Chapter 20

In the labor workshop of the first prison area, Pan Jiajie was almost lying on the operating table, earnestly making wigs.

Erpi turned around and said with a smile: "Old ghost, have you really repented?"

"Brother, don't talk to me, I'm working."

Erpi said: "This job, with your eyesight, can you complete the quota? You, why don't you write a letter back and ask your wife to buy a pair of reading glasses."

Pan Jiajie didn't raise his head: "The family is also specific..."

Er Pi looked at him suspiciously: "You, Xie Tianming, and Lu Benchuan are officials of about the same age, and Nalu's family background in Japan is still so rich. Are you and Xie Tianming really being whitewashed?" He looked around, Looking for Lu Benchuan, "Look at him, he was locked up last night, and he came out again this morning. This money is really a goddamn good thing. Money can really turn ghosts around."

Pan Jiajie stopped what he was doing and looked at him: "Brother, I've been thinking these days, yes, money can make ghosts grind, but what if ghosts don't think so?"

Erpi was very surprised: "Oh? This is a bit interesting, tell me, if you are a ghost, what do you think?"

"If I were a ghost, I would think, shouldn't the mill give you money?"

Erpi smiled and said: "It should be given, it should be given."

Pan Jiajie also smiled: "Maybe Qian also has thoughts, Qian thinks, giving me to ghosts won't harm people, but not necessarily to others."

Er Pi scratched his head, and looked at him blankly: "You are going around, you have confused me."

When he saw Ma Xudong standing behind Pan Jiajie and Xie Tianming at some point, he was startled and hurriedly buried himself in his work.

Xie Tianming said with emotion: "Yes, it's better to be poor."

"Those who know me, Secretary Xie." Pan Jiajie laughed.

Ma Xudong said: "Pan Jiajie has improved, Xie Tianming is not bad, Zhao Haidong, learn more culture from them."

Erpi stood up, said with a wry smile, "It's better not to study culture, or I will be like them, and I can't understand what I'm talking about."

Ma Xudong laughed and scolded: "You stick!"

Ma Xudong took out a pair of glasses and handed them to Pan Jiajie. Pan Jiajie immediately stood up and took them respectfully with both hands.

For the next week, there was no news from Xie Xiaowan, and her QQ kept showing that she was offline, and she didn't add Yang Yang as a friend, as if she had disappeared from the world.After Li Changxiong asked about the situation, he decided not to look for it for the time being.

Chen Li and Yang Yang came to Ma Xudong's office, and Chen Li asked, "Boss, are you really not looking for him anymore?"

Ma Xudong said in embarrassment: "The warden Li said that the police force is not enough, so he will not look for it for the time being. I think, you have found Xie Xiaowan's QQ anyway, and Chen Li will move to my office, and watch the computer when she has nothing to do. But, no other things are allowed. People come to the Internet."

Chen Li was skeptical about this QQ, and asked Yang Yang if Xie Xiaowan's classmate was reliable.Yang Yang said, Huang Junjun, there is this person in the address book provided by the school, so there should be no problem.Also, it was said last night that she and Xie Xiaowan were talking on QQ.

Just as Chen Li was about to say something, Qin Huan walked in: "I'm looking for it, I'll join too."

Ma Xudong was a little surprised and looked at Qin Huan.

Chen Li smiled and said, "She wants to accompany someone."

Qin Huan said coyly, "Sister Chen..."

Ma Xudong waved his hands and said, "Yang Yang stays here, you guys go get busy."

After Chen Li and Qin Huan walked out, Ma Xudong said: "Erpi is a little proud recently, you can go and ring the alarm bell later."

"I heard that this kid can turn fire into a cigarette?"

Ma Xudong smiled and said: "Is it possible? But it is true that no lighters or matches were found. During this time, I arranged for someone to keep an eye on him. I don't know how to use this kid. He can really light cigarettes. I couldn't tell when I was a foreign worker before. These days I observed it, and Erpi is clever and quick to learn skills, I would like to promote him to be the head of the production team." He sighed and shook his head, "I'm still worried."

Yang Yang said, "I'll go check it out."

At this time, the head of the education reform department called and asked Chen Li about her class.Ma Xudong called Chen Li over again, and Chen Li said, then I'll be there today.She ordered Yang Yang and Qin Huan to assist, and told Yang Yang to ask the criminal Ji Niu Ma Er to bring his guitar, and the three walked towards the education center.Ma Xudong looked at the three of them, and murmured in his heart: "This little girl, why didn't you take the lesson plan?"

Chen Li and the others walked into the classroom of the education center. More than 200 criminals in the first and ninth prisons were sitting neatly, their eyes were on Qin Huan and Chen Li.A row of single stools was temporarily placed in the back row, and the chief of the education reform department and the female police officers from the education center were sitting there.

Chen Li went straight to the podium, while Yang Yang and Qin Huan stood on the side of the podium.Chen Li looked around and asked, "Want to work?"

No one answered, silence.

Chen Li smiled: "Zhao Haidong, you have the loudest voice, just say what you think, and I won't blame you."

Erpi stood up and said, "Officer Chen, I'm a big-bodied and uncouth man, why are you sitting here, why don't you go and do some work."

