big bet

Chapter 52: Moon on Kunlun

Chapter 52: Moon on Kunlun (1)
Early the next morning, Jin Qi went to the old man's house in Tuda Guyi to say goodbye. He gave the old man a new high-end down sweater he bought and two bottles of good wine.The old man accepted it unceremoniously, touched Jin Qi's face repeatedly, and said, "There will definitely be gains, even though it is very difficult. Go, child, the old blind man is waiting for you to come back."

Nizi gave Jinqi away for more than 40 miles. When they parted, Jinqi took out two bottles of wine, two cigarettes, and a pack of candies.Nizi felt very strange, why can friend Jin take out so many things in his small-looking bag?You must know that on the day of drinking, I took out more than a dozen bottles of wine from my bag, and there were more than a dozen large cans of drinks for women and children.Is this bag a treasure chest?When you go back, you must ask the old man Tuda Guyi.

The golden flag had gone a long way, but Nizi was still waving and shouting, "We'll wait for you to come back!"

Rock climbing is ahead.The river water falls from the top of the rock, forming a waterfall.In previous years, if there was mountain jade, it would be thrown down from the cliff and rolled all the way to the Keriya River.The only way to go up the river is rock climbing. Anyway, there is a gap of about three meters and it is easy to go up.Jin Qi tidied up his backpack, clasped his fingers tightly against the cracks in the rock, and struggled upwards. After a while, he was close to the top, and stretched out his right hand to grab hold of the rock mouth.Suddenly a hand grabbed his hand and was still pulling it up vigorously.The astonished Jin Qi leaped to the top of the cliff, and when he saw the owner of the hand, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Oh my god! Gulina, are you so good at being on a cliff?"

Gulina is the most beautiful girl in Liushui Village and the most knowledgeable person. At the age of 21, labor gave her a fit body, because of her beauty, people from nearby villages and even HT City came to kiss her.She reasoned that she was still young, so she just didn't want to marry.Last night, Jin Qi saw her at a dinner party, and he was deeply impressed by her slanted eyebrows, big round eyes, and especially her tanned, healthy complexion.A beautiful local Uighur folk song made him feel like drinking fine wine.I always thought that after a hasty farewell, there was little chance of seeing you again, but I never expected that she would be on the cliff.

"Brother Jin, I want to explore jade with you." Gulina retracted and was held by Jin Qi all the time, forgetting to let go of her hand, and said softly with a smile.

"No, definitely not." Jin Qi refused without hesitation.

"why not?"

"Dangerous, very dangerous."

"Brother Jin is not afraid, and neither am I."

"It's not a matter of being afraid or not. Regardless of the wind, dew and rain, the mountains are steep and there are wild beasts. How can you, a woman, do such a dangerous thing? I can handle everything alone, but nothing can be done with you .Go back quickly!" Jin Qi's tone was very firm.

"It's a common thing for us to carry beautiful people in the wind and dew. I will not cause trouble for Brother Jin, and I will never go back." Gu Lina was also very stubborn, with her mouth curled up, and her eyes fixed on Jin Qi.

"Gulina, think about it. You are the last married girl. If you stay with a man in the deep mountains and valleys for ten and a half months, what will people say about you? Besides, it's hard to say whether you will gain anything this time. Can you do it?"

"What's the matter, let them say, I don't care. Besides, I told my father, and my father said it's okay. I'm going anyway. If you don't take me, I will go by myself." After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the mountain. A calico bag was quite big on her shoulder, covering her head, and from a distance, a calico ball was moving.

Jin Qi was so angry that he wanted to be alone in the sea and the sky, and he could do whatever he wanted. Even if he couldn't find beautiful jade with his own magical skills, there would be no danger.It's all right now, with a woman by my side, what else can I do with my hands and feet?He sat down angrily and refused to leave.

Slowly watching Gulina turn over the hill and disappear, she felt uneasy, stomped her feet fiercely, and let go of her pace to catch up.After turning over the hill, there is a sparse bush, and there is no Gulinal, and there is no woman's figure after hundreds of meters of bushes.Jin Qi was in a hurry, and shouted with circled hands: "Gulina, Gulina." The mountains echoed Gulina's name, but there was still no answer.Jin Qi was in a hurry and was about to run forward...

As a matter of fact, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells behind her. Gulina stood up from the bushes and said, "Didn't Brother Jin abandon Gulina? Why are you still in such a hurry?" Rushing over, holding Jin Qi and shaking his left arm again and again, with a look of joy on his face, he said softly, "I knew Brother Jin would not want me."

Do you want anything, if you really want you, you must cry!Jin Qi thought to himself, but nodded her pointed nose helplessly, and said, "I'm afraid of you, little aunt, let's go."

The woman hugged the man, so close, they were more lovers than lovers.

