Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 201 Cloud Dream Wonderland 3

Chapter 201 Cloud Dream Wonderland 3
Stepping into the empty mourning forest with one foot, there was a gloomy and cold atmosphere, as if being stared at by a lurking snake.Tilting his head, following his keen senses, he cast his gaze somewhere.


A pitch-black arrow pierced through the air. Fortunately, she had been prepared for it. She pointed her toes, bent down flexibly, and dodged it.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The three black arrows shot from three different directions at the same time, the angles were very tricky, and it was almost impossible for Su Qing to dodge.

Three arrows at once, right?She was also annoyed by the other party, and she shot arrows without saying a word.

Flipping the palm of his hand, the blood-red broken sword was held in the palm of his hand. It shook its body, obviously very excited. It had been locked up for a long time.


As soon as the sword struck, the three arrows seemed to feel the strong evil spirit emanating from the broken sword, which was caused by drinking a lot of blood.

The strength of the piercing stagnates for a moment, and then breaks instantly.Su Qing swung his sword again, and the three arrows with broken tails turned back towards the direction they came from.

A figure sprang out from the forest, with a quiver on its back, a thin figure, and looked shriveled, as if severely malnourished.

As he approached, he gradually saw his face clearly. His facial features were regular, his skin was dead white, as white as if it had been painted with a layer of white powder, but there were serious eye bags and dark circles under his eyes.

Walking is also very strange, the movement is very stiff, like a corpse, but the speed is very fast.

In just a few blinks, he stood one meter away from Su Qing, and continued to approach without stopping.If you move your head closer, you will find that his eyes have astigmatism and cannot focus.

His face was almost on Su Qing's, and he stopped. If he didn't have a murderous look on him now, he would be a counterfeit after all, and he would have punched him if he wanted to sneak into Nightmare Valley.

After scrutinizing it for a while, he stretched his waist, and said lazily: "You are a handsome boy, where are you from?"

I dare you to watch her for so long before you realize that she is unfamiliar.

At the first moment, Su Qing noticed that something was wrong with his eyes.Being so close, he had to turn his head to see her clearly.

The number of places in the Demon Sect has always been allocated among the four factions, so there is no such thing as holding a Ten Thousand Laws Conference like spiritual practice.They are all in their own way. Although they all belong to the Demon Sect and have different factions, they basically don't see each other. This is why Su Qing dared to come here alone.

"Jun Wuming of Hehuan Palace, but you, why did you ambush me for no reason?"

Su Qing's brows and eyes were slightly cold, and her body was full of demonic energy. Now that she was playing the role of a demon cultivator, her attitude was naturally more arrogant and unruly.

Not all Hehuan Palaces are women, there are also men, but very few.

He breathed out, and didn't seem to have much reaction to her indifferent attitude. Instead, he complained about her: "So it's Hehuan Palace, no wonder it looks a bit feminine, and it walks in small steps."


The "false face" is to change the appearance on the basis of the original, and she still needs to adjust some of her own habits.What he said made her vigilant.Think carefully about how Tianran walks with a female face that is more beautiful than hers, um, she will walk like that later.

Her silence, in his opinion, was poking her sore spot, after all, she was a man.

"Ye Feng of the Yin Corpse faction, it's normal to exchange ideas with each other."

He spoke weakly, giving the impression of someone who is not awake, or someone who is dozing off.

This is the first time Su Qing has seen living people from the Infernal Corpse Sect. They have been with corpses all year round, like the Infernal Corpse puppets were made by them.It is said that the place where they live is extremely cold, and they absorb Yin Qi, and finally become half human and half ghost.

According to him, it should be normal to make such a move in the Mozong, it's just a exchange of ideas.

"What if I can't dodge the arrow?"

Guessing in her heart, Su Qing still wanted to ask a question.

He raised his eyes suspiciously, as if he was asking such useless nonsense.

"The arrow is smeared with my special corpse poison, if it can survive it, it will be fine."

Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the situation was not as expected.

He breathed out again, and continued: "However, those who basically transform into Shenzong will surely die if they accidentally get poisoned by my corpse."


Sure enough, a magic cultivator is a magic cultivator. If you don't leave a way to survive, you will be desperate to learn from each other.

(End of this chapter)

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