Before Er Pi finished speaking, the criminals around burst into laughter.

Erpi argued dissatisfiedly: "I'm thinner, but I have plenty of strength! Back then, no one would even want to get close to me."

Chen Li smiled, nodded, told him to sit down, and looked around the classroom again: "Those who have the same thoughts as Zhao Haidong, please raise your hands."

Er Mao took the lead in raising his hands. Some criminals hesitated and raised their hands one after another.

Chen Li said: "So many people? It seems that most people don't want to go to class and want to work. In other words, almost all the people who raise their hands are as strong as Erpi. Make money, right?"

Many criminals nodded.

Chen Li said: "There are more than 200 people sitting here. It's really crowded. Police officer Yang Yang and I are here to give you a lecture today. How about we go outside to have a class, how about it?"

All the prisoners felt very fresh and applauded in unison!
Yang Yang and the police on duty took the criminals to the playground outside the education center. Two soft cushions had been placed on the playground, and Yang Yang directed the criminals to sit around the cushions.The criminals all looked at the mat suspiciously and whispered to each other.

Er Pi stood up: "Report..."

Yang Yang looked at him: "Say!"

Erpi looked around: "Officer Yang, do you want to take physical education class?"

Chen Li said loudly: "Fighting class!"

All the prisoners looked back, Chen Li was wearing a training uniform, and she walked to the center of the soft cushion calmly and heroically.

Erpi asked: "Report to Police Officer Chen, fighting class? With whom? With you?"

Chen Li pointed to Zhao Haidong, then pointed to all the criminals and said, "Don't you have a lot of strength? Any of you can come up and fight me today, just use your strength. If you beat me, you are eligible to fight with Officer Yang. Trick."

The prisoners made a noise.

The chief of the education reform section and the policewomen in the education center looked at each other, and the chief frowned.

Chen Li pointed at Zhao Haidong again: "Zhao Haidong, you come first?"

Erpi showed joy on his face: "What if I hurt you? Why don't you go into confinement?"

Even though Erpi said so, he had already walked to the mat and was gearing up.

Yang Yang smiled badly: "No, Zhao Haidong, just show off your housekeeping skills."

The criminals were about to applaud, but seeing Yang Yang's expression, they seemed to realize something, and looked at Chen Li and Er Pi suspiciously.Erpi took off his shoes, but put them on again immediately.

Yang Yang sneered and said, "What? You're a bear?"

Erpi stood at attention and reported: "Officer Chen, please allow me not to take off my shoes, I... my feet are too smelly."

The prisoners burst into laughter.

Chen Li said, "Okay."

Erpi walked over, imitating the appearance of the qigong master in the movie, striding forward, lucky, hey twice.Chen Li walked straight over, locked his left hand, twisted, grabbed his right hand, and at the same time kicked Er Pi's leg.Erpi groaned, and Chen Li knelt on the ground with her knees firmly.

Erpi's mouth deformed due to the pain, and he yelled, "Oh, oh, oh, oh...not counting, Officer Chen sneak attack."

Chen Li let him go, and Erpi ate shit.The prisoners burst into laughter.Erpi got up and made a good posture.Chen Li walked straight over again, fell on her back, and threw Er Pi heavily on the ground.Erpi couldn't get up for a long time.

The female police officers in the education center applauded vigorously.

Erpi ran back in a daze.

Chen Li asked: "Do you still feel that you can't run out of energy?"

The criminals looked at me and I looked at you, most of them shook their heads, but there were still a few with disdain on their faces.

Seeing the unconvinced look on Scar's face, Yang Yang walked up to him: "Aren't you convinced? Good men don't fight women, right? Okay, I've been with you before?"

Scarface was stunned for a while, and the second belt took the lead and shouted to cheer for Scarface.

Scarface glared at Erpi, stood up with a dark face, as strong as a black bison, Erpi and others applauded vigorously.

Scarface looked at Yang Yang and forced a smile, nodded and bowed, and said respectfully: "Yang... Officer Yang, I, I... how dare I fight you..."

Yang Yang smiled contemptuously and said, "You guys, don't go and get beaten. Officer Chen is a five-dan taekwondo master."

The prisoners exclaimed for a while, looking at Chen Li and then at Yang Yang.

Chen Li waved her hand and said, "You guys are clamoring to go out to work. I'm afraid you don't want to work in the workshop, but you want to work abroad. Who doesn't know your little bastards? Don't you just want to see beautiful women? Zhao Haidong, tell me, don't you? "

Chen Li saw through Er Pi's mind, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Yes..."

Chen Li looked at him and said, "Zhao Haidong still has a little bit of shame, which shows that his conscience is still alive."

Many criminals bow their heads.

Chen Li waved her hand to greet Qin Huan: "Officer Qin, come here."

Qin Huan was embarrassed and stopped, but Yang Yang pushed her up.

The prisoner's eyes swished straight to Qin Huan.

Qin Huan stood behind Chen Li in a panic, but there were prisoners all around. She looked at Chen Li in panic.Chen Li pulled Qin Huan in front of her: "Do you think Police Officer Qin is pretty?"

No one dared to answer.

Chen Li said: "Zhao Haidong, look at Police Officer Qin, tell me."

