big bet

Chapter 91

Chapter 91
The captain quickly hugged Mrs. Yin, and shouted: "Please calm down, everyone please calm down, sit down, sit down, there is nothing difficult to discuss. Quickly prepare first-class food for this gentleman. There is good red wine."

The hijacker's emotions stabilized, and he sat down on the soft chair, his blood-red eyes were surprisingly wide, his forehead was wet with sweat, and his panting sounded particularly loud in the silent cabin.The cart came quickly, and the person pushing the cart was not the original flight attendant, but a young man.The hijacker immediately became vigilant, shouted orders not to approach, and changed people immediately.The hijacker, who was full of food, ate selectively. He didn't touch the specially prepared drinks and all kinds of red wine. Instead, he gulped down half a can of white water.The stewardess cast a disappointed glance at the captain, seeing that their plot had failed.

In just ten minutes or so, the crew has already set up two rounds. Although it failed, it can be seen that the response was quick.However, when the hijacker made new demands after being full, the experienced captain couldn't stand it anymore.

The hijacker said: "All of you leave, I need to enjoy the beauty. In addition, hurry up and prepare US dollars, and don't land, or you will go to heaven together with a 'boom'. I don't care if there are many people accompanying me."

"You..." The captain was furious, but he held back for a long time before giving a lame reason: "The plane is running out of fuel, so we can't hover too much in the air."

The hijacker sneered and said: "Is it possible? This is a 747, and it ran out of fuel after only flying for more than an hour? Mr. Captain, you choose. I will pull the wire for the former, and I will enjoy the beauty for the latter. You will never do it for a woman. Sacrifice the life of a machine?"

The captain really didn't dare to act blindly, 76 lives may be over with a single sentence, but can the girl tolerate the gangster's violence?His palms were covered with cold sweat, his mind was cloudy, and his will was forcing himself to calm down and calm down again.

Mrs. Yin couldn't bear it anymore. In her heart, she would rather die in the whole world than hurt her daughter.She yelled: "No! Can't do this! Sir, I can give you $200 million, just let my daughter go."

The hijacker looked at the woman in her mid-mature age with a lingering charm and gave a smirk: "I don't need 200 million, 20 is enough. But for your sake, I agree to exchange yourself for your daughter. In fact, I prefer plump, active milfs to young girls. You must be more experienced in serving men, agree to trade your body for a daughter?"

Everyone in the cabin looked at Mrs. Yin, and when she resolutely walked towards the hijacker, they all whispered "wow". The image is as dazzling as a soldier going to war.

However, Jin Qi felt cramps in his heart. Seeing the true, selfless and fearless maternal love, his whole body turned cold and even trembled non-stop.Before his eyes flashed an equally beautiful, slightly pale female face, flashed a pile of graveyard, flashed the dying tears of an old man under the dim ten-watt light...

The exchange ceremony was very simple. The hijacker obviously did not expect such a result. Under the calm but persistent eyes of the mother, the hijacker really let his daughter go.Miss Yin escaped from the clutches in horror, and only remembered her dedicated mother when she was far away, crying weakly across two rows of soft chairs: "Mommy."

Mrs. Yin raised her hand with a smile, giving people a feeling of powerlessness, as if the decision just now drained all her strength, and now she is so weak and helpless, but the eyes she casts on her daughter are so relieved, calm.

Jin Qi's heart tightened again, repeatedly feeling what mother's love is, repeatedly feeling the heart-biting pain!

The hijacker got impatient and said: "The moving show is over, ladies and gentlemen can leave, don't you want to admire this lady? Mr. Captain, aren't you afraid that the plane will run out of fuel?"

First of all, the four passengers moved their feet. They had long wanted to leave, and it would be foolish not to leave now that the hijacker allowed it.Glancing at each other, they first moved a few steps tentatively, and when they saw no response, they immediately rushed out, one by one like terrified birds.

Jin Qi suddenly found that all eyes were on him, as if he should leave too.He stretched lazily, stood up and stepped out of the seat, and found that his arm was being held by someone. Looking back, it was Miss Yin. Her expression at this moment was completely different from when we first met. look.He asked suspiciously: "Miss Yin, do you want to deal with me now?"

Miss Yin didn't delve into the meaning of the other party's question at all, but begged in a panic: "Mr. Jin, I know you are very powerful, and you can definitely find a way. Please save my mother. I will give you money, as much as you want?"

Looking at Miss Yin's tear-filled face, Jin Qi could no longer find the expression of the arrogant and overbearing children of the big family, just like the panic, fright and submission shown by the little girl next door when she was afraid.He smiled, patted the little hand that was holding his arm tightly, and said, "Leave it to me, just for your noble mother, I will not stand idly by."

