Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 21 My Family Has a Disciple Growing 4

Chapter 21 My Family Has a Disciple Growing 4
A woman gnawed, and all the immortals in the entire Yaochi looked at it, and the atmosphere couldn't be described as weird.

The Queen Mother also lowered her head and pretended she didn't know anything. She originally thought that Nishang's invitation to God Jin Ye was a very honorable thing.As a result, she didn't dare to speak in such a scene, for fear of breaking the silence.

"Jin Ye! You old liar! Quickly undo the restraint on me!"

A shout came from far to near, and before the words were finished, a purple figure appeared in the center of Yaochi.

Wearing a jade crown inlaid with purple beads, wearing a dark purple robe, with a handsome face and narrow eyebrows filled with anger, he glared fiercely at Yan Jinye who was sitting on the high platform.

The silence of Yaochi was finally broken, and all the immortals got up and sacrificed their immortal artifacts one after another, to guard against whoever came.

The queen mother looked at the person with a sigh.She has worked so hard for so long, but the consciousness that was born was still wiped out by the demon king.Otherwise, according to that child's disposition, he would definitely prevent the demon king from breaking in.

"Presumptuous! Demon King, you think this is your demon world, so you can yell whatever you want!"

The Jade Emperor stood up, slapped the white jade table, and shouted angrily.Unconsciously, his eyes glanced at God Jin Ye who was sitting on the high platform, only he could truly subdue the Demon King.

Mo Yu smiled contemptuously at the Jade Emperor, "When I became the Demon King, you were still a brat. You dare to say that I am presumptuous, so you are presumptuous."

The Jade Emperor was ridiculed so that his face turned green and pale, but what he said was right, he could be the Jade Emperor and take charge of the fairy world, no matter how old he was, he was not enough.It was Jin Ye and the four immortals who were not interested. They pursued transcendence and didn't want to be restrained, so they fell on him.

But being told by him face to face made him lose face in front of the immortals, and he was so angry.

"Yu Mo, you are not dead."

Hearing the movement, Su Qing stopped nibbling on the flat peaches, and poked his head out to find that it was Yumo.Before he could answer, she smiled again and said, "You've grown up, you know you need to wear clothes, you don't need to wear red bellybands anymore."


The immortals below gasped, this demon king was not someone to be easily provoked, he was trapped in the Baiwu Palace by God Jin Ye 3000 years ago when he caused a disturbance in the fairy world.Come out now, it seems that the temper is even worse.This girl dared to provoke him, and everyone backed away in a tacit understanding, fearing that the demon king would get angry and hurt innocent people.

Moyu's forehead was bulging with veins, and the corners of his mouth curved into a cruel smile, "I didn't kill you immediately that day, it was a mistake."

For him, turning into a ten-year-old child, naked and wearing a red bellyband, is the most unbearable thing for him.In front of so many people, Su Qing said that he felt ashamed to return to the demon world from now on.

Yan Jinye got up, his broad body blocked his view of her.Looking up, the icy gaze seems to freeze people into ice sculptures even in the air.

He took a step, his figure flashed, and he came to him, his voice was like ice-rib flowers blooming in the ice and snow, "Mo Yu, if you want to be sealed again, I will grant you."

Mo Yu, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly weakened, because he found that he was really angry.He belongs to the same era as High God Jin Ye, and he understands his temper very well. Now that he is angry, if he doesn't restrain himself, part of his power will be blocked, and he can't beat him at all.

His bewitching and handsome face was almost pulled together, and he stretched out his hands and feet in front of him, revealing the four vajra bracelets.

"If you undo my restriction, I will immediately return to the demon world and stop making trouble in the fairy world."

(End of this chapter)

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