Er Pi lowered his head even lower, muttering incoherently: "Beautiful, beautiful, everyone on earth knows..."

The criminals around snickered.

Chen Li looked around for a week, making every prisoner feel her unparalleled aura at this time. Her momentum and authority now control everything in front of her eyes: "Yes, everyone has desires. When you are hungry, you want to eat. When you are thirsty, you want to eat. Wanting to drink water, putting on clothes when it’s cold, etc. are all called desires. Such desires are reasonable, conform to moral norms, and are within the scope of the law. Each of us has a heart for beauty, But do you know? Beautiful things should be appreciated with a pious heart, not with an ugly or even evil heart like you to lust!"

Chen Li's voice was so powerful that all the criminals lowered their heads.

Chen Li went on to say: "If you let yourself go like this, you will only go further on the wrong path in life! Zhao Haidong!"

Er Pi stood up: "Here!"

"Let me ask you, do you have any sisters or mother?"

"I have a sister, I... I am not a wild species, of course I have a mother, oh, wild species also have a mother." Erpi said seriously.

The criminals didn't dare to laugh and looked at each other with their heads down.

Chen Li laughed, "Okay, sit down."

When the criminals saw Chen Li smiling, they also giggled.

Chen Li changed the subject: "Everyone here probably has sisters, sisters, and mothers who gave birth to you and raised you. If your sisters or mothers are surrounded by countless people like this, they will be imagined by everyone. stripped naked and wanton in their minds, can you tolerate and accept it emotionally?"

All the prisoners shouted, "No!"

Erpi continued to shout loudly: "I... No, no... See if I don't break his neck and gouge out his eyeballs!"

Chen Li's face brightened, and she said, "Okay, I said some digressions today, but I know you already understand how to treat our female teachers, right?"

The prisoners answered loudly: "Yes!"

Chen Li said: "Okay, let's resume class. Zhao Haidong, you are here as a daily student today."

She took a step forward and stood at attention.

Er Pi stood up: "Yes!" He shouted angrily, "Stand up!"

All the criminals quickly stood up straight: "Hello, teacher!"

Chen Li said: "Hello, students! Please sit down! Now, read it aloud to me."

Chen Li made up her mind: "Be a happy person from today..."

"Be a happy person from today..."

Chen Li led the back: "Feed the horse and chop firewood to honor your parents..."

"Feed the horse and chop firewood to honor your parents..."

"I'm going to build a house..."

The expressions of the criminals became serious: "I want to build a house..."

"Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom……"

The eyes of many criminals are moist: "Facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming..."

Chen Li's euphemistic and pleasant voice was flowing like music, and the inmates' reading in unison echoed on the playground.The chief of the education reform section and the female police officers in the education center were all infected, and there were emotions that were difficult to express in words.The head of the education reform section suddenly noticed that Ma Xudong was standing there not far behind him, looking steadily towards this side. He extended his thumb to Ma Xudong, but Ma Xudong seemed not to see it.

At this moment, a guitar came, high-pitched, beating everyone's heart.The prisoners followed the sound, and Ji Niu Ma Er held the guitar, playing and singing.Amid the desolate and sad singing, many prisoners couldn't help shedding hot tears.However, there is a person who looks like weeping but can't shed tears, he is Xie Tianming; there is another person who thinks that these people around him are a bunch of lunatics, even though he lowers his head, he sneers in his heart, he is Ruben Sichuan.

After lunch, the criminals went to work in the workshop. However, Er Pi was a little hesitant. He had listened to Officer Chen Li's class in the morning, and his heart could not be calm. Earn money with your own strength, then build a house, honor your parents quietly, and be a person who blooms in spring.But he was left behind in the afternoon, seeing his companions marching to the workshop neatly, his heart suddenly felt empty.He felt that these people seemed to be specially against him, their steps were bold and majestic, where did the declining spirit of the world go?Where did the temperament of the broken cans and the unafraid of boiling water go?
"Grandma's..." he muttered.

Lu Benchuan and Ji Niu Maer were sweeping the floor.Lu Benchuan was like painting a picture, sweeping east and west, lazily.Ji Niu Maer swept carefully, and re-swept the place that Lu Benchuan swept.

Erpi was depressed, seeing Lu Benchuan's appearance, he couldn't get angry, and walked over, Zi smiled and said: "Hey, the supervisor and reform team leader, why are you sweeping the floor?"

Lu Benchuan gritted his teeth with hatred and pretended not to hear.

Erpi went up and pushed him with his body: "Are you pretending to be deaf for me?"

Lu Benchuan took a few steps back.

Ji Niu Ma Er hurried over and advised: "Zhao Haidong, he is an old man, forget it, forget it."

Er Pi gave him a hateful look, and Ji Niu Ma Er took a few steps back in fright.

Er Pi said: "He is old, you are not old? Singer, you are fucking older than him, look, how much he has scanned, how many have you scanned?"

Ji Niu Ma Erbei smiled and said: "Oh, it's okay, it's okay, it's boring if you have nothing to do."

Er Pi stared and stared again: "Hey, you are always educated, why are you also a cheap man?"

