Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 182 Ten Thousand Law Conference 12

Chapter 182 Ten Thousand Law Conference 12
The sword was on his neck, he was trembling all over, tears and snot kept falling, he waved his hands, and kept begging for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"Killing you will dirty my sword."

Su Qing withdrew his sword, lying on the ground gasping for breath.


The next second, he screamed, because she crushed his right hand severely with her foot.Immediately afterwards, the left hand and both feet were crushed completely, blood vessels burst out, and blood flowed all over the place.

The severe pain made him scream and roll over.

"Life is worse than death. How does it feel to be in pain? I will give you double what you gave me before. Isn't it very happy?"

There was no pity in Su Qing's eyes, and he could still talk and laugh happily.

"The devil, the devil!"

Zhou Li, struggling on the ground, with his limbs destroyed, kept chanting, moving his body inch by inch, trying to escape.


There was a shrill cry, another kick, and the spine on his back was crushed, and he could only lie on the ground, unable to move at all.

"Back then I destroyed my cultivation base, destroyed my Niwan Palace, and threw me into the depths of the monster forest. I also think it is necessary for you to taste the taste of being eaten by monsters."

She lowered her head and felt bored playing with the space ring, her tone was so calm, the hidden violent storm made the people on the ground tremble.

His face was pale from the pain, and he cried, "Kill me, kill me with one sword."

The only answer to him was Su Qing's chuckle, which was obviously a smile, but it never looked more terrifying than this one now.

When she first possessed this body, a sword was stuck in her abdomen, piercing her body fiercely, and she was already dying.At the moment of the first possession, the pain and unwillingness, despair and grief are so tormenting.If she hadn't come in time, this body would have been eaten away by those monsters long ago.

Tianran listened to the side and couldn't even imagine that kind of scene. He was seriously injured and lost his cultivation, because the blood attracted greedy and ferocious monsters.He didn't know how Su Qing escaped, and after surviving, he found that the Niwan Palace was destroyed. The pain was even more cruel when his cultivation base was gone.

No wonder when he first met her, he had no cultivation at all, and could only rely on his physical strength and exquisite swordsmanship to pass all the way.

Looking at Zhou Li on the ground with cold and bloodthirsty eyes, he turned his neck. If he came to punish him, he would definitely torture him slowly, making him feel how painful it is to live.

"There is reincarnation in the world, and you are just paying with blood."

Su Qing stretched out his hand casually, and a sword energy pierced through his body directly, destroying his cultivation base and Niwan Palace.

"No, my cultivation base, my aptitude!"

In the cultivation world, this is the cruelest thing.Zhou Li's eyes were red, and he roared like he was going crazy.

Because there was too much commotion here, five people hurried over, they were the five disciples of Xuanwumen who participated in the Ten Thousand Laws Conference.

Huangfu Ye looked at the bones in his whole body that were trampled to pieces, and the bright red blood stained his robes red, the whole person was like a blood man, and his cultivation base was gone.

People who practice Taoism have a lot of lives contaminated on their hands.But such torture is rare.

"This is a test site, killing is prohibited. Su Qing, you tortured him with such cruel methods, how is it different from a demon?"

Huangfu Ye frowned angrily, looked at Su Qing with menacing eyes, and spoke righteously.

(End of this chapter)

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