female geomancer

Chapter 206 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 206 Female Feng Shui Master (227)

Gao Wei spoke recklessly, and Han Changluan felt a cold sweat in his heart.Although Gao Wei is young, he has great ambitions.

Seeing that Han Changluan was silent, Gao Wei looked a little uncomfortable, so Gao Wei couldn't help asking: "Is the national teacher afraid that the national teacher's office will disappear?"

Han Changluan bent down and saluted, "Subordinates dare not."

Gao Wei then added: "It's common sense to be worried. The National Teacher has been with me for many years, so naturally I can't treat the National Teacher badly. I have chosen a piece of land in Yecheng to rebuild the National Teacher's Mansion. What does the National Teacher think?"

Han Changluan was even more grateful and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, now your Majesty still regards this subject as a national teacher, and this subject is beyond grateful..."

Gao Wei sneered: "National teachers don't need to be grateful. You are all my good helpers. Without you, I would lose my arm. In fact, I built the lake here for three reasons. First, to release the real dragon spirit of Yecheng, Help me Daqi. Second, give this place to Yafei with a little effort. I know that Yafei is well versed in Yili, and let her live in the most critical place in Yecheng. She can watch the earth-shaking changes in Daqi with her own eyes and fully integrate into the .As for the third one, I will ask you..."

Han Changluan said, "Your Majesty, please tell me."

Gao Wei suddenly pinched the parrot's neck, and the parrot fluttered in his hand, almost dying. Gao Wei then let go of the parrot, let the parrot fall directly to the ground, clapped his hands, and said coldly: "Except for that ghost Things, what weakness does Ya Fei have?"

Han Changluan was startled suddenly, could it be that the emperor already knew Yafei's weakness, since Yafei entered the palace, she has never been near lakes and rivers, even if she seldom touches water, from Han Changluan's observation, she found that Yafei should avoid water.But he wasn't sure, maybe it was because of the cold, maybe it was because she really didn't like water.

Han Changluan didn't dare to disobey the emperor, seeing the emperor's determined appearance, he must know it well, naturally he didn't dare to hide anything, he only told what he knew: "As far as my subordinates know, the concubine Ya is afraid of flowing water, But Empress Yafei didn't say it clearly, so I don't dare to judge myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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