female geomancer

Chapter 260 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 260 Female Feng Shui Master (285)

Han Changluan couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. The concubine Yafei always speaks amazingly. This crazy word made Han Changluan feel a little afraid of her again. Under her cunning appearance, she has a heart that is hard to guard against.She who is so shocking to the world has already become a strange number in this dynasty...

Han Changluan said: "If the prince hears this, I'm afraid he will have a headache..."

Xiaoya answered bluntly: "That's natural, but it's not this that makes him even more troubled, but a person..."


Han Changluan followed her words and asked, seeing that he listened so attentively, Xiaoya naturally continued: "Madam, you are a Feng Shui master."

Mangshan Lanling Mansion.

Gao Changgong was sitting on the table in the study, lost in thought, holding a white silk handkerchief in his hand, staring at it for a long time and expressing his deep affection, his longing for Xiaoya had already exceeded his imagination, for the past two months, Gao Changgong didn’t think about eating and drinking , thinking of that unforgettable face-lifting all day long.The voice and appearance are still there, and he will go to the places she has been in the mansion several times repeatedly to ease his longing for her.

According to the news from the palace, she did not live well there, she lost her morality for a short time and almost died.Gao Changgong felt ashamed and loved in his heart, and he couldn't show it in front of others, and he was often depressed in his heart, which caused him unbearable pain.

When Concubine Zheng pushed the door and entered, Gao Changgong was still immersed in memories. Concubine Zheng walked over, feeling uncomfortable, and called out: "My lord, the old lady is here..."

Gao Changgong came back to his senses, stood up immediately, and was about to go out to meet the old lady, but saw the old lady standing at the door in a big red robe, with a bronze mask on her face, and her exposed eyes did not show anything, just stood quietly, setting off A kind of calm beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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