female geomancer

Chapter 243 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 243 Female Feng Shui Master (267)

"My concubine, what do you like about me?" Gao Wei put down the letter, stretched out his arms to embrace Feng Xiaoling, and asked him to sit on his lap.

Feng Xiaoling lowered her head with a blushing face, and said shyly, "All of His Majesty's concubines like it..."

Gao Wei asked with a smile, "Do you like it all your life?"

"I like it, even if I die..."

"If I don't like you, will my concubine hate me? Or, from love to hatred, she wants to kill me?" Just after Gao Wei finished speaking, Feng Xiaoling's face turned pale with fright. She really didn't expect the emperor to ask herself , she hurriedly got off the emperor's lap, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "The concubine dare not hate the emperor, nor dare to kill the emperor, the concubine likes the emperor, please don't neglect the concubine..."

Gao Wei couldn't help being shocked, Feng Xiaoling was so infatuated with him, but he couldn't have any feelings for her, instead he disliked her because she looked so similar to Xiaoya, her personality was the same as Xiaoya's, Feng Xiaoling's Existence is like another He Xiaoya, the huge contrast makes Gao Wei feel that Xiaoya is unique.

"My concubine, get up..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

"I'm tired, you go down..."


Feng Xiaoling saluted and stepped back, Gao Wei looked at her receding back with a whimper in his heart.He picked up the letter again and read it carefully: "Siyue raised the army, you act according to the circumstances, and what you want will be fulfilled one by one, Miluotu word. Miluotu..." Gao Wei's eyes suddenly narrowed, as if suddenly enlightened He said coldly: "It's Yu Wenyong..."

Gao Wei couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up and walked around the Mingguang Hall.A moment later, a guard came in from outside the hall and reported: "Your Majesty, Madam Ya Fei has gone towards the Nine-Crown Pagoda..."

After Gao Wei heard this, his eyes shot sharply, and he clenched his hands tightly, almost crushing the letter. He said angrily, "Stop her..."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it now..." The guard took the order, stood up and turned around to retreat, Gao Wei thought carefully, and then left him behind: "Slow down, I will go in person..."

(End of this chapter)

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