Chapter 400 Rescue
In the middle of the night, the demon cultivators were all drunk and lying on the ground, sleeping soundly.Bo Rui rubbed his dazed eyes only to realize that he had returned to the space.

"You—" before the sound came out, Su Qing covered her mouth.

"Did you just hear something?"

The three Mahayanas guarding the entrance of the cave carefully scanned the surroundings with their spiritual sense, "Strange, there is nothing."

"It may be the sound of those drunkards. The three of us have been guarding it all the time. Don't say that a fly can't fly in, even if a grass floats past the bottom of your feet, you will know it."

The three Mahayanas here felt that there was no problem, and when the search stopped, Su Qing slowly manipulated the space to go into the cave.

The space is not foolproof, this space was simply created by God at the beginning.As her cultivation became higher and higher, the enemies she faced were also higher and higher, and the concealment of the space was not good.

It is not a fairy weapon, but it is morally higher than a spiritual weapon.In other words, if Su Qing wants to use it in the fairy world in the future, he must make certain improvements.

Bo Rui, whose mouth and nose had been covered all the time, became dizzy the moment Su Qing let go of his hand.

Inside the cave is a very tortuous road, winding inside, like a big maze.There will be a piece of pure white jade at intervals on the stone wall, which exudes a warm light, barely illuminating the dark road ahead.

After finally getting around, I saw an extremely hot scene.

A layer of white monster fur was spread on a jade bed, and Xiaoyin lay on it, motionless.Above him, a woman supported the jade bed, looking down at him carefully.

Her clothes are covered with white fur all over her body, barely covering the important parts.Because of her slanted body, her enchanting and fiery figure reveals a half-covered snow-white roundness.

Tilting his head to one side, he described his handsome face carefully with his fingertips. His voice was like the cry of an oriole, and it was melodious, with grievances: "Why do you just refuse to agree to the slave family? We both have the same noble blood, only the combination of the two of us, It will not humiliate this noble blood."

"I'm underage, I never thought about it."

Little Silver couldn't move his body. Facing such a beautiful scenery, his silver eyes were as calm as water.

After finally taking him captive, how could he let go so easily.

Her hands were on his neck, her head resting on his chest, her face turned away.

At this moment, Su Qing could see her face clearly.Liu Ye has curved eyebrows, a narrow nose and a small mouth. She looks pure and beautiful, but there is a fox-like charm at the end of her eyes.

Looking at her shocking figure again, tsk tsk tsk, what a stunner.It's a pity that her little Yin is still a young boy, and as a parent, she will not allow it.

"I can hear your strong heartbeat, it's beating for me, isn't it? Yinlang, I've been with you for more than a year, and I haven't touched you."

As she said that, she became shy, "I can wait for you to become an adult, and we will live together as a fairy couple."

As soon as she finished speaking, a brick was slapped down, facing the back of her head.

Because it was too sudden, appearing out of nowhere behind her, there was no time to react.

After being hit with a brick, she twisted her neck stiffly, turned her head, and then another brick fell into her face.


The body fell down and was kicked off the jade bed by Su Qing.

"Tsk tsk, Su Qing, you are jealous of her beauty, you smashed her face like this."

Bo Rui looked at the face on the ground that was even more horrible than his face, and couldn't see the shape at all.

He has seen Su Qing's strength before.With this brick, her face is basically useless.

Shrugging, with an innocent face, "She bumped into it herself, so I can't be blamed."

She was going to hit her on the back of the head and knock her unconscious, but she turned her head and the next brick hit her face directly.

At first, Xiaoyin was confused by the two people who appeared, they were both unfamiliar faces.It wasn't until the pervert who was neither male nor female, with beard and female makeup, called his master's name, that he realized it.

It was the master who came to rescue him!
Looking at his master with bright eyes, he called out kindly and with grievances: "Master."

This scene is also very eye-catching, the handsome and beautiful boy is a little bit coquettish and wronged to call the master.

Bo Rui shivered, goose bumps all over the ground.

Su Qing smiled slightly, looking very wretched with this face, very much like an idiot who kidnapped young people.

"Let's go, master will take you home."

There was a spell cast on his body, and Su Qing turned the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Mirror to untie it for him, and pulled him up to leave.

"Wait, master, I still haven't got the broken sword."

Xiaoyin walked to Baihu's side, took off her storage ring, and handed it to Su Qing.

"Not bad, not bad, I've grown up. I'm so touched to know that I've made money for my parents."

Su Qing took the storage ring and looked at him tearfully.

Little Silver: "..."

His master is confused about what to do and what to say from time to time.

The three of them hid in the space again. When they came out, Su Qing broke the lock and formation of the cage, and threw a few bottles of pills into it.

"If you don't escape at this time, you will have no chance."

Suddenly sound transmission and pills, all the monks inside looked around, but did not find a single figure.

Bow to the air in front, "Thank you, senior."

But Su Qing could only help them get there, and then it would be up to them to make their own fortunes.A person, a goblin, and a monster came out of the primeval forest cautiously, and ran wildly all the way.

The next day, the white fox was woken up by his subordinates.Finding that the noble-blooded Yinlang is gone, her plan to give birth to a noble-blooded offspring is in vain.

Her storage ring is gone, and most of her net worth is in it!
The captive Renxiu was also run away!

Most importantly, her face was also damaged, and it would take a long time to restore it to its original appearance.It also means that she needs to bear such an ugly face for a long time.

"Ah! Damn it! Check it out for me! If I find out, I'm going to chop 'him' into pieces!"

Roaring crazily, all the demon cultivators trembled.There is a demon emperor behind this one, and I don't know who dared to provoke her.

Here, Su Qing and the others felt that they had escaped far enough, so they started walking slowly.

"Little Yin, I can't see that your petite body can also cause rotten love affairs."

Su Qing teased that Xiaoyin also looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy now.Although the facial features are exquisite and beautiful, they are immature no matter how they look.

After spending a long time with the master, I know she did it on purpose.Shaking her head, she said, "She's not interested in me, but in my blood."

In fact, she had already guessed something from Baihu's words, and now Xiaoyin's words further confirmed that her guess was correct.

After Xiaoyin's blood evolved into the Eight-Winged Thunder Flood Flood Dragon, the Flood Dragon is the top bloodline among demon cultivators, not to mention the eight-winged Thunder Flood Dragon is the best among the Flood Dragons.

It is true that the white fox has the blood of the three-tailed fox, but the blood is not very pure, so it is very difficult to successfully cross the catastrophe in this life.

What should I do if the impurity of the blood affects the advancement of cultivation?There are many methods, such as what Su Qing used for the white pigeons and crows, directly poured down the blood of high-level monsters without money, and let them eat the treasures of heaven and earth without money, so as to stimulate their bloodline evolution.

This method is very inefficient and wastes a lot of cultivation resources.But there will be no problems of unstable foundation, retrograde blood vessels, and inner demons.

When there is a problem, there will always be evil spirits to find other efficient ways.One of them is to combine with a demon cultivator whose blood is nobler than her own, and when she conceives an offspring, she directly refines the child into a part of herself, stimulating the evolution of the blood.

Compared with other evil methods, this method does little damage to the foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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