big bet

Chapter 53: Moon on Kunlun

Chapter 53: Moon on Kunlun (2)
While watching the flow of the dark river, he went upstream to find the real source of the Keriya River.He runs fast, jumps over peaks, flies over ravines, and truly flies without hindrance.Yesterday, day and night, he figured out the effect of the Taiyin current erupting from the Yongquan acupoint, this is flying!As if being pulled by an invisible rope, you can glide for tens of feet by lightly jumping up; in the air, you can increase the speed of your inner breath slightly, and your body can continue to fly for tens of meters.He knew that this kind of semi-divine flight fully demonstrated that his cultivation base had entered the distraction stage from the out-of-body stage, and was only a few steps away from the Mahayana stage.However, what Jin Qi cares about is the three major realms shown in the Taiyin Baojian. He is still in the "mind consciousness realm" and has not yet felt the arrival of the "spiritual consciousness realm".As for whether walking to the treasure step by step in the mountains is the highest state of "mind and consciousness", it is not clear.

Another day passed, and when the evening came and the setting sun dyed the entire Qiongmuzitag mountain red, a large blue lake appeared in front of Jinqi.It is a vast and endless alpine lake, which reflects the majestic appearance of Qiongmuzitag Mountain at an altitude of [-] meters, as well as the beautiful shadows of the slightly shorter Wustenge Mountain and KS Tag Mountain on both sides.Surrounded by these three mountains, the water from melting ice and snow formed a sea-like alpine lake, which is the real source of the Keriya River.

After admiring the magnificent scenery, Jin Qi made himself some wine and meat for a full meal.He clearly felt that the earth-shattering treasures were not far away, so don't worry, they have been waiting for thousands of years and are still waiting for a new owner.

The roar of water came from my ears, and I slowly approached it: the 20-meter-long outlet was washed by the water as clean as jade, and a wave of rolling waves overflowed the 20-meter-wide outlet, pouring into the front about 30 meters away A very narrow and long crack completely disappeared.Jin Qi suddenly realized that under the crack was an underground river hundreds of kilometers long.Looking closely at the drain, it is very strange. The middle has been washed by water for nearly a thousand years, and it has become smooth, but there are traces at both ends, which look like the marks of a knife and axe. Could it be that the drain is artificial?When Jin Qi walked to the opposite bank, he found two characters "Gong Yu" chiseled with a sword on a protruding rock!
Man-made flood outlets, the rapid torrent pours directly into the cracks, and with the addition of the word "Gongyu", a fool can understand what's going on.It must have been a thousand years ago that a swordsman built an artificial flood outlet on the edge of a mountain lake, guiding the flood from May to September every year to rush into the natural hillside fissure not far away, forcibly cutting a deep gorge.And between the canyons, there will be a dark river channel washed out by the lake water, so that it runs for more than a hundred kilometers in the mountainside and then gushes out of the ground, becoming the Keriya River that has been flowing for hundreds of years.And all this is to use the power of water to attack jade and mine jade in the belly of the mountain.

God, the unparalleled whimsy of the ancients, so attacking jade!

This ancient man must have possessed a skill similar to his own, otherwise let alone accomplishing all these things, even reaching here would be beyond the imagination of a human being.Think about a crack that is as wide as a person, and it is filled with rushing water, and you don't know what's going on inside. If ordinary people dare to go down, can they go down?Jin Qi took off his underwear, shoes and socks, and floated into the crack without hesitation.

As it went down, the crack became wider and wider, and the roar of the tide filled the ears, and the eyes were dark.Jin Qi didn't dare to be sloppy at all, he unleashed his divine sword to open the way in front of him, and slowly descended.At the end of a hundred and ten meters, a large swallow appeared horizontally, and the billowing muddy water roared into the swallow, and the pulling force was so strong that the golden flag was taken out several steps.After finally stopping his body, the scene in front of him became even more treacherous.Shen Zhanning was not far ahead, as if waiting for orders; and what blocked the advancement of the eighth-level artifact was a giant strange snake that had never been seen before. A pair of strange emerald green eyes on the large and small snake's head are shooting out two substantial beams of light, with a gloomy, gloomy and fierce aura.There is a thick and curved horn growing from the front of the snake's head, with a star shining like a [-]-watt light bulb at the tip of the horn.A strange snake more than ten feet long coiled its body, its head raised high and staring fiercely, slowly swaying against the water in the dark cave, facing the enemy that came suddenly.This scene was very strange and abrupt, which made Jin Qi at a loss for a while.

