big bet

Chapter 89

Chapter 89
After a while no one raised the price, the young man next to the white-haired old man suddenly shouted: "8000 million!"

All eyes were on Mr. Huo again, and Mr. Huo smiled and said, "Since everyone thinks highly of Mr. Huo, let's quote another price, 2000 million." After finishing speaking, the golden walking stick slammed into the mud.

What a great deal!No one dared to raise the price again, Mr. Huo poked heavily to show his determination to win, this is the majesty of wealth!The young man wanted to ask for a price but was stopped by the old man beside him. He clenched his fist angrily, with a resentful expression on his face.

"[-] million two times, [-] million two times and three times! Deal!" Once again, the final decision was made, once again creating a sky-high price for betting stones on the Tengchong public market. The venue blows all over the streets and alleys of Tengchong.As a result, the prosperity of stone gambling has become more and more intense, and it has become the highlight of this fair.

Huo Lao and the young woman disappeared immediately, leaving the middle-aged man to handle transfer, shipping, and insurance affairs.The receptionist came over to Jin Qi after answering a phone call and said, "Mr. cut up two gambling stones and already achieved a sensational effect. The organizer agrees that other gambling stones do not need to be untied. Now the reputation of Mr. It is not good for the husband and the organizer, I wonder if the husband agrees?"

Jinqi doesn't care about reputation, but he doesn't understand that it is good for the operation of the new company to ship all the goods to Hong Kong.After the two parties reached an agreement, they came to the office of the Bank of China together. Mr. Huo was waiting on behalf of the middle-aged man. He held the golden flag and said, "I am Cheng Zhizhong, a member of Mr. Huo's office. Your surname is..."

"Golden flag, the flag of the red flag, please support Mr. Xie Huo."

"Mr. Jin is indeed known as 'golden at one glance'. He hits every shot and every piece is more exciting than the other. Mr. Huo is very happy this time. Both he and his little grandson belong to the dragon. It is worth it. And I have repeatedly asked Mr. Jin to pay tribute to Mr. Jin for the opportunity to come to Hong Kong and walk around."

Jin Qi even said that he didn't dare, and exchanged pleasantries with Cheng Zhizhong for a long time, until all the procedures were completed, he squeezed out of the rope ring with his newly issued Bank of China Platinum Card.Luo Dawei and Zhang Yun waited early and embraced warmly. Dawei asked first: "I have been unable to contact the elder brother. When did the elder brother arrive in Tengchong?"

"I just arrived yesterday." Jin Qi replied casually, not wanting to mention the stone betting at Baldy Shi's place.

Zhang Yunjiao smiled and took Jin Qi's arm and shook it again and again, and said, "Brother, you are so handsome today, 'one glance of gold' spread throughout Tengchong in an instant, and everyone said that this stone betting was a miracle in the history of Tengchong betting on stones, earth-shattering Miracle! A big fat man behind the most interesting little girl suddenly burst into tears. After asking about it, he found out that he also fell in love with 'Colorful Clouds' yesterday. He felt that Choushi had an adventure, but he gave up because the price was too expensive, and finally chose the side. A pile of 100 million small gambling stones cut tears. Brother, my little sister really admires you, as long as you dare to bet, it will be a miracle. This time I made a lot of money, so please treat my little sister well.”

"Brother invited all of his younger brothers to you. This guest is big enough." Jin Qi teased casually, and was immediately spat on by the ashamed Zhang Yun.Luo Dawei laughed, it seemed that the relationship between the two had been clarified.

"Sister Yun, this time I go to the United States, my brother will definitely accompany you to go shopping. If you want to shop as you like, I will let my brother sell the bill, okay?"

"Do you mean what you say?"

"Brother's words don't count." Luo Dawei hurriedly interjected, and Jin Qi of course nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Huanzhi brought two friends over, and they were introduced as the leaders of Tengchong Jade Industry. One was Mr. Zhao, the chairman of the fair, and the other was Mr. Xiao, the second leader of the Tengchong Gem Association.Jin Qi immediately came forward to shake hands and greeted each other, and finally agreed that Jin Qi would gather at the Sihai Restaurant in the evening, and Zhao and Xiao waved goodbye.

