female geomancer

Chapter 230 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 230 Female Feng Shui Master (254)

The guards looked at Empress Yafei and Master Guoshi in a daze, they could not help but feel a little weird when they met each other and smiled amidst a cloud of soot.Gao Wei in the distance saw the guards standing still, and knew that those books were destroyed.Gao Wei sighed inwardly, those books and scrolls were actually the portraits he drew for Xiaoya himself, if she could just take a look, she wouldn't do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Gao Wei felt a little sad.If I want to come to my own affection, I can only go to waste.He waved his hand to signal the guards to bring them over, and the guards immediately asked Xiaoya and the two to board the boat and row towards the emperor.

The few leaves of the boat were getting closer and closer, Gao Wei looked at Xiaoya who had almost recovered her energy, and smiled.He figured it out a few days ago, a weak Xiaoya who doesn't even like talking is not what he likes at all.Until that day, when Xiaoya threatened herself with scissors, Gao Wei came to his senses. He not only liked her appearance, but also her character.If it weren't for her cunning Ruos, Gao Wei might not even look at her.

That's why Gao Wei made up his mind not to drug her anymore. He only hoped that she would live a lively and healthy life, show him a snowy fox-like smile, and maybe point her teeth at him and bite down hard. Xiaoya, the unique concubine Ya.

But Gao Wei is a jealous person, if he let her go easily, he would not be able to step down, so he imprisoned her in the Lake Heart Palace, and ordered the palace staff to send vegetarian food every day as a punishment for her.In the past few days, there has been a lot of noise in the palace. It is rumored that a mysterious assassin broke into the palace at night. Gao Wei ordered thousands of guards to arrest the assassin, but he failed to catch him for many nights.Gao Wei couldn't help worrying about the safety of Xiaoya imprisoned in the Huxin Palace. After thinking twice, he decided to let Xiaoya stay by his side in case of accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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