big bet

Chapter 59 Super gift

Chapter 59 Super gift (2)
As soon as the flame touches the lotus, which is as thin as a cicada's wing, it immediately burns, and in the blink of an eye, the elegant and mellow cigarettes permeate the air, slowly enveloping Feng Lao's body and circling.

After Guan Shan complained, he moved behind Jin Qi and lay still on the ground.There are a lot of people in the field, agarwood, and fine knives are treasures. What an honor and what a weight it is to be with you today on the way to the West.This is what the elders are thinking.If the seven agarwood magnolias in the iron box are not burned, how much is it worth?Ten million?This is what the younger generations are thinking.

Seven Baibian Xianglians transformed into a pleasant fragrance in the fire, attracting everyone in the funeral home to see Feng Lao off.The memorial service is still going on.Large flower baskets and large wreaths overlapped one after another, because they couldn't fit.

Friends of the Golden Banner, 39 members of Duan Mumanmen in Taiyuan presented flower baskets, wishing Feng Lao a good journey; Chen Zhong, Mei Ling, Magpie, Dulong, Duan Snake, and Wang Yufang presented wreaths one by one.Later, people became more and more confused. Yaofeng Village Committee, Mudu Town Government Office Director, Mudu Sub-bureau Director, and more than 20 high-profile officials all came to see Feng Lao off, even though some of them only represented individuals.

The memorial service lasted for more than two hours. When the body was incinerated, the ashes of magnolia were brought in. The furnace was full of strong fragrance, and even the room, hall, and hall were full of fragrance, which lasted for a long time... Everyone said that Mrs. Feng There is no one in this world who is more chic than him when he rides the scent of a chair.

In the end, many cars gathered and took everyone to the famous "Shijia Restaurant" in Mudu to have a vegetarian meal
But there are two people who are miserable, that is He Wenhao and Xu Steward.When the golden flag appeared, four men in black crowded beside them, dragged them out of the venue, exchanged a 200 million cash check for an IOU signed by Fengjuan, and then kicked each of them in the buttocks. Kicked out of the funeral home.

He Wenhao walked all the way, cursing all the way: "I will kill you surnamed Jin!"

Originally, Fengjuan was going to live in Yaofeng Mountain Villa for the time being. Firstly, it was still worrying about her safety alone; secondly, she was more likely to feel the pain of losing her father when she was alone; but Fengjuan insisted on going back, and she had to stay in mourning for 49 days.Jin Qi has no reason to stop, so he can only order Yufang and Magpie to drive her back.Parting, Fengjuan only said softly to him: "Thank you for everything you have done for me."

Looking at the tail lights that are gradually going away, a feeling of sadness hits my heart.For this woman who I fell in love with at first sight, I don't know why the relationship was awkward at the beginning. I knew the mutual affection in my heart, but I couldn't talk to each other, as if there was something in the middle?Parting and reluctance, grasping and unable to grasp.If he wanted to force her to stay, or even force him into bed, she would definitely not resist to the death, but he knew he couldn't do it to her.He wants more than people?Maybe she seems to be weak, but she has a character as noble as her national beauty and beauty. It is not enough for a man to show his excellence and do a few touching things. She needs to feel the process of being pursued and has a strong desire Only when love is nourished, flowers will bloom for it.

Jin Qi sighed helplessly, turned and returned to the reception room.

All the staff in the villa are waiting for him. These are all people he trusts, and there is no need to be courteous, so he directly assigns everyone to work.Jin Qi stood in front of the round table and said loudly: "Jin's Treasure Company is temporarily divided into four departments: production department, sales department, management department, and security department. The production department includes Guan workshop and raw material warehouse, which is in charge of Guan Shan; the sales department includes the exhibition hall. Magpie is in charge; the security department is in charge of Dulong, which is responsible for all the security work of the villa; the management department, including finance, general affairs, logistics, vehicles and other affairs of the villa, is in charge of Yufang. From now on, all departments will start work around the official opening of Jin's Treasure in January The supply department prepares 100 yuan of emerald materials and 100 yuan of Hetian jade; the sales department arranges exhibitions, publicity, reception, etc. All work must be effective without fanfare. The security department and the management department provide services for the production department and the sales department. , and make sure that there are people, things and things, and people are safe. One month later, Jin's Treasure officially opened, which means that our business has officially started. It depends on everyone here. Today is very hard and take a rest , go away."

Jin Qi took Guan Shan to the underground warehouse, explained how he had set up a set of mechanisms for the warehouse (of course he couldn't talk about formations), and took him back and forth three times until Guan Shan had completely memorized it.And gave him a jade tablet engraved with the road map of the agency, just in case he forgot.Guan Shan admired his brother's arrangement extremely, thinking that the treasure of more than one billion yuan was finally safe, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

The next day, Jin Qi personally sent Duan Mu's family to Hongqiao Airport.Originally, he wanted to keep them to play for a few more days, but the new cultivator who has tasted the sweetness is eager to return now, even the playful Duan Muying is no exception. The eagerness of the first floor made her resolutely give up the love of her children.After giving away a lot of local products from Heshi, and repeatedly exhorting each other to keep in touch, the two sides bid farewell.