"You bastard, you bastard, I've been like this ever since I entered here..." Ji Niu Ma Er looked humble.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Erpi turned around and shook his fist at Lu Benchuan, shouting, "Lu Japan, if you bully our singer again, I will show you!"

At this time, Yang Yang called him outside the iron gate of the supervision area, Erpi turned and left, Ma Xudong suddenly walked over, Erpi bumped into him.Erpi was startled, and quickly stepped aside, nodded and said, "Oh, it's the boss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please."

Ma Xudong ordered: "Stand at attention."

Erpi stood at attention.

Ma Xudong smiled and said, "This is how you look like a human being."

Erpi immediately nodded and bowed again: "Yes, yes."

Ma Xudong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Get lost."

Erpi quickly ran outside the duty room and made a report: "Report to the police officer, the criminal Erpi... No, Zhao Haidong left the prison and went to the workshop, please give instructions."

Ma Xudong watched Yang Yang take the second belt out before turning to Lu Benchuan: "Lu Benchuan."

Lu Benchuan stood at attention: "Here!"

"Are you sweeping the floor, or are you painting?"


"From now on, you will clean the toilet on the first floor."


Ma Xudong pulled his face: "What, do you have an opinion?"

Lu Benchuan said in frustration: "No..."

Ma Xudong turned around and told Ji Niu Ma Er: "After cleaning the playground, take him to clean the toilet and teach him."

Ji Niu Ma Er stood at attention: "Yes!"

The group leader Li Haojian patrolled the workshop, several technicians exchanged glances, and a technician walked into the police duty room and took out Zhonghua cigarettes for them to distribute.

A technician walked up to Li Haojian: "Brother, come here and help me pick up something."

Li Haojian looked at the duty room and followed him.

Li Haojian had just walked into the toilet when several technicians jumped on him and punched and kicked him.Li Haojian curled up on the ground, holding his head in his hands, without saying a word.

The leading technician waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, and he pulled Li Haojian up by himself. The leading technician took out a cigarette and stuffed it to Li Haojian.

Li Haojian asked coldly: "Everyone, what do you mean?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid, what do you know?"

Although Li Haojian was in pain from the beating, his temperament did not change at all. He snorted, "Isn't it just about Lu Benchuan? Let me tell you, I didn't grow up in sugar water, huh! Outside, I might be afraid of you, this is a prison, my father is still my father, my son is still my son, I can't turn over."

"So, our boss wants to make you a friend, so we, Mr. Lu, will please you." The leader looked at him and said seriously.

Li Haojian said: "It's easy to say, easy to say. From now on, whoever dares to touch a hair on him, I, Li Haojian, will touch his skin."

The leader clasped his fists and said, "With your words, we are relieved. But there is another matter, and I ask Patriarch Li for help."


"Repair repair Erpi."

Li Haojian shook his head: "Him? I dare not mess with him."

After Li Haojian finished speaking, he took the opportunity to run out.

The leading technician looked helpless and said, "Let's go, let's go, the special police will come in a while."

A few technicians had just walked out of the toilet, and a few special police officers came over here.

Yang Yang walked slowly on the garden path in the supervision area, his eyeballs rolled around, sneaking a peek at Yang Yang from behind from time to time, then quickly lowered his head, pretending to be respectful and pitiful, for fear that Yang Yang would suddenly turn around and see him.

Yang Yang took out the cigarettes, and Erpi quickly took out a pack of cigarettes: "Come on, smoke this, this, how can I smoke yours?"

Yang Yang took his cigarette and asked in surprise, "Your child smokes Zhonghua?"

Er Pi smiled coquettishly: "How can I afford to smoke? It's because I touched Lu Benchuan. I can't bear to smoke."

Erpi put Zhonghua in his pocket, and took out a pack of National Treasure cigarettes.

Yang Yang touched the lighter everywhere on his body: "Oh... what should I do?"

Erpi glanced at him suspiciously, and immediately understood a little, bowed his head and remained silent.Yang Yang squatted down, motioning for him to squat down too.Er Pi reluctantly squatted down.

Yang Yang raised the cigarette in his hand: "Light it?"

Er Pipi smiled and said, "Officer Yang..."

"Aren't you going to get angry?"

Erpi smiled obsequiously, "Officer Yang..."

Yang Yang ordered solemnly: "Take out everything in your pocket." Erpi slowly took out his things, two packs of cigarettes, and a pair of AA batteries.

"that's it?"

Erpi frowned, and said with a guilty conscience: "Ah..."

"Turn all the pockets inside out."

Erpi turned over slowly, Yang Yang picked up a few strips and looked carefully: "What is this?" Erpi said honestly: "Tinfoil."

Yang Yang smiled and said, "Hey! You're so smart."

Erpi couldn't believe it: "You know?"

Yang Yang rolled his eyes at him: "I don't know."

Er Pi smiled: "Don't tease me when you're always old, I'm so narrow-minded..."

Yang Yang said seriously: "I really don't know, I only know that tinfoil can short-circuit the battery. Demonstrate it for me?"

"This...will be confined..."

Yang Yangyin smiled and said: "You don't need to demonstrate it to me. I'll go back and study slowly, and these props will be confiscated."

Erpi quickly said: "Okay, demonstrate, demonstrate..."

