female geomancer

Chapter 248 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 248 Female Feng Shui Master (273)

Immediately afterwards, the knife moved under his body, passing through his chest and directly in front of his abdomen, and the cool tip of the knife pointed directly at his crotch.Yu Wenyong felt chills in his heart, the young man in front of him was cruel and ruthless, his sharp eyes showed a bone-chilling coldness, he actually had a bit of his charm from a year ago.

I remember that when he killed Yu Wenhu, he also showed such a terrifying look in his eyes. Yu Wenhu died under his cruel knife.Recalling the scene of the fight, Yu Wenhu was bleeding profusely, and even begging for mercy was muffled in his throat. His eyes never left Yu Wenyong until he died, and those eyes that were widened with resentment never closed. Hiding in Yu Wenyong's nightmare.Seeing Gao Wei's expression now, Yu Wenyong can suddenly feel Yu Wenhu's state of mind before his death, fearful, powerless and unwilling.

Just when Yu Wenyong was thinking about it, Gao Wei had already finished his follow-up words: "You are right, I want to kill you directly, because I don't want to know who you are at all, and you are not worthy... Hehe, accept your fate... "

After saying a word, he immediately raised his knife and wanted to slash down, Xiaoya on the side almost screamed, Gao Heng's screaming voice suddenly came from the Nine-layered Pagoda, Gao Wei hesitated and continued to chop, and in an instant, a stream of light The shot from the pagoda opened up the sky, and everyone's eyes hurt from the strong light. Gao Wei also covered his eyes with his hands to prevent the strong light from directly entering the eyes.

Yu Wenyong saw that the opportunity was favorable for him, and immediately took advantage of the guards' inattention, snatched the knife from a guard's hand, and fought back in a desperate manner. In an instant, he had already placed the blade on Gao Wei's neck, and his eyes revealed the shock of a year ago. With crazy eyes, his whole body exudes an aura that is more terrifying than that of a wolf.

Gao Wei also found himself under his control, after the light flashed, Gao Wei looked coldly at the two people who suddenly appeared next to Yu Wenyong.

Yu Wenyong first laughed and said: "Hei Ying, it's a bit late, Yu Wenyong was almost killed by this boy..."

General Sombra was still dressed in white, which was in stark contrast to Gao Wei's black costume.He was holding the little prince Gao Heng in his hands, with a calm look in his eyes.Xiaoya immediately came to the front of Heiying and said, "It has nothing to do with Heng'er, please raise your hand and let Heng'er go..."

(End of this chapter)

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