big bet

Chapter 96

Chapter 96
Jin Qi's heart trembled, and he couldn't help sending out a ray of consciousness.An even more surprising thing happened. The Stone Devourer seemed to understand Jin Qi's inquiry, and replied: "I can recognize you as master, if you save my life."

Wow!What a psychic beast!Jin Qi immediately decided to make a move.

Jin Qi asked, "Why don't you follow the old knowledge first?"

The stone-devouring beast replied: "This kind of person who harbors evil intentions and has little fortune and fate can be the master, it is better to die!"

Hey, is this guy quite right?There are so many wonders in the vast world, science and technology have been brought into space, and there are still many miracles waiting to be discovered and understood in my own house.If the pig-like monster in front of you is not seen, who can believe it?While thinking about it, Jin Qi secretly sent out [-]% of the Taiyin flow, and no one noticed the silver light that flickered in the blood and blood.

All this happened within a few seconds, and the stone-eating beast in the center of the stone pit changed.A more dull roar rolled in his throat, and a layer of bright silver light suddenly burst out from his body. His body was slowly expanding, and a pointed thing protruded from the center of his forehead. With its sharp angles, the Stone Devourer, which suddenly became larger, gave birth to an incomparably mighty and ferocious aura.The dimming light and shadow originally engulfed in the air net suddenly swelled, and the brilliance like a sharp blade easily cut the air net, highlighting the encirclement of the melting air, like a full moon boldly swallowing a silver light.

The shock made Taoist Yushi blurt out: "Another metamorphosis, how is it possible?"

The beauty in black is the daughter of Taoist Yushi, named Yu Ruyi.When the air net shattered and disappeared, she felt a burst of weakness all over her body, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and the fear she had never had before made her scream.

Jiujiezhu was also uncomfortable. Jin Dan, who had broken through the qi net, suddenly felt an unparalleled coercion, slowly approaching like a mountain. The master's bewilderment and the junior sister's panic made him unable to maintain calm. When life and death have to be timid.He yelled: "Everyone attack the dead pig!"

"With a gun?" someone asked.

If you don't hurt the stone-devouring beast, you can't guarantee your own safety. If you can't get the best of both worlds, you can only kill the stone-devouring beast.He bellowed, "What's the question? All the firepower to beat it to pieces!"

The gun rang, and more than a dozen guns spewed out bullets like raindrops. Can ancient and rare species resist the modern killing tool?A burst of sadness flashed in Jin Qi's heart, why not just accept it, maybe it can escape this.look again!The bullet hit the stone-devouring beast's skin like hitting a thick armor, only the sound of "popping" was heard, and no white shadow was left behind, the shooting was ineffective!
The Stone Devouring Beast was finally driven mad, and spewed out a fiery airflow from its mouth. The golden core, which was still in mid-air, suddenly smashed towards the three people in front of the stone pit wall, and at the same time it lowered its head towards the stone pit. The other big men who pulled out their guns and shot rushed forward. Before the sharp angle touched the opponent's body, the opponent's whole body was violently provoked and thrown aside. It turned out that the sharp angle shot out a force more than one meter long, as powerful as a real body!In an instant, three lives died, leaving only three pools of bloody corpses.

Old Man Yushi and the others also came out in the end, and Jiujiezhu died in the end as a hero. He stood in front of his master and sister with both fists to resist the golden core that was entwined with the Dao talisman. Minced meat and blood next to each other.Immediately afterwards, the old man Yushi died. In fact, he was dying when his strength was cut off. He was happy when his ideals were shattered. Therefore, when the golden pill fell like crazy, he did not resist, but turned back to look at his daughter, his eyes full of pity. and kindness.It's just that everything in front of his eyes shattered in a flash...

Yu Ruyi was very unwilling to die, she turned around and ran away, suddenly felt that she had sprouted wings, and she was flying at an unimaginable speed.Ah, it really flew!The last thought was why did it fall again?

