Chapter 21

Facing her former teacher, Xie Xiaowan had mixed feelings and just kept crying bitterly.

The teacher patted her on the back lightly, like a mother coaxing her daughter to sleep, and said, "Son, cry, cry out the grievances in your heart, and you will feel better."

Xie Xiaowan cried even harder, and the bitterness, helplessness, and humiliation of the past rushed to her heart...

Xie Xiaowan returned to school after the Spring Festival and took the TOEFL test. As long as she passes the TOEFL, she can apply to schools in the United States to study for a master's degree or a doctorate.A week later, the results came down, and she got a perfect score.

The head teacher said to her: "So far, there are only two people in our university who have achieved full marks in the exam. One has become a tenured professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the other is you. Keep working hard. I hope you can go to the United States next year to continue your studies. "

The classmates all cast envious eyes on her. According to her current grades and other qualities, it is very possible to apply for a full scholarship. Not only can it reduce the burden on the family, but in addition to living expenses, you can also buy a car. [-]% to [-]% are new second-hand cars like Ford, if you stay there to work after graduation, you may be able to apply for a green card in the future.The boyfriend who is already studying for a doctorate in the United States is even more excited. The two chatted on the phone overseas for a long time, looking forward to life in the United States, studying for a master’s degree, and then a doctorate, traveling during the summer vacation, and buying a new one after working for a few years. A country house, then get married, have children, take the little Americans back to China to visit relatives, and then the family travels to Europe, Australia, and Africa during the vacation...

She drove through Yellowstone National Park in the United States, slowly walking through canyons, waterfalls, lakes, hot springs and geysers.This is the most primitive and oldest national park in the world. It is proud of Americans and is called "the most unique magical paradise on earth".The undulating and majestic canyons cut by knives and axes complement each other with the waterfalls that rush for thousands of miles; the surging river beats against the rocks, and under the jagged peaks of strange rocks, the hot springs are gushing and tossing endlessly; the sparkling lakes and The colorful geothermal pools are dotted among the forests and wild flowers all over the mountains; large groups of wild animals wander in the forest...

She felt as if she had come to a fairyland, her body and mind were elegant, she shouted excitedly, to travel here, but her dream has come true now, what more can she ask for?Suddenly, two huge black bears rushed over violently.She hid in the car in panic, and couldn't start the car in a panic.

The black bear pushed the car off the cliff...

She woke up in horror, it turned out to be a nightmare.

She faintly felt an ominous ominous lingering in her heart. She couldn't explain it clearly. After a sleepless night and the sky was twilight, she called her father and turned off the phone.Father never shuts down the phone, is there something wrong at home?She called her family, but no one answered, and she called her grandfather, but the phone was also turned off.Grandma didn't know how to use a mobile phone, so she had to call her aunt. Li Wenjun said, "Your father has been arrested, and your grandpa is in the hospital."

Xie Xiaowan still can't forget Li Wenjun's tone at that time, he added the word "you" in front of father and grandfather, as if this family had nothing to do with her.Li Wenjun was only 22 years old at the time, only one year older than her, and it was almost as good to be her older sister, but now she is going to be her stepmother, isn't it a joke?When her father divorced her mother, she couldn't figure it out, what's so good about this Li Wenjun?Apart from having a good-looking face, she is uneducated, uncultivated, has no temperament, and speaks vulgarly. How can she compare with her mother?She threatened to disown him if he married this woman.Dad said to her humbly: "I don't want to marry her either, but Dad made a mistake and she makes trouble every day. If this goes on, Dad's official position will be lost; if you sever the father-daughter relationship with me, it will have the same impact. , Dad still can't keep his official position... I will give your mother a sum of money, enough for her to live for the rest of her life, please forgive me this time." Seeing his pitiful appearance, her heart softened.In the second year, my mother was in a car accident. When she was dying, she said to her intermittently: "Son, don't look for someone who is an official..." Now that I think about it carefully, it is true. It was my father's official position that ruined their family. , It was his greed that separated the mother and daughter in two worlds.

Xie Xiaowan ran to the station without even asking for leave.

Grandpa and grandma live in a small damp hotel, watching them covertly pick up waste, watching their bodies deteriorate day by day, and stepmother Li Wenjun seems to have evaporated from the world.How could she leave her elderly grandparents behind?How can I have the mind to read at ease?So I took a long vacation with the class teacher and stayed with my grandparents.

During those days, she suddenly experienced all the ups and downs in the world, the separation of relatives, the embarrassment of life, discrimination, and contempt. She fell from heaven to hell. She remembered a sentence that someone said: "You and I were originally Two trees in heaven, you only stay in the sky for one day, and I am already a thousand years old in the world!" Yes, life is like this, like a clock, you can go back to the beginning, but it is not yesterday.The happiness, laughter, and carefree that were picked up at random in the past suddenly become like luxury goods. Everything has changed, like a dream.She was in a trance all day long, in a daze, not knowing the dawn, not knowing the dusk.

Grandpa fell amid the cheers of the people in the city and the sound of running to tell each other, and never got up again. She wanted to cry but had no tears.She had no money to collect her grandfather's body, and she had no money to transport it back to her hometown. She searched and searched all day, and finally found Li Wenjun.Li Wenjun said: "Your grandfather sold all the valuable things, how can I have any money?" She begged her for the first time: "Auntie, for the sake of you and your father, please help me borrow some. She said: "I borrowed it, who will pay it back? You or your grandma?" She got angry and slapped her.

When she returned to the hotel, grandma said that an uncle, who might be a colleague of Dad, had left 1000 yuan.The owner of the hotel also refunded them half a year's room fee, and the second dad brought some more the next day, so he hastily made two sets of clothes for grandpa and cremated them in the crematorium.

If it wasn't for the help of the uncle who didn't leave his name, and if there wasn't the room fee refunded by the hotel owner, she couldn't imagine how grandpa would be able to return to his hometown and rest in peace?
On the night of Grandpa's burial, the stars were shining brightly.

