big bet

Chapter 61 Super gift

Chapter 61 Super gift (4)
"You!" Yun Duo blushed with anger.She is used to holding her head up, not only because she has a naturally slender and proud long neck, but also because she disdains to look at those stinky men with pale faces.Who would have thought that today it would be defiled that it might fall into bird droppings!hateful!She wished she could use a flying shovel to send the guy wearing contact lenses to the west, but unfortunately she couldn't, beating people in the daytime would cause trouble, let alone murder.Then she thought of a way to punish the contact lenses, and she smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, you look very handsome in silver-gray contact lenses, but unfortunately your eyesight is still not very good."

To be honest, this woman is quite beautiful when she smiles, which is much better than a sullen and noble face.Jin Qi deliberately pretended not to understand, and asked with an embarrassing look as if he had been hit by a weak spot: "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Glasses thinks that [-] gambled garbage is pretty good, but I think it's worthless!"

"I think your six bucks are worthless!"

"So Mr. Glasses is not convinced? Just take a gamble if you are not convinced, dare you?"

"Of course you dare!" As soon as the words came out, he asked anxiously, "What are you betting on? How do you bet?"

Yun Duo now has more than just a flower blooming in his heart, but a flower full of colors and colors.She hurriedly said: "You still dare to bet with me like a man. Today you have already bet and I have to fulfill you. You can choose one of the six yuan I bought, and the woolen stuff you think is good. Let's compare and untie it on the spot and let the people present judge, it's fair, right?"

Seeing the dispute between Jin Qi and Dian Shi Cheng Jin, everyone gathered around. When they heard that the two were going to bet on stones, there was a lot of discussion. Of course, most people advised Jin Qi not to act rashly.Li Fu didn't think so. It would be beneficial for both parties to explain the stone in public, so he indulged and encouraged him, shouting: "What are you afraid of? Just bet, isn't it just 5 yuan?" He was terrified and regretted that he had spoken so freely.

"Just bet!" Jin Qi seemed to be forced to go to Liangshan.

"Okay, I also agree." Yun Duo smiled brighter, and added: "There must be some bonuses for gambling, right?"

coming!Jin Qi thought to himself, the critical moment has arrived.He deliberately shouted in surprise: "Isn't it just two stones? Whoever wins will be the winner."

Yun Duo's face immediately darkened, and his voice was cold: "Things that have not been planted are not as good as women!"

"What are you talking about! I admit it at this point, how much do you think the lottery will add?"


"What 100 million, a one-cut bet of 100 million?"

"Don't you dare, slap yourself twice, scold yourself twice, and Miss Ben will let you go."

Everyone was anxious about the golden flag, and if they obviously lost, they bet 100 million. Isn't that courting death?But the current situation is worse than death if you don't gamble. Can you bear insulting yourself?Zhang Huanzhi watched from the sidelines, and at first he was in the same mood as everyone else, wishing he could just apologize to Miss Yun on behalf of Jin Qi, but gradually he felt that something was wrong, how did the person who was familiar with Jin Qi change, how could he be so impulsive?How easy is it to get in?Acting, this is acting!He's looking forward to how things go.

Unwilling to be humiliated, Jin Qi stomped his foot fiercely and shouted: "1000 million, I bet 1000 million, do you dare?"

Everyone understands that this is a bluff and a fraud!Of course Yun Duo is clear, thinking that if you want to die quickly, I will help you!As soon as she held out her hand, someone presented a checkbook.She scribbled a string of words, tore it off and handed it to Li Fu, who was a little dazed beside him, and said, "Both parties agree to make a bet, and you will be the witness. This is my 1000 million, and I can't do it now!"

This is the end of the matter, I can't stop.With a helpless face, Jin Qi signed his own 1000 million cash check and handed it to Li Fu.Unexpectedly, Yun Duo objected again, thinking that it was hard to say whether Jin Qi's check would be cashed, and that someone had to be guarantor, and Zhang Huanzhi became the guarantor.Jin Qi is not happy anymore, can your surname Yun prove that your check can be cashed?It's useless to say anything, you must have a guarantor, otherwise you won't bet.Sure enough, the woman had a way. She called Tang Qiyi, the owner of the Heshi Ancient Canal Real Estate Company, and asked him to sign as a guarantor.It seems that this woman must win the 1000 million of the Golden Flag!

