Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 20 My Family Has a Disciple Growing 3

Chapter 20 My Family Has a Disciple Growing 3
As soon as his words fell, she was lifted up to stand on a soft white cloud, and flew downward amidst the clouds and mist.

Curiously, she squatted down and reached out to touch the white cloud, but she didn't expect it to turn pink.Then I touched it again, and it turned red and red.

so amazing!
From above his head came his cold and unchanging voice: "It is conscious, you touch it, and it can perceive emotions."

In the end, even his voice softened unconsciously.It's a pity that he didn't notice, and it's even more impossible for another nervous woman to notice.

Too lazy to let out an "oh", she sat cross-legged on the soft white cloud, and then felt bad, so she just lay down on it.

Looking up, I saw him standing there with his hands behind his back, his thin and pointed chin has a beautiful curvature, how could there be such a flawless facial features in this world, where no mistakes could be picked out.

While her thoughts were wandering, a voice resounding through the sky pulled her eyes back.

"Congratulations, God Jin Ye!"

She lay on the cloud head and looked down. There were two rows of long white jade tables, and many immortals bent over and bowed their hands in salute.There are also five or six immortals who are only slightly blessed, and they sit at the front white jade table.

The most conspicuous ones are a man and a woman at the front, wearing golden costumes and beaded curtains on their heads. The man looks about 50 to [-] years old, with raised eyebrows and a serious face. The woman's skin is ice-cold, elegant and dignified.They also blessed God greatly and slightly.

He took her to sit on the white jade table at the top, raised his hand slightly, and all the immortals sat down together.

Su Qing knew that the man and the woman were the legendary Queen Mother and Jade Emperor, and the rest of the immortals didn't bother to look closely.Because her eyes were attracted by the delicacies in front of her, especially the five big red flat peaches piled on the jade plate.

She has read Journey to the West, and it is said that eating the flat peaches of the Queen Mother can live as long as the sky.She grabbed one in each hand and began to gnaw on it with her small mouth.

The whole Yaochi was very quiet. Not far away, 36 cranes were circling and playing on the water of the pool without making any sound.

In the huge fairyland, only the sound of a certain woman gnawing a flat peach can be heard.

In fact, all the immortals present were very surprised that Jin Ye Shangshen would come to attend the Queen Mother's birthday, especially when he brought a young girl with him.

If it was the Queen Mother's birthday in normal times, the immortals would exchange cups and laugh happily.The queen mother's fine nectar and jade liquid are hard to drink, so I will definitely drink it to my heart's content.

But at this moment, their gazes were all vaguely looking at God Jin Ye who was sitting on a high place and the girl who kept nibbling flat peaches.

She ate wasted, first she peeled off all the skin with her teeth, then bit on it, and went on to the next one before she finished eating.

All the immortals saw that there was only a lonely flat peach on the jade plate in front of them. The way she ate it made them feel distressed.

There are three flat peaches in front of the four people sitting on the side with the Queen Mother Jade Emperor. They are immortals from the No.30 Second Heaven.One woman and three men sit in sequence.

The immortal woman was dressed in a voluptuous purple dress, with a purple veil on her face, revealing only a pair of provocative eyebrows and eyes.At this time, her eyes lightly passed over Su Qing and Yan Jinye, who was just looking at her eating sideways, then lowered her head and lowered her gleaming eyes.

Yan Jinye propped her chin with her right hand, watching her gnaw the flat peaches on the jade plate like a little mouse stealing food until it was beyond recognition.While swallowing, he shook his head.

He has never participated in this kind of banquet, and at his level, flat peaches have no effect on him at all.Today, I just let her eat.

Flat peach, one of the ten innate spiritual roots.Ordinary people can become immortals if they eat it, but this kind of immortal has no foundation and cannot withstand three disasters and five disasters.For the immortals above and below the immortals, the flat peach is a great tonic to enhance the immortal power.

(End of this chapter)

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