Chapter 9

Ma Xudong had just returned to the office when the guard came to report that Xie Tianming was still refusing to eat, and the hospital asked us to go over to help.

He was a little annoyed: "You report these things to the leader in charge."

The prison guard said: "Inspector Ma, the deputy chief in charge was on duty last night, and he is off today..."

"What is this Xie Tianming going to do? It's been more than five years since he came here, and he still doesn't know how to repent! If he doesn't eat, he won't eat. He won't starve to death." Ma Xudong said bitterly.

The guard said again: "I'm afraid it won't work. I just ate some yesterday morning, but I was still force-fed. I didn't eat at noon or at night... If this continues, I'm afraid... Also, if I really transfer to another hospital, the guards, guards, eating, drinking, and sacking will still be forced to feed me." It's not our business? It's more troublesome."

"I have never seen such a stubborn person. Even the counter-revolutionary criminals in the past were not as stubborn as him. They would die at every turn. If it was a few years ago, whether he ate or not, he deserved to starve to death. If he wanted to die, he could blame the government. ?” Ma Xudong complained.

These few words of Ma Xudong touched the heart of the guard, and he poured out his bitterness: "Yes, many policemen miss the old management style very much, there is not much reason to say, just two words: obedience. Disobedient, spanking; still disobedient, tie a rope. It saves trouble and is effective, the criminal is obedient and behaved, unlike now, you are so earnest, and your mouth is dry, he thinks you are farting. "

"Forget it, take two people to have a look. If it doesn't work, you should use forced feeding and suggest to the hospital to add some amino acids to his infusion. Let's save his life first." After Ma Xudong finished speaking, he continued to complain. , "I don't engage in foreign labor, things come out immediately, and I don't know how much there will be in the future..."

The guard smiled and said: "Boss, objectively speaking, it has nothing to do with foreign workers. We are all familiar with it. To be honest, since the detention of duty prisoners, there have been a lot of incidents. Self-harm and suicide. It’s happened all over the place, and it’s the second time in our prison this year, and it’s only March, if this continues, it’s not us who are torturing these grandchildren, but these grandsons are tormenting us, it’s really terrible.”

Ma Xudong frowned: "Hurry up, hurry up, come back as soon as it's done, we'll organize a meeting to analyze the prison situation."

Complaints are complaints, but the current regulatory situation is really not optimistic. If this continues, there may be a big accident that day.In all fairness, there is no problem in the law enforcement process, and the police are more concerned about these criminals. They are talking about everything that needs to be talked about. As long as the criminals' demands are reasonable, they will try their best to solve them.Prison self-inspection, prison system cross-inspection, bureau law enforcement supervision, procuratorate supervision and inspection, and local people's congress law enforcement inspection all have no major problems, and the score is still in the top three in the province.

But what is the problem?Is it true that these duty criminals are more stubborn than those enemy agents in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, or is the previous extensive management method more effective?

Ma Xudong had been thinking hard for the past two days, but he couldn't find the answer.

At this time, Chen Li came in and reported: "The superintendent, the Political Department called to urge us to apply for the recommendation of the 'Top Ten Police Officers'. Who do you refer to? We must report today, or our quota will be cancelled."

"Oh..." Ma Xudong said irrelevantly, "Come on, sit down, let's discuss something."

Chen Li gave him a surprised look and sat down.

"You asked for leave the day before yesterday. I was too subjective. As for me, I apologize to you. Don't take it to heart, little girl." Ma Xudong looked at her and said.

Originally, Chen Li looked down on this superintendent from the bottom of her heart. She had outdated concepts, couldn't keep up with the situation, had a hot temper, and had a simple and extensive management method. A person in his fifties should have been transferred to a relaxing position to rest, and he was still occupying a position. Knowing how the prison party committee thinks about it, it's no wonder that such a person is placed in such an important position and nothing happens.But today Ma Xudong apologized straight to the point, but he felt embarrassed, so he said, "I was also at fault, I didn't communicate with you properly."

