female geomancer

Chapter 258 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 258 Female Feng Shui Master (283)

Any technique of forecasting can only focus on prevention, and cannot prescribe the right medicine like traditional Chinese medicine. This is the helplessness and limitation of forecasting technique.A virtuous person tells a teacher to be kind and guide people to be kind when helping people predict. This is a kind of treatment for the future trend, which can lead people to move in a positive direction. Kind of treatment.

"Your Majesty seems to be in a much more relaxed mood. Presumably, your Majesty understands in her heart that whether the little prince is lucky or unlucky, there are interpretations in his fate... This is the meaning of numerology. Is this correct?"

Xiaoya replied: "You're right...everything happens on its own, I don't know how Heng'er is feeling now, after all being kidnapped is not a happy thing..."

Han Changluan laughed and said, "Is your lady talking about herself?"

After hearing this, Xiaoya realized that she was also tied to each other. She made a sad face to Han Changluan and said, "It can also be said that we are connected by fate..."

Han Changluan said: "Your Majesty, don't be discouraged. After the matter is over, the Xiaguan will definitely leave with the Empress. But before that, the Xiaguan must first find out one thing..."

"What's the matter?"

"The mystery of the old lady's life experience."

"She is Gao Changgong's mother..."

Han Changluan shook his head and expressed his doubts: "30 years ago, Mingguang Palace dug out the dragon's veins during the construction of the palace. In order to keep the dragon's veins, the first emperor heard the evil words and killed many people in succession. , and one of them was the late emperor's concubine, who was said to have been forcibly beheaded by the late emperor... This is not unusual at first, but last night, His Majesty inadvertently revealed a rumor he heard when he was young..."

Xiaoya couldn't help cheering up to listen. She really wanted to know more about the old lady of Mangshan, and how she founded He Suanmen was also a puzzle.Xiaoya asked urgently: "What rumors, tell me quickly..."

(End of this chapter)

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