big bet

Chapter 95

Chapter 95
The body of the eagle-eyed middle-aged man gradually shrunk, and finally disappeared between the five fingers of Jin Qi's open left palm in a horrifying wisp of smoke.

"Catch the palm of the god!" the old man cried out.

In fact, this is a bluff, a gimmick that Jin Qi has only recently successfully tested.He always felt that the "Suppressing Heaven Seal" had to be released to play its role, and it was very uncomfortable. Could it be hidden in his arms to perform magical powers?Try it, it really works.You only need to open your palm, and with the movement of the formula, a strong blue aura will be emitted from the Laogong acupoint, and the target will seem to be sucked into your palm.This is called a gimmick, Jin Qi has been fond of it for a few days, and has always wanted to try it on a living person, and today it is done!
The strangeness and terror made the old man's face turn blue, and his white beard fluctuated with the panting. Does he have asthma?
The beauty didn't dare to blink her eyes, she felt the cold golden light in front of her throat seemed to be alive, mocking herself, but she was helpless.The scene in the hall was terrible and comical, and the three of them didn't speak.

I don't know where the gate of the courtyard has been closed, and the noise of people outside can be heard. Maybe the killer of Hsinchu Games couldn't bear it but dared not break in for a while.Jin Qi felt that the matter was very tricky, and he couldn't see Long Juan's suffering, and it happened that the Zhu brothers didn't have eyes and first provoked himself, which led to the farce of ТТ Entertainment City.I always feel that punishing the Zhu brothers is only halfway done, and I want to end it with the excuse of recovering gambling debts.Unexpectedly, the backstage of Hsinchu'an is the ancient martial arts sect in the Mainland. With their half bottle of jealousy, it is not difficult to destroy the whole sect, but did he really do it?Joining the underworld is also a way of life, and you don't want to act as a police officer?But if they don't use the thunderbolt method, will they let the "Kowloon Gang" go?Will it stop the long-planned plan to invade the "Kowloon Gang"?If you kill the old and the young in front of you, and then find out the leader of the Hsinchu Movement—Jiujiezhu, and exile him to a deserted island in the sea to fend for himself, so that the Hsinchu Movement will no longer be able to compete for hegemony on Hong Kong Island, it may be a solution. As long as it's done stealthily, it's probably not a big deal.He raised his eyes, glanced at the terrified beauty in black, and at the old man who was suffering from asthma. He couldn't bear it. After all, the ancient martial arts family and the line of cultivation are rare in this modern world, and they didn't offend him. Besides, Such a beautiful beauty really killed?He couldn't help hesitating...

The old man was very anxious at the moment. He clearly felt the terror of this strange young man. The Sanqing sect had cultivated for hundreds of years, and the top masters could only control the sword, and they were invisible in an instant. This is the great supernatural power of the immortal family. Dare to think.Even though apprentice Jiujiezhu arranged 32 guns around the hall, he didn't dare to issue a signal of resistance rashly.He was just trying to figure out whether there was a good way to properly resolve the conflict between the two parties?Just give him 2000 million and swear not to pursue the loss last night?But the person here really bet 2000 million yuan?People with great supernatural powers still worry about money?Then knowing the real intention of this person is the key to solving the problem, but...he was anxious and worried, and his shortness of breath became worse and worse, he couldn't catch his breath, and his face was ashen.

Suddenly there was a scream from the back house...

Immediately afterwards, a dull roar erupted, giving people a feeling of being suppressed for a long time and finally letting out a free roar. The powerful and beastly bass resonated in the old house and shook people's hearts!
"It's the stone-devouring beast! The stone-devouring beast has escaped!" The beauty in black screamed. The golden sword light forced her to move, but she dared not move. She stomped her feet in anxiety.

The old man fled behind the screen in a flash, and left without saying hello.

"What stone-eating beast, is it powerful? It looks terrified?" Jin Qi asked puzzledly, and dismissed the Divine Slash casually.

The beauty in black felt her throat loosen, and the scary weapon was gone, and she rushed to the back house without even thinking about it. The 2000 million yuan was not in hand, of course the golden flag refused, and ran through three halls one after another, and ran for more than 300 meters along the path in the back garden.In front of it was a large pit with strange rocks. More than a dozen people were lying on the rocks and looking down, screaming incessantly.