The fate of Nine-section Bamboo was almost the same. When he was provoked by the unicorn, he still gritted his teeth and threw the bamboo sword that he depended on for his life, but it was useless when he was dying. , Scattered all over the ground, I didn't know anything after a twinge of pain in my heart.Some people saw the fate of the gang leader, scattered like his weapons, and threw them into the stone pit.

When the stone-eating beast after receiving the golden pill flew up to the flat ground, all the onlookers of the Hsinchu Movement Gang screamed in fright and fled in all directions, even throwing away their pistols.Jin Qi collected more than a dozen of them in the chaos, and fled out among the crowd.The Stone Devourer chased fiercely, bumping into the trailing escapers from time to time.Someone ran away in a panic, turned around and returned to the side of the stone pit, this guy was fatal.The people who fled into the house stumbled all the way, and many of them broke their arms and legs because of themselves, and few of them were really hit to death by the stone-eating beasts.After everyone escaped from the third hall, there was no deep roar. Before everyone could catch their breath, the police arrived.The ensuing upheaval can be imagined, more than [-] lives were lost!

Jin Qi took advantage of the chaos and left, of course he brought a pig-like guy with him in Tianyin.He was also a little uneasy, feeling that he was becoming more and more cruel, even a little unscrupulous.He spent a long time with his spiritual sense and the stone-eating stone who was gnawing on Hetian Meiyu in the Zhentian Seal, and he came to the conclusion that the ideal and the reality are seriously deviated, and the fairy beast has its own destiny, and no one can control it.Today, when the fairy beast encountered a disaster, there was a golden flag to make a move. It seems that the essence is inevitable by chance, this is fate!If there is no gold flag, there will be a silver flag, bronze flag or something.The destruction of the Hsinchu Luck is, on the one hand, the retribution for doing evil in ordinary times, and on the other hand, it is also the inevitable result of Qianchi's vain attempt to raise a dragon, which cannot be changed, because the stone-eating beast is a "dragon"!
This guy was really extraordinary, as soon as he entered the town of Tianyin, he struggled to squeeze into one hundred and eight spaces, because Jin Qi kept dozens of pieces of Hetian beautiful jade in it.However, it also sent two messages, one was that the huge corpse floating in the next space was an eighth-level silver devil king snake, almost a dragon!It is full of treasures, can the unicorn on its head be given to me to eat? (This gluttonous pig) Another question is why did the master accept a woman?She is dying.This news startled Jin Qi, only after careful inspection with his spiritual sense did he realize that Bai Donger had been taken in at Tsing Yi Peak and had not been released yet, thinking seriously, did he forget?Or subconsciously want to keep this femme fatale but beautiful woman?I don't even know the bottom line.Afraid that she was really dead, after searching with her spiritual sense, Bai Donger's true energy in her body was slowly absorbing the abundant fairy energy in the Zhentian seal, and she was in a state of cultivation.Jin Qi was shocked, can India and China practice?Quickly ordered the stone-eating beast to try it, the reaction was very strong, the greedy guy actually gave up the stone-eating beast and sank into cultivation.Since Bai Dong'er is not in danger, and he can't deal with her for a while, he might as well put her in India and let her practice freely.

Just after noon, he had a phone call with Long Juan, talked a lot, asked about the nursing home where Long Juan's father, Mr. Long, lived, and arranged a meeting place for all the cadres of the Jiulong Gang at nine o'clock tonight.After Long Juan put down the phone, she was very disturbed, and she didn't understand a few questions.One is why all the arrangements must be kept from Aunt Ding who has been with her all the time?Second, why did an ordinary disciple of the Kowloon Gang who was sent to the hospital last night repeatedly ask to join the gang together?The third is to ask the father's address for what?Fourth, why must one obey the person wearing sunglasses in front of others?All in all, she was confused, but there was one thing she firmly believed that Fan Jinqi could do nothing wrong.

Wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a fake beard, Jin Qi arrived at the east unit of the Xiaoyi Building of the "Mid-Levels Nursing Home" at two o'clock in the afternoon, and did not come out until after eight o'clock in the evening.Surprisingly, Mr. Long, who had been half-paralyzed for many days, personally sent the guests out with a walking stick, and ordered his staff to prepare a car to wait on them.

At nine o'clock, the atmosphere in the big villa No. 24 in Chifengtan was solemn, and the people sitting in several groups in the hall all had extremely tense faces, and their sharp eyes scanned each other. , The look of defense is fully revealed.Nine flying dragons soaring through the clouds and fog are carved on the roof, eaves and both sides of the gate of the villa. Anyone who is familiar with it knows that this is the chief rudder of the Nine Dragons Gang, also known as "Dragon Cave".The atmosphere in the "Dragon Cave" is tense today. From the inside to the outside, there are big guards in black suits, and you can guess what is hidden in the bulging waist.At [-]:[-] a stretched Lincoln approached the gate of Dragon's Cave lightly. When the door opened, a middle-aged man with black mirrors, a black hat, and a black beard came out first. I didn't expect that Long Haishan, the gang leader who was half paralyzed on the bed, had already retired to the background and was striding into the villa.

When entering the hall on the first floor, the shock brought to the leaders of the Kowloon Gang present was equally strong, so that almost everyone forgot to be polite.When Long Haishan reached the stairs on the second floor, Long Juan was the first to realize it, and blurted out happily: "Dad, how can you come?"

Long Haishan didn't answer, he waved his hand and said, "Go sit on the second floor."

There were five people sitting on both sides of a very long conference table. Except for Aunt Ding standing behind Long Juan, gunmen lined up behind the other four.Long Haishan sat at the top, and behind him stood a stranger wearing a black hat. This person was dressed mysteriously, and his aura was not weak. If you looked at him a few times, you would feel chilly.

Long Haishan glanced coldly at the five people sitting on both sides, feeling a pang of sadness in his heart, remembering that when Kowloon was in trouble on Hong Kong Island, they beat the Fourteen and the Huayi Gang with guns, and they fought hundreds of big and small fights, sacrificing their sixth son. The eighth and eighth ascended to the throne of the overlord. Unexpectedly, the second and fourth rebelled and took refuge in Hsinchu. So far, only myself, the third, the fifth, the seventh, and the ninth are left.The most frustrating thing is that the ninth child has turned his back on him, and the fifth and sixth child are determined to be neutral and really dare to help their daughter, which means that only the third child is on his side.Isn't it miserable?In its heyday, the [-] members of the gang have turned back and scattered, leaving only [-] people, and they are divided into three minds. Is the Kowloon Gang still like a gangster giant?He glanced back at the mysterious person standing beside him, cheered up and said, "Brother Mei Feng, please come in first."

After a while, a young man with white gauze wrapped around his head came in, straightened up and said loudly, "Mei Feng, helper, come in."

Long Haishan beckoned him to sit in the vacant seat on his left, then sighed and said, "Mei Feng single-handedly stabbed Yun Er in Hsinchu the evening before yesterday, but was captured. His behavior was very reckless, but Juan, the acting gang leader, repeatedly When he was hunted down by Hsinchu Yun killers, he was the only one who dared to fight with white knives and red knives! He was also tenacious and unyielding even under torture. He is a man and a good brother of the Kowloon Gang. I, Long Haishan, bow to you!" , stood up and bowed to Mei Feng to the end.

Mei Feng blushed violently, neither standing nor sitting, a little at a loss.It is a great honor for a gangster to bow to his younger brother, no wonder Mei Feng is nervous and awkward.

Long Haishan patted him heavily on the shoulder, turned around and returned to his seat, and after a while suddenly shouted: "Old Jiu, what else do you want to say?"

On the last seat on the right side of the long table was a man in his thirties, with a slender head and a knife-like face, and stood up slowly, with his hands in the pockets of his black windbreaker, with a look of disdain on his face, and said lightly, "What are you shouting for? Who knows?" Boss, you died and came back to life? Who would want the famous Kowloon Gang to give it to a girl who can only bluff? My ninth child doesn’t want it, and the fifth and sixth children don’t want it either! She was still peeing when we were fighting. Mud. It is because of your face that she is saved today, the boss, otherwise it would have been a shot. Since the boss wants to talk about it, well, my old nine still has a word..."


