female geomancer

Chapter 277 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 277 Female Feng Shui Master (302)

Feng Xiaoling was shocked, turned around, and said in shock: "Is this true?" If He Xiaoya can leave Yecheng and never come back, it will be a good thing to break the emperor's mind.

It's just that Feng Xiaoling's scheming is vicious, the only way to break the emperor's mind is to kill He Xiaoya, a dead person no longer poses any threat to her.But after thinking about it again, Feng Xiaoling seemed to have figured it out, this He Xiaoya couldn't be killed, if she died, the emperor would miss her forever, and she would completely lose to a dead person.

Xiaoya replied cunningly and piously: "It's absolutely true, if Xiaoya returns to Yecheng again, you can beat me to death, my lady. Now that my lady is favored, killing Xiaoya is like crushing an ant to death, my lady." , very cost-effective..."

Xiaoya spoke easily, but she couldn't relax in her heart, and she wasn't sure what Concubine Feng Shu was really thinking, the matter had come to this point, so she could only take a big gamble.Fortunately, Feng Xiaoling was not as reckless as before, and she knew how to be careful when facing He Xiaoya. She knew that He Xiaoya's heart was not with the emperor, and it would be a matter of time before she left the palace. If so, then she should help her.

Feng Xiaoling caressed her stomach unconsciously, and said softly: "It's good to be cheap, He Xiaoya, this time I decided to help you..."

Hearing her words, Xiaoya knew that the matter had been successfully accomplished, and immediately thanked her: "Your Majesty, you are so kind..."

Feng Xiaoling interrupted her and said: "Don't say thank you so quickly, the emperor has accidentally revealed that the object is placed in the Mingguang Palace, but since Mang left the mountain, I have never seen the object again... "

Xiaoya blinked her eyes, thinking that there is a [-]% chance that the dial is in the Mingguang Palace, after all, that is where the emperor works, and it is located in an important place in the Dragon's Den.
"Your Majesty, you are thinking carefully..."

(End of this chapter)

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