Jin Qi looked at the time and it was only one o'clock in the noon, and was thinking about whether to go and see Xiao Yaxian, when the phone rang suddenly, and it was Zhang Huanzhi's voice: "Young Master Jin, do you know that Guangfu is also betting on stones. It's true, I went to see it in the morning. There were more than 100 pieces of wool, and I started gambling since yesterday. Yes, it was very lively. The dealer is called Li Fu, and there is a "Qing Dynasty Gem and Jade Company" in Guangfu. The car leather and emerald wool are all gambles."

Jin Qi asked: "Did Mr. Zhang get anything in the morning?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was quite cheerful: "I just took a look. Mr. Yan of Xizhilv bought a piece of wool that performed well for 50 yuan. When he cut the green, it was green but it was cracked. He lost. He was so angry and Li Fu had a big quarrel, and some stone gambling expert who came from Wuxi got two small pieces of wool for 38 yuan, and happily threatened to win, but it was a pity that the two cuts were all white gourds, and he vomited blood on the spot. Up to now, I have only gambled 12 yuan, and I lost every knife, so scared that no one dares to make a move. Would you like to try, Young Master Jin?"


Before Jin Qi could answer, Zhang Huanzhi said, "I heard that Li Fu invited 'Dian Shi Cheng Jin' to gamble on stones this afternoon. The scene must be lively, Young Master Jin, don't let this opportunity pass."

"Who is turning stone into gold?" Jin Qi asked curiously.

"Turning stone into gold is a person. She claims that as long as she bets on stones and stubborn stones, she will become gold. Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but the chairman of Nanjing Linglongcui Yunduoyun is indeed outstanding. He gambled seven yuan in Tengchong. Seeing green in every piece, you have been dubbed as 'A stone turns into gold'. Will you, who is a 'gold at a glance', know how to 'turn a stone into gold'?"

Hearing this, Jin Qi said with great interest: "Well, if you have such a person, you must see and see. I will be there around 03:30 in the afternoon." After speaking, he kicked the accelerator and went straight to Heshi.

But it was a coincidence that Xiaomei didn't see everyone, but the voice came.While driving, he turned on the phone that rang again, and it was Xiao Yaxian's sweet Shanghai accent that came from the Bluetooth earbuds: "Brother Jin, I'm your sister Xiao."

"Ha, I was thinking of you, Miss Yaxian."

"Blow it, blow it. Why don't I see you call?"

"What's the point of the phone? I'm thinking of people! Of course it includes the voice."

"Don't be poor. Tell you something serious."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"I sold 'Chunyan' for sixty-five million yuan. But I'm sorry to think about it, this 'Chunyan' was half-sold and half-given to my sister by Jindi. There is a friendship, but I... "

"Sister Xiao, let's sell it, don't be sad, the price of 500 million is not cheap, it's ok. I'll find you a new 'Spring Eye' in the future, okay?"

"I knew Brother Jin would understand my sister. Business has been poor recently, so I sold 'Spring Eyes'. It was sold to Mr. Tang of Taiwan Macro Group. He also wants to receive some good jadeites. Brother Jin, what do you want? Why don't I bring Boss Tang to Heshi?"

Jin Qi immediately thought of the Fu Lu Shou Xi four-color jade pillar and the black-yellow ice jadeite. He thought for a while and asked, "How much money has he prepared to keep things?"

"One hundred million dollars!"

Taking a deep breath, he had to admire the big money in Taiwan. These people don’t collect things for resale to make money, and they don’t collect things. They can spend a lot of money just because of their prominent status. ?He said, "Bring him here."

After negotiating a meeting in Mudu Town at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I picked up the phone and drove towards Guangfu Town like an arrow.Another phone call was received on the way, it was Tursun, a girl from Xinqiang.Yuzi called, and as soon as he got through, he blamed Brother Jin for keeping his phone off, saying that he had already made more than a dozen calls.Jin Qi greeted him again and again, and Yuzi finally forgave him.The main purpose of the phone call is to ask Jin Qi to check the Bank of China card to see if the 600 million yuan has been credited to the account.Hearing so much money, Jin Qi quickly asked: "Yuzi, didn't you agree that your share would be 15 yuan per kilogram? Why is there so much more money?"

Yuzige smiled and said, "Brother Jin, in the end I cut up the remaining three parts and made six parts. Some of them sold for 28 or 30, so I made more money. This time I It’s a huge advantage, and I’m so grateful to Brother Jin.”

The trip to Hetian was unexpectedly rich, with more than 4000 million yuan in cash. Jin Qi was also shocked when he thought about it.

The gem and jade company of the third generation of the Qing Dynasty is located in the east of Guangfu Town. When you get off the highway, you can see a pair of stone lions squatting majestically at the entrance of the company, glaring at passers-by.As soon as he got off the car, he heard someone greet him from behind. Looking back, he saw Zhang Huanzhi walking towards him with a flushed face and full of energy, and said, "Young Master Jin, I'm waiting for you."

Jin Qi hurriedly said: "For a while, Mr. Zhang will just pretend that he doesn't know me."