Jin Qi followed the beauty and looked: the big stone pit three feet deep and fourteen to five feet wide was full of stumped limbs and arms, dripping with blood, at least four or five people died.Seven or eight big men each held wooden sticks trying to surround a huge wild boar, trying to force it into the hole on the side wall of the pit. Unfortunately, the huge wild boar ignored the threat of the wooden stick and stared at the scarlet red eyes with stubby limbs. The eyeballs growled in a low voice, and the protruding long mouth was half opened, and the sharp fangs could be seen shining fiercely.This is the Stone Devourer?Jin Qi was very surprised. It looked exactly like a wild boar. The only difference was that the tail was a little longer, about two meters long. The whole body was hairless, as if wrapped in a layer of hard yellow armor. The rest was like a pig, with ears, hooves and body. It was only a few sizes larger than ordinary wild boars, and it was estimated to weigh seven or eight hundred catties.Just as he was thinking, the Stone Devouring Beast started, and its huge body blasted towards the flat-headed man waving a wooden stick like a cannonball. In the blink of an eye, the wooden stick stretched forward cracked and shattered piece by piece. Come on, followed by the flat-headed man, his arms and chest were also shattered, blood mist was flying all over the sky, and the dying wail seemed to sound after a long time...

Tragic!The force of the Stone Devouring Beast is like a ton of heavy objects falling from the sky, and a mere person and a stick are no opponents at all.But the other six big men in the stone pit still did not give up, waving their sticks and shouting with all their might.This kind of repelling gradually annoyed the Stone Devourer who had just killed a person, it backed up a few steps, the giant wobbled as if looking for a target, suddenly its small red eyes aimed at the old man who was sitting cross-legged against the stone wall, A frightening low growl came from his throat, his front hooves were slowly digging on the stone ground, and the stone chips splashed...

Seeing this, the six stick dancers at the bottom of the pit moved without hesitation to block the attacking route of the Stone Devourer.The sticks were swung more vigorously, and the roars were more exhausted, and the people on the stone pit also tried their best to utter the sound of driving away.However, the Stone Devourer ignored everything, lowered its head and started violently...

The beauty in black suddenly turned around and grabbed Jin Qi's arm, shouting urgently: "Help grandpa, I'll give you 1000 million!"

"What to do? Kill it?"

"No, you can't kill the stone beast, it is grandpa's treasure, please don't hurt it."

"Do you want me to block this ghost with my body? It's a joke, how many lives can a wild boar deserve?" Jin Qi was very disdainful, disapproving, and his face turned cold.

The beauty in black was still staring at the stone pit, and said in her mouth: "Wild boar? I really can't tell you! This is an ancient beast, the only stone-eating beast in the world. It eats [-] kilograms of high-quality jade and emerald in one meal The stone-eating beast. You actually said it was a wild boar? Hey, don’t talk about it, think of a way, aren’t you very powerful?”

Just as he was speaking, another cloud of bright red blood splashed in the stone pit, and the dazzling red was thrown high and then sprinkled all over the sky, which made people feel chills.With the roar of the stone devouring beast, the dead body with its chest open, slammed into the stone wall fiercely, and the bright blood splashed in the sun, looking so beautiful.With another exclamation from everyone, the seventh corpse was knocked away, and there were only three big sticks standing between the stone-devouring beast and the old man... The stone-devouring beast raised its head and let out a dull roar, and its yellow hard armor gradually shone , turned into a bright golden color, and looked from a distance as if it had swelled up again, like a golden monster with a heavy head.

"It's mutated, it's finally mutated." The beauty in black held her hands on her chest and murmured intoxicatedly.

A strange scene happened in the stone pit. The remaining three big men threw away the wooden sticks in their hands, sat down cross-legged, put their palms together in a posture supporting the sky, closed their eyes and remained motionless.The Stone Devourer unexpectedly stopped attacking, with its limbs firmly spread apart, its long mouth opened upwards, and a wisp of very faint gas came out of its mouth, and the gas rose in colorful colors under the refraction of the sun.