After all this tossing, it was already dark, and several electric lights illuminated the entire backyard brightly, and a cutting machine was brought in, and two pieces of wool were cut at the same time, both of the same size, and each of them drew the cutting line independently.Yun Duo's gambling stone is one of the six pieces chosen by Jin Qi, and of course the big white face weighing more than 170 kilograms is the one that is lifted up.Jin Qi's gambling stones are naturally leftovers bought for fifty thousand.Two gambling stones were placed on the machine at the same time, and the cutting machine quickly sang happily (the voice of the cutting machine at this moment is a beautiful singing voice to Jin Qi) and the cutting knife was slowly pressed down...

Yun Duo was talking with Tang Qiyi, the real estate owner who was invited, and didn't care about the stone-cutting process at all.Jin Qi looked sideways at Tang Qiyi and always felt familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he finally recognized that this person was Kang Ping's boyfriend, and he bumped into him twice by accident.One time was by Jinji Lake, when he was sitting in the car with his ex-girlfriend Kang Ping.The second time was in Guanqian jewelry store, where this person bought a carat diamond ring for Kang Ping.I didn't expect to meet again here for the third time. It's because friends don't meet each other.However, Jin Qi did not blame others for the breakup with Kang Ping. It was a problem between himself and Kang Ping.

It's a pity that if you don't blame others, others may not let you go, that's how things are in the world.

Tang Qiyi just looked at Jin Qi, and the eyes of the two met in the air.Tang Qiyi stood up, smiled gracefully and said, "Mr. Jin doesn't know me, but I know Mr. Jin. I didn't expect Mr. Jin to become a gambling god who spends a lot of money in half a year. Congratulations! Since Tang is here today If you want to have fun together, does Mr. Jin agree with Tang Mou to add a little bit of money?"

Kang Ping undoubtedly told Tang Qiyi his name, and he wanted to step on it when he was dying.In this case, you are welcome, now that the stone has been cut in half, it is the opportunity.Jin Qi asked coldly: "Is Boss Tang rich? This is in cash, and you can't use the house to pay for it."

"Of course it's cash. Mr. Jin doesn't want to bet 1000 million, does he?"

"It's not 1000 million. It's too stingy to play 1000 million with a rich man like Boss Tang. I happen to have 5000 million to spare, so let's bet 5000 million." The faint voice seemed to say 5000 yuan.

Tang Qiyi was stunned. He calculated that the company's working capital was only more than 3000 million yuan. He originally wanted to be angry with his wife's ex-boyfriend, but who would have thought that he would bet 5000 million yuan!Seeing that Jin Qi had signed the check and handed it over to Li Fu, sweat was dripping from Tang Qiyi's forehead
"Could it be that Boss Tang's legs are weak?" Jin Qi asked with a sneer.

When Yun Duo saw Tang Qi's soft-hearted behavior, he felt furious. It was obvious that he had no confidence in himself.She immediately signed a 5000 million cash check and threw it to Li Fu.

Jin Qi asked in a deep voice: "Is this Miss Yun's, or Boss Tang's?"

Yun Duo said: "Of course it belongs to Boss Tang, and I will guarantee it for him. How can Tangtang Ancient Canal's real estate property worth more than one billion yuan be weaker than Mr. Jin? It's just that Boss Zhang of Tongxian dares to guarantee 5000 million for Mr. Jin?"

Zhang Huanzhi said neither humble nor overbearing: "Zhang's family can still afford 5000 million yuan, let me guarantee 6000 million together." He signed another guarantee letter and handed it to Li Fu.There are a total of 2000 million checks in Li Fu's hand. Now he feels that it is getting heavier and heavier, and he can hardly hold it with his hands. At this point in the situation, he just asks that no one will die.