She sat on the ground on the grave of her grandfather. I don’t know how long it took. She fell asleep. She dreamed that her grandfather was holding her hand and walking on the clouds. There were exactly the same scenery everywhere. They lost their way and couldn’t find their way home. .Suddenly a group of monsters came, blue-faced and long-toothed, they raised their maces and machetes and hacked at them. Grandpa was protecting her, and was covered in blood. Then, she was also hit, her eyes went black, she didn't know anything, When she woke up, her grandfather was dead, and she was still hugging her tightly... She called out to her grandfather sadly, and after a while, her grandfather came back to life.The grandpa and grandson wept with joy, and the grandpa said: "Wan'er, don't be afraid, with grandpa here, even if we wander for 1000 years, we will definitely find our way home!" A gust of wind hit, and grandpa's body burst, although his face was still so kind Smiling, but shattered like glass, cracked piece by piece, and drifted into the vast chaos with the wind.She was terrified, and when she came to her senses, her grandfather had disappeared.She cried, cursed, and cursed, but the world was empty, boundless, and dead, leaving her alone, not knowing what to do, not knowing where to go...

She was so dazed all night, and the next day, she found that grandma's eyes were strange, and then wept heartbrokenly, stroking her hair.She went home and looked in the mirror, and found that strands of white hair were mixed with her long black hair overnight...

She didn't dare to go back to school, and she had no intention of going back to school again, either to accompany grandpa or to sleep.The folks said the kid was crazy.But the family has no money to treat her, so go crazy if you are crazy. Fortunately, she is not like other lunatics, who are moody and animal-like.In fact, she knew in her heart that she was not crazy, she just didn't want to talk, think, or do anything. It would be great to be a lunatic, happy and carefree.

However, after a period of time, she found that this still failed to alleviate the pain. After all, she was not a real lunatic, but made herself more depressed and haggard.

In the second year, grandma suffered from diabetes and incontinence, so my second father had to go out to work to earn money for some simple treatment for grandma, but within half a year, he fell from the third floor, his life was saved, and he was treated in Guangdong. After three months, he was paralyzed, the boss ran away, and no one paid for the follow-up treatment, so Erniang went back home with him on her back.My cousin is in high school, so he has to give up studying. He wants to go out to work to make money, and to treat his second father and grandma.

Seeing that this broken home was going to be broken again, she quietly left a letter and embarked on a journey to work.Even though she was in her junior year, she didn’t have a diploma, and it was extremely difficult to find a job. During those days, she did everything, washing dishes, picking up waste, working as a babysitter, working as a coolie, and even begging; train stations and subways were often where she slept at night , in order to prevent the harassment of hooligans, she had to make herself dirty at dusk and dress up as a homeless person... There was not much money left except for simple maintenance of her own life.She wanted to go home to see her grandma and her father, but she was always powerless.A flowery girl who looks like she is in her thirties.Until two years later, she found a job in a rabbit farm. She thought that she would go back to start a rabbit farm in the future, so she worked hard. In addition, she was already knowledgeable and educated, so she quickly mastered the technology. The boss I appreciated her so much that I settled down.

If it weren't for the unknown uncle who subsidized the cremation fee of grandpa.

If it weren't for the unknown uncle who sent them 200 yuan a month.

If it weren't for prison home visits.

If it wasn't for Chen Li and the others who waited day and night to find her.

If not...

There are too many people, she has to be grateful for, without them, she can't imagine where the road will lead in the future.


"Teacher, can I really go back to school?" Xie Xiaowan asked, wiping away her tears.

The head teacher said: "According to the regulations, the suspension of school can only be two years at most. A few days ago, Xiao Chen and I went to check your file, and the Ministry of Education and Engineering actually forgot to submit the materials for expulsion of your student status. Your student status is still there. Maybe it's God. Youyan is taking good care of you, an outstanding talent. Now you can go through the admission procedures. The principal said that the school will reduce your tuition and miscellaneous fees and give you a certain living allowance. In fact, you shouldn’t have suspended school at the beginning because you had difficulties. Come to me, look for the school. When you were about to leave school for two years, I also looked for you, but I couldn't find it."

Chen Li asked for her opinion: "Xiao Wan, do you think you will return to school this week or next week?"

Xie Xiaowan lowered her head and remained silent, her face full of hesitation.

"We know that you have suffered a lot in the past few years. Perhaps this kind of suffering is beyond our imagination. But, Xiao Wan, yesterday is over, no matter what the outcome is, we cannot change it; tomorrow's things have not yet happened, and we cannot foresee them; But today’s affairs and how to do them are up to us to decide, and we can control them. So, I think, we should not hope for tomorrow, but calmly accept yesterday and grasp today accurately. And I firmly believe that if today’s affairs are done well, It will have a positive impact on tomorrow." Chen Li inspired her, trying to untie a certain knot in her heart, "In other words, only by grasping today can you decorate your life with incomparable beauty."

Xie Xiaowan nodded thoughtfully.

Chen Li changed her tone, and continued: "However, if you think about this issue clearly, maybe something, just like what your father said, will leave a thin and sharp needle in your heart, yes Right? Time, time is the cure for everything, and all problems are ultimately a matter of time."

At this point, she paused, looked at Xie Xiaowan and said sincerely: "Xiaowan, remember what my sister said: all troubles are actually looking for troubles."

"Next week, I want to go back and see grandma and second dad." Xie Xiaowan said softly, "Officer Chen, thank you."

"Actually, I'm the same age as you, and I'm 28 years old this year, but I'm a month older than you, why don't you call me sister, ah!" Chen Li smiled at her and held out her hand.

Xie Xiaowan hugged her tightly, crying uncontrollably.

"You can come back to study with peace of mind, and everything will be fine. When you return to school, tell my sister, and she will send you back to school." Chen Li patted her on the back and said comfortingly.

Xie Xiaowan nodded vigorously.

"How happy your father would be if he heard the news of your return to school."

