Chapter 8

Just after the Spring Festival, on the day Xie Xiaowan returned to school, Xie Tianming was notified to go to the provincial capital for a meeting.The daughter-in-law Li Wenjun locked herself in the house the next day, did not eat, and did not tell her what happened when she asked her.The mother-in-law was a little anxious, thinking that the couple had quarreled, so she called her son, and the phone was turned off. On the fourth day, the phone was still turned off. The two old people could no longer sit still, so they urged their daughter-in-law Li Wenjun to go to the county committee to ask. .

Li Wenjun said: "There is no need to ask, the county has spread the word that he has been 'double-guided'."

When Xie Tianming's father heard this, he immediately sat down on the ground.

She helped her husband up. Although she didn't know what "shuanggui" was, she realized that something must have happened.The old man sat for a while, then walked outside, saying that he would go to the county committee to confirm.

She asked Li Wenjun: "Did something happen to Tianming? What is 'double regulation'?"

Li Wenjun said, "It's just being locked up."

She was in a hurry: "what did he do?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Soon, the county party committee called, saying that the old man had fainted and was being sent to the People's Hospital, and told them to go to the hospital as soon as possible.Xie Tianming's mother and Li Wenjun rushed to the hospital. The old man was still in a coma and was being rescued in the emergency room.

The doctor said it was a cerebral hemorrhage.

Xie Tianming's father's life was saved, but he lost feeling in his right leg, and it was difficult for him to walk with a cane.


"The most pitiful one is my granddaughter..." Mother Xie stared blankly at the fire with the deep wrinkles on her face like dried orange peel, and said to herself.

Chen Li asked: "You mean Xie Xiaowan, right? What happened to her?"

"Auntie, you have another visitor at your house!" The branch secretary's voice came from outside the house.

Everyone was surprised and turned their heads to look out. Xie Tianming's sister-in-law took out a flashlight and went out. Xie's mother stood up tremblingly, and Chen Li hurriedly supported her.

The branch secretary led Wen Ziping in. Wen Ziping was wet and dirty, and there were two bloodstains on his face cut by thorns.

Xie Mu looked at him.

Wen Ziping looked at the people in the room, and his eyes fell on Xie Mu's face.

Mother Xie asked, "Son, are you..."

The branch secretary pointed to Xie's mother and said, "She is Xie Xiaowan's grandma."

Wen Ziping was stunned for a few seconds, and said in a crying voice, "Grandma, I'm Ziping."

Mother Xie seemed very dull: "Zi Ping? Zi Ping..."

Wen Ziping held her hand: "Wen Ziping, I'm Wen Ziping, I used to come to play with you when I was young, do you remember?"

Mother Xie still looked at him suspiciously and shook her head.

Wen Ziping said again: "My father is Wen Shouwei, do you remember?"

Chen Li and Yang Yang were taken aback, they looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to Wen Ziping.

Xie's mother suddenly realized, and said happily, "So it's you? Sit down, sit down." She turned around tremblingly, and said to Xie Tianming's sister-in-law, "Get some hot water for the child, wash it first, and then find some clothes. .”

Wen Ziping asked eagerly: "Grandma, is Xiao Wan back? Where is she?"

"No. Child, have you met Xiao Wan?"

Wen Ziping nodded, and said anxiously: "Didn't come back? How is it possible?"

Chen Li pointed to Ma Xudong and Yang Yang and said, "Wen Ziping, he and I are policemen from Qingshui Prison, here to find out about Xie Tianming's family."

Wen Ziping reached out his hand to shake hands with Chen Li, and then shook hands with Ma Xudong and Yang Yang.

Wen Ziping sat by the fire with a slumped expression.

"What's going on, can you tell me?" Chen Li asked.

Yang Yang helped Xie's mother to sit down too: "Son, what's wrong with Xiaowan?"

Wen Ziping said in a low voice: "Grandma, I met Xiao Wan by chance a few days ago and she was sick..."

