big bet

Chapter 58 Super gift

Chapter 58 Super gift (1)
Jin Qi casually threw a coat and hung it behind the twin crystal stones, and punched the white crystal pendant again, only to see the crystal pendant trembled a few times, then calmed down, and the cloth hanging behind it remained motionless.He flicked his fingers again, shooting out a ray of Taiyin Stream, the white crystal pendant trembled violently, it was back to normal with a red light, and the jacket behind it only fluctuated for a while, and it was not damaged.Then he slammed a piece of jade at the black crystal pendant, and was completely satisfied with the result.

With a casual move, both Zhui'er fell into his palms, and he was a little bit reluctant to take a look at Jin Qi.The two pieces are different in shape and color but glow with the same silver glow, as if reflecting the melting moonlight, there is an indescribable sense of nobility, elegance, and purity, which makes people feel peaceful and at ease when looking at them.Jin Qi knew that this was the effect of the Taiyin flow, and engraved the double-stack formation with the power of the Taiyin flow, so some Taiyin flow remained in the spar.

Tried and satisfied.Before leaving, Jin Qi suddenly remembered why he didn't set up a super defensive array for the warehouse. Of course, the large array needs energy, but isn't the jade stones full of shelves in front of him the energy of the array?I started to choose again, and finally chose "Mitian Posha Formation".This is a very dangerous formation, and those who don't know it will lose their lives in the white mist, even if they have heavy weapons, it will be useless.Jin Qi was very satisfied with the Mitian Posha Formation. He used a piece of black deer spit stone to mark a picture of how to enter the formation. From then on, no one else could enter the warehouse except himself and Guan Shan.He also removed a lot of wool and white jade materials to let Tian Shijie vacate some space.

After everything was arranged, I opened the door and went out. I didn't want many people sitting at the door of the warehouse.Guan Shan, Poisonous Snake, Magpie, Duan Mu Changyun, and Duan Mu Changying all sat silently with their backs to the door. He most admired the twittering and happy magpies who were sitting solemnly with their eyes closed, making people laugh.But he couldn't laugh, the strong brotherhood made his nose a little sore.

With a light cough, everyone turned their heads suddenly, and the magpie was the first to jump into Jin Qi's embrace with a joyous cry.They didn't make a sound, they just laughed. Jin Qi glanced at the sincere smiling faces, and he smiled too.The laughter resonated, and the birds on the half slope of Yaofeng Mountain all jumped up.

Looking up at the sky, he asked in surprise, "What time is it?"

Guan Shan replied: "The next day at [-]:[-] in the evening."

"Has anyone ever looked for me?"

"Wang Zhiguo from the Municipal Bureau called to ask why you turned off the phone. I didn't give a reason. He said he hoped to see you at Huanxiu Villa at seven o'clock. I found out that Huanxiu Villa is located in Yangwan Town, Dongshan, and is the guest house of the Security Bureau."

Jin Qi looked at the watch on his wrist, and said as he walked: "The two big brothers Duan Mu seem to have started, congratulations, and we will talk when I come back in the evening. You, the magpie, should respect everyone on your behalf. The poisonous snake, at the end of the poisonous dragon You will be responsible for the safety of this villa first." As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out of the gate of the villa like an arrow.

Arrive at Huanxiu Villa at [-]:[-].Jin Qi knew that this place was no longer the real security bureau, and should belong exclusively to the city bureau.As soon as he reported his surname at the gate, he was let go, and a motorcycle led the way.They circled around a few times and stopped in front of a stone building, which was guarded, but when they heard that Jin Qi greeted him with a smile, he sent him to a door.

As soon as Jin Qi opened the door, he saw the two of them smoking fiercely, and seemed a little impatient.After all, he is an official, so can he wait patiently for an ordinary person?Pushing it in, Wang Zhiguo turned around and was about to speak when Lin Xuanzhi coughed lightly, stood up and said, "Brother Jin has worked hard, please sit down, I will prepare some thin wine to toast you."

Wang Zhiguo also laughed jokingly: "I wanted to insult you a few words, but I was stopped by the secretary. Alright, brother Jin will punish himself with three cups!" Wang Zhiguo is an upright man.