Zhang Huanzhi took Jin Qi and walked towards the public bidding site, and said as he walked, "This time I have two bids, please help me see." Jin Qi nodded in agreement.To tell the truth, the shadow of Yangzhou’s 6000 million gambling collapse was more or less lurking in the hearts of the two of them. Zhang Huanzhi’s ability to ask for help showed that he had really turned the dark page. Jin Qi felt relieved from the bottom of his heart. Qi's sense of guilt is gone, and the relationship between the two has become more calm.

All the way to the hidden area, Zhang Huanzhi pointed to a pile of stones marked No. 21 and said: "The surface of the yellow sand leather on the left is foggy, and it is estimated that there is emerald red in it. What does Young Master Jin think?"

Jin Qi looked at the price first, and it was 18 for a pile of two.The price of a hidden bid is generally not high, because the one with the highest price wins, and the dealer is not satisfied with the bidder's price, so he can block the bid himself, so 18 is only the starting price.The piece on the right weighs more than 40 kilograms, and there is indeed a red jadeite in it, but the color of the jadeite is not strong, and it is slightly yellow, which is not too bright red.Jin Qi nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang has good eyesight, so he must be popular, but it's just that 18 won't win."

"I want to order 30?" Zhang Huanzhi leaned closer and whispered.

Jin Qi frowned and said, "The performance of this material is too obvious. I'm not sure about 30. Besides, the small piece on the right also has green, which is a very tender pea green. It's worth at least 10,000+. Do you want to raise the price to 46?"

Zhang Huanzhi nodded immediately. He really believed in Jin Qi now, so he filled out the 46 bid form on the spot.Then lead the golden flag to the hidden bid No. 250. This is a large piece of material with a price tag of [-] million, which is more than a ton, and is about the same size as the "Colorful Auspicious Cloud".Jin Qi read it carefully and asked, "Why does Mr. Zhang like it?"

"Although the python belt is getting thinner and gradually drifting away, the green line at one end is very obvious. As the saying goes, it is better to bet on one line than bet on one piece. I guess there is green here." Zhang Huanzhi patiently gestured on the stone surface.

"Did Mr. Zhang bring a magnifying glass? Come, let's see what's here?" Jin Qi pointed to the depression on the stone surface.

Zhang Huanzhi turned on the flashlight and inspected it carefully with a high-power magnifying glass. He saw a very thin crack inserted directly into the stone, and a gloomy gray-blue color could be faintly seen under the crack.This kind of gray green is called "dead green" in the industry. It is a taboo for gambling on stones and a herald of suffocation.Zhang Huanzhi broke out in a cold sweat. He originally planned to cast 380 million for it. What if he wins?Cutting a piece of "dead green", not to mention losing more than 300 million yuan, and where to put this old face?He sighed self-deprecatingly: "It's really dangerous! Fortunately, there is Jin Shao."

"The No. 21 bid can make a profit of no less than one million." Jin Qi was relieved.

"It doesn't matter, I finally braked in time. Young Master Jin went to see the piece that Dawei wanted. I think it's a good bet." Zhang Huanzhi immediately thought about it, but he didn't vote for the bid anyway.He pulled the golden flag and walked towards Luo Dawei and Zhang Yun.

Luo Dawei is going to bid for the No. [-] bid, which is a pair of son and mother stones. The mother stone is nearly [-] kilograms. The son stone is connected to a small part of the mother stone, as if stuck to a corner. "Brother, I think the boulder can be used as a bet, it's the sungreen of the ice species, please help me to see." Luo Dawei took Zhang Yun's hand, and would not let go even if anyone came.Zhang Yun struggled twice but did not break free, so she could only follow him.Couples in love are so tired!
Jin Qi turned around and asked, "How much are you going to fill?"

"The price tag is 280 million, and I'm going to fill in 480 million."

"Add another 50!" Jin Qi said with certainty: "Otherwise you won't get it, and you won't lose 530 million. This big one has green, but only half of it. The treasure is that Zishi, a rare glass species of brilliant purple , it is worth 500 million.”

