big bet

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
"The poisonous snake will definitely do it. There are some achievements in cultivation, but it is still not as good as Brother Guan. I will work harder."

"Everyone has different opportunities, and progress will be slow or slow. As long as you have great perseverance and perseverance, you will definitely be able to catch up with Brother Guan. This is a century-old plan, and you will understand it when you reach a certain level. I look forward to you. Tell the magpie to go to Feng In the work of Chang Jewelry, you must not relax your cultivation, otherwise you will not be able to make progress together with everyone."

After receiving the phone, I feel weird, like putting in a glutinous rice dumpling, Yaxian's affection, and the friendship of the brothers in the villa all melt into a soft feeling, which makes me have the desire to shout out.Unknowingly, the tea drank weak, and the sky darkened...

Suddenly, the storefront slammed open with a bang, and five people rushed in like the wind, laughing and shouting frantically around the golden flag.

"One-eyed gold! One-eyed daughter! Great and wise one-eyed daughter! From now on, I, Ah Fu, admire you so much that I will worship you as my teacher." Shouting, the fat Ah Fu really fell to his knees, panicking Jin Qi immediately He pulls up.

Even the calm Lao Pang took Jin Qi's hand and said repeatedly: "Happy! Happy! This is the first time I have tasted such a happy taste since I was sensible, and the word 'cool'! Mother's body is as white as paper, and Ruan Zhong, who is usually yin and yang, is paralyzed on the ground, and he almost fainted in this embarrassment."

Big eyes plugged in and said: "There are gravels all over the floor. Knowing that there can be no miracles, but still unwilling to admit defeat, they just cut 36 tons of large stones into pieces, and the five cutting machines are not to mention smoking. The big hammer was pounding, pounding, but unfortunately nothing came out. The worst thing was the woman surnamed Yun, with her back to the person, her hands on the arm of the wall, her shoulders shrugged like trembling, and she couldn’t cry. Her surname was Yin. The woman surnamed Yun was stubborn, spat at the woman surnamed Yun, and told Lao Pang to go to the bank to transfer the money. One hundred and sixty million, I saw her teeth rattling when she signed. Her mother persuaded her, saying that the body It's important, dear girl, don't be angry, I think it's better for this little girl to die of anger, if she loses, she will still look domineering!"

Ah Fu drank several bowls of tea, pushed his big eyes away and shouted: "Master, (I'm calling Master!) There are no 30 real materials in the whole piece of gambling material, and many of them have been smashed. Above As expected, the window opening is only one centimeter thick and 36 centimeters square. It is as thin as pasting, and it is covered with fly droppings. It is difficult to do anything. Master, your eyes are silver-gray, but why do you look at them? What comes out turns into gold? How dare you say that there is no real material of 100 million out of [-] tons? And you are right! Worship, worship, my apprentice learns a few tricks from you, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing.” high.

Lao Pang took out three Bank of China platinum cards and handed them to Jin Qi, saying: "Your card is untouched and returned to Zhao, please keep it. This is Miss Yin's, 6000 million yuan. When she saw your name, she asked However, I didn’t answer her. This one belonged to Boss Ruan, which should be 6000 million yuan, but he only gave 480 million yuan. After transferring the money, the lady forcibly left 400 ​​million yuan in principal. At that time, my heart softened and I didn't force it. I wrote Ah Fu's name on this card. Please forgive me if the matter is not satisfactory."

To be more polite, if Jin Qi did it himself, maybe he would charge half of it at most.He took out the third platinum card and returned it to Lao Pang, saying: "Thank you for your hard work. You have won and made money. Here is 480 million yuan. Take it first, and I will give you another 520 million yuan." , make up 5000 million, and each of the five people here will be 1000 million as a bonus. As for Ruan Zhong’s balance, let’s forget it, killing people is just a nod! Naturally, Miss Yin’s money will be taken. If she wins, I don’t think she will Let us go."