Erpi had a cigarette in his mouth, and connected the two AA batteries with strips of tinfoil. The tinfoil suddenly ignited, and Erpi lit the cigarette with quick eyes and quick hands.

Yang Yang stood up and left.

Er Pi followed behind, and said pitifully, "Officer Yang, I, I..."

"Erpi, let me give you a suggestion. Don't use these things again today. In the evening, you can demonstrate it to Boss Ma. Maybe your baby will become famous."

Erpi was dubious, scratched his head: "Huh? Officer Yang, what's going on?"

Yang Yang smiled and said nothing. At this moment, his walkie-talkie rang, and it was Chen Li who wanted him to go back to the office immediately.

In the toilet on the first floor of the first prison area, Ji Niu Ma Er knelt on the ground to clean the urinal, while Lu Benchuan watched while covering his nose.

Lu Benchuan asked: "Lao Niu, how many years have you been here?"

"Nine years and one month and 22 days, oh, fifteen hours."

Lu Benchuan was very surprised. He didn't expect that he kept it in his heart all the time for a few hours.But think about it, why not yourself?He asked again: "Is this how you live every day?"

Ji Niuma used second-hand hands non-stop, vigorously scrubbing the urinal: "It's pretty good."

"How many more years?"

"More than eight years."

"When you are full, go to my company."

Ji Niu Ma Er turned around, looked up at him and smiled: "That's a good relationship..." However, he immediately shook his head and said to himself, "I'm afraid that by then... will my old bones still be there..."

Lu Benchuan was startled, and stared at him blankly.

At this time, the policeman on duty shouted outside: "What are you all doing in there? Come out, come out, and bask in the sun. Ji Niu Ma Er, go and recite No. 203."

Ji Niu Ma Er answered yes loudly, trotted out, and Lu Benchuan followed to the door of the toilet to look out.

A few elderly prisoners came out slowly, and Ji Niu Ma Er came out with a dull-eyed elderly prisoner and put him on a chair.

Lu Benchuan walked over, glanced at the elderly prisoner, tilted his head, frowned and said, "It's all like this, and you're still in a labor camp? Why aren't you released on parole?"

Ji Niu Ma Er said: "There is no one in his house, he is released on parole, who will pick him up?"

"Does the Civil Affairs Bureau not care?"

"The Civil Affairs Bureau is in charge, but he is a criminal."

Lu Benchuan stayed for a while, and then asked: "Just stay in prison for the rest of your life?"

Ji Niu Ma Er moved a small stool for the old prisoner, put his feet on the stool, and then said: "In fact, it is his blessing to stay in prison, at least he has someone to take care of him. Like this, go out, and probably live." Just a week."

Lu Benchuan looked gloomy, and followed Ji Niu Ma Er to the toilet.He picked up the brush, squatted in another urinal, froze for a moment, and began to brush the urinal.

As soon as Yang Yang walked into the office of the superintendent, Chen Li yelled at him excitedly: "Xie Xiaowan added you as a friend, and I want you to take some photos of Xie Tianming. Before five o'clock, go to the teahouse downstairs of your rented room—that's the one." The tea house next to the public phone booth—meeting."

Yang Yang also jumped up happily and high-fived Chen Li.

Qin Huan was checking the letters from the criminal's family. She picked up the last one, which was from Pan Jiajie. At this moment, a policewoman walked in and said, "I heard that Xie Xiaowan found it."

Qin Huan asked, "Ah? Where is it?"

"It seems that the teahouse under Yang Yang's rented house..."

Qin Huan handed dozens of letters to the policewoman: "Sister, help me to the duty room of the supervision area, and I will treat you later, ah!"

The policewoman asked, "Is the inspection finished?"

"Check it out." Qin Huan ran away quickly.

Chen Li and Yang Yang rushed to the appointed place as quickly as possible, and it was 10 minutes before five o'clock. The two breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the teahouse to look around.

Yang Yang saw Xie Xiaowan and ran over: "Huang Junjun, where is Xie Xiaowan?"

Xie Xiaowan stood up.

Chen Li glanced at Xie Xiaowan, quickly took out the photos to compare, and looked at Yang Yang in astonishment.

Yang Yang introduced to Chen Li: "She is Xie Xiaowan's classmate, her name is Huang Junjun."

Chen Li suddenly understood that this Huang Junjun was Xie Xiaowan. She gave Yang Yang a blank look, and cursed inwardly.

You're an idiot, only someone as honest as you would fall for it.

Xie Xiaowan glanced at Chen Li with hostility, and asked coldly, "Who is she?"

Yang Yang hurriedly said: "Oh, her name is Chen Li, she is a police officer in our first prison district, and a national second-level psychological counselor."

Xie Xiaowan stood up and left.

Yang Yang stopped her and asked anxiously, "Where is Xie Xiaowan?"

Xie Xiaowan was expressionless: "Xie Xiaowan just wants to see you alone."

She lifted her foot and walked away, Yang Yang stomped anxiously and looked at Chen Li.

Chen Li asked: "Xiao Wan, don't you want to see your father?"

Xie Xiaowan trembled and stopped, but did not turn around.

