female geomancer

Chapter 247 Female Feng Shui Master Two Kings Meet

Chapter 247 Female Feng Shui Master (272) Two Kings Meet

Yu Wenyong shook his head again and again, and said: "No, no, let's try again later..."

Seeing Yu Wenyong's frightened expression, Xiaoya immediately stood up in satisfaction and patted the dust off her body. Just as she was about to observe and wipe the nine-fold pagoda again, she saw the young emperor Gao Wei standing in front of him with a gloomy face, as if Look at yourself without looking.Xiaoya couldn't help being startled, then turned around and kicked Yu Wenyong who was sitting on the ground, and said softly: "Oops, I was really discovered by Gao Wei, you go away..."

Yu Wenyong immediately became vigilant, just as he got up, the surroundings were suddenly brightened, dozens of torches appeared in front of him, and dozens of shiny blades were placed on his neck one after another, sending out a sharp coldness.

Gao Wei crossed his hands behind his back, and walked towards the two of them with a gloomy expression. He could see the sexy and hot scene just now. He didn't want to hold Xiaoya accountable, but after seeing this scene, he became angry from the heart and resolutely Take that man down in public.

Gao Wei walked directly from Xiaoya to Yu Wenyong, and said coldly, "You are so brave, you dare to trespass into the palace late at night, come here, tie him up and throw him into the lake to feed the fish..."

The guard immediately wanted to backhand Yu Wenyong, but Yu Wenyong stood up resolutely with the knife on his neck, looked directly at Gao Wei, and laughed ironically: "As the lord of Qi, he didn't torture a stranger when he caught him. , but to kill directly, it really makes the world laugh, the king is not a king, the courtiers are not ministers, but like a child who is ignorant of the world..."

Yu Wenyong's words were emphatic, Gao Wei was furious in his heart, it was true, just now he came in a hurry to stop Xiaoya, but outside the nine-fold pagoda, he saw a pair of dogs and men tearing apart on the ground, women are what he always cared about He Xiaoya, that shameless person is the trustee - Mi Luotu.

How could the emperor not be angry when he saw this, he just watched them tearing up before he came back to his senses, his heart was already covered with a layer of haze that could not be washed away.He wished to kill both of them, but when he walked towards Xiaoya, he found that he couldn't get angry with her at all, he could only vent his hatred on Mi Luotu.

Gao Wei took the knife from the guard's hand, and the tip of the knife gently moved away from Yu Wenyong's face. Gao Wei half-closed his eyes, and said with a cold face: "You are looking for death, I will destroy you..."

(End of this chapter)

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