female geomancer

Chapter 251 Long love is no longer snowy

Chapter 251 Long love is no longer snowy (276)

Xiaoya didn't expect Gao Wei to ask this, and immediately felt depressed.During the few days of getting along, he and Shi Yixuan, sometimes she couldn't tell the difference between reality and fantasy. When she was with Gao Wei, she would always get lost. Saying she likes it can't be said, and saying she doesn't like it is lying to herself of.Gao Wei's affection for her is true, if he met himself with Yixuan, his first teacher, he might fall in love with him hopelessly, right?
Xiaoya never lied to her feelings, she nodded silently.Unexpectedly, Gao Wei laughed wantonly: "Like it? Hahaha, it's too late, I won't trust you anymore..."

After finishing speaking, he ruthlessly pushed Xiaoya into the nine-fold pagoda, watching Xiaoya almost stumble on the ground, Gao Wei was not moved at all, his heart had already been frozen by her actions, and the summer flames could not melt it.

The gate of the pagoda was slowly closed, Gao Wei's cold eyes melted in the darkness, and a little starlight in his eyes revealed tenderness. From this moment on, he wants people all over the world to perish with him!
"Come on, seal the door for me, nail it with wood, nail it hard..."

Leng Jue's voice made people shudder, the guards did not dare to disobey, and immediately carried out Gao Wei's order. In the sound of bang bang bang, the nine-fold pagoda was tightly sealed, not to mention flies and mosquitoes, not even a trace of air could get in. .

"He Xiaoya, don't blame me for being cruel, if you want to blame it, blame yourself..."

Seeing that the gate of the pagoda has been sealed, Gao Wei's heart is like this sealed gate, which can no longer accommodate anything else.

He turned and left resolutely, walking towards the Mingguang Palace, the black figure gradually receded, leaving behind a regrettable desolation.Perhaps, starting today, the heaven of Yecheng will no longer be the sky of Yecheng, but a paradise of the devil.

(End of this chapter)

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