big bet

Chapter 62 Super gift

Chapter 62 Super gift (5)
At this time, Hei Ying was still struggling desperately, and two people rushed in from outside, shouting: "Brother, get out of the way, the net is coming!" on things.The thing quickly surrounded him, and the black shadow fell to the ground within a few seconds.She knew that not only was she wrapped in a layer of soft fishing nets, but also a layer of hard barbed wire. She was completely desperate, gave up struggling, and lay on the ground panting heavily.

The person who catches the thief still does not turn on the light, and is not at all prepared to know who the thief is.After a while, car horns blared in the villa, flashing lights flashed randomly, and the sound of shouts and footsteps became chaotic.Only then did Heiying realize that he had fallen into a trap. The owner had already prepared for it, and even notified the media in advance, that a catastrophe was imminent.

A flickering arc of light came from outside the door, and the sound of the camera was heard clearly. A female reporter interviewed at the scene: "Are you the owner of the villa? What is this thief trying to steal? Do you know who the thief is?" ?

A clear Heshi accent answered: "Reporters, I am Wang Yufang, the manager of the management department of the villa. Today the villa was stolen from a piece of precious jade called 'Blue Water Jade' that we just bought back last night. Please see The stone under the thief is a treasure worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Manager Wang, is a mere piece of jadeite worth [-] million yuan?" A male reporter asked.

"You may not know the price of international jadeite. It doesn't matter. Let's keep the thief away. Please take a photo of the rough stone and ask an expert to know what I said. When it comes to who the thief is, first of all, he must be a woman. Looking at her figure, her long hair, and her deliberately covered face, I can tell everyone responsibly that this is a shy female thief. Today we caught a man and a woman, a total of two thieves, trying to steal hundreds of millions of treasures , fortunately, the Skynet has been restored, and a sweep has come."

Someone pressed: "Can we pat this shy female thief in the face?"

Wang Yufang said with a smile: "Well, I think it's shameless to be a thief. Let's see the real face of Lushan Mountain."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger through the mesh and grabbed the thief's veil, and was about to pull it... The thief suddenly let out a hoarse scream...

Wang Yufang stopped her hands with a smile, lowered her head and asked the huddled female thief: "Don't you want to be pulled away?"

The female thief hummed pitifully.

"Is it because of shyness?"

The female thief shook her head, paused, and immediately nodded again.

"Then you should beg me for help, otherwise why should I care whether you are shy or not?"

The female thief begged in a nasal voice that was barely audible: "Please let me go." If she really took off the veil at this moment, she would definitely see tears on her face.

Wang Yufang straightened her waist and said with a smile: "Since she begged to remain mysterious, let's promote humanitarianism. Please pay attention to this female thief who should be said to be a master, and she is quite vicious. When our security guards on duty captured her, she He also carried out the murder with a knife. Please see that the murder weapon is on the ceiling on the upper left of everyone. Yes, it is shining brightly. Let me give you a close-up. Also, the thief entered through the window and climbed over the second floor without using any tools. Think about it, yes Isn't she a female thief with martial arts?"

Someone asked: "How did the female thief know about your treasure worth hundreds of millions?"

Wang Yufang replied: "This can show that the female thief is not simple, or the thief behind her is someone who understands jadeite. In short, the target is targeted, and the comer is not good."

"Miss, can you let us take some more close-up photos of the baby?"

"Please, feel free, everyone." Wang Yufang moved away, and male and female reporters swarmed forward, flashes flickering and shutters beeping.Someone stretched out his hand to pull the scarf, and just halfway through it, the female thief held it tightly with both hands and refused to let go.Just at this moment, the part below the nose was snapped a few shots, especially the close-ups were taken from all sides of the pair of hands as white as jade.

The reporters struggled for more than an hour before the police arrived.A police car, four police officers, not even a gun.After inquiring about the situation, the female thief was released from the net, handcuffed and escorted to the police car.In the long sound of sirens, a story of encountering a thief in the mountain villa ended, and then Jin Qi knew that the scene had only just begun.

Wang Yufang arranged for reporters from all walks of life to eat early in the dining hall of the villa. The reporters were really hungry after being busy in the middle of the night. When the eight dishes and eight pots and cold beer were served, everyone cheered and put down their chopsticks.Qinye was writing a press release while drinking beer. This is the second article on the front page and he must rush for time.The TV camera reporter was the most leisurely at this time, and everything was sent back after pressing a few buttons, and it was a live report, so it was estimated that the news would be broadcast in the morning.The TV news reporter also kept pestering Wang Yufang, hoping to further dig into the inside story of Jin's Treasure Company.Can a company specializing in the business of gemstones worth hundreds of millions have no secrets?It's a pity that I didn't get anything out of it after a long time.

It took just over half an hour, when everyone was still eating vigorously, the news came: the female thief escaped!This news shocked everyone. Four police officers were guarding two thieves. It was only half an hour away from the villa to the branch office. How could the man in handcuffs escape successfully?Is there something tricky in it?A typical example of police-thief collusion?The gossip news was flocking to them, and all the reporters, ignoring their drinks, boarded their vehicles one after another with "long guns and short cannons", and more than a dozen reporting vehicles rushed to Mudu.

