Chapter 299

Xiaoya spoke decisively without paying any attention, which made Han Changluan even more depressed. He didn't understand what rewriting history was, and he just wanted to keep her by his side, even if it was by all means and effort.Han Changluan said lightly: "The ending will not change, because the prince has already raised troops..."

The shocking words made Xiaoya wake up from her dream. She turned around, almost grabbed Han Changluan, and asked, "What? Why didn't you say it earlier..." But she was shocked in her heart. If King Lanling has already raised troops, then What she did in the Mingguang Palace was not to help him but to harm him. Losing the protection of Yin Ji's power will only make Lanling King's fate off the line, and success or failure is only a moment.

Han Changluan said distressedly: "It's useless to say it, the king of Lanling has given up his mind, and he is determined to raise troops..."

Xiaoya knew that it was useless to repent, her yin base was destroyed and irreparable, so she could only try her best to make up for it, she asked, "Where is the army..."

Han Changluan replied, "Outside Yecheng."

Without thinking about it, Xiaoya immediately rolled up her sleeves, revealing the dial on her wrist. She pressed the dial and said, "I have to go to Gao Changgong. Human life is at stake. You can't do anything wrong..."

After all, a green light flashed, and a huge misty Qimen dial appeared in front of the two of them. Han Changluan was amazed to see that this dial actually contained such energy.Han Changluan asked in surprise, "This is..."

Xiaoya smiled and said: "This is the Qimen dial, whether Xiaoya can go back depends entirely on her, sir, let's go with Xiaoya..." Before Han Changluan nodded, Xiaoya had already pulled her into the mist, Suddenly, as if falling into a cliff, Han Changluan trembled unceasingly due to the warm current passing through his body.

In less than a moment, a bright white light flashed in front of their eyes. The two were already standing on the fresh green grass. Han Changluan was still alive, and Xiaoya had already walked to the edge of the cliff, looking at the river below and said, "Are you sure it's here?" ?”

Han Changluan came back to his senses and said, "This is the place where Xiaguan and Yu Wenyong agreed to meet, there should be nothing wrong..."

Xiaoya jumped up in surprise, and asked in surprise, "What's your relationship with Yu Wenyong?"

Han Changluan said indifferently: "I will tell you the truth, Han Changluan is from the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He sneaked into Yecheng to cooperate with Yu Wenyong..."

(End of this chapter)

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