Miss Yin nodded confidently and relaxed her little hands.Jin Qi turned to the hijacker with a smile and said, "Mr. Green, the show can end now."

A look of horror flashed across the hijacker's eyes, and he asked, "You know me?"

"Of course, you are a Californian, 36 years old, a professional mechanical engineer, terminally ill, and traveled around the world after being diagnosed with malignant leukemia a month ago. You are familiar with three languages, including Chinese. Not long ago, you went to BJ, Shanghai, and Suzhou. , came to Yunnan again. Unfortunately, there is not enough money to continue your desperate trip, so you thought of hijacking the plane. Am I right?"

The hijacker returned from fear to calmness, and resumed his world-weary demeanor, saying, "That's right, and very humorous, who are you?"

Just as Jin Qi was about to speak, Miss Yin stepped in from behind and said loudly: "He is a well-known stone gambler, a person who sees a thousand gold at a glance, it is very easy to see through you."

"Stone Gambler? A very strange profession. Are you an agent of the United States Federation? I have not violated the laws of the United States. Besides, you can do nothing to me. The lives of the entire machine, including your life, sir, are in my mind." Now, what do you think you can do? Take a look at Mr. Jin." The hijacker was a bit of a rogue.

Jin Qi felt that Miss Yin's introduction was ridiculous, but his face was still cold, and he said, "Get your dirty hands off of Mrs. Yin first!"

The hijacker was taken aback, and unconsciously let go of Mrs. Yin's left hand.But it took only a moment for him to reflect, he hugged Mrs. Yin fiercely into his arms, and shouted: "What right do you have to order me?"

"What qualifications do you have? Is it enough to know your true appearance with bread and a red thread?"

Shocked!What?For a long time, this Yankee is wearing a fake bomb?No wonder how it was able to pass through the security check at Yunnan Airport.The captain was the first to reflect and strode towards the hijacker.

Mrs. Yin also came to her senses, lowered her head and bit the dirty hand that was holding her tightly, and broke free amidst the screams of the hijackers, and ran out.

The captain's iron fist slammed fiercely on the hijacker's chin, and the emaciated body of the hijacker was thrown one meter away like a torn sack, and fell heavily on the edge of the deck.Another young flight attendant rushed over and quickly tore off the so-called "explosive pack" and threw it to the captain, while firmly holding down the hijacker.

The captain squeezed the soft "dynamite", frowned, took out a burnt-yellow baguette from the knotted cloth bag, and cursed angrily, "Damn it, it really is bread!"

There was applause behind him. It turned out that the passengers outside knew about the danger in the first class, but everyone was at risk. Now that the danger is lifted, of course they cheered happily.Many people flocked into the cabin to take a look at the stone gambling expert who saw through the hijacker's tricks, and to appreciate his "gambling for life" demeanor.The captain and the stewardess managed to stop the excited crowd, the hijacker was escorted away, the farce ended, the plane began to descend, and the first-class cabin returned to tranquility, with gentle and melodious music flowing from the stereo to soothe the emotions of the passengers.

Jin Qi felt tired and had a bit of a headache. He leaned on the soft chair lazily with his head in his arms, neither watching nor listening to anything. Some were afraid of seeing Mrs. Yin, thinking that the radiance of maternal love overflowing from her body was poison to them, a poison that made people weak and short of breath.

The 747 is slowly landing, and everything will be over soon.

All the flight attendants were lined up at the door of the cabin. When they saw Jin Qi walking lazily, they all stood at attention and raised their hands in salute.Jin Qi was taken aback, and repeatedly cupped his hands in gestures.With enthusiastic and grateful eyes, Jin Qi walked to the cabin, and the captain held a black leather-bound aviation logbook in both hands, and said: "Mr. Jin, we cannot express our thanks to you, this is an ordinary blank aviation journal In the log book, Comrade Qin Mei, who has the best calligraphy in the crew, has just written our heartfelt words, and at the same time has the signatures of all crew members. Please keep Mr. Jin as a souvenir. We will always remember this time to save the day event, remember the name Jin Qi. Please accept our greetings again. All salute—"

There was a "snap" sound, movements in unison, and fiery gazes.Feeling warm in his heart, Jin Qi took the logbook, stepped out of the cabin, turned around and said: "Jin Qi will always regard you as life and death friends!" Then he got off the gangway.

It was already a night when the lights were on and the neon lights were shining. Unexpectedly, the plane was delayed by two hours due to this tossing. Thinking of Wang Keren who picked up the plane, Jin Qi couldn't help speeding up his pace.

