Chapter 401 Coral City

"Master, where are we going?" Xiao Yin couldn't help being puzzled when he noticed that the master was rushing more and more towards the real gathering place of demon cultivators.

"Where else can I go? Find my other partners. I don't know if my other partners are as unlucky as I am. Once trapped for hundreds of years, they will become contract objects when they wake up."

Bo Rui, who had recovered his original appearance, kept turning himself around in front of the bronze mirror, becoming more and more satisfied the more he looked at it.

Xiaoyin frowned, he didn't like Bo Rui very much, his temper was not very good, and his mouth was not pleasant.

"Mermen, go find the innate water spirit."

For Bo Rui, Su Qing really wanted to give him two fire talismans to cure his stink.The point is, she couldn't bear to hurt the cutie, so well-behaved, how could she intentionally hurt it.

On their way to the Merman Clan, three portraits of men appeared on the various sites of the Demon Cultivator.A handsome young man with silver hair and silver eyes, a young man with a wretched face, and a man with a horrible appearance.

There are many ocean monster cultivators living in the East China Sea, and the Merman Race is near the waters of Pearl Harbor in the East China Sea.

When they were about to enter the water, Su Qing handed the water-proof beads to them.Although monks can use tricks to avoid water cover, but the target is too obvious, it looks like a land creature.

After swallowing the water-avoiding beads, entering the water is no different from that of an ocean demon cultivator, being in the water is the same as being on land.

In addition, this time Su Qing brought Qianmian to Xiaoyin, changed his hair color and eye color, and made major changes to his facial features and figure.The original delicate boy turned into an ordinary-looking uncle in an instant.

Xiaoyin's silver hair and silver eyes are too conspicuous, and when the white fox finds out that he has escaped, he will definitely send people around to search and arrest him.

In the final analysis, it is still not strong enough.If you are strong enough, you don't need to be so sneaky and change your face at all.

It's okay not to be cowardly, this is the base camp of demon cultivators.The demon emperors are all hidden here, and they are so numerous that they can't get rid of it.

Like the human camp, when demon cultivators are found in the city, almost all of them attack in groups.Within the scope of the camp, no other people will be allowed to enter, but each camp has a trading area, and there will be various monks there.

And just like the Tower of Gods and Demons, any monks from the neutral camp can enter, provided they abide by the regulations.

Su Qing held back her breath, as long as she didn't use her spirit and devil energy, she wouldn't be able to see her details after crossing the catastrophe.

Swallow the water-repellent bead and leap into the waters of Pearl Harbor.

The body was light at first, then gradually became heavy and fell to the ground.

Surrounded by swaying seaweed and beautiful coral, small fish swim by from time to time, and the ground under the feet is scattered with shells, conch and some marine life.

After walking for a long time, from time to time, you will see demon cultivators flying over your head on huge shells or sea fish. The target is the Coral City ahead, which is the territory of the Merman Race.

Su Qing stared at the big shark that was looking for food not far away, and was so ferocious that he hunted down other sea fishes that were smaller than him.Suddenly its body trembled, with a bad feeling.

"It is not allowed to enter the city on a mount."

A semi-transfigured crab and a semi-transformed lobster raised spears in their hands to stop people.

The three in front of me are really strange, riding a great white shark and rampaging along the way, hitting boulders several times.

"Okay, we're coming down now."

Su Qing turned over and got down. At this time, the three of them had a piece of green seaweed on their heads, shells and conch shells hanging on their bodies, and even a few small shrimps fell from their belts in confusion.

This is because the driving skills of a certain woman are too good, bumping into various rocks along the way, or driving through the lush seaweed.

The moment Su Qing came down, a transparent silk thread was loosened from the great white shark's fin, and it ran away as soon as it smoked.

"Everyone needs to pay ten high-grade spirit stones to enter the city."

Although the shrimp soldiers and crab generals felt that Pu Suqing and his party were a bit strange, they did not investigate carefully.

Because the patriarch of the mermaid tribe is a Sanxian, and there are four Dujie elders who take turns sitting in Coral City all year round.In the East China Sea area, no one dared to mess with them.

Coral City has not had any major incidents for thousands of years, and small troubles are still ignored.It is because of this self-confidence that they will not check them carefully.

Even a great white shark can't control it, how big waves can it make.

After paying the Lingshi, I found out that the inside is really colorful as soon as I entered.No wonder it is called Coral City. There are huge corals everywhere, like big trees with open arms.

There are also big and big night pearls that are inlaid in the city walls like no money, and even the pillars are made of white jade.

Not to mention agates and the like, which are lying horizontally in some huge bowls as decorations.

It's a rich city!

The Merman tribe is famous for being rich, but it has nothing to do with what Su Qing saw. For the Merman tribe with abundant marine resources, these are not helpful for cultivation and are not worth much.

The silk garments they weave are famous throughout Outland. They are beautiful and light, and their defense is ridiculously high.Many female cultivators are eager to get a silk dress, the price is very expensive, and basically those who can afford it are those with rich family backgrounds or powerful female cultivators.

As soon as Su Qing came in, she couldn't move her feet, she was so beautiful.I saw a huge night pearl in a blink of an eye. If the fist-sized night pearl on the city wall is already considered very big outside.

And the one in front of her was as big as a basketball, and it was placed there, with a lot of agates and sparkling natural crystals adorning it, making its light even deeper and more charming.

"Master, we should go, we still have business to do."

Xiaoyin bowed her ears and said softly, the master stood here motionless, staring at it for too long, some ocean demon cultivators were already so curious that they cast their gazes over.

There was no reaction at all, a pair of eyes were still staring at Ye Mingzhu without blinking.

"As far as I can see, her soul has been hooked away by this thing, and she can't hear any sound, so she is dragged away directly." Platinum Rui said.

It is a strange person to be able to lose one's mind by staring at a broken bead.Suddenly a picture flashed in her mind, she was staring at him in his juvenile body with a nympho, her eyes were full of sparkle.

Bo Rui, who just held his hands in his arms and raised his chin, blushed for a moment.

"Why are you blushing suddenly?"

Xiaoyin glanced at him and spoke in doubt.

Put your hands down, turn your head away, with an unnatural expression, "It's nothing, you still have to find a way to drag her away."


Xiaoyin also had a headache looking at his master who was completely obsessed. His master didn't even use the magic cultivator's charm, but in the end he was so attracted by Ye Mingzhu that he couldn't move his feet.

He couldn't be more clear about Su Qing's physical strength.And in the two years he was away, her strength must have been even more terrifying, no one knew her cultivation speed better than him.

It is impossible to drag her.

(End of this chapter)

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