The old man who had been sitting upright by the wall opened his mouth at this moment, and a thinner green air escaped from his mouth, drifting toward the five-colored air of the Stone Devourer.The scene was very weird and a bit mysterious. Jin Qi thought of the eagle-eyed middle-aged man in Zhen Tianyin, and released it casually when everyone was not paying attention. With a "boom", he fell heavily behind the beautiful woman in black.

The beauty in black covered her mouth in surprise, and hurried forward to help the middle-aged man who had fallen dizzy.Jin Qi said coldly: "Bring 2000 million, your faction doesn't want an outsider to continue to appreciate your secrets?"

The eagle-eyed middle-aged man shook his head, looking a little confused.The beauty in black leaned over and whispered in his ear, of course this was to prevent Jin Qi from hearing it.But this kind of defense is like a piece of paper to a person who possesses the magical power of "Mind Consciousness".The words of the beauty in black still surprised Jin Qi: "Brother, just now the stone-eating beast suddenly broke the iron fence and rushed out of the stone cave. Ah Si said that the newly imported 570 kg of jade was fed yesterday, and today there is no jade. A few pieces of colorful martial arts unexpectedly aroused the madness of the stone-eating beast and rushed out of the cave. Grandpa thought that the stone-eating beast might be advanced through this, and would form a golden core. While he was forcing the stone-eating beast back to the cave, At the same time, it is preparing to store its golden pills in case it advances. Five people died, and the stone devouring beast has really advanced, and it is spraying out golden pills, and right now grandpa is trying his best to collect the pills."

The eagle-eyed middle-aged man finally understood the surrounding situation. He glared at Jin Qi with resentment and said, "There is an emergency in the gang right now. Will Mr. Jin come to settle the debt tomorrow?"

Jin Qi shook his head just as he was about to answer, a strange phenomenon protruded from the stone pit, and the figure of the old man sitting by the pit suddenly jumped up, passing over the Stone Devourer like lightning, and two yellow talismans popped up from the left and right, and exploded when they landed. As if restrained, the Stone Devourer became sluggish all of a sudden, flicking its head and tail constantly, its two-meter-long thin tail like a steel whip splashing stone chips everywhere.Circles of dazzling golden light overflowed from it, as if resisting invisible oppression.It seems that the effect of the yellow spell is very powerful, and the Stone Devourer is still unable to break free with all its strength.It was extremely angry, its small blood-red eyes seemed to shoot out, it raised its head and roared, a bright light and shadow spewed out from its long mouth, and shot towards the old man quickly.

When the old man saw it, he was not only not timid, but also beamed with joy.He muttered something in his mouth, and shook his hands to make a series of handprints, and a few fine lines of energy were like a big net scattered towards the light and shadow.

One soft and one hard collided in mid-air, and there was a deafening bang. The light and shadow rotated at high speed trying to break through the air net.Perhaps the Stone Devourer knew that life and death were at stake at this moment, so it straightened its limbs, and roared like thunder one after another, with a breathtaking momentum, the light and shadow became more brilliant as if it was burning, and the force hitting the air net doubled.The old man couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood, desperately issued a few more handprints, and the loose air net tightened again.However, the old man's face was pale, trembling all over, he was at the end of his strength.

The beauty in black and the eagle-eyed middle-aged man along the edge of the pit jumped out of the stone pit almost at the same time, and stretched their palms on Lao Wang's back.With the addition of the new force, the air network suddenly regained its energy, not only resisting the impact, but also slowly shrinking the encirclement.

The Stone Devourer realized the crisis, and tried its best to mobilize its true energy to support the attacking Jindan, but it was a pity that it was blindly reckless, and no matter how powerful it was, it was offset by the qi net of softness.Seeing the light and shadow engulfed by the air net moving towards the stone wall, the Stone Devourer couldn't help but wailed...

In fact, it's not that the three old men are so miraculous. The ancient stone-eating beast brewed into the golden core is already among the immortal beasts. Although the power of the golden core has just advanced and is still poorly cultivated, it is still enough to defeat the opponent. So far, it has fallen into failure. It was because the opponent had planned and prepared for a long time, specially practiced the method of restraint, and used Taoist spells, the fate of the stone-devouring beast was naturally self-evident.