Ma Xudong gave her a thumbs up, and praised: "As expected of a psychology student, with strong communication skills."

"Leader, don't put a high hat on me. What can you tell me?" Chen Li said with a smile.

"Xie Tianming is still on hunger strike. In the past two days, many policemen including me have been doing his ideological work, but it has no practical effect. I want to hear your analysis..." Ma Xudong said sincerely, "To be honest, I Now he is very passive, some leaders. Even some policemen in our prison area think that I should not arrange him to feed the pigs that day..."

At this time, Li Changxiong, the warden of the prison, brought Yang Tiansheng, the deputy warden in charge of supervision and law enforcement, and seven or eight people from the departments of prison administration, prison investigation, and education, and a group of seven or eight people came in. Ma Xudong and Chen Li hurriedly got up to greet them. Took a few from the office.

"I seem to hear you guys discussing Xie Tianming's pig feeding? Tell me about it." Li Changxiong asked.

"Yes, some comrades think that I shouldn't arrange him to feed the pigs." Ma Xudong said sullenly.

The head of the prison administration department asked: "You arranged him to feed the pigs because he had just come out of the confinement room and his physical strength was weak, so you could assign him an easy job. Did you make it clear to him at the time?"

"This... didn't say it explicitly, but he should know it." Ma Xudong said.

"Maybe the problem lies here. We can imagine how good a county party secretary used to be. You arranged this way, but he didn't understand what you meant. His self-esteem was greatly hurt, and he felt that he would no longer have face among criminals, so he couldn't think about it. So you committed suicide. Therefore, you, Ma Xudong, have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter." The chief of the prison administration said.

The education and prison investigation departments all nodded.

Chen Li looked at them, then walked out secretly.

Li Changxiong said with a smile: "Chen Li, please sit down when you come back, don't even think about slipping away."

Chen Li said: "The leaders are studying things, I'm embarrassed to sit here."

"Speak, I want to hear your opinion." Li Changxiong said to her.

Chen Li sat down and said thoughtfully: "Because the horse supervisor arranged for him to feed the pigs, which hurt his self-esteem, so he committed suicide. I don't think so. Asking him to feed the pigs is just a fuse..."

"You mean that Xie Tianming's suicide is inevitable?" The chief of prison administration was a little dissatisfied.

"If no intervention measures are taken, other occasional incidents, such as fights, a few words from the police, quarrels between criminals, and even nightmares at night, etc., will trigger him to commit suicide. I think so." Chen Li said a little He hesitated, but still expressed his opinion.

Li Changxiong asked, "Oh? Be more specific."

"It is impossible for me to get in touch with male prisoners, so I don't know much about Xie Tianming. I often guard the monitoring. Through the analysis of Xie Tianming's superficial behavior before and after confinement, he is often in a daze. On a chair in the living room, or even sitting on the floor, as soon as he sits down, within a minute, even if there are other criminals chatting around him, he will enter a state of daze..."

"It's not surprising that this happens a lot in prisons." The Chief of Prison Administration interjected.

"Don't interrupt, I'm listening carefully, can't you listen to Chen Li finish?" Li Changxiong glanced at him dissatisfied, and then said to Chen Li, "Speak boldly, don't be swayed by their opinions, the truth The more you argue, the clearer it becomes."

Chen Li continued: "I found out from the surveillance video that Yang Yang, a policeman, came to talk to him once. When he entered the room, he was restrained and depressed. He didn't want to sit down and squatted on the ground. Yang Yang asked him to sit down many times, but he just shook his head. He refused, and Yang Yang helped him up before sitting on the chair. The whole body was shaking during the conversation, Yang Yang noticed it, and asked him if he was a little cold. He said no, and said that he was not shaking. When he looked at himself When I move my body, my whole body stops shaking, and once I answer a question or look away, my body starts shaking."