"Can I go and see my father?" A trace of melancholy flashed across Xie Xiaowan's face.

"You go back to school first. Anyway, you are both in the same city and not far away. I will go back and ask the leader to arrange for your father and daughter to meet. How about it?" Chen Li said, "By the way, you can talk to the teacher again, and I will talk to the teacher. Yang Yang is waiting for you over there."

Xie Xiaowan nodded gratefully.

"How are you and Li Wenjun?" Pan Jiajie looked at him with jealousy.

Xie Tianming still smiled idiotically, his veins were open, and he forgot himself, as if he had all the good things in this world, or obtained all the truth, goodness and beauty.

"Hey, how about you?" Pan Jiajie's voice raised an octave.

Xie Tianming came to his senses and looked at him suspiciously: "What?"

"I asked if you agreed to the divorce?"

"Agreed, but not divorced."

"Old Xie, I really envy you for finding a good wife. My wife, I just came here with a divorce agreement." Pan Jiajie said dejectedly.

Xie Tianming shook his head: "I didn't leave, that's because the head of the horse prison didn't agree."

"Where? You really agree to divorce?"

"I have figured it out in the past few years. People like you and me can never leave, even if there are very few first spouses, let alone second marriages?"

"Secretary Xie, I can't leave. You and I are old when we go out, what should we do? You still have family members, what about me? All relatives are gone... Poor my parents... I didn't come in long, just... If it weren't for me, they might all live a long life. Alas... I'm so stupid, why do I like to fuck women? If you want to fuck women, you have to spend some money? I just make money, and then watch porn, watch Pornography, playing with women, all the money was spent on these women. As a result, my parents died because of me, the officials were gone, the money was gone, the freedom was gone, and the dignity was gone. Women, too. Everyone is hiding from me like a plague god, thanks to how good I was to them before, it's as if the world has evaporated, no one has come to see me..." Pan Jiajie's tone was low, full of sadness, helplessness, and anger.

Xie Tianming wanted to say something, but his mind was in chaos. Maybe it was Pan Jiajie's heartfelt emotion that touched something he didn't want to think about.

"God is really punishing me. I slept with so many women and sowed so many seeds, but none of them survived. Retribution..." Pan Jiajie's eyes were red, and his voice sobbed.

Xie Tianming originally wanted to persuade him to open some things. If you lose some things, you will never be able to get them back. If you leave, maybe it will be settled once and for all, and you will be less troubled. But considering his special situation, there is really no one at home, so it is hard to say anything. .

"You're so lucky... from the chief to the police officer who led us, they are all helping you, how about me?" Pan Jiajie said discouragedly.

Xie Tianming said: "Don't think so. Do you think that one of your subordinates in the past has now become your superior leader, and in the specific environment of the prison, you don't have any troubles in your heart? Maybe, Wen Shouwei is looking at the past. I have called the prison for the sake of my classmates, but I am very clear about his behavior, and he will never go beyond the scope of the law, so I don't have any hope that he will let me out sooner."

"That's right... I think back then, if I had been an official like him, I wouldn't have come to this point."

"You can't say that. Under the current system, it is not normal to be neither corrupt nor corrupt! Can you see which official has no problem at all? As long as you follow the rules of the game, generally nothing will happen. You and I are just unlucky That's all, at most, there is a problem with the method. Even Wen Shouwei, is he really okay? Last time he talked to me, I asked him, did you really not accept the red envelope gift money? He said he did. He still He is an upright person, how can there be an official who has confiscated the red envelope gift money, it is just a matter of more or less." Xie Tianming said plausibly.

Pan Jiajie was silent, and said after a long time: "Secretary Xie, I have thought about this issue in the past few years since I have been here. One party is in power. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that this is the root of corruption. The so-called law does not blame the public. Everyone It’s corrupt, it’s up to you! However, if you don’t fight corruption, it’s not enough, and the cornerstone of governance will be unstable; if you fight corruption and violent, it’s not enough, and the administrative system can’t be paralyzed, right? So, as long as there is a degree of corruption, there will be Nothing will happen..."

"Your understanding is profound."

Pan Jiajie went on to say: "But... what I saw in the prison was something else. A few years ago, before the relocation, how difficult was the prison? They are not only civil servants, but also police officers representing the state apparatus. How are they treated? Working environment? Children go to school and get a job? There are 'second generations of rich' in society, but here are 'second generation of supervisors', or even 'third generation of supervisors', just like the foolish old man moving mountains, 'children have endless lives', isn't it sad? It's now How about moving to the provincial capital? Can it be compared with our civil servants in those systems? How many social resources do they have? How many social resources can be used by using the power in their hands?"

"Yes, it is their sorrow, and it is also the sorrow of our country."

Pan Jiajie changed the subject and sighed: "But I didn't realize that they didn't have much extravagance. Ma Xudong, the chief of the prison, has absolute power to count points and commute sentences, right? If it's like us back then, wouldn't it He said whoever commutes the sentence, who will be commuted?"

"That's true." Xie Tianming said.

"However, he didn't. The year before last, I asked someone to give him a red envelope, not much, just 1000 yuan. What do you think it was in our time? It's not eye-catching! I haven't seen you for a few days Movement, I thought to myself, as long as I accept it, it will be easy to deal with, at least I have hope of reducing my sentence. One day I wrote a letter and asked my mother to send me 200 yuan. Police officer Yang Yang came to me with the letter and said that you There is still so much money on the Internet, and you still ask for money? Tell me to take back the letter. Did I say where is the money? I don’t know how much money is in my account? Police officer Yang said that there is still 1030 yuan, is it still less? Get it right away."

"Ma Xudong is good..." Xie Tianming seemed to be thinking about something.

"Tell me, if I ask him to do Shuangshuang's job and tell her not to marry, will he agree?" Pan Jiajie asked eagerly.

Xie Tianming said without hesitation: "He will!" He suddenly remembered the task Ma Xudong assigned him, and asked, "Why are you so overwhelmed? Do you really want to die?"