"You abdicate and enjoy your old age. The four of us are in charge of the Kowloon Gang. As for the niece...give 1000 million to go to Europe. It is the duty to marry a man. Now listen to the boss, let's say whether it will be successful or not!"

Force the palace!The faces of Lao San, Mei Feng, Long Juan and others on both sides of the long table changed drastically, and Lao San stood up suddenly and wanted to say something, but Long Haishan stopped him.Long Haishan glanced at the faces of the fifth and sixth children, they still looked tepid, and it seemed that they had decided to go.Long Haishan felt a twinge of pain in his heart, the feast must be over, it must be time.He looked at the triumphant old nine and said: "You must have heard the story of the Hsinchu Games. The big boss Jiujiezhu died without a complete body; the second boss pretended to be crazy and went to prison; the third boss was seriously injured and half disabled; The dog-headed military division also died; the "Black Rose" you coveted was unfortunately gone half a day ago. Although these news have not been announced yet, I think your insider must have reported it as soon as possible. The fate of the second? The fourth died in the melee, and the second broke a leg. The prosperity and wealth promised by the Hsinchu Games were not enjoyed, but his life was lost. I don’t want to talk about retribution, and those who are gangsters don’t believe in retribution, but I want to tell you This is called 'God's Punishment', do you understand that rebels will be punished by God! Old Jiu, do you want to be punished by Heaven?"

Those present here only had a vague understanding of what happened in Hsinchu'an. The news that Lamma Island was in chaos in the morning naturally spread, but they were still stunned to hear the fact that the big and small bosses had been wiped out.Who dares to take such a cruel hand?Who can make such a cruel move?Could it be that the Hsinchu Movement, which was stomping on the ground in the underworld in Hong Kong, fell apart in just 24 hours, and the ice and snow melted?
There was a look of frustration in the eyes of the ninth child. The news was told by the second phone an hour ago. Apart from being surprised, he was secretly happy because he was freed from the potential threat.What is not happy now is that the pressure from the boss is also relieved, and he loses a trump card in his hand.But...he straightened his body and said coldly: "God's punishment? Boss, you have tasted it, and lying on the hospital bed is also a god's punishment! After all, you will not give up your seat, so let me help you make a decision!" Before he finished speaking, his right hand was suddenly stretched out, and the black muzzle of the gun was aimed directly at Long Haishan.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden change, and Lao Jiu's cold voice said again: "Say, let's make way!"

"Don't think about it!"

Immediately after Long Haishan answered resolutely, there was a crisp gunshot and Long Juan's hoarse scream.Everyone involuntarily closed their eyes for a moment, and a bloody picture appeared in their minds.But the scene he saw immediately surprised people. Long Haishan sat upright with a serious face after the sound of the gunshot;

The most flustered one was of course Lao Jiu. He thought the gun had malfunctioned, but he clearly saw an arc of light shooting towards Long Haishan, and many sparks burst out.Alas, how could a bullet explode into sparks when it hit a human body? Could it be that he was wearing steel armor?The sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, Lao Jiuyi gritted his teeth and raised his hand to trigger the trigger, a series of bullets flew towards Long Haishan, and he yelled viciously: "Die, damn Long Haishan!"

Time and the scene seemed to stand still all of a sudden, all eyes were chasing the bullets and looking at Long Haishan, a strange thing happened, the bullets fired five times in succession suddenly stopped one foot away from the subject, as if frozen, and fell down after two seconds , everyone clearly heard the sound of "ding dong ding dong" bullets falling on the table, but the victim who was attacked only flashed five pieces of brilliance one after another in front of his chest, which was very dazzling and passed by in a flash.It's too mysterious!A defense that even bullets can't penetrate!
(End of this chapter)

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