Chapter 422 Anlin Baili 1
After Huangfu Ye woke up, he explained to him about the Raksha Ghost Mother.And he himself was willing to help, so Su Qing and his party prepared to leave the town.

"Next time we meet, I hope you will surprise me even more."

When parting, Huangfu Ye saw them off, Su Qing looked at him with a deep smile.

Ever since he became blind, he seldom had big mood swings, and a smile appeared on his indifferent face, "I will, Senior Su Qing."

This time it was she who saved him again, some gratitude would be buried in her heart, and then she would slowly repay him in the future.In the future, when Senior Brother Lin is successfully resurrected, he will tell him all this, tell him that he was wrong, and hope to get his forgiveness.

"Don't worry, mother, I've always taken good care of him."

The black scorpion stayed on his shoulder, and said this out of the blue.Huangfu Ye's expression froze in an instant, why don't you tear him down!
Su Qing, who was always called by mothers one by one, also froze with a smile at the corner of her mouth, "The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. See you later."

Under the eyes of Raksha Ghost Mother and Huangfu Ye, their figures gradually became farther and farther away until they disappeared.

Sitting on the spirit boat, Xi Ting at the helm asked, "Master, where are we going next?"

The whereabouts of the Xiantian Earth Essence is unknown, and the opening day of the Xiantian Wood Essence is still early.Su Qing pondered for a moment, then said, "Go to Baili's house."

She had told Bailixi before that she would go back to Baili's house for a visit, to see elder brother Baililang.Now the Five Elements Spirit has collected three of them, faster than expected, enough time for her to rest first.

Recently, he was either being hunted down or kept on his way.

Because of the intervention of the Rakshasa ghost mother, she took action to eliminate several tribulation-crossing monks, and the number of people chasing and killing dropped sharply in an instant.

The main line of the Baili family lives in the Anlin area, where the climate is like spring all year round, there are many rainwater lakes, and the plants are lush.

It will take a long time to pass from the Death Flame Mountain.Su Qing went into seclusion, and after signing the contract with Xiaocan, her morality of fire became more refined.Improve and re-strengthen the Overturning Seal and the Spiritual Binding Rope that God Da Da left for her.

After all, it is just a Taoist tool, which is the top existence in the cultivation world, and now with the improvement of her cultivation base, it is about to be eliminated.

Empty your mind and don't mix any other thoughts.With his head lowered, he slashed and carved complicated runes.At first glance, it looks like twisted and weird characters, but when you pay more attention to it, you will find that the runes on it are constantly changing and combining.

When she was very satisfied with carving a finished product and returned to her mind, the monster bag made a movement.The crow and the white dove had completed their metamorphosis, to prevent them from disturbing their mind, Su Qing directly threw them out of the room.

The crow and white dove that had just finished transforming only saw the shadow of their master, and were thrown out before they could speak, with a dazed look on their faces.Especially looking at the three strangers, who looked like people walking out of the painting, they were even more confused.

For a moment they wondered whether they had boarded the wrong boat or were hallucinating.

Bo Rui looked down at them, and said with disgust: "Two hairless bald birds, so ugly."

The crow and the white pigeon suddenly felt a thunder strike on their bodies, and before they recovered, they heard him continue: "You have really hot eyes, how can you take them out when you look so ugly, it hurts your eyes when you look at them."

Can you speak!Shut up if you can't speak!
The white dove roared inwardly, but she still didn't speak.Because the two of them are so sad that they are like birds that have just hatched from their shells, their attacks are basically zero, and they can't fight at all.

Crow doesn't feel too much about being called ugly, he has always been very nervous.Spread the fleshy wings, with some thin fluff on them, no feathers.

He curiously said: "Xiaobai, we have become smaller, and we have become so small. Is it true that we have become younger and have to practice again. But it's not right, we are so young that we can talk about people's words .”

Only he can say such a stupid thing, Bai Ge really wants to pretend that he doesn't know him.Just as I was about to explain it to him, I heard a cold yet warm voice.

"You are just evolving, and your cultivation is still there. It's just that you have just completed the transformation and it takes a certain amount of time to recover, so don't worry."

Crow nodded half-understood, "Oh, so that's the case, thank you very much." Then asked: "By the way, are you also the master's new partner?"

Bo Rui, who originally disdained to deal with two very weak birds, turned his head and looked over when he heard this.Xi Ting, who was always cold before, why is he talking so much to the two weak birds now.

As the only girl among the five, and the latest to follow the master, Xiaocan was still surprised by what the crow said.The master regards them as partners?Really.

But thinking about the master's treatment of Xiao Yin, it seems that this is indeed the case.

Xi Ting shook his head, "We can be considered, but we are different from you. We only have a five-year contract, and we can leave at any time after that."

The crows didn't feel any difference, because they didn't seem to have signed a contract with their master. At first, they just followed their master because they saw that their master was powerful and that Lord Yin, who had a noble blood, followed him.

To prevent his memory from becoming blank during the transformation, he turned his head and asked the white pigeon solemnly, "Have we signed a contract with the master?"

Then, under the gaze of the three spirits whose eyes became subtle, he tried to remain calm and replied: "No."

After getting his reply, the eyes of the three ghosts became even more strange.Bloodline evolution requires a lot of resource irrigation, the lower the bloodline, the more difficult it is to evolve successfully.But judging from the appearance of the white pigeon and the crow after they were promoted, Su Qing definitely used the blood essence of the demon emperor, not just a drop, and the other auxiliary materials are amazing just thinking about it.

Xiaocan was very curious and asked, "What bloodline level were you before? High-level monsters? Or demon kings?"

The crow always likes to talk, so he answered very directly: "The blood of low-level monsters is just ordinary crows and white pigeons."

However, they were very lucky. Generally, it would be very difficult for them to change shape for a lifetime, but he and Xiaobai were lucky, eating a thousand-year-old herb and successfully transformed.Later, I thought that I would be a little demon who turned into a god all my life, and I met my master again, and spent so much energy and resources to train them.

After hearing this, the three monsters really had to admire Su Qing.Any monk would not spend so much resources on monsters of lower bloodlines.They were able to transform and evolve successfully because they were created with a huge amount of resources. The key is that the two monsters haven't signed a contract yet, so I really don't understand what she thinks.

In fact, Su Qing felt much more at ease with the white pigeon and the crow by Bo Rui and the others, even though the contract was not signed.Because congenital elves are very proud, they don't like to make contracts with monks, it should be said that they hate them.If it weren't for Su Qing's combination of soft and hard, it would be impossible for everyone to be so well-behaved.

(End of this chapter)

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