"Oh..." Pan Jiajie's eyes flashed, and he changed the subject, "You said that Ma Xudong did not agree to your divorce, what's going on?"

"Oh..." Xie Tianming knew that he intended to avoid it, "Back then Director Gu of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection considered that my daughter was still in college and her parents sold their own house to help me repay the embezzled public funds, so he bought the smallest house in the provincial capital. I left it to my parents, and returned 1 yuan from the confiscated cash as my daughter’s one-year university fee, but none of these went to them, but was swallowed up by my wife, so the head of the horse supervisor said that the first Divide property."

"Haha..." Pan Jiajie suddenly burst into laughter.

"Huh?" Xie Tianming looked at him in confusion.

"Why did I forget this? The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is still very humane in handling cases, and they will not kill them all. Maybe they also left some property for me, but I don't know it. If there is a small property, maybe Shuangshuang won't get married..." But he immediately pondered, he knew that Wu Shuangshuang was not such a person.

Xie Tianming was silent.

"Secretary Xie, why don't you speak?"

"Brother, I have read a poem written by He Shen before his execution in prison. I still remember it." Xie Tianming chanted in a deep voice, "The night is as bright as it is, and I can't get out of trouble. A hundred years is a dream, and twenty Carrying is in vain. The room is dark and the dawn is hard to see. The wall is high and there is no spring. The stars are surrounded by the cold moon, and the prisoner weeps the lonely minister. The scene hurts the past, and the talent misses the body. He Xi, the Lantern Festival is another spring. Pity this night moon, which especially shines on the sorrowful. Thoughts and updates are eternal, and grace is renewed with the festival. The holy light is hidden, and there are lonely ministers in the prison."

"A hundred years was just a dream, twenty years was a waste of be hurt by the past, to miss the miss the body with the talent..." Pan Jiajie repeated mutteringly, "The writing is so good, it's like Like me, to be honest, one of the things I regret the most now is getting out of school and becoming an official!"

Xie Tianming felt that he had misunderstood what he wanted to express, and said calmly: "You have to know, He Shen wrote this poem and was beheaded a few days later. He was freed, but what about us? We still have to suffer , even if it’s over, so what? You still have the reputation of being a corrupt official, and you won’t even let you rest in peace if you die. If it wasn’t for my parents and my daughter, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the courage to live on. There is no reason to live."


"Since that's the case, why are you obsessed with her? How many decades are there in life? Besides, she's just a girlfriend. Think about it."

"You still have your parents, brother, and daughter at least. What about me? She is the only relative. If I lose her, do I still have a reason to live?" Pan Jiajie howled painfully and ferociously from his heart.

Xie Tianming thought about it, so he returned to the previous state of silence.

While Xie Xiaowan was chatting with her teacher, Yang Yang wanted to explain to Chen Li about sharing the house with Xie Xiaowan.

Yang Yang said cautiously: "She shared the rent with me... Just a few days ago, when you and I went to her hometown..."

Chen Li smiled and said, "Why are you guilty? Don't you just share the rent?"

Yang Yang smiled stupidly, at this moment, his cell phone rang, and he looked at the number: "It's Wen Ziping's, what if he asks Xie Xiaowan's cell phone number?"

"Why do you ask me everything?"

Yang Yang laughed: "You are my master."

Chen Li chuckled: "Tell him."

"Then what should Xie Xiaowan do if she asks me to settle accounts?" Yang Yang hesitated.

Chen Li glanced at him: "You can figure it out."

"Oh, I'd better move out."

Chen Li said seriously: "You can't move now. Isn't Xie Xiaowan going to enroll soon? She will live in the school by then, so it's over."

"Ha, why didn't I think of this level?" Yang Yang patted his head and answered the phone, "Hey, Ziping... We are sending Xie Xiaowan to Jindi Hotel, and she got off. Oh, her phone, Then remember..."

Chen Li and Yang Yang returned to the prison the next day and reported Xie Xiaowan's situation in detail to Ma Xudong. Finally, Chen Li said: "I suggest that the prison district encourage the police to donate some money to Xie Xiaowan. You also know the situation of her family. Although the school promised to exempt her from tuition and miscellaneous fees, and also give her a certain amount of living allowance, so, not much, the main thing is to let Xie Tianming understand our painstaking efforts, which is conducive to his transformation. Next week, when I send her to school Bring it to her on behalf of the prison area."

Ma Xudong asked: "Do you think we can publicize this matter, such as asking some reporters to accompany us to send her to school?"

"No, Xie Xiaowan has a lot of worries. If that happens, it will have a negative impact on her psychology, which is not conducive to her study and life. I also communicated with the school, try to keep a low profile, and don't spread it in the society." Chen Li said .

Ma Xudong had a sad face: "Then... this matter..."

"Why, is there another resistance?"

Ma Xudong nodded, feeling a little depressed: "I was criticized at the production scheduling meeting yesterday afternoon. We have only completed 80% of the production tasks this month, and only 73% of the funds have been returned. From the prison director to the production section chief , all talk about our prison area."

"Where is this going? Isn't this month an adjustment of detainees? It's not bad to complete 80%, not to mention is the production task scientifically assigned by the prison? It's very arbitrary. In January, we were required to complete 80 output value, but this month we After completing 150 million, compare it with private enterprises in the society. The same number of people is almost the same, right? Can our personnel composition, labor skills, proficiency, initiative, etc., be compared with enterprises in the society?" Yang Yang was indignant Not fair to say.

Ma Xudong was silent.

Chen Li said: "To complete the task they assigned, isn't it just forcing the prison area to force the criminals to work overtime and engage in overtime and physical strength?"

"Yeah, other than that, the grassroots has no choice." Yang Yang said, "However, they emphasized at the general meeting that criminals are strictly prohibited from overtime and physical labor, and all risks and responsibilities are pushed to the grassroots. If there is no problem, They sit back and enjoy what they get, and if something goes wrong, the grassroots will be the ones who will be punished. Take my team as an example. If Xie Tianming cannot complete the production task of the day and ask him to work overtime, he still cannot complete it. According to the old rules, he will be punished. He will be punished by hooking up or facing the wall for one to two hours. Can he bear it in his current physical condition? If there is a sudden cerebral hemorrhage or something, who will be responsible? Not me?!"