A BMW off-road vehicle was running crazily on the provincial old road leading to the provincial capital. There were two men and a woman in the car, and the woman occupied the back seat exclusively, leaning on the soft seat with her eyes closed.From the tattered black clothes, messy long hair, and undulating breasts, it can be seen that this woman looks very embarrassed and her mood is very unstable.She is Yun Duo who just escaped from arrest, Chairman Yun, that is, the shy female thief.She is now thinking about what happened just now, and feels that it is a blessing in misfortune, and God still cares for her.

At that time, the process of robbing the police car was like this——

Not far from the villa, the police car was turning into a section of the slope, and found an off-road vehicle parked across the road. This kind of country road was blocked by one car and other cars could not pass at all.The driving policeman scolded: "There is someone who parks like this, I'll teach him a lesson!" He opened the car door and walked straight ahead.The other three policemen in the car didn't realize the danger at all, so they lit up their cigarettes and started smoking.

Yun Duo, who was squatting behind, adjusted his position quietly, and saw a person coming out of the woods by the side of the road, knocking on the door of the car, and making a movement.The policeman sitting next to the door was still not vigilant at all, and opened the door because he couldn't understand the meaning of the people outside the car.At this moment, both inside and outside the car acted simultaneously.Yun Duo and the hunky backs slammed on the back of the front seat with all four feet, and there was a "click" sound, and the back of the seat broke and pressed against the police.

It was even worse for the policeman pulling the car door. Before he could figure out what kind of car it was, his neck was instantly softened by a knife.The other two police officers who were violently hit by the back of the chair were also stabbed. The handcuff keys were found from their limp bodies, and the handcuffs were immediately opened for Yun Duo and Xiong Yao Hu back.At this time, the policeman who got out of the car was being dragged all the way, stuffed the four unconscious policemen into the police car, and then pushed the police car into the sparse forest, Yun Duo and others boarded the car and drove away.

They didn't expect that a truck came over the road just 10 minutes after they walked, and the driver stopped to defecate in a hurry. As soon as they entered the small forest, a police car and the unconscious policemen were dispatched.He didn't dare to move casually, thinking of a big villa not far ahead, he rushed directly to Yaofeng and told the police about the distress.When various reporters rushed to the departure location, the police were still awake.This is incredible news again, cameras and cameras bombarded me wildly.These all happened after Yun Duo left, of course Yun Duo didn't know.

But as soon as Yun Duo got in the car, he made three phone calls: one was to his father, Yun Fei, the chairman of Yun's Investment Company, and told him about the simple process and possible police pursuit.When he heard that no frontal photos were taken, his father reprimanded him and hung up the phone.Of course, he will immediately clear the river city police through his relationship, at least to delay the interception and pursuit.The second call was to his fiancé, BJ Baichun. He immediately suggested to abandon the car and board the plane at Shuofang Airport, and go to BJ first.He has someone to meet him at the airport.This suggestion was timely rain for Yun Duo, so he changed his way and went straight to Shuofang.The third call was to his younger brother Yun Xiao, who is very powerful in the underworld in the provincial capital.When it was said that the accident happened in Hexia, he hoped that his sister would leave as soon as possible, because since the Ta Gang withdrew from Heshi, Heshi has become the only vacuum city in the province.

Yun Duo felt a little pain in his head, and his heart was filled with shame and hatred.After thinking about it, I always feel that someone has set up a big trap, otherwise, how could the "touching stones into gold" kung fu that I have become famous for completely fail.Now she is worried that the five pieces of wool that were sent back to Nanjing last night were also tampered "hooded goods".What annoyed her even more was that the other party arranged a piece of "blue water jadeite" to lure her into the bait, and even made a shameful scandal. The consequences were unimaginable.

A series of traps were obvious, and he foolishly gave away 1000 million, and then another 5000 million.OMG!6000 million disappeared in a blink of an eye, no, the bank should be notified immediately to stop cashing!As for honesty and reputation, fuck it, the embarrassment has been thrown on the heels, so I'm not afraid of throwing it one more time.Thinking of this, she took out her phone and was about to dial a number when the car stopped with a "click".The driver asked: "Miss, the surname Jin is here again."

Ten meters away, there was a white Mercedes-Benz parked on the side of the road. The man surnamed Jin was leaning halfway on the front of the car, holding a wicker in his hand, and looking ahead with a smile.

Yun Duo's anger that had just subsided "teng" into flames, her pink fists creaked, and she shouted: "Xiong go down and deal with him, as long as he doesn't die!" It turned out that the name of the bear was Xiong, and he was one of the thieves. , was attacked inexplicably, and was so suffocated after being tortured in the middle of the night and so useless. He heard the order from the lady, and he jumped out of the car with a "hoo" and walked towards the Mercedes step by step, pressing his knuckles all the way to make a "click" Strange sound.

Jin Qi stretched slowly, and the willow branch patted his left palm lightly, showing no uneasiness from last night.For some reason, Yun Duo suddenly realized that he had made a mistake again.