Ah Fu was the first to shout Long Live, and the other four laughed together.Who can be unhappy, 1000 million yuan fell out of thin air, two sports lottery jackpots!Mrs. Pang, who was watching the lively scene, wiped her tears and murmured to herself: "No wonder the magpie in the tree barked at me early in the morning!"

In the evening, Jin Qi called Luo Dawei, Zhang Yun, and a few new friends from the Tengchong Jade Industry to have dinner at Sihai Restaurant. When they met Dawei, they laughed and said, "Brother, you are amazing! Guess if we won the third bid." ?”

Before waiting for an answer, Zhang Yun rushed to say: "I won, I won all! Someone voted 21 yuan for Dad's No. 45 bid, which was 5205 yuan short of dad, and my dad almost laughed off his complacency. Dawei's Someone invested 3 million yuan in that share, and it was a thrilling victory. It’s a pity that he didn’t listen to his elder brother’s advice, and added [-] yuan by himself, all wasted.”

"What's this? Didn't I also get wasted 520 yuan by my elder brother? If he bid 1000 yuan, wouldn't he be able to save 9000 yuan?" Luo Dawei was very unconvinced.

"Fuck you! Immortals can't predict it so accurately."

"Sister Yun, in the final analysis, I was the first to find this stone. Big brother just gave it to me. It's a credit. Naturally, I want to weigh it more."

"Forget it, you can do it, you really dare to do it without the elder brother's certainty?"

"This..." Dawei was at a loss for words for a moment.

Jin Qi smiled and asked, "What about you? What about your dowry?"

Zhang Yun was ashamed and didn't answer.

Luo Dawei laughed and said: "Brother, you said that as long as 28 is 28, you will win! There is a tender filled with 27, wow! It's only [-]! Yunmei can't wait to untie the high green glass , a full four kilograms of emperor green, I was so greedy to see it, I wanted to snatch it. I wanted to bring it to my elder brother to see, but my grandpa came, and now I am playing with the treasure with Uncle Zhang."

"Mr. Luo is here too? Dawei, why don't you invite Mr. Luo to dinner?"

Dawei said mysteriously: "Grandpa still talked about me and Yunmei with Uncle Zhang, now the critical moment must not be sloppy." This guy has a thick skin.

Jin Qi introduced it to everyone and immediately became familiar with it.Hearing Luo Dawei's detailed account of Jin Qi betting three bids in a row, Ah Fu was stunned for a moment.He really wanted to tell the story of "the first gambling stone", but Lao Pang had twisted his thigh three times, but it was really sad not to tell, so he could only drink again and again.During this meal, he drank five bottles of Moutai and two cases of beer, which made the room full of alcohol.After dinner, Ah Fu proposed to go to the nightclub Lele to see and experience the "ladyboys" performances in Myanmar, but tomorrow Jinqi will leave for Hong Kong, and Luo Lao always wants to see him when he comes, so the trip to the nightclub has to be abandoned.

They drove all the way to the hotel where Dawei and the others were staying. The young couple sat in the back row and kept making small movements, half pushing and half letting, until they got out of the car.Not only does Jin Qi understand, but she also misses Feng Mei who is far away in Heshi more and more in her heart. She misses her smooth skin and plump figure; misses her delicate lips and sweet lilac; misses her...

Luo Zhenyu got older and more energetic, greeted Jin Qi with a red face, and said: "Nephew Jin Xian always brings us new surprises. First, congratulations on your big bet and big wins. It is hard to imagine such a miracle without great fortune. Then tell Good news for everyone. This month, the profit of Hangong Zhuoyufang has hit the highest miracle in history. In particular, the monthly profit of Hangongzhuoyufang in Las Vegas, USA has reached more than 900 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 3000 million. Renminbi. These are all due to the good business brought by Nephew Jin Xian’s Hetian jade and jadeite. However, the good business also brings troubles, which made several colleagues on the Jewelry Street insist on fighting with us for treasures, and threatened that whoever loses will quit. One year in Vega and Jewelry Street. In particular, a Taiwanese merchant that has always dominated the jewelry business insists on making a bet that whoever loses will voluntarily withdraw from the market for a year. This is a big bet!"

