Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 117 The Trial of the School 6

Chapter 117 The Trial of the School 6
"This spar will record the scores of each of you at any time. Be sure to keep it safe. There are initial scores of ten points in it. After the trial, those who are less than sixty points will be eliminated."

Jin Meng began to warn everyone what to pay attention to, and then looked up at the mountain in front of him, "As we all know, there are five peaks in Tianjianzong, and the mountain in front of you is just the outer gate. Have certain qualifications to enter the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"Cultivators must not only cultivate their souls and minds, but also hone their physical bodies and have a tenacious will. This mountain has been restricted, and your spiritual power will be sealed after entering. You must rely on your own perseverance to climb to the top of the mountain. "

The first hurdle is perseverance.

When a cultivator embarks on the path of self-cultivation, many things don't need to be done by himself, and he only needs to make a law to finish the job, and he is increasingly ignoring the power of the physical body.

In ancient times, the righteous and demon factions once fought, and the demon sect set up a spirit-forbidden formation. The two factions fought with only their bodies, and the result was very tragic. The decent people lost their spiritual power and were no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, many sects now do not pursue a high level of cultivation, but also have a certain ability to survive and exercise.

Many qi practitioners and foundation builders turned pale. They are relatively young, and their physical training skills are at most minor, which is not good for them.

Jin Meng went on to say: "In order to maintain fairness, not only will your spiritual power be sealed, but the higher your cultivation level, the more power you will bear."

Almost everyone turned their attention to Su Qing again. This monster is so young and has such a high level of cultivation, it is impossible for him to have a high level of body forging.

Being sealed with spiritual power, the endurance strength is several times that of their peers, and it is almost impossible to move even an inch without a great body training technique.

If such a monster can't even pass the first level, then they will watch a good show.

Suddenly they felt that it was fair for Tianjianzong not to favor anyone.

Those who were overwhelmed by Su Qing's age and cultivation level immediately relaxed a lot. It is impossible for her to be very strong in body training, unless she started training from a mother's womb.

Su Qing didn't understand why everyone looked at her gloatingly, she had already entered the second stage of body trainer.Even with a few times more strength, turning over a mountain is still easy.

Jin Meng knew it, and he inexplicably wanted to see the horrified eyes of this group of people again.Thinking about it feels very exciting, and the depression in my heart is swept away again.

He said loudly: "Fellow daoists, please start the trial. Within seven days, those who pass will gain [-] points. Those who pass the summit will not get added points. Those who give up halfway will lose [-] points."

Some people adjust their status there, and there are also a group of people who are very confident in themselves and have already stepped into the mountain.

The periphery of the entire mountain was shrouded in mist, and people outside could not see the situation inside, nor could they perceive the situation of those who had just stepped in.

I had no choice but to take a deep breath and plunged into it one after another.Jin Meng kept watching Su Qing, because Su Qing was not in a hurry at all, and sat on the spot to eat a big meal.

He glanced at it disdainfully, pretending that he must be scared, and then stepped in.

After a long time, everyone went in, only Su Qing was still eating there.

After eating, he walked slowly in front of Jin Meng, rubbed his hands, raised his eyebrows, and asked Thieves: "Xiao Jin, if I come out soon, is there any reward?"

Jin Meng was a little dumbfounded, everyone else disliked the time crunch, and she was the only one who was thinking about other things.

Shaking his head, "This is only the first test. Only by performing well in the following trials can you be favored by the head and reward you."

"Cut, it's so stingy."

She rolled her eyes and said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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