"The problem is..." Chen Li said thoughtfully, "Their old way of putting the economy first goes against Director Wen's instructions. Hasn't the director thought about the consequences?"

Ma Xudong remained silent, and the situation at yesterday's meeting kept flashing in his mind.

After the production department notified the completion status of each supervisory district last month, it pointed directly at the first supervisory district.The vast majority of leaders believe that educational reform is based on labor reform and has no economic benefits, so what about educational reform?To put it bluntly, if you don't have money, can you go to a home visit?It doesn't cost money to mobilize people to run so far?Where does the money come from?fell from the sky?One Xie Tianming has spent so much manpower and material resources on the prison, so is there another Xie Tianming in the prison?The third?Although prisons are also schools, isn't it clearly stated in the law?We are a special school, what is special?It is compulsion, it is dictatorship.Don't you, Ma Xudong, put all your energy on home visits, you should focus on production and efficiency, or what about the bonuses for our prison police?The fact that the monthly bonus cannot be paid out is because you are holding back the whole prison.

Ma Xudong's forehead was sweating, and it didn't matter what he said, but these people tied the bonus of all the prison policemen to a prison district, which was terrible. Invisibly, he became the target of public criticism, a crime he could not afford.He knew that he couldn't justify at this moment, if he did, it would only get darker and darker.He looked at the warden Li Changxiong beggingly, and the meaning couldn't be more clear.

In the end, Li Changxiong, the warden of the prison, made a speech, and every sentence was inseparable from production and benefits. In the end, he just said lightly that education and production complement each other, and we should grasp both hands. Prisons have the rules of prison operation, right? If you want to innovate, you can innovate, not to mention that any innovation must be supported by a strong economic foundation.

As a result, the warden denied himself and returned to economic first.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and he picked it up to look at it as if no one else was there, and said, "Everyone be quiet, Director Wen is calling... Director, I am Li Changxiong, oh... Ma Xudong and the others have found Xie Tianming's daughter. She can enroll at any time, and her tuition and miscellaneous fees have been waived... um... Don't worry, we will do a good job with Xie Tianming... oh, um... We are implementing it..."

The people present probably understood what the director meant, and Ma Xudong also hoped that he would change his attitude, but after he answered the phone, he didn't say a word, and kept repeating the old tune.When the meeting was adjourned, he stopped him: "Old Ma, that Chen Li from your place, first seconded to the Education Department to help prepare for the establishment of a psychological intervention center."

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Have you never seen such a big storm? Can such a trivial matter kill you?" Chen Li looked at him strangely and raised her voice.

Ma Xudong came back to his senses, looked at her, and said after a while, "You report to the Education Department today."

"What are you doing?" Chen Li was obviously surprised and unwilling.

"The prison decided to second you to the education department to help build a criminal psychological intervention center." Ma Xudong said with a watery face.

"I'm not going." Chen Li said, "The prison leaders have this kind of thinking. It's useless to go there, and it's useless even if they are barely established."

Ma Xudong stared at her: "The warden personally ordered this, can you not go?"

At this time, the deputy head of the prison in charge of reform came in and handed Ma Xudong a report saying: "Pan Jiajie typed a report, please visit his house and persuade his girlfriend not to marry. Boss, look at this ..."

Ma Xudong was angry and funny: "It's really happening..."

As soon as Wen Shouwei arrived at the door of the office, Xu Changli, the former warden of Pingxi Prison, was waiting there.

"Old Xu, so early?" Wen Shouwei greeted.

Xu Changli hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.

"Don't be so polite, it's not in a public place." Wen Shouwei laughed.

"Director, this is in a public place."

Guard Wen smiled helplessly, opened the door, and asked him to sit down: "As for the disposal of assets in Pingxi Prison, the planning department, financial department and other departments in the bureau have already reported to me. As for work, I have communicated with Comrade Wenling, you will go to Qingshui Prison as the political commissar, and you will attend the meeting today, what do you think?"

"Director..." Xu Changli said hesitantly, "I have stayed in the mountains since I was a child, and now I am in a provincial capital city and serve as a political commissar. Still can't tell the direction, can't find the way... You see, I'd better retire, stay a few more years, and go back to my hometown to farm."

"Emotional?" Wen Shouwei asked.

"Absolutely not, Chief, from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart."

Wen Shouwei laughed: "That's good, you have a word of fear in your heart, which means that you are qualified for the new job. Our comrades must have the awareness of fear of difficulties in order to be conscientious and work hard. You, wait here , if the party committee approves it later, Comrade Wenling will still talk to you."

After speaking, he walked out and went straight to Hong Wenling's office.

Hong Wenling was holding his notebook and was about to go to the conference room. He was a little surprised to see him walk in. This was the first time the bureau chief came to his office since he took office for several months. He probably had important matters to discuss with him, so he put down the materials in his hand and asked : "Secretary, do you have any new ideas?"

Wen Shouwei pointed at him, sat down, and said with a smile: "Wen Ling also knows me."

"let me guess……"

"Oh?" Wen Shouwei looked at him unexpectedly.

"Oh... oh, it's about Qingshui Prison?" Hong Wenling said with a smile.

Wen Shouwei was obviously more surprised, but very happy: "Tell me your reason."

"In the past few months since you have been here, you have rectified the prison teams, purified the teams, re-planned the layout adjustment plan, standardized the construction project approval procedures, and sought financial support. The provincial government and other relevant departments have misjudged the perception of prisons, and the image of the prison system has also improved. However, the only problem is how to manage and educate criminals in a scientific, civilized, and legal way. How can these three be organically combined and innovated? Ways and means of education and reform, and Qingshui Prison is a touchstone, right?"