"Really?" Luo Dawei shouted in a daze: "Brother, people say you have a golden eye, but I say you have a golden eye!"

This shout was probably blown to other people's ears by the wind, and many people met Jin Qi the next day and called him "a thousand gold at a glance"!The nickname was weird and feminine, and Jin Qi was upset about it for several days.

Zhang Yun quit, pulled the golden flag and said coquettishly: "Brother, Dad also has a bid; this idiot also voted. But I don't have anything, no way! Brother will pay me."

"Do you want to add more dowry?" Jin Qi likes to tease this beautiful younger sister.

"Yes, just as a companion, who told me to force me to marry you off."

"Okay, big brother will find it for you, who told me that I'm just a good sister?" The four of them talked and laughed and walked around a lot, and turned to a pile of more than a dozen small gambling stones not far away, Jin Qi stood still and looked carefully After waiting for a while, he said happily: "That pile of small gambling stones is enough for your dowry."

"What? The sum of more than a dozen yuan is less than one hundred kilograms. Both of them are big bets." Zhang Yun stomped her feet in anger, tears streaming down her face, feeling extremely wronged, thinking that a brother should not deal with it casually Own.

Jin Qi patted her fragrant shoulder and said, "You think you're really buying a stone, but it's an emerald! Speak softly, and don't let others hear you."

Zhang Huanzhi and Luo Dawei were also puzzled.

Jin Qi said: "The price of this pile of small gambling materials is only 12 yuan, which is very low and unobtrusive. I guess no one will pay attention to it. But it doesn't say that the pieces are treasures, at least 70.00% have weight. We don't look at that. Look, someone is paying attention to us and will grab the bid."

Hearing that there is a treasure, Zhang Yun wiped away her tears and asked suspiciously: "Brother, you didn't even look carefully, so there is something good about it?"

"Among them is an extremely high-quality high-green piece, which is almost as good as the one I bought for you before. Is it strange that you can't earn millions of high-green glass with this piece of glass? There are also two pieces of colorless ice, one black jadeite, one Violet, it’s Yunmei who is making a lot of money. This is called a small profit, and the profit rate is much higher than that of Dawei. If you don’t want it, I have to bid myself.”

"Brother, you are deliberately angry at me again, how bad! How much should I fill? Tell me quickly."

"28 is more secure." Jin Qi carefully and carefully calculated for a while before deciding.

Zhang Yun filled out the bidding form and dragged Luo Dawei to bid, and of course her father's share was also brought with her.Jin Qi and Zhang Huanzhi were left walking slowly, admiring all kinds of woolen materials around them.

"Young Master Jin, are you really the god pupil of 'one eye for a thousand pieces of gold'?" Zhang Huanzhi followed up and asked after looking at the elegant and elegant back of the golden flag under the setting sun. He really couldn't let go of too much incredible.

Jin Qi turned around and asked, "Mr. Zhang, are there such gods in the world?"

"Yes, there is one beside me!" Zhang Huanzhi himself laughed loudly.

"Then just treat me as a god." Jin Qi doesn't care about other people's guesses at all now. Anyway, in the eyes of others, he is getting more and more amazing, and he can't explain it, so he doesn't explain it at all.

Zhang Huanzhi didn't want to let him go, so he stared at him for a long time, and said, "Did you deliberately pretend to be stupid before? Or did you suddenly grow spiritual energy in just half a year? Although it was surprising when you received the sinking stone from Taihu Lake, but Obviously still a layman. How did you become a 'golden eye' all of a sudden?"

What can Jin Qi say, besides giggling.

The two were joking around when they heard a commotion coming from the direction of "Big Gambling Stone", and many people rushed there...

