Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 200 Cloud Dream Wonderland 2

Chapter 200 Cloud Dream Wonderland 2
"Wait, let's not go to Yunmeng Palace first, but go to Nightmare Valley first."

Su Qing said suddenly.

Yunmeng Temple is a spiritual practice to obtain various things that are easy for spiritual cultivation through challenges, while Nightmare Valley is a challenge for magic cultivation to obtain useful things for magic cultivation.

I don't know who built the various trial fields in Yunmeng Wonderland, but I only know that when they appeared, they were like this inside.

"Master, here is a note that the Nightmare Valley is a gathering place for demon cultivators, you will be in danger if you go there." Little Silver reminded, although she didn't feel that her life would be in danger with the master's strength, but she was alone after all. , there is a group of people.

"It's okay, look at my disguise artifact." Su Qing was full of confidence.

As soon as he heard the artifact, Xiaoyin raised his entire neck, how could there be an artifact in this kind of interface.

In the end, she took out a high-level spiritual weapon. Its snake head was crooked, and it lay back.

Su Qing spoke modern language, not referring to real artifacts.

This high-level spiritual weapon is called "False Face". It is a mask. After she puts it on, the whole person feels changed.

Lingxiu's whole body has the transparency of aura, so he always feels like a fairy.But at this time, she couldn't leak any spiritual power from her whole body, instead, she could faintly emit demonic energy from time to time, and her body became the size of a man.

The mask was also very strange, it was all white, and it looked like a faceless person wearing it. Su Qing waved his hand and changed into a dark purple robe, no matter how he looked at it, he looked like a demon cultivator.

For a high-level spiritual weapon, only a person from the Huashen Sect can see through her disguise, because Yunmeng Wonderland has an age limit, and those who have entered it once cannot enter it for the second time.

The map of Yunmeng Fairyland is divided into two parts, the left side is mainly for spiritual activities, and the right side is for magic activities.The scope of activities of spiritual cultivation is twice that of magic cultivation, so there are only about 15 magic cultivation people who can come in from Mozong.

The rest of the people fell in various places, collecting herbs while rushing to Yunmeng Palace.

Su Qing never stopped drinking spiritual fruit and elixir, because her cultivation base did not match her physical body, she decided to directly absorb spiritual power violently.

Others ate spiritual fruits and pills to improve their cultivation by sitting down and refining them slowly. She was gnawing on them like snacks while she was on her way.

Such a cruel and wasteful way of eating made Little Silver feel distressed.But fortunately, the master's physical body is strong, otherwise he would have been exploded by the huge spiritual power accumulated in his body.

It is very dangerous to forcibly improve one's cultivation base in this way, but Su Qing's physical body is more terrifying than a king-level monster, and he is not afraid of being exploded by spiritual power.Just like Little Silver, it devours all kinds of heavenly materials and spiritual treasures, and then transforms the spiritual power contained in them into itself.

A gust of torrent was rushing through her body, her internal organs and meridians had already turned into jade and could withstand it, if the general Jindan cultivator would have been blasted to death by this spiritual force, she would still have time to spare While running and dredging, we are on our way.

After ten days of chasing, Su Qing finally stepped into the range of the magic cultivator, and it is possible to know that this Yunmeng fairyland is very vast.

The more you go in, the stronger the devilish energy becomes, and the gray air mass makes the whole space look oppressive.

"Master, the Sangkong Forest is in front of you, and you will reach the Nightmare Valley through it." Xiaoyin said.

"It's finally close, Litian, just wait for me." Su Qing gritted her teeth, her eyes were sinister, which fit her current attire very well.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but of course the sooner a woman takes revenge, the better!
(End of this chapter)

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