Chapter 414
The temperature inside the Death Flame Mountain is scorching hot, and the heat is rushing towards the face. If it is not for the silk clothing to offset too much heat, it is estimated that it will be cooked.

The soles of the feet are burning hot, the heat is like being pinched by someone's throat, making it difficult to breathe.

Because Xiaoyin's physical body has not yet reached the third stage, and only reached the second stage, he cannot enter the Death Flame Mountain.And I don't feel at ease leaving him alone in the small town. Whether the middle-aged woman is an enemy or a friend is not sure yet, so I can only send him to the space to stay.

In addition, although Bo Rui is an innate monster, but Huo Kejin, under such an environment, he will obviously feel very uncomfortable, but he refuses to return to the space.

The most indifferent one is Xi Ting, water overcomes fire, if the pure water morality in his body leaks out, the temperature will drop and become cooler when you get close to him.

So Su Qing naturally wouldn't let go of such a human-shaped air conditioner, and kept his pace very tight. The two were very close, but they didn't touch each other.

Bo Rui followed behind, sweating profusely, and his slightly curly chestnut hair became damp, drooping on his head, and his body was wet as if he had been fished out of the water.

After walking for less than half an hour, he felt very angry, so stuffy that he couldn't breathe, and his body was about to melt.Stopped in place, his face was abnormally red.

Su Qing stopped Xi Ting, who was taking a leisurely pace, just like taking a walk, "Wait a minute."

Turning around, he handed over a silk garment, "Put it on, it will make you feel better."

He glanced at the gauze garment, which was light sea blue, and the hem of the garment was embroidered with delicate golden patterns.

With an awkward look, he turned his head and said, "No, this is what girls would wear."

They are so weak that they are still tempered, Su Qing directly said bluntly: "If you don't wear it down, then go back to the space and just chat with Xiaoyin. You will only hinder us like this."

He turned his head slightly, his stubborn eyes felt aggrieved, and his exquisite facial features seemed even more pitiful because of his weakness at the moment.

For a moment, the expression coincided with the cutie, making Su Qing feel dazzled.

During the second of her pause, he took the gauze dress in his hand and put it on her body, covering her whole body directly, forming a dress.

In the past, Bo Rui's robes were all golden. When he sat quietly by the side, he was as noble as the blond prince in anime.It's a pity that it was destroyed as soon as it moved, and it's still a little pride who always loves to hate people.

The sea-blue tunic was very light, and it was tightly attached to his body, perfectly outlining his strong but slender figure, and softening the sharp intuition on his body.

Touch your chin, you have a good figure.

When her eyes moved up and met her amber eyes, she was not as irritable or angry as before, but very soft, so soft that she instantly felt bad.

Turning around directly, she met Shang Xiting's plain gaze again, but the different expression inside made her have to be cautious.

The surface is very calm, but my heart seems to be a herd of alpacas galloping past.

No way!impossible!

how can that be possible!Absolutely impossible!
Even the human-shaped air conditioner is ignored, walking in front alone, the inextricable thoughts are almost knotted.

She has to admit that she is a little slow in some aspects, is she thinking too much.But what if it is as expected?She had to make it clear to him.

This kind of thing is a quick cut, and she doesn't want to drag others down.

Her turning around caused Bo Rui to be hurt for a moment, and then he calmed down.

Quickly followed, raised his chin, glanced at Su Qing condescendingly, and said proudly: "Woman, to be honest, am I prettier than you in silk clothes?"

Su Qing looked over, his amber pupils were full of pride-like disdain, "It's useless if you don't admit it, you're mediocre, so don't deny it, I know you covet my beauty."

She pursed her lips, looked up and down, raised her head, raised her neck, and said with disdain, "Oh, I covet your beauty? Don't be kidding, I've seen people who are much more beautiful than you."

"Also, how dare you call me mediocre! What do you know?! This girl has a loli face and a sister Yu's body!"

As he spoke, he straightened his chest, turned his head and walked quickly to the front.

Bo Rui chased after her, and kept talking cheaply, "I don't believe there is anyone more beautiful than me, it must be fabricated by you with a guilty conscience."

"You dare to say that my master is fabricated. I think you are itchy. You have never beaten you. Now you are floating. You want to go to heaven!"

Su Qing raised his fleshy fist with a fierce expression, "You know, if I punch you, your whole face will turn into a pig's head, just to give you a facelift for free, so that you won't be so narcissistic."

He was so arrogant that he moved his face closer, "Call if you have the ability, I was injured, cutie came out, how do you explain it?"

Ouch, this looks like a beating!
She must have been dizzy from the heat just now, and she was dazzled by his expression.

One person and one monster were fighting back and forth in front, but Xi Ting's expression became embarrassing and sad.It is said that the bystanders are clear, and the authorities are confused.Bo Rui, you are planning to hide forever, so you won't let her know.

I was afraid that after letting her know, I was afraid of hearing something, and I was afraid that I couldn't stand beside her openly and make noise with each other.


The temperature of the Death Flame Mountain got hotter as it went inward, and some creatures could be seen in the outer circle before.Approaching the center, the surrounding area is bare, only rolling hills, with a lot of hot dust and stones erupting from it, and no sporadic plants can be seen on the scorched land.

And inside these erupting small volcanoes, there are hidden fires.

"Help stop it in front, don't let it run away!"

As soon as the female voice was so anxious that it reached my ears, I saw a yellowish flame rushing past not far away.The speed is very fast, and it slips directly into the nearest small volcano.

Soon, I saw a young girl sitting on top of the Lingbao, and Su Qing recognized her pretty face immediately. Could it be the girl who planned to subdue the Heavenly Fire Seed yesterday, but where is her master?

Just thinking about it, a middle-aged man in turquoise came slowly.Almost just a breath, the figure is already close.

"What did you do! I didn't ask you to help stop it, but it didn't move!"

The sky-rank tinder that was finally found just ran away, and the girl was very angry, and directly reprimanded Su Qing.

Upon closer inspection, she realized that one of her teeth was missing.When I roared, my saliva was flying all over the sky. Fortunately, the temperature was high enough to evaporate all of it, otherwise I would be sprayed all over my face.

Su Qing rolled her eyes at what she said as a matter of course, and didn't even bother to take care of her mental retardation.

"Who are you? You don't have the ability to catch it yourself, so don't yell at others. You have no education at all."

Bo Rui would not let Su Qing get angry in vain, he folded his arms and said with a sneer.

Originally, the girl kept looking at Su Qing, because the people in the middle always glanced subconsciously.

"Say it again! Believe it or not..."

When he turned his head and was about to say harsh words, when he saw Bo Rui's face, his heart couldn't help but paused.

(End of this chapter)

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