"The one who knows me is Wen Ling." Wen Shouwei repeated this sentence, but with an emphasis on his tone, "However, the Qingshui Prison team...can understand the spirit of the Bureau, I doubt it, Comrade Xu Changli went, It may not be able to influence the opinions of Li Changxiong and the others. A few days ago, you and I shared a briefing at the prison situation analysis meeting, suggesting that the Prison Administration Department come up with a plan to transfer criminals from Qingshui Prison to other prisons. Prison for job offenders. This Li Changxiong is lobbying everywhere, saying that the normal operation of the prison now depends on those criminals doing some labor processing. It’s hard to work. No, some department leaders in the department and the province called me to ask about it.”

"Well... I have also received such calls." Hong Wenling said.

Wen Shouwei continued: "Also, half a month ago, I told them that the bureau planned to establish a psychological intervention center in his place as a pilot, and those who should investigate should go to investigate and discuss a plan. I asked the Educational Reform Department , The Educational Reform Department said that they also urged, Li Changxiong agreed, but there was no action. I called Li Changxiong personally just now, and he said that it is being implemented. He has talents there, just send a few people to other provinces to investigate, and a plan can be formed. "

"Then... you consider..." Hong Wenling asked tentatively.

"This team can't be adjusted, and the pilot work in the bureau can't be pushed forward. My opinion is to let Ma Xingyu, the director of the bureau's office, go down to train and exercise, and serve as the warden and deputy secretary of the party committee. Comrade Xu Changli is principled and serves as the secretary." Wen Shouwei Say.

"You are very considerate, especially regarding the appointment of Comrade Xu Changli as the secretary. I am also worried about whether the policemen in Pingxi can adapt to the big city as soon as possible, whether they can adapt to the management style of Qingshui Prison, and whether they can integrate into the police of Qingshui Prison. The team, these are all problems. Comrade Xu Changli's role as the secretary will help resolve these conflicts to a certain extent. Next month, the chief staff member will be promoted, so I am really afraid that something will happen." Hong Wenling changed the subject, "However, this matter Discuss today?"

Wen Shouwei nodded: "Aren't you here to ask for your opinion? After all, I have just arrived, and the situation is not familiar to you, so you can fully express your opinion from the perspective of stability."

Although the political department issued a secondment order and the prison district notified Chen Li, she put aside the transfer order and continued to work in the first prison district.

A few days later, Ma Xingyu, director of the bureau's office, called Li Changxiong, saying that in the afternoon, director Wen Shouwei and the director of the political department would come to the prison to announce the appointment of Xu Changli.

Xu Changli was going to be the political commissar, and he knew about it immediately after he was in the party committee of the bureau. However, the chief of the bureau usually would not personally announce the adjustment of the team. This time he came in person, which is too abnormal. Is there any problem?Li Changxiong was a little worried. Is Xu Changli important?He is just a political commissar. Administratively, although he is said to be on an equal footing with the warden, he is the party secretary, and Xu Changli is the deputy secretary. He still has the gold content and the right to speak. Even if he has great energy, Qianglong can't beat him What about a coward, not to mention that Xu Changli is just the warden of a revoked prison, and that's all he's been through.

He called several close deputy directors, and they all said that they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wen Shouwei's gourd. One of the deputy directors said that maybe his classmate was locked up in your place, so it's not impossible to just take a look.

One word awakened the dreamer, and Li Changxiong thought about the possibility. Didn't he once say that he was not familiar with prison work, so he started with Xie Tianming, who he was familiar with, to explore a new way of educating and reforming criminals.He has his own opinion about the director's instruction. One is just a verbal instruction without any documents. Maybe it was the new director's whim, and he might forget it after a while; If you are resistant, the work at the grassroots level is already very heavy, so why bother to find trouble yourself? To manage criminals according to the law and ensure the stability of prisons is to make a great contribution to society; the third is that any exploration and pilot work must be strong. He admits that the visit to Xie Tianming's home will help to influence Xie Tianming and formulate targeted education programs, but for one or two, or even 100, the prison can afford this part of the cost, but the prison There are thousands of criminals in China. If they do this all the time or on a large scale, it will be difficult for him to be the head of the family.Therefore, before there were no documents and financial guarantees, he thought that he only needed to do Xie Tianming's work well.As for the establishment of criminal psychological intervention centers and other matters, it can be delayed for a day.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became enlightened, but another worry popped up again, if the director asked about the psychological intervention center, how would he deal with it?Procrastinating and procrastinating, you have to put on a show, right?So I called the education reform department.The head of the education department said that Chen Li hasn't come yet, and we don't know much about psychological counseling, so the work hasn't started yet.

He became popular all of a sudden, and after working for a long time, he didn't even set up a staff team. If the director asked, he couldn't make it up, so he called the director of the political department and punished him.The director said I would ask right away.After a while, the director of the political department ran to his office and explained that the secondment order had been issued long ago, and Chen Li had been informed by the prison district that she was unwilling to come.

He became even angrier when he heard this: "If she doesn't want to come, you just let her go? If you make such an opening, the transfer orders of the Political Department will be worse than bullshit in the future. How did you become the director of the Political Department? You can reserve opinions, but You must report to the Education Reform Section immediately! Also, she gave me the summary report on the establishment of the Psychological Inquiry Center before leaving get off work at noon, and the preparation plan is also acceptable."

The director of the political department was in a hurry, so he ran to the first prison area, found Chen Li, conveyed the intention of the warden, and told her to report for duty immediately.

Chen Li sneered: "I haven't done any work, how can I write it? Make it up?"

"Whether it's written or edited, it must be handed over to the warden before get off work ends at noon," said the director.

"I can't do it!" Chen Li said stubbornly.

"Comrade Chen Li, you are a policeman and you must obey orders. Do you know the consequences of disobeying orders?" the director said seriously.

"What order is this? An order that told me to fake it?" Chen Li retorted, "What did you do so early? Oh, the matter is coming, you are in a hurry, and you told me to fake it?"