Xie's mother looked very anxious: "Sick? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Wen Ziping said: "Grandma, don't worry, she's already healed. She lost her ID card and didn't have a certificate from the local public security agency, so she couldn't visit Uncle Xie. Dad asked me to accompany her to find her household registration, and then opened the Proof. But just when I was about to go out, my mother came back. My mother didn’t know what she said to Xiao Wan, and Xiao Wan left. I thought she was back, so I rushed over.”

Chen Li asked suspiciously: "Looking for a household registration? Xiaowan doesn't know where her household registration is?"

"Xiaowan said that she was expelled from school, maybe she is in school?" Wen Ziping said.

Chen Li turned to look at Xie's mother: "Grandma, please continue to tell us about Xiaowan."

Xie Mu nodded, her expression suddenly became sad.

"Sin, Xiao Wan is such a good child, she used to be talkative, but she seemed to be a different person when she came back that time, she only knew how to help me with work, and she couldn't say a few words all day long. Ask her, It’s just umm, it’s heart-wrenching to watch..." The old man looked at the fire and muttered to himself.

Xie Xiaowan ran back. After her grandfather was discharged from the hospital, they told her to go back to school. She said she had asked for leave and would go back when her grandfather was in better health.Later, she told her grandparents that her father's matter had not come to fruition, so she had no intention of going to school.

About a month later, I heard from the county party committee that Xie Tianming was suspected of corruption and had been arrested by the procuratorate.Xie Tianming's father became more and more anxious, so he discussed with his wife, sold the house, and paid him part of the money, so that the sentence could be reduced by several years.

"But my daughter-in-law doesn't do it, she keeps making noises, making us restless." The old man said while wiping away his tears, and his breathing became short of breath. "Because of this, Xiao Wan even fought with her."

Chen Li stroked her back and said softly, "Mother-in-law, please speak slowly, don't worry."

The old man gasped for a while, and continued: "The name of this house belongs to the old man. The old man is determined to sell the house, including all the valuables in the house. I sold some, and the total was 42 yuan, all of which were handed over to the county party committee. I think it will be all right now. Although there is nothing left, my son can come out. The three of us found a hotel for 10 yuan a night Stay here, live on the old man's salary, and wait for the news. Xiaowan let us sleep on the bed. She had no place to sleep, so she made a bed on the floor. In February and March, it was still snowing... That day was really like three years Natural disasters are still tough..."

"What about Li Wenjun?" Yang Yang asked.

At this moment, Li Wenjun is sitting on the sofa in the living room and making a phone call.

"Hey, I'm the landlord. The house expires on the 200rd of next month. Do you still want to rent it? If you rent it, the monthly rent will increase by [-] yuan... That's not okay, it's settled like this. If you want to continue renting, you will pay the rent at the latest." The money will be credited to my bank card at the end of this month."

Li Wenjun opened a box, took out a real estate certificate, and opened the column staring at the names of the head of the household—Xie Tianming and Li Wenjun.The words Xie Tianming deeply hurt her nerves, and she said bitterly, "This old bastard..."

She sat for a while with a sullen face, put away the real estate certificate, picked up the mobile phone to call the vice president's mobile phone, but was hung up.Li Wenjun called again, was hung up again, and she threw her mobile phone on the sofa.After a while, the phone rang, and Li Wenjun picked it up to check the number. It was the vice president who dialed.

Li Wenjun shouted angrily: "Where did you die?"

"Grandma, it's so late, what are you calling, I'm at home."

Li Wenjun said in a commanding tone, "Come and accompany me right away."

"Aren't you embarrassing me? I'm still hiding in the toilet."

Li Wenjun threatened, "You can't make it through?!"

"Aren't you pregnant? You can't do that, what am I doing here?"

Li Wenjun said angrily, "Come and accompany your son!"

"Okay, right away..."

Li Wenjun hung up the phone and smiled sullenly. She rubbed her stomach and hummed softly: "Son, take care of yourself. If you stay here, we will earn money."

