hands.

After a lot of effort to get it back, the respected and respected blind old man in the village said it was jade after listening for a long time.Now the whole village thought that the peak of the Keriya River had brought mountain jade again, but unfortunately men and women searched all over the valley, but did not find a small piece of jade.The old man Tuda Guyi said that this is the only wealth bestowed by the gods on Nizi.After finishing this passage, Nizi looked at the three donkeys and the cart full of goods and showed a happy smile, saying: "Friend Jin, you are the god of Nizi. Without you, no one wants mountain jade. Nizi is about to starve to death. Nizi The deposit friend will cut out the white jade and make a fortune. God bless you."

Jin Qi asked puzzledly: "Niz, since you know that you can cut jade, why don't you cut it yourself? You know, it's more than 10 yuan."

Nizi shook his head, and after a moment of rest, he said, "There is no jade in Niziqie."

Incomprehensible!Is this a tradition of the jade pickers in Shangliushui Village?Or a belief?Probably in this way, 90.00% of the profits were given to the merchants, and Shangliushui Village was still poor.

At night they rested on the river beach.Nizi lit the fire and roasted the mutton he brought with him, and Jin Qi took out a bottle of Wuliangye and a pile of beef jerky. In an instant, the strong aroma of fine wine rose from the Keriya river beach, which lingered for a long time.

After another two days of walking, we arrived at Shangliu Shui Village between the two rivers.That night, Liushui Village was as lively as a festival. Two sheep were killed and a big fire was lit. More than 30 men, women and children gathered around the fire to eat roast lamb and listened to Nizi's story about selling big stones.Hearing that no one cares about it for a day and a night, everyone scolds the Hetian businessman for being an idiot; when hearing that Jin’s friend sent food and drink, and another 10 yuan, they all toasted to Jin’s friend; Drunk with sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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