Chapter 298

After Xiaoya finished writing and rolled up the note, she tidied up the traces on the table, and took the opportunity to leave Mingguang Hall with Han Changluan.On the promenade of the palace, a group of pigeons flew around.Without saying a word, she caught a pigeon, tied the creed to the pigeon's foot, and let it fly.

The pigeon flew into the sky with a flutter, flying farther and farther, Xiaoya felt uneasy, and she couldn't guarantee that the pigeon would reach the old lady, but she had to try, God's will let her discover the secret of His Highness Mingguang, which proved the development of the matter There are variables, if luck supports her to go on, the pigeon will fly to the old lady no matter what.

At this moment, there were subtle sounds from the end of the corridor, as if someone was walking towards this side.Han Changluan quickly embraced Xiaoya and dodged to the side, easily dodging the patrolling guards.

"It seems that the emperor hasn't found out yet, ma'am, where are you going next..." Han Changluan asked after watching the guards walk away.

"The palace is heavily guarded, I'm afraid there is nowhere to go, but there is a place where I can hide for a while..."


"Ji Le Terrace, that's where I go back..."

Xiaoya's thoughts drifted away, recalling the first time she emerged from the Jiletai Hot Spring, Gao Wei was making love with a woman, and Xiaoya was naked at the time, which attracted Gao Wei's attention, but also made a lot of troubles. Awkward.

Han Changluan couldn't help but said with heartache: "Changluan can take you away, come with me, you don't have to go to the Paradise of Bliss..."

Xiaoya shook her head, and replied in a trance: "Only there is Xiaoya's home..."

Han Changluan wondered, "Changluan doesn't understand."

Xiaoya smiled, and she stopped hiding from Han Changluan, she said: "Xiaoya came here to make a book, but as long as the old lady reads that letter, the King of Lanling may not have to rebel, and There will be no future ending, Xiaoya's order to create a book is naturally in vain, and..."

"Mother, please speak."

"Besides, the time limit for Xiaoya to stay in this dynasty is approaching. If she doesn't go back, she might die here..."

"Chang Luan must try his best to protect the empress, and will never let the empress suffer any harm..."

"No, no one can save me. Only myself can save myself. Xiaoya has changed the ending if she stays any longer. The price of rewriting history cannot be afforded by Xiaoya. Therefore, Xiaoya must go..."

(End of this chapter)

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