When Yang Yang asked about Li Wenjun, the old man was very angry, and his tone raised a bit: "Don't mention it, I don't know where he went..."

The days of waiting are long.

The old man thought in his heart that he was fine anyway, so instead of sitting in the house waiting, he might as well pick up some rags and sell them for some pocket money.After discussing with the old man, the old man had this idea for a long time, he said that he could pick up as much as he could, and pay the country a penny more to alleviate his crimes.So the two old people scavenged around, while Xiaowan stayed in the house and helped them cook.

However, it seemed that everyone in the county was talking about Xie Tianming. Wherever they went, there was a lot of discussion, and most of them looked filled with righteous indignation, either cursing corrupt officials or clapping their hands.When I met someone I knew outside or someone who was talking about Xie Tianming, I ran away like a mouse meeting a cat, hiding in hiding all day long.

"What kind of life was that? I heard people talking everywhere I went. Is Tianming really that bad? Is it really that bad?" The old man muttered to himself again. With the doubts that have been bothering her.

Two months later, Xie Tianming's father and mother sent the money from selling the junk to the Commission for Discipline Inspection.There was not much money, only 53 yuan and 3 cents. After the comrades of the Disciplinary Committee asked about the situation, they all sighed again and again.At that time, Gu Hongcheng, who was in charge of the case of Xie Tianming from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, was also there. At that time, Gu Hongcheng was still the deputy director of the Fourth Prosecutor's Office. He is getting older and his health is critical. He will report it to the leaders and the procuratorate, and strive to consider it in sentencing.Most of the other comrades in the Commission for Discipline Inspection were originally promoted by Xie Tianming, and they all offered 53 or 200 yuan one after another, and it was more than 100 yuan in a while.

Xie Tianming's father knelt on the ground all of a sudden, and they couldn't pull him up. He kowtowed three times to them stubbornly, got up and handed over 1000 yuan to Gu Hongcheng, turned around and left, wiping away his tears.

Half a year later, the court finally ruled that Xie Tianming was sentenced to 15 years in prison for accepting bribes, embezzling public funds, and embezzling public funds.On the day when the news was published in the newspaper, two old men came back from scavenging. The innkeeper was happily holding a large roll of cannon and shouting: "Fire the cannon, let it go."

Xie Tianming's father asked: "Boss, what's the happy event today?"

"Hey, don't you know? The corrupt official Xie Tianming was finally sentenced to 15 years. Although it is a bit light, he should be shot, but he will die in prison. He deserves it, haha..."

Firecrackers were fired one after another in the streets and alleys of the city.

The hotel owner lit firecrackers, and many people ran out, smiling like they were celebrating the New Year.

Xie Tianming's father fell to the sound of firecrackers and never woke up again.

The mother-in-law and grandson lay on Xie Tianming's father, crying all the time.

"Xiaogu County is more than 150 kilometers away from my hometown, what should I do?" the old man began to cry as he spoke.

On the third day, Xie Tianming's younger brother rushed over from his hometown, saying that he borrowed money from his neighbors and collected more than 700 yuan, but it was not even enough for the cremation.

The daughter-in-law also wiped away tears and interjected: "It was not easy to borrow money at that time. Your family is like this, so who can lend you at ease? My second child and I ran away for two whole days."

The innkeeper finally knew that they were Xie Tianming's family members. Maybe it was unlucky to put a dead body at his place, and no guests came. Maybe he thought of their misery for more than half a year, which aroused his sympathy, so he refunded their rent to him. They said, burn it quickly, it will stink if you don't burn it in this hot weather.Immediately afterwards, the village party secretary from his hometown also came to assist in the cremation of Xie Tianming's father, and the family returned to their hometown with the ashes in their arms.

"Where's Xiaowan? Did you go to school?" Chen Li asked.

"Poor child, on the night when the old man was buried, she had to keep vigil, so I stayed with her. I couldn't bear it any longer, so I fell asleep. When I woke up the next day, her hair had turned gray, oh... ..." The old man sighed deeply.