Chen Li walked over, hugged her, and shook her phone: "Xiaowan, we still have a photo of your grandma here, come, sit down, let's chat slowly, ah."

Xie Xiaowan turned around and walked back to her seat, and sat down.

Yang Yang opened his eyes wide, stunned: "Why are you Xie Xiaowan?"

Xie Xiaowan smiled wryly, but remained silent.

Chen Li smiled: "Yang Yang, get down to business."

Suddenly, Xie Xiaowan raised her head and stared blankly at the door of the teahouse.It turned out that Qin Huan walked in holding Wen Ziping's hand.Chen Li and Yang Yang looked at each other with astonishment on their faces.

Wen Ziping saw Xie Xiaowan, rushed over, and shouted in surprise, "Xiaowan?"

Qin Huan walked over and took Wen Ziping's arm again.

Wen Ziping pushed her, but she held onto her tightly, and the two of them pushed and shoved.

Chen Li couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted in a low voice, "Qin Huan!"

Qin Huan let go of Wen Ziping, pouted and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie Xiaowan stood up and smiled lightly: "Yang Yang, thank you!"

"Xiaowan, let's go home, ah!" Wen Ziping begged.

Xie Xiaowan smiled calmly: "Brother Ziping, thank you too, I'm fine, send my regards to Uncle Wen."

Xie Xiaowan turned around and left, Yang Yang stood there in a daze, Chen Li pulled him, he suddenly came to his senses, and followed Chen Li to chase Xie Xiaowan.

Wen Ziping also caught up, Chen Li stopped Wen Ziping: "Ziping, I hope you don't follow us today."

A policeman led Pan Jiajie into the supervision area: "Pan Jiajie, go to the committee to get two notebooks and two ballpoint pens. Wait for me here in a while."

After the policeman in charge finished speaking, he walked towards the office building.

Pan Jiajie said "yes", turned around and smiled humbly at the policeman on duty, "Officer, do you have my letter?"

The policeman on duty said: "It seems to be there, wait a minute, I'll look for it for you."

The policeman on duty looked through the stack of letters, found Pan Jiajie's, and handed them to him.

Pan Jiajie nodded and bowed to the police on duty to express his gratitude, and opened the letter as he walked.

The policeman in charge came over from the office building and looked around: "Hey, where's Pan Jiajie? Pan Jiajie, Pan Jiajie..."

A shout came from the corridor: "No, Pan Jiajie hit the wall, Pan Jiajie hit the wall..."

The police on duty and the police on duty rushed to the corridor when they heard this.

Wen Ziping ran like crazy on the street, Qin Huan followed closely behind.Tired of running, he stopped to catch his breath, only to realize that Qin Huan was chasing him closely, yelling at her nervously: "Get out, get out!"

Qin Huan squatted on the ground, gasping for breath and crying loudly.

Pedestrians stopped and looked at them.

An old man accused Wen Ziping and said: "Young man, what's the point of discussing it? How can you bully a girl?"

Another middle-aged woman also said, "That's right, you don't look like a man."

Wen Ziping looked at Qin Huan in disgust, and walked over to help her up.

Chen Li and Yang Yang caught up with Xie Xiaowan, Chen Li took Xie Xiaowan to her car and said, "Get in the car, it's over there, let's find a quiet place."

Xie Xiaowan obediently got into the car.

Chen Li asked Yang Yang to drive, and she sat in the back seat with Xie Xiaowan. Originally, Chen Li wanted to chat with her casually, but seeing her eyes closed tightly, looking sleepy, she thought about letting her adjust herself. When a person encounters such a thing, his heart is more or less pimple, so he has no choice but to remain silent.

"We're here." Chen Li pushed her gently.

Xie Xiaowan opened her eyes, and saw a straight avenue leading directly to the building in front. In front of the building stood a group of bronze sculptures. She couldn't be more clear that it was Confucius and his students.On both sides of the avenue are the ancient tabernacles, still so vigorous, like a kind teacher, welcoming her a wandering wanderer...

She couldn't hold it back any longer, and tears flowed down her cheeks. This was her alma mater, which she always dreamed of.Many times, she wanted to come here to have a look, the classrooms, the dormitory, the dining hall, the dense sycamore forest, and the wisteria trellis beside the sycamore forest... But every time she approached her alma mater, , she always lingers, not daring to step in, and finally flees in a panic.

The car was driving slowly on the campus road, library, laboratory building, hospital, lotus pond, apricot orchard, covered bridge, sunset pavilion... all came into view one by one, recalling her buried university days...

She whimpered and cried.

Chen Li hugged her, said nothing, just patted her on the back lightly.

Stopping in the sycamore forest, the campus is very quiet, the raindrops from last night are still hanging on the leaves, a gust of wind blows, tick-tock, and the leaves are fluttering, the green leaves alternate with the gray-green backs , like a butterfly flying.The wisteria has already sprouted, and the vines like horned dragons are entangled with a hazy greenness, like a dead tree in spring, leaving people with infinite room for reverie...

Xie Xiaowan breathed greedily, and then her expression returned to the original state, with a little indifference in the sadness, and a trace of rebellion in the calm, she asked: "My father, how is he?"

"Not good." Chen Li replied concisely.

