female geomancer

Chapter 231 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 231 Female Feng Shui Master (255)

After a few days, Xiaoya's spirit improved a lot, but her face was still a little pale.Gao Wei walked over, held her hand, and let her jump ashore from the boat.Xiaoya was not polite, she put her hand on Gao Wei's, pulled it directly, and jumped up vigorously.

Xiaoya said politely: "Thank you, no, thank you Your Majesty..."

Gao Wei grabbed her hand, and kissed her affectionately on her somewhat rough hand: "This is not your style..."

Gao Wei looked at her hands repeatedly, the skin that should have been delicate and smooth appeared rough, and the palms were even more calloused, which was incompatible with the rest of her skin. Her palms were a bit like the hands of a big man, thick and A layer of cocoon, probably accumulated over many years of hard work.Thinking of this, Gao Wei felt a little sad. Although Xiaoya's grade was similar to hers, she seemed to be much more mature than herself. Her body was like a young girl, and her eyes that penetrated into other people's hearts seemed a bit mature and cunning. How do you think of it? Not like a girl.

In fact, she doesn't know how old Xiaoya is. Her horoscope is a secret in the He family. Apart from telling her to avoid water, Mr. He doesn't reveal any other information. Even Xiao Ming doesn't know her age.In memory, He Xiaoming called himself elder sister since he was a child, but he always called Xiao Ming, who was much taller than him, his younger brother, which really made many people almost laugh out loud.

He Xiaoya was very entertaining, and every time she waited for everyone to laugh, she dragged He Xiaoming to a place where no one was around, and beat him up hard.This kind of life lasted until they all grew up, and He Xiaoya could no longer beat the follower who followed her since childhood.

Gao Wei and Xiaoya looked at each other and fell into deep thought, until a gust of cold wind woke them up one after another.Gao Wei first came back to his senses, his fingertips twitched on her palm, and asked, "What's going on?"

Xiaoya looked at the calluses on her palm, and said with a smile: "Xiaoya has practiced palm thunder since she was a child, and it is common sense that her hands have become like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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