After three cups, Jin Qi took out two crystal pendants and put them on the table, saying: "I have not rested for two days and one night because of them, and I almost got scolded. Let's see if these things are worth it."

The two crystal pendants overflowed with light silver light, peaceful and elegant.Wang Zhiguo reached out to grab the white crystal pendant, Lin Xuanzhi immediately yelled "slow", he said, "Brother Jin specially invited the white color for me, and the black tiger just matched you with Director Wang. Brother Jin is very thoughtful."

"Who will try first?" Jin Qi asked.

"How to try?" Almost two people said in unison.

"There is a hanger over there. Whoever takes off a piece of clothing and hangs it on the hanger, hangs a white crystal pendant or a black crystal pendant on a string in front of the clothes, first punches, then stabs with a knife, and finally tries with a gun." Jin Qi spoke slowly.

Wang Zhiguo was impatient, so he recruited the waiter to find two thin threads, and put them on the crystal pendant respectively.Wang Zhiguo took off his shirt and hung it on the hanger, and carefully hung up the black tiger crystal pendant.Turning around, he asked Jin Qi, "Really?"

"Hit with all your might!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Zhiguo punched straight out of the clothes hanger, only half a meter away. A big man who had practiced military martial arts for a long time could smash the clothes hanger with his punch, but knock down the assembly.Unexpectedly, just as the "hu" punch touched a foot in front of his clothes, Wang Zhiguo felt a strange force twisting his fist, his whole body turned involuntarily, and the fist hit backwards. And it's kind of squishy.It took a while for the heartbeat to subside. Wang Zhiguo looked surprised when he saw the pendant and clothes that were still motionless.

Jin Qi said, "Secretary Lin also try?"

This is related to your own life, of course you have to try it, and try it with a pistol!After ordering to go down and hear the gunshots, Lin Xuanzhi changed his white crystal pendant.He raised the gun to aim more carefully, moved the muzzle of the gun an inch, and aimed at the bottom of the shirt. "Bang" the gunshot, it is reasonable to say that the clothes were destroyed, but something strange happened, the bullet stopped suddenly one foot away from the clothes, and stopped!The naked eye can see clearly that this ghost bullet actually stopped in mid-air?Then it shook violently, trembled, and finally fell to the ground with a!The bullet fell on the ground halfway?Believe it or not, this world is crazy!

Something contrary to common sense happened, unless you don't believe your eyes.

The next three drank three glasses in a row, and even Lin Xuanzhi, who never drank heavily, happily drank all the wine in his glass.Ask gently: "Brother Jin really sent something good, tell me, what price, your brother can afford it."

Jin Qi: With a slight smile: "If you want to talk about money, this is something from the immortal family, and you can't buy it even if it costs hundreds of millions. These two things are the protective spirit array that my younger brother begged hard for my two brothers, let alone ordinary physical attacks. Even the next-level masters can take full precautions against sneak attacks. That is to say, as long as they wear the crystal pendant, no one can do anything to them, as long as they are not immortals like my master. This crystal pendant looks plain but has a double formation Do not leave your body casually at ordinary times, and don't be touched by others, because this is the treasure of the two bodyguards, and the more hidden it is, the more magical it is, and your enemies will be bluffed. The younger brother is not familiar with politics and officialdom, but he can protect his life, inquire, Money, if the two elder brothers need these, they can come to me as soon as possible, the younger brother has deep roots and leaves, and has abilities that many people can't imagine."

The words made the two leaders look at me and I at you, and were stunned for a long moment.In the end, it was Lin Xuanzhi who was astute, toasted and said: "I wish the country prosperity and the people peace, let us deal with all kinds of enemies, open and dark, and benefit from Brother Jin, so I won't say much thanks. Whenever you need me, brother, just say, we are gentlemen, one glass is enough, let's do it!" After speaking, he drank the fourth glass in a very quack manner.

Wang Zhiguo also blushed and said: "Brother, we are really destined. You saved my life on the plane, and today you gave me a life-saving treasure. I will keep it in my heart and never forget it. I have educated my surname Xiang, as long as you don't hit me Die, it doesn’t matter if you beat him half to death, his son’s involvement in gangsters will ruin his father sooner or later. Also, Secretary Lin found Wang Ju, who is engaged in real estate in Guanqian Development Zone. Wang Changqing was my subordinate earlier, the best price within the scope of the policy in a word, okay?"