The sigh seemed to come from a very deep place, penetrating everyone's heart vaguely, disturbing Ma Xudong and the others.

Wen Ziping held his head and his body undulated slightly.


"Then what happened next?" Chen Li asked.

"She was like this, so she wasn't forced to go to school, and she didn't get any money. After a few months, she left a letter saying that she had gone to work. She hasn't come back all these years, only every two months Send me some money, and the letters Tianming wrote to her are all there, and I don’t know how to give them to her.” The old man said this, with a worried expression on his face, “There is no news for these few months, nothing will happen. okay?"

"Oh?" Yang Yang asked, "What's going on?"

"From the beginning of the Spring Festival, she didn't send money to her family, and she didn't ask someone to get his father's letter, so the mother-in-law was worried." The second daughter-in-law explained.

"Isn't there an address on the remittance slip?" Chen Li asked.

"The remittance slip is not very detailed. It is probably in the provincial capital, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. By the way, it was sent back from Inner Mongolia once again." The second daughter-in-law said.

"Where's your husband?" Yang Yang didn't have a good impression of her, so he asked reproachfully.

"My guy went out to work, didn't get his salary, he was injured, his calf was broken, the boss paid thousands of dollars for medical expenses, he ran away, he had no choice but to come back, he was still lying in the house Well, my mother-in-law is not in good health, and I am the only one outside the house, alas...I really can't live through this day..." The daughter-in-law burst into tears.

"I don't blame the second daughter-in-law." The old man also heard Yang Yang's accusation, "She is also troubled. There are two patients in the family, and the grandson is still in high school. If Tianming has two colleagues who send some money from time to time, I'm afraid this place is..."

At the end, she said gratefully: "There are still many good people in this world..."

Wen Ziping took Xie's mother's hand: "Grandma, I will go back early tomorrow morning, I will definitely find Xiaowan and bring her back to see you."

Xie Mu grinned: "Then...the relationship is good, good..."

The whole group felt even heavier.

"Where's Li Wenjun? Haven't you been here?" The director of the judiciary couldn't help asking.

"Don't mention it, it's Tianming's blind eye!" The old man was helpless and angry, "Never came here."

"Didn't Xiaowan look for her biological mother?" Chen Li asked.

"Actually, the eldest daughter-in-law is a nice person, but a good person doesn't have a long life. She died in a car accident, and I only found Li Wenjun in the morning." The old man said quietly, and then she seemed to be talking to herself, "Why did you have a car accident when you were so good?" The same is true for Tianming, with such a good job, you don’t have to worry about food or clothing, you don’t have to bring it with you when you die, what do you need so much money for? It’s a good house, but it’s ruined like this, pity my granddaughter... "

Xie Xiaowan rented a house and cleaned it briefly. She felt very tired, so she lay on the bed for a while, feeling bored, picked up her phone and looked at it randomly.

She murmured: "Brother Ziping, why don't you call me? Are you really ignoring me?"

She sat up and looked at the locked door.She got out of bed, opened the door a crack, looked out, made sure that the other lodger hadn't returned, and went out.

Walking to the door of the other tenant, he stopped and listened, but there was no movement.After hesitating for a while, she knocked on the door lightly, but there was no movement. She knocked on the door vigorously, but there was still no movement.

Xie Xiaowan walked around the house in disappointment, yelled a few times, and walked back to her room in disappointment.

Wen Shouwei caught up with Gu Hongcheng, saw Li Changxiong and Xu Changli hurriedly chasing after him, and said, "Old Xu, I will accompany Director Gu for a walk, you two can do what you want."

Li Changxiong and Xu Changli looked at each other, watching Gu Hongcheng and Wen Shouwei walk away slowly.

Li Changxiong sighed deeply, and said mockingly, "Old Xu, your original unit is better, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away!"

Xu Changli smiled and remained silent.

Li Changxiong said again: "They don't eat, we brothers still have to eat, don't we? Let's go, let's have a drink."

