female geomancer

Chapter 242 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 242 Female Feng Shui Master (266)

"Then I have to go and see..." Xiaoya quickly dodged away from Yu Wenyong like a wild horse, and before Yu Wenyong could react, she opened the door of the palace with a vigorous figure and walked into the night.After thinking for a while, Yu Wenyong finally turned around and followed.

"Usually you are cunning, but at this moment you are as stubborn as a cow, He Xiaoya, Mi Luo suddenly swore to God that nothing will happen to you..."

Mingguang Palace.

In the huge hall, countless palace lanterns were lit up. Gao Wei rested his forehead on the dragon table and dozed off. At the same place, a moth flew towards the palace lantern, struggled a few times and then fell silent.

Gao Wei looked at the letter in his hand with some headaches. There were a few big characters written on it that made him angry, and the word Xiaoya on the envelope made him even colder. It turned out that she was playing a trick to get her from Lanling. When she arrived at the palace, she played herself so dizzy that she couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

When Gao Wei saw this letter at first, he wanted to ask Xiaoya why he was so cruel, but after thinking about it, Gao Wei decided to suppress this matter, because Gao Wei didn't want to expose this hard-won happy situation.No one can understand how much he likes her, only he himself understands that he has been deeply involved.Even until now, the night is as cold as water, but Gao Wei is still hesitating.

Standing aside, Feng Xiaoling watched in shock, every word in this letter was aimed at He Xiaoya, if the emperor pursued it, He Xiaoya would not be able to escape the punishment of collaborating with the enemy and treason even if she had a hundred lives.It's a pity that from nightfall to late at night, the emperor still couldn't make up his mind. He pondered over the letter with a blank expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, Yeliang, it's time to rest..."

Hearing this, Gao Wei looked up at Feng Xiaoling who had been by his side for a long time, and couldn't help but feel moved. If her heart could always be on him like Feng Xiaoling, then he wouldn't have to be so troubled.It's a pity that she is her, she is not any concubine in the palace, she will not have love for her, even if she is killed, she can shatter her thoughts before she dies.

(End of this chapter)

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