female geomancer

Chapter 232 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 232 Female Feng Shui Master (256)

The thunder law passed down by the ancestors of the He family is a law that must be practiced by the head of the He family.Thunder law is divided into five elements, there are five elements of gold, water, wood, fire and earth. Xiaoya knows the method of receiving thunder, and the one who practices it is naturally spring thunder.The Thunder God Curse in the Palm was originally the thunder method of the celestial master. When Xiaoya was looking through the ancient books of the He family, she accidentally discovered the Thunder God Curse in the Palm.

Palm Lightning can draw the surrounding energy for your own use, as long as you have enough spiritual power, you can activate Palm Lightning anywhere.Xiaoya, who was still young at that time, only chose the Thunder Palm to practice hard among all the spells, so that one day she could use the Thunder Technique anytime and anywhere to protect herself in case of danger.

Xiaoya is naturally inferior to others in terms of martial strength, but her attainments in Taoism have already far surpassed those of the Taoists who practiced with her.Xiaoya is not talented, but she is ten times more diligent than ordinary people, because she knows that only the first can grasp the future first.

Standing aside, Han Changluan was very confused. He couldn't help but think of the female Feng Shui master who is the celestial master. It is rumored that 15 years ago, she entered the palace without authorization to meet the emperor, and she used the thunderbolt in her palm to blow away the emperor's guards. That's why I saw the emperor's holy face.Now that Xiaoya mentions Thunder Palm, Han Changluan naturally wonders, what does she have to do with the lovely female Feng Shui master 15 years ago?

At this moment, Gao Wei couldn't help but said with distress: "Don't use it anymore, these hands are used to serve me..."

One sentence made Xiaoya's face red, Gao Wei was really unscrupulous because he was the emperor, but Xiaoya had nothing to do with him, after all, he was in his territory, even if he really wanted to beat him, he had to do it in the dark night and the wind was high and there was nowhere to be seen. time of man.

Xiaoya withdrew her hand and said with a smile: "Of course, Xiaoya's everything belongs to the emperor, so I'm afraid I won't be able to lose these hands..."

After Gao Wei heard it, his heart was really elated, and he said with satisfaction: "Ya'er is very right..."

(End of this chapter)

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