The director had no choice but to say, "Then, you can report to the education reform department now, right?"

"Okay, I can go." After Chen Li finished speaking, she turned her head and walked out.

Chen Li came to the Education Reform Section to report, and after a while, Yang Tiansheng called and severely reiterated that the Education Reform Section had to come up with a report before leaving get off work at noon.The head of the education reform department was in a hurry, so he had to beg Chen Li.Chen Li still had the same attitude.

The chief of the education reform section walked back and forth anxiously, and asked Chen Li, "How do you tell me to tell the leader?"

Chen Li said, "Let's be honest."

Other comrades also persuaded her: "Whether he is fake or not, deal with it, fight against the leader, and still put on shoes for you everywhere, how will you live in the future?"

Chen Li said, "I don't want to do it yet."

The head of the education reform section had no choice but to report the truth to Li Changxiong.

Li Changxiong said: "You write it, go check the information, write whatever you want!"

After dismissing the chief of the education reform section, Li Changxiong became more and more angry as he thought about it, and called the director of the political department: "It's absolutely lawless. Don't say anything else, just use her as an excuse for disobedience to the organization's work arrangements, and come up with disciplinary opinions as soon as possible."

Just after going to work in the afternoon, Ma Xingyu called again to say that the director was going to the province to attend an emergency meeting and would come early tomorrow morning.When Li Changxiong received this call, he was secretly relieved. He still had at least one afternoon, so he went to the society to invite a psychological counselor to come and make some preparation plan overnight to deal with it. So he expressed this to the deputy warden Yang Tiansheng mean.Yang Tiansheng said: "I contacted in the morning. There are two psychological counseling institutions in the provincial capital. They both asked for a design and training staff.

"So expensive?" Li Changxiong frowned.

"And the other party also said that they can only follow the design and personnel training for normal people's psychological correction, and cannot provide a design plan for the special group of criminals." Yang Tiansheng's tone clearly showed concern, "The other party said that our prison has A second-level psychological counselor, she can design."

"Then take it easy..."

"It's still Chen Li's work. If she still refuses to obey the arrangement and complete the temporary assignment, then she has to be dealt with seriously. How else will the team be led in the future?"

Li Changxiong listened to Yang Tiansheng's tone as if his superiors were giving orders to his subordinates, and he was so angry that he had nowhere to say it: "You want to tell me? Don't I know?"

After Li Changxiong finished speaking, he hung up the phone with the first "pop".

In less than ten seconds, Yang Tiansheng called again, and he said, "Okay, I'm not here for you..."

The director of the political department was about to go to the warden with his opinion on Chen Li's punishment, when the chief of the department almost rushed in: "Director, have you signed the punishment document?"

"I've signed it, and I'm about to report it to the warden, what's the matter?" he asked.

"It's can't sign it, you can read this." The head of the team department handed him a fax.

It was a document issued by the political department of the bureau, and Chen Li was transferred to the education and reform department of the bureau.

He stayed for a few seconds before saying: "You reprint a processing document for me, immediately!"

The head of the group hastily left.

At this time, Li Changxiong called and asked if the punishment document for Chen Li had been drawn up.

The director thought for a while and said, "I'll come to your office right away."

According to the documents of the Political Department of the Bureau, Chen Li is still working in Qingshui Prison for the time being, mainly assisting and urging Qingshui Prison to establish a criminal psychological intervention center as soon as possible.

Li Changxiong looked at this document, with sweat dripping from his forehead. Fortunately, this document came in time in the bureau, otherwise he would have been passive.How to explain to the provincial bureau, how to face colleagues in other prisons, let alone face the police in all prisons.However, Chen Li changed from a clerk to a special commissioner of the provincial bureau, and even herself became the object of her supervision, so she felt very awkward no matter what, he weighed and weighed, and said: "This matter has not yet At the meeting, as far as you and I know, you should say hello to the relevant personnel of the group cadre department, keep it strictly confidential, and destroy the original manuscript and electronic text of the document."

As soon as Chen Li went to work, the colleagues in the education reform department were discussing something mysteriously. As soon as she came in, they stopped talking and looked at her with strange eyes.She was baffled, and asked with a smile: "Why? Talking bad about me?"

The section chief said, you'd better go and admit your mistake to the warden.

Other colleagues also said in a hurry, isn't it just making up an official document?Which official document does not contain the elements of making up?Why be so serious?Li Changxiong has been the warden of the prison for seven or eight years. He is the one who has the final say here. What is wrong is also right. Don’t fight against it. We have all heard that he is preparing a punishment document for you.

Chen Li said: "For such a large project, I don't know how big the house is? How many rooms? How to design? Besides, I am not specialized in design. I can only tell the decoration design company the necessary elements, right? As for the summary, I didn’t do anything, how would you sum it up? You told the bureau, what kind of work we have done, and the leader is a three-year-old child? Is it so easy to coax? This project is a new thing, you must go to the site to see , I’m afraid it will be more passive by then.”

Only then did everyone understand that what Chen Li said made sense.

Chen Li smiled wryly: "I'm a commoner, and I'm serious with the warden? Dare? It's not that I'm serious, but that I can't show it. Section chief, I suggest that you really need to communicate with the leaders. If you write a random word, you will get it." There is a real problem with the timing, and I am afraid that you are the only one carrying it."

Everyone fell silent, feeling heavy in their hearts.

At this moment, Yang Tiansheng walked in.The chief of the education reform department stood up quickly, complaining about his pain, and stated his interests.

Yang Tiansheng smiled: "You don't need to make it up, it's because Chen Li is right. Psychological counseling is a science, and scientific things can't be false, so I didn't force you this morning."

The section chief repeated his gratitude and gratitude.

"Chen Li, you are our superior now. If you did something wrong before, criticize and correct me more, we will rectify it immediately, ah!" Yang Tiansheng said again.

Everyone looked at him inexplicably.

Chen Li said, "Jian Yang, are you making fun of me?"

