female geomancer

Chapter 276 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 276 Female Feng Shui Master (301)

Shuyu Palace.

Feng Xiaoling half-lyed on the soft couch to rest, her slender white hands caressed her stomach from time to time, with a loving and satisfied smile on her face.In the past half a month, the emperor loved her and had a family, inviting her to sleep with her every night. The emperor finally accepted her love. Moreover, when the imperial doctor checked her pulse yesterday, he told her that she was three months pregnant and was pregnant. For the dragon species, Feng Xiaoling smiled happily, and the emperor hugged her for a long time on the spot. It was the first time in half a month that she saw the emperor showing such a happy and heartbreaking smile.

Recalling the charming dream three months ago, when the emperor loved her for the first time, Feng Xiaoling's face was full of joy that could not be concealed. It turned out that there is only destiny in the future, and she is more sure of gaining a foothold in the palace when she is pregnant with the dragon seed. , tied the heart of the young emperor.

"Long'er, mother will definitely give you the best..." Feng Xiaoling said to herself, she closed her eyes and didn't notice that the people in the hall had quietly retreated, let alone that the two figures were already on the couch. Stand still for a long time.After a while, Feng Xiaoling felt something was wrong, and suddenly opened her eyes, and saw the national teacher and He Xiaoya standing in front of the soft couch, looking at her quietly, especially He Xiaoya's eyes flashed unnoticed heartache.

Feng Xiaoling sneered in her heart, Xiaoya's pain was the source of her happiness, the woman who made the emperor love her desperately should go to hell and never be reborn.

Feng Xiaoling narrowed her eyes: "It's you..."

Xiaoya smiled and said: "Not only me, but also sir, I came here today to ask my mother for a favor..."

Feng Xiaoling got off the soft couch, straightened her clothes, walked to the window, and said, "Why do you think that Bengong will help you?"

Xiaoya followed behind her and said: "Your Majesty, as long as you help Xiaoya get the dial, Xiaoya will leave the palace immediately and never come back..."

(End of this chapter)

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