Chapter 250

After Sombra nodded, a strong light flashed again, and everyone blocked the light with their arms again. Xiaoya was shocked by the light beam that lit up again in the darkness. It turned out that this light was transformed from General Sombra!The light pierced into the sky, and in an instant, the three black shadows disappeared, and the voice of the little prince calling for help was still lingering in the night, gradually dissipating towards the surroundings.

"Sister Ya, Royal Father, save me..."

Who is the black shadow? As far as Xiaoya knows, there is no spell that can directly turn into a stream of light. What's more, without chanting the spell, he can bring Yu Wenyong and the little prince together Disappeared in the light in full view.Xiaoya couldn't help but feel chilled, General Black Shadow seems to be several times stronger than the old lady, why would he submit to the old lady's sect?Among them, the strangeness is puzzling.

Xiaoya asked secretly in her heart: "Who is the black shadow..."

Gao Wei, who had already regained his composure, looked at the vast night, with a look of worry in his eyes.After all, Gao Heng was still young, and he was the candidate for the future heir. Now that he was robbed out of thin air, Gao Wei was very angry and worried at the same time.He understood why He Xiaoya didn't go with them, because she still had an important item in her hands, so she would rather stay than take the opportunity to leave the palace.

Thinking of this, Gao Wei couldn't help getting annoyed, and immediately signaled the guards to surround He Xiaoya. When she failed to resist, he tied Xiaoya tightly with the rope used to tie Yu Wenyong. Coldly said: "You choose the road yourself. Although you choose to stay, I will not give you another chance..."

Enduring strong hatred, Gao Wei personally escorted He Xiaoya to the nine-fold pagoda, intending to imprison her in the pagoda to fend for herself. The moment she stepped into the pagoda, Gao Wei couldn't help turning her around, looking at her eyes, and asked seriously: "Tell me honestly, have you ever liked me? Even a little bit..."

(End of this chapter)

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