A Xiong rushed to Jin Qi without hesitation, and punched the opponent's face without saying a word.Among all Linglongcui's bodyguards, he was the number one thug. He once knocked a buffalo back three steps with one punch. Think about it, what kind of strength is this?In Ah Xiong's eyes, Jin Qi is just a little boy, one punch, at most two punches, will make him kneel down and beg for mercy.But the result was unimaginable to him, his fists were empty, and before he could turn around, his back felt like being scalded by a red-hot iron, and he couldn't help but yelled.Immediately afterwards, the soldering iron became a strong electric baton, and Xiong felt that he could only dodge with his head in his arms, and there was no room for resistance.He had never tasted this kind of severe electric shock-like pain since his birth.

A strange and terrifying picture: a well-dressed man is waving a thin willow at will, and every time he draws it, he will bring out a string of blood beads, but none of the splashed blood drops on the assailant; the underground wailing continues, The big man was covered in blood but didn't dare to resist.The three people in the car were all dumbfounded, their expressions looked like they had seen a ghost.

The assailant stopped, and said slowly: "If you dare to attack me, whip a hundred lashes as a warning. Next time you commit a crime, you will be killed." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the BMW off-road vehicle.

Yun Duo exclaimed: "Hurry up, drive!" The BMW started immediately.

The driver just stepped on the gas pedal with his right foot, when he saw someone with his arms raised, and a black shadow shot towards him like lightning, he instinctively closed his eyes. There was a crisp sound of "porf", and a hole was poked into the good front windshield. A thin, blood-stained willow branch was being inserted into the glass, and the front tip was only an inch away from the tip of the driver's nose.The driver was so frightened that he became weak. He only felt a blood bead congealed on the tip of the willow, which was slowly growing... This guy actually fainted from fright.

"What's the matter? Leave your thugs behind and run for your life? This is not Miss Yun's style." Jin Qi opened the car door and smiled at Yun Duo and said, "Why do you need to touch your hands when you meet old friends? I just came to remind Miss Yun not to stop the bank. Cash the check, otherwise Ms. Yun will not only be a thief, but also a cripple. How about it, let’s be friends in front of me.”

Yun Duo is the second-generation inner master of BJ's Zen Sect, but she has no fighting spirit in the face of the guy with silver gray eyes. When she saw the willow branch piercing the front windshield, she knew that she was not his opponent at all, including the whole Zen Sect. It's hard to find a person who can perforate glass with soft willow branches, you know, this is the front windshield of a BMW off-road!So she was discouraged and shocked. She just frowned and looked at the man in front of her, with waves of resentment and helplessness in her heart.

Jin Qi laughed loudly, and originally wanted to talk about the content of her phone call, but let it go after thinking about it, don't heighten the vigilance of the enemy.Since Yun's family is related to BJ's Chanyimen, we will see each other anyway.He stretched out his hand to pinch Yun Duo's chin, smiled evilly, turned and left.After getting on the Mercedes-Benz, I looked at my watch, it was nine thirty.Mercedes turned sharply on the spot, roared and drove in the opposite direction, leaving behind a long trail of green smoke.Driving skills are now also top-notch!

In the BMW, Yun Duo woke up the driver with his pedals, and he carried the unconscious Xiong into the car, and then let him go towards Shuo.When the car moved, Yunduo called her fiancé, Baichun, and told the story with tears in her eyes.The other party was silent for a long time before saying, "I'll deal with him!"

A few kilometers away, Jin Qi was also answering the phone: "Sister Xiao, have you arrived? Oh, you've arrived in Heshi. Okay, I'll wait for you in Mudu, and we will meet and talk."

Xiao Yaxian became even more beautiful, and the smiles and frowns of the mature woman in her early thirties were all touching.When she leaned against the car door and waved to herself frequently, Jin Qi thought that she would not eat her so recklessly.There are two other people in the same car with her, one is five or sixty years old, a beardless half-old man; the other is a young woman in her early twenties, who is charming and enchanting, quite hot.Looking at her pretty appearance snuggled up beside the half-aged man, it is easy to think of the ambiguity between the old and the young.

There are two cars on the same trip, and there are four bodyguards in the latter commercial car. It can be seen that they have the confidence to buy treasures on this trip.

"Sister Xiao, why is it that you have eaten the elixir and become more and more beautiful, making people fantasize about sweet and charming dreams? It's a sin!"

Xiao Yaxian glared at Jin Qi's ridicule with feigned anger on the surface, but she was still sweet in her heart, women love to listen to good things.The middle-aged man beside her laughed loudly first, and said: "I heard Miss Xiao say that Jin Shao is a free and easy person, but today I saw him, he is really funny and handsome, a fairy-like person, Xie Changlin is the person Xie Changlin likes to make friends with the most."

Jin Qi hurried forward a few steps, took Xie Changlin's hands and said: "Mr. Xie is elegant and suave, with extraordinary bearing, he is really a role model that Jin respects, if I don't blame Jin for clinging, I really want to call him big brother."

(End of this chapter)

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