Everyone showed very surprised expressions, and they all secretly admired Chen Li. They themselves have seen videos like this, so why didn't they find out?

Chen Li went on to say: "There are also some abnormal behaviors. When smoking, the cigarette burns to the finger and it takes a few seconds to react, but the performance is not that painful, which shows that he is a little numb to the pain..."

The prison guard suddenly interrupted: "Yes, yes, I talked to him several times and gave him cigarettes. This is the situation. What does this mean?"

"It shows that he can't control his own cognitive behavior, that is, sometimes he can't control his own behavior." Chen Li said.

"This kind of behavior is very dangerous..." Li Changxiong frowned, and then motioned to Chen Li, "You continue."

"When he walks and finds a place to sit, he always leans against the wall and often stays in a corner, which shows that he has a deep feeling of insecurity, which has been amplified after he returned from the confinement room. I heard The policeman on duty said that he asked the criminal Pan Jiajie to find out about the situation yesterday. Pan reported that Xie Tianming once told him that the light bulb in the cell might explode, and that he often had nightmares, which made other criminals unable to rest well. Pan also said He once found that Xie Tianming pulled his thigh hard after waking up from a nightmare, and the next day he found that it was still bleeding, and once when he took a bath, he saw a large swollen area on the outside of his thigh, which was bruised and purple, which was very scary."

The people present were a little shocked.

Ma Xudong said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chen Li smiled: "Head of the Warden, I just learned about some of them, and I'm not in discipline, so it's hard to say. What can this explain? At least two things can be explained: one is that his heart is extremely painful, and the other is that He was extremely depressed."

Having said that, Chen Li turned her attention to Li Changxiong: "Prisoner, I speculate that Xie Tianming suffers from depression, a mental illness with a high risk of suicide. Of course, this is also my preliminary judgment, it may not be accurate, and he may be managed directly. The policeman Yang Yang knows better, you can ask him about the situation."

Ma Xudong walked quickly to the door and shouted loudly: "Yang Yang, Yang Yang! Where's Yang Yang?"

"Here!" Yang Yang's voice came from downstairs.

After a while, Yang Yang came in, and there were traces of milk soaking on the jacket and trousers of his police uniform, which were quite large. "What's going on?" Li Changxiong asked.

Seeing the warden staring at the police uniform, Yang Yang said, "Just now Xie Tianming was force-fed, and he vomited."

"Thanks for your hard work, then go and change your clothes before you come back." Li Changxiong said with some emotion.

Yang Yang said: "The warden, don't get in the way, I'll be done in a while, and besides, I don't have any clothes to change here."

A young man born in the "80s" like Yang Yang, an only child, grew up pampered by his family like a baby, and he is not yet married. How could he have experienced such things.

Li Changxiong said with concern: "You will bring a set and put it in the office in the future."

The deputy warden Yang Tiansheng hurriedly said: "Inspector Li, in order to prevent criminals from stealing police uniforms to commit crimes, the prison issued a document last year not to allow police officers to put police uniforms in the office."

"Oh..." Li Changxiong said to Yang Tiansheng, "This problem has to be solved. I think it is necessary to set up a dressing room for the police in the prison area outside the second gate. Each person has a grid for putting clothes. Go back and get a preliminary plan." Come."

Yang Tiansheng nodded and said, "I'll organize relevant departments to conduct research immediately when I go back." Then he looked at everyone, "It's the first time that the warden personally leads a team to study a case, which shows that Li Jian attaches great importance to it. Director Wen said that this Sunday he will Come on, if Xie Tianming still has this attitude at that time, then we will be passive. My ugly words are up front. When the time comes when the director will hit us with the board, we will have to hit you. So, we must come up with a plan today."

"Jiang Yang, the report of the procuratorate's involvement in the investigation did not mention it. Judging from the law enforcement process and the handling of the incident, there is no law enforcement problem." Ma Xudong kicked the ball back immediately.

"The procuratorate thinks you have no problems, but it doesn't mean that the prison also thinks you have no problems!" Yang Tiansheng said angrily.