Jin Qi's spiritual sense has been searched for a long time, and there is also a record of the stone-eating beast in the Taiyin Baojian. In addition to the thoughts of everyone in and out of the pit, he also knows about this stone-eating beast. More than 20 years ago, the Sanqing sect of the ancient Wumen sect in the mainland accidentally discovered a piece of colorful Wuyan behind the "Sanguantang" ancestral hall on Lamma Island. This colorful rock is smooth and smooth, like jade but not jade.The old man was originally the only surviving head of the Sanqing sect. Since the Sanqing sect originated from Taoism, the old man called himself a jade Taoist, which shows how much he loves jade.The discovery of Caiwuyan led the Sanqingzong to relocate to Hong Kong Island, bought the ancient house of "Sanguantang", secretly mined Caiwuyan, sold some of them, and then collected them.I never expected to find a giant egg in the rock formation, the shell is very thick, and the blue is very strange.Taoist Yushi tried many times and actually bred a pig-like monster.The ancient books preserved by the Sanqing Sect happened to record this kind of strange beast with a pig body. It was originally called a stone-eating beast, and it was a relic of the ancient Hongmeng.Swallowing a large number of gems and collecting the essence of the world will naturally produce the fairy pill, and this natal essence full of fairy spirit is the "golden pill" that practitioners dream of!If you can obey it, you will not only step into the ranks of the golden elixir of the upper realm of cultivation, and ascend the way of immortality, but also fly over the two levels of "early elixir" and "middle stage of elixir" and directly enter the high position of "Yuanying".Can such a rare opportunity be wishful thinking?The Sanqing sect is just an ancient martial arts sect, aiming at the elementary level of cultivation, and can only think about the higher level of cultivation, how can such an opportunity be missed now!

At the beginning, the Caiwuyan accumulated over the years and excavated in situ was enough for young stone-eating beasts to grow up, but after ten years, there was not much Caiwuyan left, and the financial resources were not enough to buy a large amount of jade, jade, etc. Jade Taoist discovered it during a gang fight in Hong Kong. The way to make money, so the "Hsinchu Games" was established.Taoist Yushi only accepts one apprentice, a middle-aged man with eagle eyes, and he will act as the leader of the "Hsinchu Movement". Because the hand-held weapon is a three-foot-long bamboo sword with nine knots, and it is invincible, so it is called "Nine Swordsman". knotted bamboo".Later, the second and third gang leaders were brothers of Jiujiezhu. In a few years, the newly emerging "Hsinchu Movement" slowly penetrated the gambling industry, yellow industry and black industry in Hong Kong Island based on the wharf. It really made a lot of money and acquired countless Jade and emerald feed stone-eating beasts.It's a pity that jade is getting more and more expensive, and the appetite of the stone-eating beast is getting bigger and bigger. The jadeite purchased (by comparison, jadeite is cheaper than Hetian jade, so Hsinchu Yun has a special person in charge of purchasing it in Myanmar) is not enough for the stone-eating beast to eat. As a result, "breaks" are often caused, as is the case today.

Hard work always pays off. A few months ago, Taoist Yushi noticed the changes in the stone-eating beast. The leather shell of his body became tougher and brighter. The stone-eating beast has entered a mature stage, and will become a fairy beast after breeding the golden core.Taoist Yushi dug out two Taoist spirit talismans that have been handed down from generation to generation, and made all the preparations...

There is another point that Taoist Yushi doesn't know, the Stone Devourer is also known as the Treasure Hunting Beast!
If he knew that the stone-devouring beast had greater value, Taoist Yushi would never just take a golden core and destroy the life of the stone-devouring beast.

Treasure hunter!This is an irresistible temptation for Jin Qi.He couldn't just watch this baby who looked like a stupid pig but was actually psychic die.But think about it, can the treasures raised by people who have spent hundreds of millions of property in the past 20 years be given to others casually?You can't grab it by force, right?He was a little bit embarrassed, watching the burning light and shadow engulfed in the gas net in the stone pit getting farther and farther away from the stone-eating beast. The guy who was proud and majestic just now was whining, as if he expected a miserable end. A few drops of muddy tears actually flowed from the eye sockets.What's even more strange is that its bewildered gaze drifts to the top of the stone pit from time to time, towards the golden flag...

(End of this chapter)

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