Chapter 415
With that kind of nympho look, Bo Rui directly turned his head in disgust, and didn't even bother to give her a look.

It feels uncomfortable to be ignored, not to mention Bo Rui's attitude directly hurt her self-esteem.Since she was a child, she has been the sweet girl of heaven, so many young talents have fawned on her, yet he has such an attitude of contempt for her, what a damn!

She stamped her feet, got off the Lingbao, ran to the middle-aged man, pointed at Su Qing and the others, and said coquettishly: "Master, the heavenly fire that we finally drove out ran away because of three, you must Seek justice for the apprentice!"

What?Can they be blamed even standing here?They will definitely not take this blame!

Su Qing was really admired by her ability to turn black and white, she raised her eyelids, and her eyes fell on the middle-aged man.

In the middle of the tribulation, fortunately, it can be dealt with.

With her indifferent attitude, she was not afraid at all when she saw the great power in the middle of the tribulation, and she did not salute. Instead, the middle-aged man laughed and said, "Yin'er, don't be rude. The sky-rank fire is caused by your own improper precautions. It took advantage of the loophole and escaped, so don’t frame others at will.”

However, the pupil secretly looked at Su Qing and the three of them. The Raksha Ghost Mother sat at the same table with them a few days ago.But that one glance was enough to make him pay attention.

The Raksha Ghost Mother, like the Wutian Demon Emperor, is a top existence in the outer domain, ready to break through the boundary and go to the upper realm at any time, with unfathomable strength.

It may not be easy for this little girl to be able to talk to the Rakshasa ghost mother. She has two innate spirits by her side at such a young age.

"Master!" Lu Yin gritted his teeth when he heard this, really unwilling to help her seek justice.

"It's okay, it's normal for children to be ignorant. Those two still have to subdue Tinder, so let's not bother."

Su Qing didn't want to waste any more time on such boring things, so he simply said a few words and prepared to leave.

The previous sentence blocked Lu Yin's anger, and his tone was old-fashioned. He thought she was his elder!

She was about to open her mouth to swear, but she was restrained by her master, and she couldn't utter a single sound.

She didn't speak until Su Qing and his group had left.

Stamping his feet, he said angrily: "Master, why are you being so polite to them. That damn girl looks younger than me, and her attitude when she speaks really doesn't take you seriously."

He looked far away, staring at the direction they left, and said slowly: "Yin'er, how many times have I talked to you, don't be so impatient. Learn to stay calm and wait for the opportunity quietly."

As soon as Lu Yin heard this, he immediately calmed down, his eyes darkened, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Master, what do you mean..."

"That little girl has been in contact with the Raksha ghost mother. It is very likely that this trip to the Death Flame Mountain is to help the Raksha ghost mother get something? Let's follow and wait for the opportunity to make a move."

The middle-aged man analyzed that the sites not far from the Death Flame Mountain are all ghost cultivators, but the Death Flame Mountain is not.Because it is very difficult for ghost cultivators to enter here. Without a physical body, this place is purgatory for them.

But the Rakshasa ghost mother built a small town under the Flaming Death Mountain for hundreds of years, and he wouldn't believe it if there was nothing she pictured in it.

And after Su Qing and the others left, Xi Ting rarely spoke: "Be careful at all times, I'm afraid the master and apprentice won't let it go."

A person's spirit will reveal a person's heart, although the middle-aged man looks very talkative, but the glint in his eyes from time to time may suggest some bad ideas.

Su Qing nodded, she knew that the teacher and the student were not good, and she was afraid that Rakshasa Ghost Mother was not good either.It's been many years, she must have found someone else to take the lotus seat of Nether God Fire, so what happened to those people?

The temperature inside is getting hotter and hotter. With so many erupting volcanoes, it is unknown which one hides the Nether Divine Fire and Innate Fire Essence.

Looking left and right, the Qiqiao Linglong Mirror kept scanning the volcanoes.Only then did I realize that the terrain here is in the shape of a horizontal eight tripod furnace, and the aluminum bottom is where all the morality of pure fire is gathered, and it seems that something is being refined.

Stepping towards a small gap, "Go, come this way."

I don't know how Su Qing saw it. Bo Rui and Xi Ting, who are innate monsters, didn't sense the location of the innate fire spirit, because the fire aura here is too rich and pure, and they can't tell it apart.

Going down the small gap, the body lightly landed in a crater.Walking close to the wall, there is billowing magma below, constantly erupting, and the splashing magma is baking the surroundings with terrifying heat.

It's hard to imagine whether it would be charred if it fell.Su Qing's physical body has reached the early stage of the fourth stage, and he is unwilling to try it.

Slowly moving down, they soon saw a bright yellow fiery figurine sitting in the billowing magma.

It looked up, and the magma that was originally just erupted suddenly rioted, and rushed over quickly, carrying the tumbling magma.

"Leave it to me, you go down first."

Xi Ting took the initiative to make a move, opened his hands, and a water source in the shape of an endless vortex came out.After the tumbling magma hit, the fire and water blended, evaporated directly, and condensed again into water rain.

"Alright, Xi Ting, be careful."

He wrestled with the sky-level fire, and Su Qing and Bo Rui jumped to go deeper.

After all, Xi Ting is an innate water essence, and the sky-level fire seed is restrained by his attributes, so there shouldn't be any problems.

After getting close, a small hole could be seen in the center of the billowing magma, which closed at times. Su Qing and Bo Rui seized the opportunity, and the speed dropped instantly.

It's hard to imagine that it's so dark inside, you can't see any light, and you can't see your fingers, which forms a strong contrast with the dazzling and hot lights outside.

In terms of temperature, it feels very cool, and even feels very cold.But the soul felt the burning sensation, which was very clear, which made her mentally stimulated to grow crazily, and her headache was about to split.

"Woman, what's wrong with you? Tell me what's wrong?"

Bo Rui watched her suddenly lower her head, with a painful expression on her face, and immediately went to help her up, and asked very worriedly.

As for Bo Rui, in a sense, he has no soul. He is formed by the condensed innate pure gold spirit energy, giving birth to consciousness, and began to practice.

After a brief headache, she raised her head, "It's okay, let's go to the front, the Nether Divine Fire and Xiantian Fire Spirit should be inside."

He used the fire movement technique to illuminate the road ahead, but the fire light went out as soon as it was lit, as if he was afraid of something and couldn't use it at all.

I had no choice but to take out the moonstone, and as soon as life and morality were injected into it, it immediately emitted a warm light.

Slowly groping along the path, I saw a black flame blooming with erratic light on a dark rosette, and beside it, a girl with orange-red hair was tied to a vine, she closed her eyes. Her eyes and her whole body are fiery red.

"Senior Su Qing, long time no see."

A cold but sincere voice sounded in the empty darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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