God Zhan seems to be urging its master, and it is emitting more and more dazzling brilliance. The sharp triangle shape is also slowly changing, turning into a huge ax the size of a millstone. This is the true form of God Zhan.Ben Xingyi Cash Flag obviously felt that the surrounding water was suddenly tense, as if it couldn't flow.The extremely cold and murderous aura directed by the ax blade was blowing to the opposite side like a howling wind, and the one-horned snake seemed to be afraid, stretching and retracting a few times and retreating several feet.However, the beast is a beast after all. Faced with the pressure, its body suddenly swelled up, and the light bead on the single horn on the top of its head became the size of a football. It shook violently on the tip of the horn a few times, and it disengaged the horn and spun towards the god. .

The Golden Banner Fajue secretly sent, staring wide-eyed at the battle between the artifact and the snake.To be honest, Shenzhan is an eighth-level artifact with spirituality. Jin Qi still has no idea of ​​its powerful power.He just issued a kill order, and the result was exactly what he was eager to see.

As soon as the light bead approached, a cross light appeared on the blade of the god-cutting ax to meet it. With the sound of "porphyrin", the light beads split apart, and then the split light beads quickly recombined into beads and continued to slash towards the god.This scene seems to be the end of God's Slash. After a short pause, the light shines brightly, and the huge silver ax body is like a big mouth, swallowing the light beads in one gulp.Immediately afterwards, there was a low and muffled sound, and the walls of the entire river were shaken to the point of collapse.The silver ax opened again, a wisp of white smoke came out, the light pearl disappeared and was swallowed.

The strange snake trembled for a while, and retreated slowly.

Shen Zhan stretched his body as if alone, and suddenly rushed out in a whirl.Before the golden flag could be seen clearly, the giant head of the strange snake, the size of a water tank, swayed to one side strangely in the water, and the tail of the snake hit the cave wall heavily, making a deafening sound.In just one round, the strange snake separated, fell into the water and was quickly washed away.Shen Zhan flew back in a circle, and Jin Qi immediately received a message in his mind: The snake's head and body are treasures, get them quickly!Good guy, he can actually communicate with consciousness.Jin Qi smiled and released the Heaven-Suppressing Seal, two pale golden light beams flew out quickly and caught the body and head of the snake that was being rushed far away by the torrent, and suddenly shrank, Guanghua and the two strange snakes disappeared instantly.

Jin Qi's divine eyes looked inside, and saw two truncated heads of a strange snake floating in a corner in a certain grid of Zhentianyin, which looked at most the size of an eel.It seems that Zhentianyin can indeed hold everything.Moreover, the spaces separated by light and shadow in Yinzhong are just like rooms to store various things separately, and the effect is unbelievable.

Shen Zhan was advancing rapidly again, and Jin Qi followed immediately.Along the way, it can be seen that there is a jade vein embedded in this underground river channel. The river has been turbulent for thousands of years, and all the surrounding jade has been loosened. Most of the jade veins have collapsed and been washed away by the river.Now the west wall can still vaguely see the traces and direction of the jade veins.Jin Qi had to admire the success and greatness of the ancients in attacking jade.The next question is what about those jade stones?Was it all taken away by the ancients?Despite the doubts in my heart, I walked all the way to find the jade that might exist at the bottom of the river.

Unknowingly, after running for nearly a hundred kilometers in the water, the channel of the underground river gradually widened, and the river level only submerged half of the channel, and the air was quite fresh when people floated on the surface.I was walking obliquely on the rock wall by the water, and suddenly my eyes were bright.After taking a closer look, I couldn't help cheering: "Zaiyu! Baby! Baby Ziyu!"