Jin Qi went to the other side, too lazy to argue with them.The night was getting darker, and everyone was useless to eat, but they were still watching with great interest. The two sides of the stone bet were fighting bravely. Thinking about the bet of more than 1 million, they couldn't help but secretly called back to tell their friends.Even the employees of Qingsandai Company did not get off work. Some were left by the boss to guard the scene, while others were watching the fun. There were more than double the number of people in the backyard than before.Yun Duo and others have chairs to sit in and drink tea.Jin Qi also received the same treatment, Li Fu, who dared to bet 6000 million, dared not offend him!The buzz is constant, and the stone will be cut in no time.

Jin Qi's mobile phone rang, and it was the voice of the poisonous snake: "Brother, Dulong and I are already at the door, come in?"

They've all heard it!He said softly: "Don't come in, just wait for me outside the door, hurry up."

At the tense moment, with the crisp sound of "pop", the connected stone flakes broke.The workers moved the four gambling stones off the machine while sprinkling water.The sound of gambling stones being thrown on the mud was deafening. This was caused by the heart. Everyone held their breath and only used their eyes.

On the left, Miss Yun's two pieces of gambling stones, which turn stones into gold, are placed, white and pockmarked, like a pair of freckled thighs in a sexy pose.People can't believe that there is such a bad wool in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "terrible".There is no green or other emerald colors, nothing, it is really white and clean!

On the other side, on the right, the woolen material picked up by Jinqi [-] was cut into a piece of blue.Everyone is still a little confused what color is this?Never seen such a beautiful blue flame that is as clear as a mirror and as bright as a diamond in emerald?Everyone was dumbfounded.Someone crawled on the ground and leaned over his head, and suddenly his face was reflected in a blue, like a smurf.

"Lan Shui Fei!" Someone finally shouted wildly.All the people crowded forward to watch the peerless product - Blue Water Jadeite.

Only Jin Qi watched quietly the group of people who left in a hurry.Tang Qiyi was almost dragged away, his legs were so weak that he couldn't walk, regret was swallowing his bleeding heart, if he didn't come?If not frivolous?Thinking about myself being nearly fifty and still fighting fiercely with young people, how can I not lose miserably!He secretly hated the perverted woman in front of him, and wondered if he owed 5000 million?

Yun Duo could still hold his breath, and while calling the forklift to deliver the remaining five pieces of wool, he stared fiercely at Jin Qi's half-smile face, watching, watching a light flash in her bright eyes, and the corner of her mouth pulled With a hint of a smile, he nodded to Jin Qi before turning and leaving.Looking at her swaying figure, Jin Qi also showed a knowing smile.

Li Fu finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the female devil had dropped her hands and left. He originally thought that a fight would be inevitable.Looking at the cash check that was sweating in his hand, thinking of the blue eyes, his heart ached, and he secretly decided to ask the boy surnamed Jin for something to get back, otherwise he would be at a loss.Just as he was thinking that with a sudden light in his hand, the four checks and four guarantees he held were all gone, and then his corset was tightened, his feet left the ground, and he couldn't breathe.He only heard in his ears: "Immediately order someone to move my wool to the car outside, do you hear me clearly?"

It was hard to believe that his nearly 6000-jin body was lifted off the ground like a chicken, and he suddenly understood that it wasn't just someone who dared to bet [-] million!In a hurry, people were asked to move the stones, two halves and two small pieces, a total of four pieces were delivered to the Jinqi Mercedes-Benz car outside the door.

Someone at the scene asked Jinqi for the price, but they were all rejected.It was just that Zhang Huanzhi asked, "Young Master Jin, you must have made up your mind a long time ago!" He could only smile and nod.When Zhang Huanzhi packed the stones he bought and was about to drive, Jin Qi leaned against the window and said, "There is a group of ice-species red jadeite in the left corner of the wool material bought for [-] yuan, do you dare to bet?"