The canyon along the way is very quiet, without any smell of human fireworks, only the rushing river humming the same song monotonously.There is no way to go up the river, and we are struggling to climb up through the gaps in the rocks. Although Gulina is agile and powerful, and she is no stranger to rock climbing, it greatly affects the speed for Jin Qi. It took two people half a day to climb. Walked more than ten kilometers.For lunch, I ate the naan that Gulina brought, and drank some cold, clear river water to pass the meal.After the meal, Jin Qi "snatched" Gulina's large flowered cloth bag and carried it on her own, and began to urge Gulina to hurry up. This afternoon, she covered nearly [-] kilometers.In the evening, Jin Qi was cruel and didn't stop, but Gulina followed with her teeth gritted with sorrow. She didn't find a flat slope to rest until the middle of the moon.

The Keriya River is roaring and rushing at your feet.The silver moonlight sprinkled on the rock walls, hillsides, and river surfaces, everything was covered with a thin layer of silver-gray sand, which looked hazy.This section of the river is very wide and shallow, and at a glance, the current is not too fast.Gulina rolled up her trouser legs and threw herself down the river, bowing her waist and started panning for stones.From time to time, she took out a stone, looked at it for a while, and then threw it into the river to continue panning for the stone.After repeated dozens of times, I didn't find a satisfactory piece. I searched all around ten square meters, but I couldn't find any shadow of jade.The night on the plateau in May and the river water with melting ice and snow made her tremble when she thought about it, but she persisted stubbornly.

"Come back for dinner." Jin Qi urged.He had already built the fire, roasted the leg of lamb, and even filled the mug with wine.He had already inspected the riverbed along the way, not to mention the details, there was not even a piece of mountains and rivers.If you don't stop Gulina from going to the river to search for jade, you are also letting her give up, otherwise if you say no, can she believe it?

Half of her body was wet, and she was shivering from the cold. As soon as Gulina got ashore, she leaned close to the fire, took the dry towel thrown by Jin Qi and wiped it vigorously.After finally recovering, she asked puzzledly, "Brother Jin, why don't you go down to the river and try it? You know that there is no jade in this river? You didn't take a good look at the more than 50 kilometers of river, why?"

Jin Qi couldn't answer that I had seen it, even if she said so, Gu Lina didn't believe it.He tore off a large piece of golden-roasted lamb leg and handed it over, saying: "If there is jade here, will it be your turn to pick it? The road is not difficult to walk, and you can reach places where there are flowing water. The men in the village must also be able to reach it. Wherever people can go, in fact, your people have searched along the river, and they must have left their footprints in search of jade when they went to dangerous places. Gulina, you really Think we can find jade?"

Gu Lina lowered her head, Jin Qi said that she didn't know, she didn't understand, but she was always thinking about what happened.In case no one has been here, in case others come and fail to find it, and luck comes to me again.Jin Qi's words were like a bucket of ice water poured into his heart, and he was so discouraged for a moment that he even forgot to eat the mutton that was in his mouth.

"What is Big Brother Jin looking for?" It took her a long time to hold back this sentence.

"Come on, let's have a drink, this is the best grape wine." Jin Qi took a big sip, tasted it and said, "We don't hold out hope that we will find jade, but we can try it, and taste Gulina wine while enjoying it." The strange scenery of my hometown, while trying to find some places that ordinary people don’t pay attention to, or often overlooked, there may be unexpected discoveries. Of course, it is lucky to find something. If you don’t find it, treat it as a trip. With this mentality, you There will be no more sorrow and depression."

Gulina turned her head sideways and chewed the delicious leg of lamb, looking at Brother Jin who was not far away, she felt very strange why this man who was not a few years older than herself was so smart, and he opened his troubled heart without saying a few words too much.Yes, isn't it equally exciting and dreamy to go on a trip, to visit the Kunlun Mountains with the person you admire?The girl thought of something again, her face blushed suddenly, and she said softly, "Gu Lina listens to Brother Jin."

Jin Qi has been thinking about how to carry out this inconvenient treasure hunting journey.Gulina has already arrived, so of course she cannot be driven back, nor can she be allowed to go back empty-handed.But the first few hundred kilometers are definitely inconquerable for her, and the more rugged and dangerous "road" cannot be crossed by an ordinary person. How can this be done?After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't have a clue and simply didn't want to.

Clinking glasses frequently and having a delicious meal, it was getting late.Jin Qi took out his eiderdown and sheepskin sleeping bag, forced Gu Lina to get in, and fastened the loose buttons for her himself.It seemed natural for Jin Qi to do all this, but Gulinal looked at him tearfully, with the corners of her mouth tugging at what she wanted to say, and kept holding back.Only one sleeping bag is given to the person, and it disappears. Anyway, Jinqi is not sleepy at all. The silent peaks of the Kunlun Mountains are like giants standing upright in the night, which is shocking and makes people feel small.The more this is the case, the more Jin Qi longs to be strong. After confirming that Gulina has fallen asleep after a day of exhaustion, he begins to enter the state of cultivation. Countless light spots between the sky and the earth converge on an unknown slope of Qiongmuzitag Mountain If someone sees it from a distance, they must think that there is an extraterrestrial spaceship.

The self-feeling of Jin Qi is also wonderful, bathed in the spirit of the gods bred by the Kunlun Mountains, which has been born for thousands of years, and the unobstructed view of the moonlight in the sky is more purified and condensed.The centimeter-long Nascent Soul came out of the body, sat upright in the air ridiculously, and pretended to swallow the brilliance like white practice.Everything is so incredible, and everything is so natural.