"Fight, fight, whoever is afraid of whom!" Luo Daluwei was young and energetic, and he was not afraid at all, and asked again: "What treasure is fighting?"


"What? Diamond?" Luo Dawei was stunned.They are less afraid than Hetian jade, and even less afraid than emeralds, but diamonds are the Luo family's weakness. Although Hangong jade workshops in various places also sell diamond jewelry, all of them are purchased and sold on behalf of others, just for decoration.Bucket of diamonds?It's obviously picking on people's weaknesses and killing you while they're sick.Luo Dawei was dumbfounded.

Sitting on the sofa, Jin Qi took the fragrant tea from Zhang Yun, took a sip and said, "Mr. Luo not only made great profits in his business, but Dawei's wedding should also be considered a great joy. Have you decided when the wedding banquet will be held? "

Luo Lao laughed loudly, looked at Zhang Huanzhi, and said, "It's settled. We will hold a wedding banquet in Yangzhou on the New Year's Lantern Festival. Nephew Jin Xian, as their eldest brother, must prepare two generous gifts."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Luo would ask for a bride price, which made everyone laugh.Only Zhang Yun turned her back and didn't dare to look at anyone, but her little hands secretly twisted Dawei's leg, the pain caused the groom-to-be to grit his teeth and mouth for a while.

Mr. Luo did not forget the business, and said: "I think young people have to weather the storms to see the world. In the future, I want Dawei to go to the United States to run a jade workshop. With Yun'er's help, I will be able to break through another scene. At that time, Zhang and I The in-laws can also go to the United States to live for a while. Of course, nephew Jin Xian must also visit the United States. I officially invite nephew Jin Xian and Miss Fengjuan to join us in Las Vegas next month to participate in Dou Bao, nephew Jin Xian OK?"

"I'm eager for a trip to Las Vegas." Jin Qi nodded seriously.

Luo Dawei suddenly burst out laughing, and shouted, "Brother, you are being fooled by grandpa!"

Jin Qi was baffled for a while.

Luo Dawei went on to say: "Double drills need to be good drills, and if the eldest brother agrees to go, he will take on the heavy responsibility of finding good drills. Haha, Grandpa, you are really resourceful."

"You kid can say that about grandpa?" Old Luo blushed when he was hit by a word.

Zhang Huanzhi beside him couldn't stop laughing.I always thought that Jin Qi would shirk, but unexpectedly, after asking about the specific situation of "Dou Bao" in detail, he slapped his chest without shame.And he said with a smile: "I think I can find the largest diamond in the world today. Let's wait and see in the United States in January!"

Zhang Yun was a little worried on the contrary, she regarded Jin Qi as her natal family.Holding Jin Qi's arm, he asked softly, "Brother, is it really okay?"

Ah Fu drove at 747 o'clock in the morning, and the five Tengchong friends insisted on sending the golden flag to Kunming Airport in person, and also sent two packages of Tengchong local specialties.After breaking up at the airport, Jin Qi hurriedly and secretly put a large pile of belongings in Tianshi Jie, otherwise he would have to be fined for being overweight.The plane ticket was booked for him by Lao Pang, but he didn't expect to book it in first class.At 6000:[-] p.m., when the [-] flew lightly into the sky and swept across the sky, Jin Qi found that the person sitting diagonally across from her was the beautiful Miss Yin who had lost her [-] million yuan to him after a glimpse.The serene and dignified woman next to her must be Mrs. Yin.It's really a narrow road!
Miss Yin probably knew herself, her eyes were clearly full of resentment, anger, and even disdain.She looked back and said something to her mother. Mrs. Yin glanced sideways at Jin Qi, persuaded her daughter a few more words, closed her eyes and rested.Only Miss Yin stared at Jin Qi, as if she wanted to burn the hated person to ashes with her fiery eyes.Jin Qi thought it was funny, drank the coffee brought by the stewardess, and half-closed his eyes to read Miss Yin's thoughts.

