Chapter 297

Gao Wei frowned, walked over in two or three steps, kicked away the guards, and said angrily: "Trash, what do I want you for..."

The guard was kicked and rolled around twice, Gao Wei ordered again: "Go, keep searching, if you can't find your mother, don't come back..."

The guards were so frightened that they took the order and left the Mingguang Hall quickly. Gao Wei turned around and walked back to the case, picked up the case file, and looked at it carefully.Afterwards, he summoned the ministers of the National Teacher's Mansion and asked: "Everyone, take a divination immediately to see where Ya Fei is, even if she dies, she must see the corpse..."

The ministers immediately counted, sometimes frowning, sometimes suddenly enlightened, Xiaoya who was standing on the beam was sweating coldly.With such a short distance, it is extremely easy to find without counting.But maybe, after calculation, the ending will be unexpected.No one would have thought that she would dare to hide in the Mingguang Palace after burning it down.

After a long time, a sorcerer stepped forward as a representative and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, at this time, there are many official killings in the daytime, and there is a lot of water. The sun pillar is restrained, and there is no sign of rushing. Definitely not leaving here..."

Gao Wei asked, "You mean..."

The magician replied: "My lady is in the lake heart hall."

After Gao Wei heard this, he immediately ordered people to search the Huxin Hall, and Gao Wei followed behind.The sorcerer seemed to be hiding something. After wiping off his cold sweat, he followed the emperor to the Lake Heart Hall, and all the staff naturally followed.

After watching everyone walk away, Xiaoya also broke into a sweat, and said: "It's amazing, it can be calculated, sir, let's go, they can't find it in the Lake Heart Palace, they will definitely return..."

Han Changluan nodded and helped Xiaoya slide down the pillar.After landing, Xiaoya took the opportunity to come to the desk, grabbed the brush, and wrote a letter to the old lady on the paper, hoping to stop Gao Changgong's actions and not create incidents that violated luck, otherwise, the common people in the world will be implicated. The karma caused by the actions of King Lanling alone is not easy to bear, and the karma of karma may result in the death of children and grandchildren.

(End of this chapter)

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