Jin Qi thanked him repeatedly, and drank three more cups to express his gratitude.

Lin Xuanzhi said again: "Boss Wang, do you think it's better to move Xiang Zong and send someone you can trust to the Mudu sub-bureau. In the future, Brother Jin will find someone to facilitate his business, and it will be convenient for us to communicate in the future."

"Okay, I'll do it in two days. But if you want to do it, even Xiang Zu from the tax office will do it, so as not to be conspicuous." Wang Zhiguo is a person who is meticulous in his roughness, and he is very sophisticated in his work.

Lin Xuanzhi nodded in agreement, and immediately thought of giving him a place to go-the party school to study and focus on training.The resistance at the place of the golden flag between glasses of wine is easily resolved.The wine was not allowed to leave until the golden flag at twelve o'clock, and the two of them would of course have to talk about it.Before leaving, Jin Qi left a sentence: "Do you want me to get some elixir for the two of you to strengthen your health?"

It was Wang Zhiguoyou who said, "Brother, you can figure it out!"

Western Suburb Funeral Home.It was crowded with people early in the morning and it was very lively.Today is the memorial service for Mr. Feng, a celebrity in Heshi City. Many old friends in the jewelry industry have come. Everyone will be deeply saddened to lose a respected and respected expert in the industry.It’s hard to imagine that the old man was still celebrating his [-]th birthday two months ago. The birthday party was full of excitement and bustle, but people went there in a blink of an eye, and I heard that even Fengxi Jewelry, which the old man founded for decades, Also bankrupt.Only more than two months ago, Mr. Feng was still hosting a birthday banquet, so who can say that it is not fate to go to the banquet in a blink of an eye?
Those who knew the inside story spread the news that the old man was suffering from "a headache", but he kept it from his only relative, Fengjuan.Feng Mei manages the jewelry store for her father, and the sales are not a problem, but the purchases are constantly suffering losses.Mr. Feng and his daughter Fengjuan lost five times in a row betting on stones, and lost a total of 800 million yuan.At this time, my father was critically ill, and he drove west within a week after being sent to the hospital.Feng's old friend He Sihai, the president of the He City Jewelry Association, suddenly turned his face and asked He Wenhao, a kid from the He family, to come to collect debts. In desperation, the entire Fengxi Gold Store was sold for 600 million yuan.He still owed 200 million yuan and agreed to postpone it for a few days, but the He family couldn't wait any longer and threatened to go to the mourning hall to force the debt.Feng Mei was extremely helpless, knowing that all of this was caused by her explicit statement that she would never marry He Wenhao.Today I brought my own box of jewelry and 160 square meters of real estate documents just in case, if the surname He really wants to make trouble, she will sell the house to pay off the debt!
There was a lot of discussion among the people, some said that boy He took advantage of other people's danger, some said that he would not be subdued when he married someone with the surname He, in short, the common people were full of hearts.

At this time, a bus drove into the funeral parlor, and the first person to get off was Feng Juan, who was wearing a black sarong, white flowered and white belt, and holding the portrait of Feng Lao in both hands. Seeing her sad face, her obviously thin figure was just like a human being. See people pity.I don't know who is sighing: "It's so beautiful, why is it so fateful?"

There are girlfriends on both sides of Fengjuan, and one of them is Zhang Yun.After getting off the bus, more than a dozen distant relatives lined up and walked towards the auditorium.Soon the staff pulled up the plain tents and arranged the portraits. Just as the memorial service was about to begin, a discordant sneer suddenly came from outside the door.Hearing this, Fengjuan's face changed suddenly, she knew that the debt collector was coming.

Stepping into seven or eight crooked figures outside the auditorium, the first two are pretty good-looking, wearing black mourning clothes but with a chuckle on their faces, which is a bit nondescript.One of the older ones approached Feng Mei and said, "Miss Feng, my young master would like to ask if you think about it?"