Jin Qi leisurely sipped tea and chatted in the old Pang store. Mrs. Pang also showed two top-quality collections in the store for guests to appreciate. One of the four gentlemen pendants of "Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum" in ice and sun green was priced at 120 million.The stuff is genuine, but ridiculously expensive.He said that if he claimed to be a collector, he would not sell it after bargaining. There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.Thinking about the jade wool in his Tianshi Ring, taking out a random piece wouldn't scare them to death.If you think about it again, only when the market is soaring, will the strange industry of betting on stones be born, and thousands of people who don't understand jade at all will flock into the industry, throwing a lot of money at winning or losing, and betting hundreds of millions of dollars on 36 tons. Isn't "Wang" just a typical freak in the stone gambling business!

The Chinese seem to have become rich overnight, and all of them are rich.Speculation in stocks, real estate, coal, jade, antiques, artworks, everything is speculating vigorously, and it is precisely because of the gambling stone that it is surging, and the waist is rich. If you don’t thank the jade gambling stone, who else should you thank?Jin Qi couldn't help but smirked when he thought of the nearly [-] million income he was about to get from betting on stones.

The phone in the pocket suddenly rang, and it was Xiao Yaxian's sweet Shanghai accent: "Brother Jin, you never take the initiative to call me? Do you not have a sister in Shanghai in your eyes? Or has Qian Duo changed his face?"

"Sister Yaxian, don't beat me up. I'm so busy with my business that I forget my younger brother, I'm sorry, so blame me first, so that I can't blame you. Well, even if my younger brother is wrong, Sister Yaxian has a lot of adults, please forgive me once."

"Hee hee, that makes sense. Two weeks ago, my sister remitted all the 2000 million yuan of jade money into the Hong Kong Jin's Treasure account you designated. I want to go to Heshi tomorrow to get some more seeds. The international economic situation is not so good recently. Well, the sale of seed materials is not only not sluggish, but more prosperous. If the price is moderate, no one will buy it. I think maybe as a reserve or collection for value preservation and appreciation, rare national jade is more valuable than gold, so rich people call it out. The funds are used to buy high-grade jadeite. Brother Jin, I have made a lot of money from the two sales of jade, this time I plan to buy 100 yuan of small and medium-sized jadeite and 50 yuan of emerald stone, okay?"

"Of course, I'm not in Heshi but in Tengchong. I'll call my family to prepare."

"I went to Tengchong to gamble on stones again. I made a lot of money, right?"

"Sister, Mr. Lin Xing from Shanghai Wanhao Real Estate Co., Ltd. wants to buy a piece of green emerald material, about 100 kilograms. Take it with you when you go to Heshi tomorrow. This guy has money and is vying to buy mine." Wucaixiangyun', the asking price is [-] million. You can introduce him to the exquisite emerald treasures, and he said that he knows the beautiful boss of 'Yue Miyun'!" Thinking of Lin Xing's flickering eyes and lustful eyes when he mentioned the beautiful boss Can't help but laugh.

Xiao Yaxian naturally understands the meaning of Jindi's smile, she is not annoyed, instead she likes to listen to Jin Qi's jokes that she wants to "sex" and give up, sometimes the scene in her dream with Jin Qi that she can't bear to face directly makes people blush.She said timidly, "Brother Jin, do you miss sister?"

Jin Qi was taken aback, what should I say?Seeing that Jin Qi didn't answer for a long time, Xiao Yaxian sighed quietly, and said, "If you miss me, come and see me, I miss you very much. Okay, let's talk about it next time."

Immediately Jin Qi called the family, and Guan Shan, Yufen, and Magpie talked about it all over. Before leaving, he specially packed 200 yuan each of seed material and clear material for Guan Shan's storage ring, and it really came in handy now.The poisonous snake also said a few words: "Boss, the poisonous scorpion is gone, the elder brother threw the recording in front of him and knelt down. The elder brother let him go, I'm sorry."

In fact, Jin Qi didn't plan to deal with the poisonous scorpion, after all, he didn't bring any harm to the villa, and he expected that the sworn brothers would not be ruthless.

The poisonous snake said again: "Brother has also spoken, if you mention anything about the villa to others in the future, you will never forgive me."

"Okay, the poisonous dragon has done a good job. In the future, when recruiting new personnel to the villa, we must also pay attention to the ins and outs of the recruits, and don't let the opponent take advantage of it. Is there any improvement in the cultivation of the few of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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