The front is like a huge pool soaked with shining jade.On the opposite rock wall are three characters "Chu Yuchi".Jin Qi leaped into the Chuyu Pond, pawing with hands and feet together, forming a very thick layer, each piece of Ziyu was extremely large, and each piece was a rare treasure in the market, worth more than ten million yuan.He was a little surprised why each piece was seven or eighty kilograms in size but not small?Looking up and seeing the three characters Chuyuchi, he suddenly realized that there must be "two" in "Chu", and he jumped out of Chuyuchi and rushed downstream.

After running for five kilometers, the water becomes clearer. In a huge pool of more than 300 square meters in front of you, countless beautiful jades with different skin colors and attractive brilliance are rolling repeatedly in the torrent, stumbling into a natural washing pool.Sure enough, there are three characters "Fu Yu Chi" on the rock wall.

After jumping into the pool and groping carefully for a long time, Jin Qi finally understood the good intentions of the ancients.These jade ponds are all excavated by hand. In the rapids of MadeIn, the five or six meter deep sloping bottom pools are dug down on the hard rock. One can imagine the difficulty of the project.The jade veins were washed down by the torrent and fell with the current for more than 100 kilometers. At this time, they have become quite pure materials.

These young materials fell into the five-year-deep jade pool and were washed repeatedly by water, and finally washed into beautiful jade.The ancients still felt inadequate. The large piece of material was repeatedly agitated and became smaller and smaller. It was suddenly thrown up by the waves and washed down five kilometers. Hundreds of refinements eventually become beautiful jade.

This is the natural way of attacking jade conceived by the ancients.

However, it seems that this is not the end.Shen Zhan flashed a powerful brilliance in the distance, as if greeting.The golden flag came flying, about five kilometers away, the scene in front of him made him dumbfounded, and he was so excited that he couldn't describe it.

Another big jade pond, twice the size of the previous two, and a high ridge erected outside the jade pond, that is to say, if the jade materials in the pond want to cross the high ridge and be taken away by the water flow, unless the jade pond is full.The Yongdao here is wider and higher, and Yuchi is of course bigger and deeper.A pool full of incomparably exquisite Ziyu, all of which are of the highest quality.Jin Qi grabbed a half-kilogram gold-colored jade and stroked it, sighing, for a long, long time...

He started to collect jade, and half of the space in the Tianshi Ring was already filled. Although jadeite, antiques, and miscellaneous things were all piled up separately, it was already a bit crowded.He divided the remaining space into three. If he wanted to collect all the three pools of beautiful jade, these thousands of tons of jade would fill up all the remaining space in Tianshijie.There is no other way, it is impossible not to take the treasure.He picked up the first piece of mutton fat white jade material, followed by a colorful jade chain with one end connected to the jade pool and the other end connected to the gold flag's right ring finger, flickering suddenly, and tens of thousands of beautiful jade stones of different sizes disappeared. on the fingers.If someone sees it at this time, no one will admire the Golden Flag as the No.1 magic trick in the world.Next, thousands of pieces of jade from Chuyu Pond and Fuyu Pond were teleported into Zhentian Yin. This is Jin Qi's attempt to use Zhentian Yin to store treasures.

After one hour, all the jade materials in the three jade ponds were transferred.Only then did Jin Qi notice that there was Qianqiu next to the last Yuchi.On the left side wall, there are three characters "Chengyu Pool". In the eyes of the ancients, the jade material can only be made into jade in the third pool, and the way of attacking jade is over.

There is a cave on the right, and there is still a faint light.Jin Qi was startled, could it be someone?Master of Jade?He was so frightened that he poked his head cautiously at the entrance of the cave for a while before he calmed down.The cave is in a mess, and it looks like it has been unpopular for a long time. A night pearl embedded in the rock wall is emitting a faint yellow light.Step by step, Jin Qi went deep into the cave where Gongyu's master used to live.