The right wrist vibrated lightly, and a bolt of lightning pierced the night sky. As if God Zhan was finally free, he was ecstatically flying, impacting, and stirring in the boundless sky.Raising the left wrist slightly, a cloud of blue light exploded, and a huge, square bluish-white object appeared in the air ten feet away, emitting circles of bluish-white aura, and shot a light beam from the round hole in the middle. The golden brilliance, like a strange giant arm descending from the sky, is about to move.Jin Qi tried to pinch the sapphire-suppressing sky-seal formula, and Jin Mang suddenly grabbed at the rushing river water, only to see a curtain of water rising into the sky, sucking into the Tian-suppressing seal, and its turbulent momentum was like ten thousand horses galloping.Jin Qi was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped the exercise, and everything was quiet again.Hey, hey, a bean-sized drop of water is floating in the air in a certain grid of Zhentianyin.Thinking about the inhalation of such a large amount of river water, and only condensing into a drop of water in Yinzhong, it is simply impossible to understand the great supernatural power of the immortal artifact.

I felt better after trying two treasures, one attack and one defense. I looked back at Gulina who was sleeping soundly, and regained my concentration, taking advantage of this great opportunity to fully absorb the treasures of heaven and earth.

Gulina had a dream all night, in which she was floating in curtains of light, surrounded by streams of water falling from the sky, flashing strange colorful colors... When she woke up suddenly, the fragrance of milk wafted from her nose.This magical big brother Jin did not know where to conjure fresh milk, and a small shiny pot on the fire was heating fragrant milk tea.

"Brother Jin, where did you get the milk tea?"

Jin Qi said with a smile: "Come and have breakfast, we have to hurry up when we're done, the road ahead is getting more and more difficult."

Sure enough, Gulina would not have been able to walk through the next 40 kilometers if Jin Qi hadn't pulled her hard back.The shadow of the Qiongmuzitag mountain is pressing down heavily, and half of the river flows on the ice slope. The icy cold moisture and the gusts of wind blowing from the mountain gap make anyone too timid to move forward.

In front of a stack of glaciers more than ten feet high, Gulinal finally sighed and said, "I understand why the front is called no man's land. Brother Jin, you see that the mountain seems to be falling down, and it is overwhelming. I am angry. There is an ice slope with no grass growing under my feet, and I can’t hold my feet. I am blocked by such a high ice wall in front of me. It is really impossible to move forward. I think there is no jade in the frozen ancient river bed. Brother Jin, Let's go back."

Gu Linal gave in, she is still a rational girl.

As a result, Jin Qi took Gulina back [-] kilometers and set up a camping tent for her on a sunny slope, leaving sleeping bags, a pile of firewood for the fire, pots and bowls, food and mutton wait.He also specially gave Gulina a calendar watch, and helped her to wear it on her left wrist, saying: "Wait here for five days, brother, and he will come back. Five days are enough to eat, and there is a calendar on the watch. After five days, we will go back together." Upper Flowing Water Village. Okay?"

Seeing him busy preparing everything, Gulina knew that he was going to stay and leave alone.Suddenly a person was left among the barren mountains and ice peaks, and there was infinite loneliness and timidity in my heart.But she knew it was useless to say anything, this man would never look back, he had an unyielding adventurous spirit in his bones, the more dangerous the place, the more he wanted to go. "Go, Brother Jin, go, Gulina will be here waiting for you to come back." Gulina said as she approached Jin Qi, clasped his shoulders with both hands, stood on tiptoe, and slowly pressed her lips against Jin Qi's. On the big brother's fiery thick lips.

After leaving a deep kiss, Jin Qi turned around resolutely and left. He was afraid that if he waited a moment longer, he would be melted in the tenderness and sweetness, and he would have to go to the unknown distance without concern.Amid Gulina's calling, Jin Qi raised his head and let out a long roar, and rushed towards the ice slope at high speed.

One night and one day later, Jinqi traveled more than five to six hundred kilometers by himself, when the Keriya River suddenly disappeared.Taking a closer look, it turns out that there is a big hole in the rock wall at the end of the canyon, and the river is rushing out of the hole. The waves are like thunder, and the waves are like broken beads. What a shocking picture of rushing water!Is this the source of the Keriya River?So where does the source water come from?Jinqi's "Vision Consciousness Realm" has been fully opened, and since the Kunlun Moon Night practice, there has been a breakthrough in self-aware skills, and the vision can reach more than 600 meters in a radius.Through the many rock formations and ice barriers, a dark river appeared in front of the eyes, and the Keriya River was surging in the belly of the mountain.what!There is a show!
The ice slope at the foot disappeared and turned into a ridge of red sandy soil. The peaks on both sides seemed to be pulled apart a lot. The sunlight sprinkled life on the ridge, and clusters of green, red, and yellow shrubs grew in the gaps between the rocks. Full of life in the sun.Looking around, the empty peaks and colorful plants are like a wild but lonely oil painting, unfolding an endless expanse and depth. "Ah... ah..." Jin Qi yelled freely, causing the mountains to reverberate with his clear and clear echo.

(End of this chapter)

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