The Chief of Prison Administration immediately added: "There are still many problems in the work of your prison area. Let's take the situation that Chen Li said just now. There is not even a single word in your prison situation analysis report. How did you analyze it? Yes How did you check? So, I think the problem still lies in the responsibility and attitude of work!"

Ma Xudong no longer defended himself, and bowed his head in silence.

Li Changxiong said: "Comrade Tiansheng, we are not here today to pursue responsibility, but to explore ways to influence Xie Tianming. As for the reasons that are universally applicable, let's not talk about them. Based on what you know, let's talk about them in detail. How to do it."

The warden's words were undoubtedly a denial of Yang Tiansheng and the chief of prison administration, which made Ma Xudong very grateful.

Yang Tiansheng and the head of the prison administration looked at each other with surprise in their eyes, as if they didn't understand what the head of the prison meant.

Chen Li looked at Li Changxiong, his sudden change made her very puzzled.She has been admitted as a civil servant and has worked in this prison for several years. She knows the style of the warden in the past. In the past, he rarely asked about incidents like Xie Tianming. The logic of the head of the political department boils down all problems to the sense of responsibility and work attitude of the grassroots.Just like playing football, as long as you get in, you can say any praise; if you don’t get in, even if you work hard, you are muddy and bruised, you can say any criticism, a typical resultant.In other words, even if you came back from the Ministry of Justice yesterday with an advanced group award for supervision and law enforcement, and today there is a supervision accident, he can completely negate your previous work and find out a thousand or ten thousand crimes.

Could it be that people's thinking patterns can really change overnight?While she was wondering, she couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Ma Xudong said: "Yang Yang, you are Xie Tianming's discipline policeman, please tell me first."

"Xie Tianming is a very special criminal. He pleaded guilty but has never repented. He accepted the crime judged by the court, but stubbornly believed that he was investigated by the procuratorial organ purely by accident. If the people did not stop the car of the provincial party secretary, he would not Something will happen..."

Ma Xudong interrupted Yang Yang and said, "He told me three times that the first sentence the Provincial Disciplinary Commission investigators said to him was: 'Brother, I'm sorry, the boss is losing his temper.' It was based on this idea that he Refuse to repent, and spread reactionary remarks in public places several times, saying which county party secretary is not corrupt or corrupt? It is not normal if you are not corrupt or corrupt. It depends on your luck. , just like him.”

"As Jian Ma said, this person often spreads highly confrontational remarks, but recently, to be precise, around the Spring Festival, he suddenly seemed to be a different person, taciturn, often in a daze, and sometimes very impulsive. He was confinement because he grabbed a wooden block and smashed Erpi's head when he was quarreling with that Erpi Zhao Haidong. I personally provided education and probation, and the police came to talk to him every day and every day. Leaders, to be honest, I have never cared so much about my father. No matter what you say, he is silent and doesn’t listen at all. A hundred poisons are invulnerable. No, just now I vomited milk all over me. Sometimes I think, if he is really my father, I might slap him a few times..." Yang Yang was a little agitated and very nervous as he spoke. have no choice.

"Admit your guilt, don't repent..." Li Changxiong said thoughtfully.

Yang Yang went on to say: "Well, I just don't repent. Sister Chen Li is studying psychological counseling. I told her about the situation and asked her to analyze it for me. She observed for a few days and judged that she might have a tendency to depression and was at high risk. During the period of behavior, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and diagnosis. I have reported to the leaders of the prison area, and the horse supervisor also agreed to report to the prison administration department..."

Yang Yang looked at the head of the prison administration section, and suddenly stopped talking.

"Have you seen this report?" Li Changxiong turned his head and asked the chief of prison administration.