The cave is divided into two rooms, inside and outside. The outside room is not big, and many daily necessities are broken on the ground. A round table made of jade and two round stools were overturned on the ground, and those pots and cups made of jade were also thrown all over the ground. yes.What is even more frightening is that there is a pile of human bones in the corner, and there are still pieces of cloth hanging on the bones.On the rock close to the corpse, there were a few indistinct writings slanted, which seemed to be: "The unicorn kills me!" Five small seal characters.Thinking of the scene when the god killed the one-horned snake when he first entered the dark river cave, and then contacting the chaotic scene in front of him and the corpse in the corner, Jin Qi somewhat understood that the owner of Gongyu probably died after being injured by the one-horned snake .However, with the master's mastery of attacking jade, he must not be a mortal, so why can't he beat the one-horned snake?
Beside the corpse, there were two jade plaques and gold flags, picked them up casually, the jade plaques were bluish-yellow in color and belonged to second-class jade quality, cold to the touch, beautifully patinaed and aged, and looked intently, they turned out to be two jade slips with notes.One narrates the method of growing jade, and Jin Qi couldn't figure it out after looking at it for a long time.Another jade slip records a way of comprehension called "Jade Climbing the Sky", which pays attention to cultivating jade with the body and obtaining the Tao with jade.This is a kind of extravagant way of comprehension, every step of success requires a lot of roasting of spiritual jade, this is a ladder made of jade, and the price of this jade ladder is more than billions?Besides, who can obtain so many beautiful jade now?
There are still many jade fragments on the ground at the scene, which are all over the ground for unknown reasons.Picking up a few larger pieces of jade and studying them carefully, it turns out that these jade fragments with tooth marks are the leftover food of the one-horned monster snake, and the countless beautiful jades from the three major jade ponds in the dark river are the monster snake's daily food.Thinking of being consumed by a snake with countless beautiful jades, Jin Qi felt a little heartbroken, wishing to poke it a few more times to relieve his hatred.

Walking to a narrow portal, the way was blocked by a closed stone door.If you can't push it away and don't want to smash it, of course you can only rely on God's eyes.It turns out that there is an oblique groove under the stone door. Push it lightly, then move to the left and the door will open.Figuring out the principles in and out is easy.

As soon as you enter the inner cave, a strange fragrance comes to your nostrils, which lifts your spirits and gives you a feeling of enlightenment.His eyes naturally searched for the fragrance, and he saw a long concave hole on the rock wall facing east, inside the hole were several pieces of exquisite jade, the color was white and dazzling, and the oil seemed to be about to drip immediately.Jin Qi couldn't help stretching out his hand, but at this moment, a drop of thick paste-like liquid trembled from a particularly bright jade, and slid down a well-designed jade groove. In a small jade bottle, a strong fragrance filled the cave for a while.

Jin Qi immediately remembered the kind of jade described in the jade slips. Could it be that kind of jade? "Looking for the best jade species is planted in the fairy soil of Lingshi. With careful care and best care, one to three drops of jade paste can be secreted in a thousand years. The function of jade paste is beyond imagination..." This is the general theory of planting jade. brief description. (Of course it has been translated from ancient times.) The world is full of wonders. Jade is planted for a thousand years, and the anointing for a thousand years is performed in front of your eyes. Can Jin Qi not be full of emotion?The three white jade bottles under the ingeniously designed pot in front of me all contain a few drops of jade ointment, are they really omnipotent fairy treasures?

He casually picked up a jade bottle and held it to his nose to smell it. The fresh and fragrant air penetrated his heart. It is hard to describe what this breath is?Because there is no comparison, even Chanel has thousands of scents and cannot find a similar one.If I really want to describe it, I can only say two words "unforgettable". After hearing it, I am afraid I will never forget it for the rest of my life.He couldn't help but dipped it with the tip of his tongue, who knew that the jade ointment would ooze when it met something. In the blink of an eye, two drops of thick jade ointment had slipped down his throat, like a lump of ice melting in the extraordinary meridians in an instant.Jin Qi couldn't stand the bone-piercing cold for a while, so he hurriedly sat down and adjusted his breath, and soon fell into ecstasy...

(End of this chapter)

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