To be honest, Miss Yin is still a rare beautiful girl, with delicate skin, giving people a pink and tender feeling.The facial features on Guazi's face are well configured, like the work of a master jade carving.She and Fengjuan belong to the category of the best, and both have a natural and noble temperament. Compared with Fengjuan's soft beauty, Miss Yin's characteristic is delicate, as if her eyelashes are counted.The most unflattering thing is her bad temper, coupled with the traits of high-sightedness and low-handedness cultivated by adults, even her delicate beauty has become a bit harsh.

At this moment, the little beauty has repeatedly scolded Jin Qi from head to toe in her heart. When she found out at the bank yesterday that the owner of the transfer was a guy named Jin Qi, she realized that she had fallen into a trap, or someone deliberately set it up. the trap.When I asked Yun Duo at night, it turned out that the surname Jin came fully prepared.First of all, he is a master stone gambler. The day before yesterday, two stone gamblers cut out a shocking treasure, which was bought by Uncle Huo for 2000 million yuan.Secondly, yesterday morning he went to see the "Number One Gambling King" and walked away without even discussing the price, which shows that he completely believes that the "Number One Gambling King" is the number one stinky shit!At that time, I still thought about how some stingy Tengchong people didn't blow up their hair after a while?It turned out that the bastard surnamed Jin was behind it!When another old man came, the bet suddenly increased by [-] million, and he used the aggressive method to trap him. These were all designed by the damn bad boy behind his back!It's so irritating, look at his ugly face pretending to be lying down with coffee, wishing he could rush up and bite you a few bites!Don't think people don't know who you are?Yun Duo had already introduced you as wolf-eyed clearly. It seems that you are going to Hong Kong, right?Hey, look at me cleaning you up like this!

Miss Yin kept muttering and cursing in her heart, thinking that the other party couldn't hear her, but who knew that the other party was crying and laughing because of this.Keep watching, scold yourself for being able to watch it?Don't read it, how do you understand the steps that the little evil woman took to clean herself up after she arrived in Hong Kong.Hey, dilemma!Jin Qi is still feeling aggrieved here, but something happened over there.

A blond foreigner in a long trench coat walked into the first-class cabin, rudely pushed away the stewardess who was about to stop him from intruding, walked up to Miss Yin, grabbed her skirt and lifted her up, and retreated to the movable seat by the cabin door Beside him, he shouted in fluent Chinese: "I am the hijacker, no one is allowed to move around, otherwise everyone will go to see God together!"

The frightened Miss Yin let out a long scream.Mrs. Yin and the stewardesses were all ready to embrace, but they were frightened when they saw the machine gunner pull off the windbreaker to reveal the detonator and explosives tied around his waist.

The hijacker "Kaka" smiled strangely: "See, there is a whole ten kilograms of TNT, which can blow up the plane to pieces. Be obedient and everyone is fine. Now you go and call the captain."

The designated stewardess left in a hurry, and soon brought in a middle-aged man.There were only five passengers including Jin Qi in the first-class cabin. Except for Jin Qi, the other four were all women, and they were shaking into a ball at this moment.The middle-aged man who came in was very experienced, raised his hands high, and said calmly: "Sir, please don't be impulsive, we have no intention of resisting, please tell me slowly what you need?"

"First: The plane is not allowed to land. Second: Find me $20 in cash. Third: Immediately deliver a delicious restaurant, I'm hungry. Fourth..." The hijacker glanced at it and held it in his arms The beautiful woman made a strange voice: "Fourth, the beautiful woman will have fun with me." She leaned her head down and kissed her cheek with her thick pursed lips.

"Ah..." Miss Yin let out another hoarse scream.

Mrs. Yin rushed forward recklessly. The hijacker grabbed a red wire with one hand and yelled, "You want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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