Xu Changli shook his head and said, "Old Li, let's forget it, I'm not in the mood now, am I? I'm leaving first."

Li Changxiong watched as Xu Changli hired a taxi and left. Feeling extremely depressed and lost his appetite, he called the driver to drive over and went straight to the prison.Over the years, he has developed a habit. As long as he has something on his mind, he will hang around in the prison, and his mood will improve.

At this moment, Yang Tiansheng called and reported politely that Director He Kaihua had called him and asked him if he knew when he would start work, and asked him to find out.Li Changxiong's heart skipped a beat, and the leader turned to Yang Tiansheng to inquire, indicating that he was already very unhappy.Thinking in my heart, I showed the contract to Wen Shouwei today, and he didn’t express any opinion. It seems that what He Kaihua said was the truth. Wen Shouwei didn’t understand the status quo of the system, so he rashly ordered the withdrawal of the foreign labor site, and encountered resistance from all sides. .Thinking of this, he immediately called He Kaihua and said that he would go to work tomorrow.He Kaihua's tone was still the same as before, and he also said that the funds for the renovation of prison facilities this year will be tilted towards Qingshui Prison.

Wen Shouwei caught up with the angry Gu Hongcheng, and Gu Hongcheng's gloomy face was filled with spring breeze. Wen Shouwei joked: "How about a proverb? In the morning, the face of the mother-in-law—change as soon as you say it."

Gu Hongcheng asked back: "Isn't it good to be a heartless person?"

"Well, it's interesting. However, no matter how heartless people are, they have to deal with their stomachs. Let's find a place to be heartless?" Wen Shouwei laughed.

Gu Hongcheng looked around and pointed to a roadside snack shop: "Okay, that's the one."

The two of them were just sitting at a small table when Wen Shouwei's cell phone rang, and as soon as it was connected, Liu Rui's scolding sound came from the phone: "Wen Shouwei, why don't you care about your son if you haven't heard from him yet? Do you look like a father? Do you know that the Ministry of Finance will have an interview tomorrow?"

Wen Shouwei said: "I called, but I can't get through..."

"If you can't get through, if you can't get through, then..."

Wen Shouwei interrupted her and said: "I said Liu Rui, Ziping is not a child anymore, let's not interfere too much, okay?" "How long will it take for him to come back?"

Wen Shouwei was a little depressed: "How do I know?"

Liu Rui said arrogantly: "Then go find it!"

Wen Shouwei glanced at Gu Hongcheng and said, "Why are you looking for it? Besides, I'm so busy with work, I said Liu Rui, you..." "Why are you looking for it? Don't you have tens of thousands of policemen under your command?" Liu Rui yelled in a sarcasm.

Wen Shouwei became angry and hung up the phone directly.

Gu Hongcheng asked: "Sister-in-law?"

Wen Shouwei smiled wryly: "I don't care about her, I will be a heartless husband once."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Wen Shouwei's phone rang again. It was Hong Wenling, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Wen Shouwei listened and his face became serious.

Erpi and the others have all gone out, even Lu Benchuan is missing, and Ji Niu Ma Er is also quite bored.

After Xie Tianming came back from the city hospital, Ma Xudong arranged for Ji Niu and Ma Er to watch him a bit.Throughout the day, no matter where he went, the cell, the stairs, the aisle, or the playground of the cell, he would be in a daze for a while.

He looked at Pan Jiajie, then at Xie Tianming, and asked with concern: "Old Xie, how do you feel today?"

Xie Tianming didn't seem to hear, and was still in a daze.

Ji Niu Ma Er didn't bother him anymore, climbed onto the bed, and looked at the guitar first.He put the guitar next to the pillow, picked it up again after a while, looked left and right, put it against the wall in the middle of the bed, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, perhaps influenced by Xie Tianming, he also became dazed, the past was like Like an old movie, one fragment after another flashes before my eyes...

In autumn, the mountain is full of red leaves, and Ji Niu Maer sits on the rock, playing and singing with his guitar.