"Ghosts and a glance of gold!" Zhang Huanzhi smiled and slammed on the accelerator, and the car drove away.He was in a hurry to go back to see the ice-species red jadeite!
Jin Qi took the woolen material in front, and the poisonous snake and poisonous dragon drove the Buick behind them. The two cars left Guangfu and went straight to Mudu.When we arrived in the town, Jin Qi ordered the poisonous snake to buy a thick fishing net and a barbed wire net. The poisonous snake was a little strange but he did it anyway.

The three dishes and one soup were still hot, and everyone at the table looked at Jin Qi to eat. While eating, he told everyone about the bet with Yun Duo in the afternoon. When he heard that Jie Jie was the best blue water jade, Magpie was the first to recognize it. Immediately shouted: "Brother Qi, I heard Master Luo told the story of Yingshui Fei, and I thought it was a legend. I didn't expect it to be true, and we have Jin's treasure. Brother Qi, show me quickly."

Jin Qi smiled and said, "I'll see it tomorrow, I still want to use it for fishing tonight."

"What kind of fish to catch? Use blue water jade." Magpie asked.

"It's a very big fish. Everyone has a rest early tonight, and there are many things to do tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, brother Guan is going to make some packaging for the four-color jadeite, and then find a larger piece of top-grade suet jade in Hetianzai material to hand it over to him." To the magpie, let her do the first big business tomorrow. The customer is a wealthy Taiwanese businessman who likes to collect the best, so we will give him the best. As for the price, it depends on the magpie. The poisonous snake can also help to do it when you are free. Yufang Tomorrow, we will arrange manpower to guide different guests to the villa. There are TV stations, newspapers, and of course the police. Tonight, I will tell everyone not to panic when they hear any movement, and to follow orders. Brother Guan only needs to care about the warehouse. Now the poisonous dragon and snake stay behind. Next, everyone else goes to rest, and we must keep the villa quiet as usual." Jin Qi said softly.

Afterwards, Jin Qi, Viper, and Dulong were busy in the exhibition hall for a long time before calling it a day.Jin Qi sat cross-legged on the sofa in his office, quietly adjusting his breath.After ten o'clock, the whole villa was immersed in the silence of the night.The night wind in early summer is quite cool, and the fragrance of unknown plants and trees overflows in the villa, and the foot of Yaofeng Mountain looks very quiet and quiet.

At one o'clock in the morning, suddenly two black shadows crossed the low wall lightly and quickly, and after a few jumps, they flashed into the shadow of the corner of the No. 10 building in the villa.Everything returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.Four to ten minutes later, a thin black shadow appeared from the corner of the wall, using the window to step on the foot to climb continuously, and easily reached the roof.The black shadow patiently crawled on the roof for another half an hour. Seeing that there was no movement around, he hung down from the edge of the eaves, hooked his feet on the eaves, and looked in with his hands on the window.After a while, I went back to the roof to rest for a while, then changed to another room and used the old method to spy.Hard work paid off, Hei Ying finally chose a target, and after a while of groping, his body floated into the room like a leaf.

This is the negotiating room in the middle of the second floor. It is pitch-black, except for the round table in the middle of the room where there is a gloomy blue thing shining.

The black shadow approached the blue light nimbly, stretched out his hand to hug the blue light silently, and wanted to use his strength...

A black shadow squatted in the corner of the west wall of No. [-], passing by would think it was a lump of rocks or something.But some people didn't treat him like a stone, but kicked him fiercely with their feet.Hei Ying was stunned by the sudden attack from behind, and let out a howl like a wolf, and then he felt that he had been hit hard on the head, and he didn't know anything.

Besides, the black shadow in the negotiating room had just picked up Languang, and felt that it was indeed a heavy stone. When he was secretly proud, a huge fishing net suddenly fell from his head, and immediately covered both people and stones in the net.The black shadow reflected quite quickly, and the cold light flashed a sharp blade for a while, slashing and slashing fiercely, but unfortunately the slippery fishing net couldn't reach it at all, and it still couldn't get away after being smashed in several places.There were screams and the sound of catching thieves outside.

(End of this chapter)

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