The head of the prison administration said: "I see, Supervisor Li, whoever is locked up here has no psychological problems. If they have to go to the hospital for examination, can the prison afford it? Even if it is depression, it is not mental illness. Since it cannot be called It is a disease, the medical expenses of prisoners in the prison funds are used for medical treatment, of course it cannot be used for this kind of expenditure, not to mention that some of our policemen have mental illnesses, and we have not seen prison organization inspections, but a criminal must be inspected Treatment, what do the police think? I asked them to conduct individual education."

Li Changxiong was speechless, and the words of the chief of prison administration were not unreasonable.

"I have a different opinion." Chen Li said.

Everyone looked at her.

Chen Li said: "The chief's words are correct. We normal people have psychological problems to some extent. Due to long-term work pressure, individual policemen still have serious psychological problems. However, the external environment of normal people is different from Xie Tianming and others. A person who has lost dignity and freedom, his self-regulation ability is much lower than that of normal people, if not treated and intervened in time, the resistance of their psychological antibodies will become greater and greater, and they will adopt dangerous behaviors risk will increase.”

"Where? Does it mean that our policemen must become psychologists in the future?" The chief of prison administration said disapprovingly, "Chen Li, don't scare me."

Chen Li smiled coldly and stopped talking.

Silence, no one speaks.

Chen Li stood up and said, "Jian Li, I still have a lot of work to do, so I'll do my duty."

Li Changxiong said with a smile: "Don't get emotional, the opinion of the chief of prison administration is also an opinion, we are not discussing, right?"

"There must be a prerequisite for discussing any issue, that is, at least some understanding of this field. Can you play Mozart's music to the big buffalo?" Chen Li said bluntly.

"Our prison has been relocated, the forest has grown, and there are all kinds of birds?" The chief of prison administration smiled sarcastically, "According to what our police officer and expert Chen said, we can't transform Xie Tianming according to the traditional method. Yes, right? Two prison leaders, you hand over Xie Tianming to me, and I guarantee that he will plead guilty and submit to the law within a month. I don’t believe it, are we all big buffaloes, and only you Li is Mozart? Humph!"

"I don't understand it that way, but if you want to understand it that way, I can't help it." Chen Li also retorted.

Yang Tiansheng looked at everyone, and said to Li Changxiong: "Jian Li, should we stop here today and discuss it later?"

Li Changxiong thought for a while and said, "Okay, everyone go down and think about it, let's continue tomorrow."

After seeing off Li Changxiong and the others, Ma Xudong smiled happily and said, "Xiao Chen, you're a little mean, but it's very useful to me."

"It's better to be harsh on the prison administration. They point fingers everywhere all day long, and don't care about the difficulties of the grassroots." Yang Yang continued.

"Yang Yang, don't meddle with me. To be honest, many psychological counseling institutions have sent invitations to me. I am under investigation and can leave at any time. You are different, and you have to work here." Chen Li persuaded .

Yang Yang immediately said: "Jian Ma, you must not let Sister Chen go."

Ma Xudong sighed and said to Chen Li: "You really don't want to wear this police uniform?"

Chen Li said lightly, "It's not a question of whether you want to or not."

Ma Xudong was stunned for a moment, convinced that he didn't understand what she said, and he couldn't ask further questions, so he said, "You should worry about thanking Tianming. As for the work in hand, I will arrange other people to do it."

"Do you really think what I said makes sense?" Chen Li asked curiously.

"It doesn't make sense for me to worry about you? I'm old, and my ideas can't keep up with yours, but I'm at the grassroots level, and I understand what the grassroots is." Ma Xudong said emotionally.

"Boss, why don't we try Sister Chen's method? Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor." Yang Yang suggested.

Ma Xudong laughed and scolded: "You boy, what are you talking about? I'm not dead yet."

Yang Yang scratched his head in embarrassment.

He immediately called Li Changxiong: "Boss, I want to try Chen Li's method first, what do you think? Um, um... okay." Ma Xudong put down the phone and said, "Okay, tell me, Chen Li, what should I do now?" What measures to take, first solve the problem of his hunger strike."

(End of this chapter)

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