Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 183 Ten Thousand Law Conference 13

Chapter 183 Ten Thousand Law Conference 13
Comparing her to a sorcerer is really cool!
A sneer twitched from the corner of Su Qing's mouth, just looking at the arrogant and brainless Huangfu Ye.

Seeing that something was wrong, Rin took a step forward, pulled Huangfu Ye behind him, and bent down to apologize: "Miss Su, calm down, Junior Brother Huangfu spoke inappropriately, I will apologize on his behalf."

"Go away! Who asked you to apologize on my behalf!"

Huangfu Ye, who was being pulled over, immediately changed his expression when he heard this, and pushed Rin away in front of him.

Turning around, he said arrogantly: "Someone is afraid of your disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and will bow his knees. I am not afraid! Su Qing, if you let this person on the ground go, you won't be held accountable for your fault. If you don't let me go, I will I will take you back to the Law Enforcement Hall of Xuanwumen."

He couldn't get used to Rin's appearance the most, and he always gave them a hard face, but when he saw someone who was stronger than himself, he just nodded and bowed like this, which was really embarrassing.

Su Qing was really about to be blown out of anger, this kid who didn't know what to do and couldn't figure out the main point.It's really in vain that Rin has done so much for him, even if he is not grateful, he dares to ridicule.

As soon as he raised his hand, the sword light fell, and Huangfu Ye's whole body was full of aura, and he was about to resist, but the sword light was blocked by someone.

He was slightly stunned, looking at the tall figure standing in front of him at a loss.

The right shoulder was pierced by the sword light, Rin covered the bleeding wound with his left hand, and looked at Su Qing who was in a panic, because he blocked it.

He knew that she didn't kill her, but just wanted to teach Huangfu Junior Brother a lesson, but he still couldn't help blocking it.


Su Qingzhen didn't know what to say to him, she held Zhou Li in her hand, and said to Rin with a complicated expression, "If you pamper him like this, one day, he will be ruined by others .”

After finishing speaking, she and Tianran directly picked up the person and left.Huangfuye wanted to chase after him, but Lin yelled, "Stop chasing!"

He stopped almost subconsciously, and then got annoyed, why did he still listen to him.

But with a glance in his eyes, he saw that Li Jue appeared out of nowhere, helped the injured Rin, and walked back slowly.

He couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, he was the one who had been by Brother Rin's side all the time.He always bothers him to control himself, he has to control everything, obviously he thinks he is right about one thing, but Brother Rin always teaches himself.

Just like what happened today, according to regulations, killings are not allowed in the competition venue, he was right to stop Su Qing, and it ended like this.

"Junior brother Huangfu, your courage to defy power just now is really a role model for my generation."

"Yeah, I really don't understand why Senior Brother Lin is doing this. In fact, Senior Brother Huangfu was able to block that sword without a scratch."

"Of course, Junior Brother Huangfu is a genius who is hard to come by in a thousand years in the cultivation world, and now he has become a Nascent Soul."

"It's really my Xuanwu Sect's luck."

The two of them spoke one by one, and Huangfu Ye, who thought it was right before, blushed a little, because he couldn't block the sword just now.

"That's enough, I'll go back first, you guys continue to patrol, if you find any suspicious person, then send the paper crane to me."

Not wanting to listen to what they had to say, he turned and left.His heart was in a mess, he was thinking about Su Qing's last words, and the way she looked at him before leaving.

As soon as Huangfu Ye left, the complimenting smiles of the two changed instantly, and they spat on the ground.

"Isn't it just that I have a good physique, and I really think I am something."

"If it weren't for him being able to coax him to start, the two of us brothers could earn more resources in the Law Enforcement Hall. As far as his virtue is concerned, he is really stupid and pathetic."

They are also disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall of Xuanwumen. In the past, Rin was in charge of the Law Enforcement Hall, so they couldn't get any money.Finally, there was such a fool who squeezed Rin down, so it was a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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