Xie Xiaowan looked at her steadily: "I read in the news that the conditions in the prison have been greatly improved? It's like a garden, like a school, and human rights are also protected. How could it be? Could it be that the propaganda is fake?"

Chen Li said: "You are right, and the propaganda is not fake. Our Qingshui Prison is just like what you said. However, your father is doing very badly. In the past five years, his relatives have only visited once. Xiaowan , do you know? Your father cares about many people, but the only spiritual sustenance is you. Just two months ago, he committed suicide..."

"Ah? I...he..." Xie Xiaowan became anxious, subconsciously grasping Chen Li's hand tightly.

"Fortunately, he was found in time and rescued. He hasn't said why he committed suicide until now. According to my analysis, he didn't receive your letter on the eve of the Spring Festival. He figured out what happened to you. After the Spring Festival, he still didn't have any information about you. Desperate. Now his body is recovering well, but the psychological knot has not been untied, his mood is ups and downs, very unstable, and he suffers from severe depression. The possibility of him continuing to take extreme methods cannot be ruled out. At home He still doesn't know the situation, if we know that you dropped out of school because of his crime, grandpa passed away because of him, grandma suffered from severe diabetes, and second brother was injured and paralyzed because of his job, we really can't imagine what would happen." Li Chen Say.

"I..." Xie Xiaowan suddenly looked very decadent.

"Xiao Wan, although we don't know why you haven't visited your father for so many years, we believe that you have your reasons and understand you. This is a letter from your father that we saw when we went to your hometown. One of them is There are a few words, I will read it to you..."

Chen Li took out a stack of letters, found one of them, unfolded it, and read: "When our hearts are stained with dust and Qingshui Prison, we will look forward to the baptism of a storm. However, some people, some things, are not you If you want to forget, you can forget. The most painful thing is that some things are lost and will never come back, but there is still a thin and sharp needle left in your heart, which cannot be pulled out. , whenever it wants you to hurt, your heart will start to hurt, endlessly, like a curse, like a shadow.”

Xie Xiaowan's eyes were clouded with tears, sobbing softly.

Chen Li handed the letter to her, and she held it carefully, like holding a newborn baby, tears dripping down on the letter paper.She knew that what Dad said was his inner monologue, but how could Dad know that her daughter had the same mentality now?

"Daddy..." she murmured.

"Your father has such a mentality. There are many needles in his heart. He lost his dignity and freedom. As a son, he can't be filial, and as a father, he can't take care of his daughter. Can he live well? But, I think Your father is only half right. I admit that some painful things will torment us like a curse, but it is not impossible to escape." Chen Li said thoughtfully.

Xie Xiaowan raised her head and looked at her pitifully.

"Let's imagine, if you come back here and finish your college studies, will those needles in your dad's heart slowly disappear?"

Xie Xiaowan burst into tears: "Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

"There is nothing difficult in the world, and nothing is absolute!" A loud and firm voice came from a distance, giving people a kind of comforting power.

Yang Yang was walking over with an old man.

"Teacher!" Xie Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, then rushed over, hugged the old man tightly, and cried even harder.

Ma Xudong rushed back to the prison area, and the criminal Pan Jiajie was sent to the hospital.

A policeman in the office poked his head out of the window and called, "Jian Ma, your phone number."

The prison stipulates that it is strictly forbidden to bring mobile communication tools or equipment into the supervision area, so when passing through the second gate, everyone must hand over their mobile phones to the gate guard for safekeeping.The only way to communicate with the outside world is through the landline, while the inside of the prison is through the walkie-talkie.

Ma Xudong asked, "Which one is calling?"

"It's Chen Li."

"Tell her, I'll call her later." Ma Xudong said.

Although the prison building is connected to the office area, due to safety considerations, it is generally not allowed to enter the office area directly from the prison building. The iron gates are all locked, and only the policemen on duty have the keys.There is still a distance to answer the phone.

He stepped out of the gate of the supervision area, turned back and called the police on duty to call the workshop, and brought Xie Tianming back.

He returned to the office and dialed Chen Li's phone number. Chen Li said excitedly: "Mr. Ma, we found Xie Xiaowan. Now we are in her university. Yang Yang invited her former counselor teacher over to talk about it." fine."

"Do you think it's necessary for her to call Xie Tianming?" Ma Xudong said.

Chen Li thought for a while and said: "I don't think today is enough. According to my observation, although Xie Xiaowan loves her father very much and wants to see her father, but after all, Xie Tianming has caused great harm to her family, especially to her. Working part-time, experiencing all the ups and downs of the world, has left a deep imprint on my mind, and if it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it. Let her have a psychological transition period."

"Okay then...Xiao Chen, you have worked hard, and I will treat you to dinner when you come back. If Xie Tianming is really influenced and transformed this year, I will give you credit."

"Inspector Ma, I don't care about that, I just care about the working atmosphere. Working under you is more enjoyable and comfortable than anything else." Chen Li giggled.

Ma Xudong also smiled heartily: "Don't worry, although I am old, I once said that the difference between me and some leaders is that I have worked at the grassroots all my life and know the grassroots. Pan Jiajie hit a wall, specifically I don't know the reason yet, I want to ask Xie Tianming to take care of him, do you think there is any risk?"