In spring, the flowers are blooming like brocades. On the road, auspicious cows and horses play while walking, and occasionally a car whizzes by.

On summer nights, when the lights of the bustling city are on, Ji Niu Ma Er plays and sings on the street, some passers-by stop to listen, and from time to time someone puts five or ten yuan on the ground in front of him.

A dozen policemen suddenly appeared and surrounded Ji Niu Ma Er in all directions.Pinning him to the ground, the police found a package of drugs from the guitar.

There was a flash of lightning, followed by a loud thunder, and suddenly it rained heavily.The guitar was thrown on the ground, and the raindrops hit the guitar, making a tinkling sound.Ji Niu Ma Er struggled to reach out his hand, trying to grab the guitar, but he was held down by several policemen, dragged into the police car, and the police car drove away.

In a trance, he seemed to hear the weeping sound of the guitar, which was distant, sad, and crying.


Ji Niu Ma Er sat up, shook his head, and looked at the guitar given to him by Chen Li and Yang Yang.Ji Niu Ma Er stretched out his hand to touch the strings, hesitated, stroked, and subconsciously plucked the strings.

The guitar made a pleasant sound.

Ji Niu Ma Er couldn't help holding the guitar in his arms, took a deep breath, and plucked the strings.

The melodious guitar diffused in the lifeless room. Xie Tianming and Pan Jiajie stood up almost at the same time, looking up at Ji Niu Ma Er.

Ji Niu Ma Er couldn't help playing and singing in a low voice, his voice was vicissitudes, low and sad.

Xie Tianming stared out the window with a dazed look.Pan Jiajie closed his eyes, beat the beat with one hand, and swayed from side to side, looking intoxicated.

Li Haojian, Erpi, Lu Benchuan and others walked in.

Erpi shouted: "Hey, how about a concert?"

Ji Niu Ma Er was startled, and the guitar sound stopped abruptly.He put the guitar next to the pillow and lay down.Erpi climbed up quickly, grabbed the guitar, jumped down, and struck the strings vigorously.

Ji Niu Ma Er sat up and said loudly, "Give it back to me!"

Erpi lifted the guitar and asked Li Haojian: "Boss, how much is this thing?"

Li Haojian said: "At least say a few hundred yuan."

Er Pi looked at Ji Niu Ma Er and said, "I mean man, you are full, right? A few hundred yuan, how expensive, you can buy instant noodles and ham sausage, you can't finish it in a month..."

Ji Niu Ma Er jumped off the upper bunk, staring: "Give it back to me!"

Er Pi giggled: "Oh, let me play for a while."

Erpi slapped the strings vigorously, singing wildly as he walked: "Brother, sister..."

"Give it back to me!" Ji Niu Ma Er followed and shouted loudly.

Ji Niu Ma Er waved his fist: "I want to play around, why?"

Er Pi ran out with the guitar in his arms, plucking the strings randomly while running, and sang wildly with the drake's voice: " tonight..."

Ji Niu Ma Er rushed up from behind and punched Er Pi on the head, Er Pi fell to the ground with a groan.Ji Niu Ma Er snatched the guitar and looked it up and down carefully.Erpi got up from the ground, grabbed the guitar and snatched it fiercely.

Ji Niu Ma Er held on tightly, and both sides firmly grasped the two ends of the guitar.

Several criminals came out of the cell and watched from afar, while one criminal clapped his hands and shouted for cheer.

Scarface came over and laughed, "Erpi, your baby can't even handle an old man, so useless."

Erpi gritted his teeth, and suddenly exerted force, Ji Niu Ma Er was pulled over, but he just didn't let go.The strings tore Ji Niu Maer's palm, and blood flowed on the guitar.

Er Pi was startled, and quickly let go.

Ji Niu Ma Er fell to the ground on his back, the guitar flew out, fell from the second floor to the playground on the first floor, and broke into several pieces.Ji Niu Ma Er got up from the ground and leaned on the second floor railing wall to watch.

