female geomancer

Chapter 259 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 259 Female Feng Shui Master (284)

Han Changluan continued: "It is rumored that the old lady is not the biological mother of the Prince of Lanling, she is just a servant girl next to the biological mother of the Prince of Lanling. In order to fulfill the last wish entrusted by the biological mother of the Prince of Lanling, she did not hesitate to pretend to be the mother of the Prince of Lanling and help the Prince ascend the throne. , if this rumor is true, then the old lady and Prince Lanling are not related by blood, and the prince's biological mother is very likely to be the concubine who died in the Mingguang Palace..."

Xiaoya pondered and felt that the rumors might be true. When she was in Mangshan, the behavior of the old lady was a little puzzling. She forced Gao Changgong too tightly, was cold and severe, and showed no mercy. People like it, it's unbelievable.

"It's very possible what you said, sir. If I can get out of the pagoda, I must go to the Mingguang Hall to see what is buried under the Nine Dragon Wall..."

Knowing that she would do this, Han Changluan asked, "If there really is the bone of King Lanling's biological mother under the Nine Dragon Wall, what would Empress Ya do?"

Xiaoya suddenly smiled, her delicate face slightly softened, and she said unhurriedly: "Of course it was burned..."

If King Lanling's biological mother was really buried under the Nine Dragon Wall, King Lanling would be greatly influenced by Yinji. Driven by the general environment and the power of Yinji, King Lanling would always have to do some unavoidable actions without any freedom at all.Moreover, the yin base, which is directly in contact with the ground with flesh and blood, has limited power, no more than three years for a short time, and no more than 30 years for a long time.Even if you don't burn the bones, it won't have any effect after No. 30 a year.

Unfortunately, according to historical records, Gao Changgong does not seem to have lived past the age of 31, which may have something to do with his ancestral graves. The age of 30 is a crucial year for him, and it is also the most mysterious year for him to exert power in the yin house. If he releases the Dragon Slaying Sword on the Nine Dragon Wall, Gao Changgong is blessed by the spirit of the real dragon, and he can be [-]% sure of becoming an emperor. He can barely support the unsupportable destiny, and become a king and emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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