"Xie Tianming probably won't take drastic actions at the moment, but this Pan Jiajie..."

"What's the problem? Tell me."

"According to Pan Jiajie's current situation, it is unlikely that he will commit suicide. If he wants to commit suicide, that would be Wu Shuangshuang... Could it be that something happened to Wu Shuangshuang? Hey, I'm confused. By the way, you can check the letter he received from Wu Shuangshuang today No." Chen Li said thoughtfully.

Ma Xudong hung up the phone, with a heavy heart, went downstairs to the supervision area, and said to Xie Tianming, "I want to send you to take care of Pan Jiajie, do you have any comments?"

Since the last time he was asked to feed the pigs and he committed suicide by cutting his wrists, Ma Xudong's way of talking to Xie Tianming changed suddenly. This really made him complacent for a while, but after the exciting period, he always felt something Something is wrong, uncomfortable?Still guilty?Or have you lost even the basic concept of right and wrong?I used to be the secretary of the county party committee, and I was a "seven-rank", and my quality, conduct, and knowledge should be higher than others.Even the folks in my hometown who have been farmers for generations are well versed in the principle of repaying kindness, but what about him?
He used to look down on the head of the prison district, and also looked down on many prison police officers. They generally have low culture, stay in the valley all their lives, inherit their father's career, rigid thinking, and full of bumpkins. Compared with today's society where information spreads rapidly, They are like people from primitive society. It is hard to imagine how it is possible for such a group of people to take on the task of reforming criminals.

But think about it seriously, in the early days of the founding of our country, didn't many old revolutionaries and veterans not have much culture?They have many deficiencies, such as scientific management, innovative thinking and awareness, etc., but they are pragmatic, full of passion for work, indifferent to fame and fortune, care about the overall situation, and don't pay attention to conditions and dedication.

Take yourself as an example, a corrupt official cast aside by the society, if you commit suicide, you will die when you die. What's the difference between dogs?It is still forgivable for the evil done by the sky, but it is impossible to live for the evil done by oneself.And what about them?Almost used all their resources to help him overcome the psychological difficulties...

"What? Have an idea? Tell me?" Seeing that he was silent, Ma Xudong asked.

"No, no... I have no objection." Xie Tianming said hastily.

"Let's go then, I'll take you there."

Ma Xudong didn't walk fast like usual, his steps were slow and heavy, as if he was thinking about something, when he was about to arrive at the hospital, he suddenly turned around and looked at Xie Tianming: "I want to ask you to do me a favor..."

Xie Tianming was very panicked: "Jian Ma, don't talk like that, I...Actually, let's be honest, the last time I committed suicide was not because you arranged for me to feed the pigs... Before the Spring Festival, my daughter didn't write a letter, so I figured what happened. Something happened. It’s been a month since the Spring Festival, and there’s still no news. I’m even more convinced that something happened to her. Being a son can’t be filial, and a father can’t protect his own flesh and blood. What’s the point of me being alive? Walking dead, it's better to end it once and for all."

"Where did the glass shards come from? Can you tell me now?" Ma Xudong smiled and looked at him.

"Yes..." Xie Tianming was still hesitating.

"I picked it up while feeding the pigs, right?"

"You know?" Xie Tianming was very surprised.

Ma Xudong laughed: "If you can't even analyze this, what kind of prison guard are you? I'm just not sure if you picked it up in the feed or in the gutter."

"I found it in the feed... The reason why I didn't say it was because I didn't want your superiors to embarrass you." Xie Tianming said in a low voice.

"However, have you ever thought about how much effort we will spend investigating the source of the glass fragments if we are not sure? After that incident, the prison almost dug three feet into the ground, didn't you see it?" Ma Xudong said in a reproachful tone. "Even if the superior wants to deal with me, as long as it can stop the contraband from flowing into the source, I have no objection."

Xie Tianming looked at him seriously, as if he just knew him, then lowered his head and remained silent.

Ma Xudong laughed again: "Look, the two of us were rambling, and almost forgot to talk about the real thing. That's right, we think it is impossible for Pan Jiajie to commit suicide at this stage. Could there be some other reasons for this? So, you Ask from the side, it’s best if you can find out, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t find out.”

"Well... I see." Xie Tianming said.

Ma Xudong went through the handover procedures with the hospital, and then went to see Pan Jiajie.Pan Jiajie was getting an infusion, his head was covered with bandages, and his clothes were stained with blood, as if he had just come off the battlefield.

"It seems that this guy really wants to die after using his strength?" Ma Xudong thought.

Pan Jiajie knew that Ma Xudong was coming, so he pretended to sleep.

"I'm leaving, you should be careful. By the way, I have some good news for you. Chen Li and the others have found Xie Xiaowan. She is fine, so don't worry about it." After Ma Xudong finished speaking, he walked away quickly.

Xie Tianming didn't believe his ears, it took him a long time to recover, and he pushed Pan Jiajie quickly: "What did he say? What did he say?"

Pan Jiajie said, "He said, Officer Chen found your daughter."

Xie Tianming's face showed a foolish smile, although it was only on his thin face, it seemed to be rippling and spreading endlessly...

(End of this chapter)

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