Ji Niu Ma Er roared angrily and fell to the ground with a "bang", his limbs twitched, foaming at the mouth, and passed out.

Li Changxiong just walked into the supervision area, saw the situation inside, became furious, and slammed the iron gate hard.The policeman on duty poked his head out from the duty room, saw that the warden was coming, and quickly opened the door with the key board.

Li Changxiong walked in with a grumpy face, stood on the playground in the supervision area and shouted: "Ma Xudong, Ma Xudong!"

Li Haojian's panicked report came from the second floor: "Report the police officer, Ji Niu and Ma Er have fainted!"

The policeman on duty glanced at Li Changxiong, and shouted to the second floor, "Hurry up, take it down."

Ma Xudong and others ran from the office building, Li Changxiong gave Ma Xudong a hard look, turned his head and left.

Li Haojian, Lu Benchuan and others carried Ji Niu Maer down from the second floor and put him on the ground.

Ma Xudong yelled: "I'm so fucking full and have nothing to do? What are you doing in a daze? Take it to the hospital! Li Haojian, assemble."

Li Haojian had already carried Ji Niu Ma Er on his back, so he had to put Ji Niu Ma Er on the ground again and ran to the middle of the playground.

Li Haojian yelled: "Assemble, assemble urgently, assemble urgently!"

Ma Xudong seemed to realize something, turned around and ran out to chase Li Changxiong.The criminals in the whole prison area lined up, but Ma Xudong left. There were only three policemen on the scene. They didn't know why Ma Xudong called the criminals to gather urgently. You look at me, I look at you, and look at Ji Niu Ma Er lying on the ground .

A policeman said, "I'll take him to the hospital." Then, he called a criminal to come over and run towards the hospital with Ji Niu Maer on his back.

After a while, Ma Xudong came back with a tiger's face, probably because he was severely taught by Li Changxiong.He looked up and saw the criminals standing neatly on the playground of the prison area, and asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

The policeman on duty reminded him in a low voice: "Boss, didn't you call for an emergency assembly? We're all waiting for you."

Ma Xudong shook his head, suddenly realized, he let out a long sigh, and waved his hands: "It's gone, let's go."

He turned and walked towards the office building.

The policeman on duty ran over and asked with concern: "Boss, are you sick?"

Ma Xudong glared at him: "You are the only one who is sick!"

The policeman on duty was taken aback, stuck out his tongue, turned around and ran back, shouting: "It's gone, it's gone!"

Ma Xudong returned to his office and sat down with a sullen face.When he caught up with Li Changxiong just now, Li Changxiong reprimanded him all over his face.In the end, other prison areas still retain foreign labor land, but you are lucky, and you can eat the imperial food steadily.Is imperial food so delicious?I, Li Changxiong, haven't eaten the imperial food yet.Ma Xudong muttered, the bureau asked to evacuate all foreign labor sites, and the prison also issued documents. Did you still speak at the meeting?Li Changxiong glared at him, what did I say, what did I say?Withdraw foreign workers as soon as possible, what do you mean as soon as possible?You do not understand?Other prison areas still retain foreign labor spots, but you, Ma Xudong, are the only ones?You are also an old man in the prison, don't mess around with Chen Li and the others all day long.Ma Xudong became angry and said, Warden, where did you start by saying this?I'm quite old, and I'm hanging out with Chen Li and the others?Li Changxiong stopped, looked at him and said, Ma, you and I are people who know the basics, think about it, the prison is such a big stall, the annual expenditure is so big, I really have no money, what do you ask me to do?Ask him to guard Wen?Let me tell you something plain, as long as the bureau doesn't ask questions, we have to keep the foreign workers, processing them in prison, and doing it, just for show.

Now Ma Xudong is worried. When he evacuated the foreign labor site, he punished all the bosses. Now he wants to hire foreign workers again. What should we do?After thinking about it for a while, I grabbed the landline and called one by one, but as expected, they all refused.Finally, the boss of a migrant labor site berated him for a long time before reluctantly agreeing to ask him to start work tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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