Fengjuan glanced at He Wenhao who was squinting at her not far away, feeling disgusted in her heart, not knowing why she had the appetite to associate with this kind of person for a long time, and asked coldly: "Mr. ?”

"Young Master, what you mean is that if you figure it out, you can sign the marriage certificate. If you don't figure it out, then... just pay back 200 million." Xu Butler hesitated a bit.

Fengjuan took a small bag from her female companion behind her, opened it and handed it to Butler Xu, saying, "I figured it out a long time ago, take it, the 160 square meters of real estate and this box of jewelry can be worth 200 million!"

"This..." Butler Xu didn't expect the little girl to have such a trick, so he faltered for a moment.

He Wenhao walked over slowly and said: "Sister Juan, let's not say whether these things are worth 200 million or not, even if they are worth it, what I lent you is real money, you can't fool me with a few pieces of paper. So I advise Meimei not to struggle, so as not to embarrass everyone."

Another young man who was as thin as a heavy smoker came by, with a smirk on his face, and said: "Sell the house to me, I'll pay you 20 yuan, let's discount 30 yuan for jewellery, Brother He, my younger brother accepted 170 yuan. It’s too expensive to buy her for the remaining [-] years.”

Facing the gangster Fengjuan, she couldn't speak a word, and Zhang Yun said angrily: "Who are you? Can you talk to a gangster like you?"

"Hey, I'm a hooligan, my name is Qi Wuliang, sue me for being a hooligan! Brothers, why don't you show me some hooligans." Qi Wuliang's young men rushed over.Zhang Yun screamed in fright.Among the crowd, there were also those who stood up for justice, but unfortunately they were all so weak that they fell to the ground as soon as they were pulled.Seeing that Zhang Yun was about to be caught in the hands of a salty pig, he heard a loud shout from the door: "Stop the gangster!" A light figure flew over, kicked Qi Wuliang's chin in mid-air, and his thin body flew horizontally go out.

A ten-year-old girl in a black suit descended neatly from the sky, with her fists in her hands, she stood in front of Fengjuan and said, "Sister Feng, don't be afraid, Brother Qi is here!"

Brother Qi?Is he here?Fengjuan looked out the door with tears running down her cheeks.Many people rushed in, but stopped in front of the door, all dressed in black, with tears in their eyes, they couldn't tell which one was him.

A few policemen rushed in first, pulled Qi Wuliang who was lying on the ground and handcuffed him, and said coldly: "You are involved in drug trafficking, I am arresting you!" Soon the other six Qingpis were also taken away and put into the police car.

The hall calmed down, and the mourning music slowly rose. The side door on the side of the auditorium was opened. A young man in a black suit and wearing a white flower on his chest stepped backwards, carefully pulling Feng Lao's body inside.When the body car stopped, the young man walked up to the head of the deceased, knelt down on both knees, and lowered his head deeply.This is filial piety and courtesy, who is he?
Sorrows and joys are like weeping and crying... Fengjuan knew who he was, and she slowly approached him, facing her deceased father and knelt beside him, trembling all over, and the sound of sobbing couldn't be held back. out.He hung his head, reached out and took her hand, holding it tightly.There is no need to say anything for a moment, thousands of words are in one hand, and there is no need to say more for the connection between hearts.

In this situation, there was a depressing cry from the crowd, and the people at the door began to enter. It turned out that the relatives and friends in the hall were separated on both sides.Amidst the sound of mourning and music, a man in black filial piety walked into the auditorium step by step with an iron box in his hand.

Another heavy ceremony, the man knelt down on his knees, slowly opened the iron box with tears streaming down his face, and said: "Old Feng, you and I have never met each other, but Jin Qi wishes to be your son, and I, Guan Shan, wish to be your son." Because he and I are brothers. Guan Shan has nothing, but I am the 37th generation heir of the Ruwei Dao that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and I have inherited all the subtleties of the Ruwei Dao technique. The lotus ring composed of seven black lotus flowers in the box is what I made overnight Diao, I am afraid of insulting your old reputation, I dare not slack off a bit, every lotus flower has its own essence. Agarwood, Ruwei Dao, Jin Qi and Guan Shan are filial to your old, just look at it, I will burn it Here you go."

(End of this chapter)

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