female geomancer

Chapter 207 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 207 Female Feng Shui Master (228)

Gao Wei smiled fiercely: "The national teacher is right. Ya'er is indeed afraid of water. From the first day she entered the palace, I knew..."

Gao Wei clearly remembered He Xiaoya's panic when her head emerged from the water, and the situation where she almost drowned in the water. The Jiletai hot spring was not deep at all, and if she stood in the water, it would only be half the height of a person. He Xiaoya almost drowned in the water. From that moment on, he had already paid attention to her.That's why he went into the water and fished her out.

In the next few days, Xiaoya didn't dare to go to the hot spring, and she even avoided the lotus lake. All these actions made the thoughtful young emperor more aware of her weakness, and she wanted to use this to restrain her. She, unexpectedly, escaped from the palace.

Now that she is returning to the palace again, Gao Wei has no reason to let her go easily, naturally he wants to scare her well.

Gao Wei's words left Han Changluan speechless, the emperor held grudges, even the woman he liked would not let go.On the other hand, it is precisely because she likes Ya Fei that she becomes so crazy.

Since ancient times, many emperors have been confused by the appearance of skin color, and would rather country than mountain for the sake of women.But He Xiaoya is not the most beautiful woman, the emperor can be so crazy and persistent for her, I am afraid it is undoubtedly emotional.

It is especially terrifying for a man to be emotional, especially the aloof Ninth Five-Year Lord, who can give up the throne for love, or destroy the world and destroy the world for the sake of please.Gao Wei belongs to the latter, he always strives for victory in danger, he is afraid that he will kill all the people in the world for the sake of love.

Han Changluan couldn't help but felt a sense of sadness, compared to the emperor, he could only be a courtier, he didn't have the courage of the emperor, let alone do such a crazy move for Xiaoya.

When Han Changluan remained silent, Gao Wei said slowly, "I know I can't trap her forever, but as long as I have her by my side until I die, I'm satisfied..."

(End of this chapter)

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