It took me more than half an hour to go through the border crossing procedures. As soon as I got out of the gate, I saw a very exaggerated pick-up sign with the words "Golden Flag" written on it.Due to the delay of the flight, Jin Qi was delayed for some time, and the reception area had already come to an end. The lone big playing card and Wang Keren holding the card in a daze seemed so abrupt, even a little funny.When Jin Qi greeted him with a smile, Wang Keren was still pouting, looking unhappy.After Jin Qi finished telling the story that happened in the sky in the car, Wang Kecai regained his pleasant taste.Jin Qi asked with a smile: "Could it be that if there is no reason to delay, the subordinates can show the boss' face?"

Wang Keren rolled his eyes and didn't answer.But the little girl's reproachful appearance still made Jin Qi secretly moved.There was a nice smell in the car, and after repeated identification, I realized that it was coming from Wang Keren.Very elegant, very light jasmine fragrance, making people calm and comfortable.I heard that the perfume that a woman chooses to use when dating a man can explain her attitude. Is this calm and comfortable fragrance Wang Keren deliberately drawing a distance between the two?Seen from the side, the lines of Wang Keren's face are as clean as sculptures, which shows that she also has a strong temper.Thinking about the two having only met three times, I trust her so much. Apart from fate, the main reason is to appreciate her talent.Since she is a business partner, she really needs to treat her with a correct attitude in the future. Maybe Wang Keren hasn't calmed down yet because he is too understated.Thinking of this, Jin Qi said solemnly: "Because my delay has caused you a lot of trouble and inconvenience, I would like to apologize to you again."

This is indeed Wang Keren's good intentions. When Heshi met Fengjuan, she was convinced. Not only Fengjuan's beautiful face, but also her graceful and noble natural temperament could not be compared with her, and she also had a gentle and virtuous character. The brilliance of everyone's ladies can only be envied.So the newly sprouted spring buds withered all of a sudden. Although I secretly wept and lamented for a long time, correcting the relationship between myself and my boss became the top priority of whether we can continue to cooperate. It took a lot of effort to achieve the current level. determination and hard work.However, when Jin Qi apologized to herself again, she immediately felt the boss's indifference, and wondered if this would affect the relationship between the two, and thus affect the business cooperation?Keren hesitated again for a moment, his eyes were a little wet.

Fortunately, the car has arrived at Repulse Bay Linhai Hotel to avoid further embarrassment.Jin Qi went to the reserved room to wash up before coming to the central dining room.Wang Keren booked a table by the window, and the cold dishes and red wine have already been served. She is looking at the boundless sea of ​​Repulse Bay outside the window, looking at the flickering candlelight, the white dining table, and the exquisite tableware from afar. , and the back of the beauty merged into a picture, I really couldn't bear to shatter this tranquility.

After drinking half a glass, Wang Keren turned the crystal wine glass with her slender fingers, and murmured softly: "Less than one mile from the hotel is the location of the 'King's Treasure' we are about to open. Alternative business formats have formed there. , if you take a walk at this moment, you will be able to appreciate the luxury and ostentation. When I reported to you in Heshi, there were still three commercial villas in Repulse Bay, but it was only when I returned to Hong Kong that I realized that there was only the last one left. And The area is very large, 540 square meters, and the price is as high as nearly 38 million. I was in a hurry to ask you for instructions, but unfortunately the phone was not available. At that time, your first payment of 800 million yuan had already been transferred from Yangzhou to the card I specially prepared. On the road, I realized your determination, so I paid for the special building No. [-] in your name the next day. The price is indeed a bit high, but I think it is worth the money. Because it is located at the end of the community, so There are more than [-] square meters of flower gardens, and outside the courtyard wall is the continuous Repulse Bay Beach, with a very beautiful scenery. There are only five sets of such large-scale sets in the entire community, one set is "Tianwei Pavilion" specializing in the best bird's nest and shark's fin; One set is the "Qian's Ancient Treasures Museum" of Hong Kong antique masters; one set is the newly opened "Treasure Night" by the Zhou Sen family, and the sales are similar to ours; the other set is the newly opened "Beauty in the Wind" by the world famous cosmetic brand '. These extravagant consumption will bring us new customers, so I bought the villa and put it into renovation immediately. I wonder if this is right for you?"

Jin Qi smiled, poured wine for both parties, and said, "Very good, let's continue."

"Because the basic decoration of high-end villas has already been completed, our decoration was completed quickly and the cost was not much. The total cost of furniture and electrical appliances was more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars, and the sum of the house price was just over 1 million and 3 Hong Kong dollars. The style is very modern and the color is very good. Mainly golden brown, I have known your preferences, I think you will be satisfied with our decoration. All business legal documents are ready, and the service staff dug up four from Jin Ruixiang where I used to work. Business. In the past two weeks, I received 2000 million RMB from Shanghai and 2000 million US dollars from a Chinese jade workshop in the United States. Now there are more than 7 million Hong Kong dollars in the account of "King's Treasure". Yes. It is only due to Dongfeng that everything is ready, are you ready for our products?"

(End of this chapter)

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