"Really, I just received the document. You are transferred to the Education and Reform Department of the bureau. Let's go. Let's go to the warden. He is waiting for you in the office."

Chen Li followed Yang Tiansheng into Li Changxiong's office.

Li Changxiong stood up for the first time, and even though his face was a little embarrassed, he poured her a glass of water himself and said, "Xiao Chen, I just received the document from the bureau, oh, this is it, take a look first."

Chen Li quickly scanned the document. She understood Li Changxiong's embarrassment in her heart. There is no trouble without wind. Maybe this document came just when she was about to punish her. Although the bell must be tied, he is a prison after all. I have to find a way for him to step down, and I will have to work here for a period of time in the future. If he fully cooperates, the establishment of a psychological intervention center will be more effective, so I sincerely said: "Jiang Li, what happened in the morning, I I’m really not against you. I’m an employee in the prison area. How dare I fight against the warden? I really can’t come up with it. Even a real designer can’t come up with a set of plans in such a short period of time, let alone me It’s not about design. Think about it, if I make up a mess, I’ll let you make it up in front of the leader. The director attaches great importance to this project and must go to the site to see it. Wouldn’t it be revealing? Then I’m not a victim Are you the warden?"

Hearing what she said, Li Changxiong was relieved a lot, so he said with a smile: "I really don't know much about psychological counseling, so don't worry about it, ah. After all, you are a talent from our prison when you are in the bureau." , We also have a bright face, don’t we? When it comes to this center, what do you say?

At this time, the Educational Reform Department of the Bureau called and asked him, Chen Li, and Yang Tiansheng, the deputy warden in charge of reform, to go to the Bureau immediately to study the matter of the Intervention Center.

Li Changxiong hurriedly arranged the car, and went straight to the Provincial Bureau with Chen Li and Yang Tiansheng.

After the meeting at the Educational Reform Office, Chen Li went to Wen Shou, saw someone in his office, and waited outside, but Wen Wen found her and asked her to come in: "I was looking for you, come in, come in ..."

It turned out that the person sitting in Wen Shouwei's office was Ma Xingyu. He stood up, poured her a glass of water, and was about to go out.

Wen Shouwei said: "Don't go, listen."

"Wenju, what's going on? I'm confused." Chen Li asked.

"Normal personnel transfer." Wen Shouwei looked very excited, "Do you understand the work?"

"Just researched it, let me report to you first."

"No, you are the experts in this area, and they will give me the work arrangement later. As for you, hurry up and implement it. On the premise of ensuring quality, you don't deliberately pursue speed, but talk about progress. What are the difficulties? You can go to the Education Reform Office, or you can go to me directly," Wen Shouwei said.

"Don't worry, I will take two people out for inspection tomorrow afternoon, and I will be back in about a week. I will come up with the design plan this month. If the existing house is used and not rebuilt, the decoration construction can start next month." Chen Li said with confidence.

"Well, this progress is pretty good. However, you can't leave tomorrow. I want to talk to Xie Tianming. You have to be my adviser."

"Tomorrow?" Chen Li asked.

"Huh?" Wen Shouwei looked at her ponderingly, a little puzzled.

"Cultural Bureau, Xie Xiaowan will return to school tomorrow morning, I have an appointment with her, I will take her there, this..." Chen Li said awkwardly.

Wen Shouwei immediately said: "Then you go to see her off, this is a big deal. Chen Li, you are very thoughtful, this child, it is really hard, going back to school, the age is not young, and there is still a psychological adaptation Period, enlighten me more, ah!"

"Don't worry, I've been calling her every day for a few days, or sending a text message or something. She still has some psychological obstacles, but she is emotionally stable, and I have confidence."

"En." Wen Shouwei nodded approvingly, "How is Xie Tianming doing recently?"

"It's much better than before. After drug treatment, the insomnia has been greatly improved. The emotional disorders such as depression, irritability, and oversensitivity have basically disappeared, and the depression has also eased. In addition, his daughter is about to return to school. He sees hope and cognition. It’s much better than before.” Chen Li said here, showing worry, “But these can only be said that he is transforming to a good side, and it may take a long time to completely save and transform him, let him confess and repent. the process of."

"It seems that I have to learn this too, or I will really become a new generation of illiterates." Ma Xingyu said with a smile.

Wen Shouwei also laughed: "I like to hear this, Chen Li, help Director Ma enroll in a third-level consultant training class."

Chen Li asked in surprise: "True report?"

"Report, I'll help him make up his mind about this matter. You can contact me now and report immediately." Wen Shouwei turned to Ma Xingyu and said, "It's only been six months since Chen Li signed up and passed the exam. What about you? You have eight months, before the end of the year, you have to pass the exam, how about it?"

"This... this, I will try my best." Ma Xingyu said with a troubled face.

"Not only do you have to apply, but when Chen Li's center is set up and the pilot work has achieved initial results, psychological counseling centers for criminals will be established in every prison in the province. At that time, the bureau will come up with some policies to encourage those who are qualified to apply for the exam. The police went to study in batches and got a third-level psychological counselor certificate." Wen Shouwei said.

"Really?" Chen Li exclaimed in surprise, and she said sincerely, "Wenju, thank you very much for adjusting me to the position I really want to do."

"This... you must say thank you, just tell Secretary Hong Wenling, he suggested it." Wen Shouwei said.

It turned out that Wen Shouwei planned to ask Ma Xingyu to serve as deputy secretary and warden of Qingshui Prison, and Xu Changli to serve as secretary and political commissar.Hong Wenling was worried, if the two main leaders were moved at once, would there be some unstable factors?As for Li Changxiong, this person is not bad, but it's just a matter of conception. Talk to him and transfer Chen Li to the bureau first, which can be regarded as a wake-up call for him.After a year or so, if he still doesn't change his mind, by then Xu Changli will already be familiar with the situation, and it won't be too late to send Ma Xingyu there.

Wen Shouwei thought for a while and felt that what he said made sense, so he agreed. The two discussed Chen Li's work arrangement and reached an agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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