Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 116 The Trial of the School 5

Chapter 116 The Trial of the School 5
Various pure white crystals were piled on each of the four simple wooden tables, and there were four dark green rulers. Four Heavenly Sword Sect disciples sat there to record everyone's information.

"Name, age, cultivation level?"

"Lu Shen, 37 years old, mid-Golden Core."

In the Jindan team, a man at the beginning replied.

The disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect took out a ruler and patted it on his palm to confirm that it was correct, then registered again, threw him a spar, and shouted back: "Next one."

Jin Meng was not distracted, she was the first in the Foundation Establishment team, and raised her head proudly, "Jin Meng, 16 years old, in the middle of Foundation Establishment."

She reported it, and sure enough, many people behind her looked at her enviously.With her aptitude, it is very likely that she will be able to reach Jindan before the age of 20, which can be regarded as a top-notch aptitude.

In the foundation building team, she can be sure that there are few people whose aptitude can surpass her.

She took the spar and turned to look at Su Qing.

It was Jin Meng who registered for the Nascent Soul masters. After all, these people have the highest cultivation, so they must arrange a respectable reception, and they cannot be neglected.

This time, the most Qi practitioners and foundation builders came to participate in the trial, about a hundred people each, while the Jindan practitioners became very few, only about thirty people, and the Nascent Soul was even less, only about ten people.

If one enters the sect, it is not an elder of the outer sect, but also a disciple of one of the five peaks of the inner sect, or his senior brother.

With a perfect smile on his face, he gestured to Su Qing: "Miss Su, you can report your age and approximate strength now."

Su Qing was actually wondering whether to tell a lie, she was afraid of scaring them.

Then he still planned to attack them calmly, "Su Qing, 16 years old, in the late Yuanying period."


Everyone gasped and looked at her as if they were looking at a monster or an alien.

Jin Meng was also frightened by the speed of her practice, even though he had already made some mental preparations in his heart.

He remembered that the first time he saw her, she was at the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and she could kill a master at the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul.

The second time I saw her transform into the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and directly cut down the ancient king-level monster.

This is the third time to see her in the late Nascent Soul stage, and then follow her terrifying steps to kill the enemy. Isn't it true that the sect at the early stage of transformation is not her opponent.

In fact, Su Qing couldn't hear Jin Meng's inner words, otherwise she must have told him very calmly that she had already killed an early stage of Huashen, and it was still under the cooperation of two Huashen sects.

Jin Meng's eyes darkened and her head felt a little dizzy.She was as big as she was!

Originally, she was quite complacent, but after such a comparison, she is completely different from her.

There really are people with such terrifying talent in this world! ?

Jin Meng stabilized his mind and put a spar in her palm.

Seeing her return to the team, I kept telling myself that this is a good thing.With such a terrifying talent, as well as her excellent sword intent and skills, the Heavenly Sword Sect will soon have another great power.

In fact, I was a little sad in my heart. He is 25 years old this year, and he is in the late stage of Jindan.Before meeting Su Qing, he always thought that he would definitely have a place among the great powers in the cultivation world in the future.

There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky!
I also have a hunch in my heart that there will be some turmoil in the world of comprehension in the future, and it seems that there are many more geniuses recently.

As soon as Su Qing came out, the people behind reported their names very quietly, not daring to speak out, for fear of being too ashamed.

Especially those big guys standing in a pair with Su Qing, they are all in their 50s and [-]s. Compared with her, it feels like they have practiced in vain these years.

(End of this chapter)

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