Zhang Huanzhi said with a smile: "Okay, come in with me later, and I will secretly point out to you that I want to bet on stones."

As they spoke, the two walked back and forth through the living room to the backyard, where more than a dozen people were discussing something around a few pieces of wool.Jin Qi didn't know any of these people, they were all from the jewelry circle of He City and surrounding counties and cities. Jin Qi used to make antiques, so naturally he had no contact with the jewelry circle.Seeing that Zhang Huanzhi had already melted into the crowd, he simply observed the woolen materials in the courtyard by himself.

There are about 120 pieces of wool of different sizes, which are divided into two parts according to the different varieties of the old and new pits. There are about 40 pieces of wool in the old pit, and more than a dozen people gather there to discuss and discuss; Most of them are covered, but few people care about them, only the golden flag is turning around the stone pile at will.

One by one, there is basically no good material. The texture of the new pit wool is rough and loose, and the water head is short, and it lacks spirit when made into jewelry.But that's not all. The new pit materials are rich in color, and the best products with rich land can make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Through exquisite processing, many accessories have become breathtaking high-end products. Of course, these gold flags understand, so he focused on panning for gold in the sand.

Among the more than 70 pieces of wool, two pieces finally caught his eyes: one is gray-green skin, the surface texture is rough and there are very thorny particles, and the shape is like a curved boat with two ends upturned. Throw it aside and be pressed by other wool.However, in the "Vision Realm" of the golden flag, I saw a big ball of black and white two-color ice jadeite, which was hidden on the raised elbow.Black and white two-colors are not uncommon, and they are not expensive, but two-color ice species with clear and blending black and white are rare.Jin Qi remembers that in 800, Christie’s auctioned a snuff bottle worth 800 million Hong Kong dollars.The fineness of the black and white jadeite in front of me is by no means inferior to that of the [-] million Hong Kong dollars lot.

The other piece of new pit material is not big, up to [-] kg, round, and the skin is also gray and rough, but there is about [-] kg of parrot green hidden in it.This kind of green is as gorgeous as the feathers of parrots, and it is very popular with yellow and light blue. It is ranked as the sixth of the top ten emerald greens.It's a pity that the land is not so good, it's just bean land.

The price of these two pieces is a big gamble, and Jin Qi secretly remembers their appearance.Other than that, there are no new discoveries, and the remaining rough materials are just stones. Considering that there are more than 70 pieces and only two of them are colorful, the risk of gambling on stones can be imagined!
When I approached the crowd, I found that they were all watching a big man with black skin and a strip of python passing through a line of green mist, which was very fascinating.There are more than 300 kilograms, which is the standard old Pagan pit mouth wool, which looks very gambling.

An old man in his early 270s was squatting in front of the stone and negotiating the price with his boss Li Fu. The price had gone from 1806 million yuan to 190 million yuan. Li Fu insisted on holding on.He said: "Yesterday, Xu Hong offered [-] million yuan and I didn't even take it. It's light and old, with fine sand and thin skin. I'm sure there's plenty of water inside."

The old man known as the old man shook his head and said: "This is a gamble. How dare you pay for the water? 140 million should be enough. You can make at least [-]% of it. Besides, I can cut it up immediately and I can do publicity for you. Who told you that you haven't done it yet?" Cut out a piece of green!"

While everyone was paying attention to bargaining, Zhang Huanzhi approached Jin Qi and said softly, "Tan Lao is the vice chairman of the Kunshan Branch of the Heshi Gem Association, and his nephew is wearing glasses. There is a colorful jade workshop in Kunshan. The business Not bad. Is this old Pakant gold less optimistic?"

In fact, when Jin Qi arrived, he took a quick look. There was a large area of ​​river green inside the [-] kilograms of woolen material. This kind of green was dull and turbid like river water, so it couldn't be made into a high-end product.Jian Wen shook his head slowly, but did not speak.

Li Fu is fat, with a beer belly, and squatting is tiring. He struggled to stand up and said a price: "Old man, the bottom line is 150 million, I can't refund it, you are so old, you still care about 100?" He kept thinking in his heart. Calculated, these stones were paid 120 million yuan, plus shipping and expenses, a total of 300 million yuan. From yesterday to now, they have sold a total of more than [-] million yuan, which is far from enough. It is a good performance among the old pit materials, so it cannot be cheaper.This is the time to compare patience and determination, whoever let go first will lose money!He tore open a pack of cigarettes, lit one after seeing someone handing it out, and looked at Danlao with a smile.

The old man remained silent, while the nephew at the side was impatient, secretly tugging on the old man's sleeve, fully understanding his intentions.Danhu said with a straight face: "140 million!"

Li Fu shook his head, smiled and smoked.

Not even 140 yuan, Dan Lao was so angry that he said: "[-] million, if you can't do it, just pull it down!"

This is a local saying, "pull down" means to end here.Of course Li Fu wouldn't let it down, he said with a bitter face: "Old friend, 140 is my younger brother's treat, and the deal is only [-] million. But you must resolve the stone on the spot."

(End of this chapter)

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